T001-TMU Project Synopsis Template-V1.1
T001-TMU Project Synopsis Template-V1.1
T001-TMU Project Synopsis Template-V1.1
Project Synopsis
Version 1.0
Month, Year
Table of Contents
1 Project Title.........................................................................................................................................3
2 Domain................................................................................................................................................3
3 Problem Statement.............................................................................................................................3
4 Project Description..............................................................................................................................3
4.1 Scope of the Work.......................................................................................................................3
4.2 Project Modules...........................................................................................................................3
5 Implementation Methodology............................................................................................................3
6 Technologies to be used......................................................................................................................4
6.1 Software Platform........................................................................................................................4
6.2 Hardware Platform......................................................................................................................4
6.3 Tools............................................................................................................................................4
7 Advantages of this Project...................................................................................................................4
8 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project.......................................................................4
9 Team Details........................................................................................................................................4
10 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................5
11 References.......................................................................................................................................5
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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis
1 Project Title
<Guidelines: Title should reflect the objectives of the study. It must be written after the whole
synopsis has been written so that it is a true representative of the plan……>
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2 Domain
<Guidelines: Mention domain, like: Database System, Networking, Mobile App, Retail
Application, Banking, Travel etc.>
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3 Problem Statement
<Guidelines: This section should contain brief background of the selected topic, why this topic is
selected. What problem this will solve etc.>
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4 Project Description
<Guidelines: Describe the Scope of Work, Structure of the Project, it’s modules in brief. Give a
high level Context Diagram to describe the project >
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5 Implementation Methodology
<Guidelines: The process of the whole software system proposed, to be developed, should be
mentioned in brief. This may be supported by DFD's / ER Diagram / Class Diagram / Data
Models/ Use Case Diagrams/ Flowcharts etc. to explain the flow of the information. Mention
how testing of the project will be done and maintenance of the Defect Log>
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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis
6 Technologies to be used
6.1 Software Platform
a) Front-end
b) Back-end
6.3 Tools
<Guidelines: Mention if any tool is planned to be used in any phases of the life cycle of the
project and purpose of using the tool. Mention tool Name, Vendor Name, version no. etc. >
9 Team Details
<Guidelines: Team should not exceed 5 members >
Possible Roles are: Developer, Tester, and Designer
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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis
10 Conclusion
<Guidelines: The write-up must end with the concluding remarks-briefly describing innovations
in the approach for implementing the Project, main achievements and also any other important
feature that makes the system stands out from the rest. >
11 References
<Guidelines: Give references. Example: Books referred, website URL, any other >
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