Pitot Static Tube
Pitot Static Tube
Pitot Static Tube
(i) Measurement of air flow velocity through a closed duct by using a Pitot static tube.
Pitot static tube, differential U-tube manometer, blower with pipe line assembly.
The principle of flow measurement by Pitot tube was adopted by Henri Pitot in 1732. To
measure the flow by a Pitot tube the necessity of separate piezometer and thus two readings make this
arrangement a little awkward. Connecting the piezometer to a manometer would simplify things but
there are still two tubes. For a fluid flowing through a closed duct, the Pitot tube measures only the
stagnation pressure and so the static pressure must be measured separately. Measurement of static
pressure in this case is made at the boundary of the wall by piezometer tube. The Pitot static tube
combines the tubes recording the static and the stagnation pressure into one instrument which can
then be easily connected to a differential manometer. The tube for sensing static pressure is known as
static tube which surrounds the pitot tube that measures the stagnation pressure. A Pitot static tube is
shown below in Fig. 1. The holes on the side of the tube connect to one side of a manometer and
record the static pressure, while the central hole is connected to the other side of the manometer to
record, the stagnation pressure.
1 21 Air
P∞ = Free stream 2 h
Static pressure A
P∞ = Static pressure B
PB Pstag
Since for the same horizontal level, Pressure at point A and B are the same, so PA=PB
We can write Pstag P H 2O g h
The Pitot/Pitot-static tubes give velocities at points in the flow. It does not give the overall discharge
of the stream, which is often what is wanted. It also has the drawback that it is liable to block easily,
particularly if there is significant debris in the flow
Experimental procedure:
1. Start the flow of air through a closed duct by starting the blower.
2. Keep the flow control valve fully open and check the connection of the open end of Pitot static
tube to the manometer.
3. Note down the reading of deflection of manometric fluid as the liquid in the manometer will be
displaced due to differences between stagnation and static pressures.
4. Enter the reading in observation table.
5. Repeat the steps for 3 different flow control valve opening.
Department _____________________Roll No _________________Section________________
Signature of the class teacher______________________________________________________
Date of the experiment__________________________________________________________