BS en 1926-1999
BS en 1926-1999
BS en 1926-1999
British Standard
Natural stone test |
methods Ð |
Determination of |
compressive strength |
The European Standard EN 1926:1999 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 91.100.15 |
BS EN 1926:1999
National foreword
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 04 September 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed throughout this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
BSI 08-1999
English version
MeÂthodes d'essai pour pierres naturelles Ð PruÈfverfahren fuÈr Naturstein Ð Bestimmung der
DeÂtermination de la reÂsistance en compression Druckfestigkeit
European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung
1999 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 1926:1999 E
Page 2
EN 1926:1999
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 04 September 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999
Page 3
EN 1926:1999
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 04 September 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1 Scope 6 Apparatus
This European Standard specifies a method for 6.1 A surface grinder.
determining the compressive strength of natural stones.
6.2 A lapping machine, if final preparation of the
specimens is needed.
2 Normative references
6.3 A test machine, of appropriate force, in
This European Standard incorporates by dated or
accordance with prEN 12390 and calibrated according
undated references, provisions from other publications.
to that standard.
These normative references are cited at the
appropriate places in the text and the publications are 6.4 A time counter, accurate to 1 s.
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to or revisions of any of these 6.5 A ventilated oven, which can maintain a
publications apply to this European Standard only temperature of (70 ± 5) 8C.
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For 6.6 A weighing instrument, which has an accuracy
undated references the latest edition of the publication of 0,1 g.
referred to applies.
6.7 A linear measuring device, with an accuracy
ENV 197-1, Cement Ð Composition, specifications and of 0,05 mm.
conformity criteria Ð Part 1: Common cements.
prEN 12390, Testing concrete Ð Determination of 6.8 Air-conditioned room, with a temperature
compressive strength Ð Specification for compression of (20 ± 5) 8C.
testing machines.
prEN 12670, Natural stones Ð Terminology. 7 Preparation of specimens
prEN 13383-1:1998, Armourstone Ð Part 1: 7.1 Sampling
The sampling is not the responsibility of the testing
prEN 12440, Denomination of natural stone. laboratory except where it is especially requested to
undertake this.
3 Principle At least six specimens are to be tested and the
The specimens, after mechanical preparation of the direction of any existing plane of anisotropy recorded.
surfaces or, if needed, after capping, are laid and 7.2 Test specimens
centred on the plate of a testing machine. A uniformly
Test specimens shall be cubes with (70 ± 5) mm or
distributed load is applied and increased continuously
(50 ± 5) mm edge or right circular cylinders whose
until failure occurs.
diameter and height are equal to (70 ± 5) mm
or (50 ± 5) mm.
4 Definitions The lateral dimension or the diameter of the specimen
For the purposes of this standard, the definitions in shall be related to the size of the largest grain in the
accordance with prEN 12670 apply. rock by the ratio of at least 10:1. If the maximum
observed dimension of the grains exceeds 7 mm, it is
recommended to have a larger number of specimens in
5 Symbols order to obtain representative results.
The axis of the specimen shall be normal to the planes
h height of the specimen, in millimetres;
of anisotropy, e.g. bedding planes, foliation, etc.
l mean value of the lateral dimension, i.e. the [Figure 1a) and 2a)]. If a test with orientation of
distance between opposite vertical faces of the loading parallel to the planes of anisotropy is required,
specimen (if cubic), in millimetres; another set of specimens with the same dimensional
d mean value of the diameter of the specimen characteristics shall be prepared [Figure 1b) and 2b)].
(if cylindrical), in millimetres; 7.3 Surface preparation
A cross-sectional area of the specimen before
7.3.1 General
testing, in square millimetres;
The faces through which the load is to be applied shall
F failure load, in newtons; be flat to a tolerance of 0,1 mm and shall not depart
R uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen, from perpendicularity to the axis of the specimen by
in megapascals; more than 0,01 radian or 1 mm in 100 mm. The sides of
R mean value of the uniaxial compressive the specimen shall be smooth and free of abrupt
strength, in megapascals; irregularities and straight to within 0,3 mm over the full
length of the specimen.
s standard deviation;
v coefficient of variation.
BSI 08-1999
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EN 1926:1999
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 04 September 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
To meet the above requirements the specimens shall be 7.4 Conditioning of specimen before testing
finished on either a lathe or surface grinder, with final Specimens, whether capped or uncapped, shall be
preparation on a lapping machine if needed. dried at (70 ± 5) 8C to constant mass. Constant mass
Capping with mortar according to the procedures shall be considered to have been reached when the
indicated in 7.3.1 is to be used only if the indicated difference between two weighings made at an interval
tolerances are not obtainable with the prescribed of (24 ± 2) h is no greater than 0,1 % of the mass of the
mechanical preparation. This condition shall be clearly specimen. After drying and prior to testing the
indicated in the test report. specimens shall be stored at (20 ± 5) 8C until the
thermal equilibrium is reached. After that, the tests
7.3.2 Capping with mortar
shall be performed within 24 h.
It is possible to cap the specimen utilizing a mortar
made up with cement CEM I 52,5 R according to
ENV 197-1 and waiting until the cement has hardened.
a) Load normal to the planes of anisotropy b) Load parallel to the planes of anisotropy
a) Load normal to the planes of anisotropy b) Load parallel to the planes of anisotropy
BSI 08-1999
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EN 1926:1999
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BSI 08-1999
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EN 1926:1999
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EN 1926:1999
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Determination of the point load strength Standard deviation ∑ (xi 2 x)2
index of natural stone n21
Coefficient of variation s
B.1 Scope v = (for individual values)
This informative annex is given to provide a simple
Logarithmic mean 1
method for the factory production control of the x1n = ∑ 1n xi
uniaxial compressive strength of natural stone and n i
stone used in hydraulic structures.
Logarithmic standard ∑ (1n xi 2 x1n)
B.2 Background deviation s1n = ±
The point load strength index is widely used in rock Maximum value Max.
mechanics applications for obtaining a rapid and cheap
assessment of the variability in strength of a rock Minimum value Min.
source and is therefore ideal for use in factory x1n2ks´s1n
production control. Lower expected value E=e
B.3 Correlation data where ks (quantile factor) is
To use point load strength index data to obtain given in Table 1
estimates of uniaxial compressive strength, the ideal Quantile factor ks see Table 1
correlation equation to use is one based on a
preliminary study of the particular rock source in C.3 Statistical evaluation of test results
question. The point load strength test method to be
used is the International Society for Rock For the calculation of the mean value (x), the standard
Mechanics (ISRM), 1985 method, see reference in deviation (s) and the coefficient of variation (v) a
annex D. normal distribution is assumed.
If a correlation for the specific rock type is not For the calculation of the lower expected value (E) a
available, the general correlation equation given in the logarithmic normal distribution is assumed. The lower
reference in annex D is as follows: expected value (E) corresponds to the 5 % quantile of a
logarithmic normal distribution for a confidence level
uniaxial compression strength = 22 times point load of 75 %.
strength index
It is based on an extensive investigation of a wide
range of strong and weak rocks. It will not give a very
accurate prediction of compressive strength for all
rock types. However, it is recommended to be the best
researched single correlation factor to predict the
compressive strength of all rock types. An aspect ratio
of 2:1 for length to diameter of cylinders is assumed for
the compressive strength data in the above correlation
BSI 08-1999
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EN 1926:1999
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BSI 08-1999
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1926:1999 |
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