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By: Yuvraj Kokare: Resonance IAS Mob.: 7448047047

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Resonance IAS

By : Yuvraj Kokare

: 03/04/2022 4

Resonance IAS 1 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
H$ƒm H$m_mgmR>r

Resonance IAS 2 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
1) "Û§Û g_mg' hm nwT>rc H$mhr H$maUm§Zr AmoiIcm OmVmo.
A) Xþgao nX _hËdmMo AgVo.
~) "BVaoVa Û§Û' g_mgm_Ü`o eãXmMm {dJ«h H$aVmZm "g_wƒ`~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r' Aì``mMm dmna hmoVmo.
H$) "d¡H$pënH$ Û§Û' g_mgm_Ü`o eãXmMm {dJ«h H$aVmZm "Ý`yZËd~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r' Aì``mMm dmna hmoVmo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A ~amo~a 2) A, ~, H$ ~amo~a
3) \$ŠV ~, H$ ~amo~a 4) \$ŠV ~ ~amo~a
2) Imcrcn¡H$s "ì`mYrH$aU' Zgcocm gm_m{gH$ eãX emoYm.
1) ^mcM§Ð 2) gwYmH$a
3) MH«$nmUr 4) cú_rH$m§V
3) "Aì``gm{YV {deofU' Agcoco {dYmZ n`m©`r CÎmamV H$moUVo Amho?
1) hgar _wco gdmªZmM AmdS>VmV. 2) AmO ~mOmamV gmocmnyar MmXa ñdñV AmhoV.
3) ~mocÊ`mV Ë`mÀ`m daMm Z§~a AgVmo. 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.
4) Imcrc dmŠ`mVrc "cúmUm eãXeŠVrMo' {dYmZ AmoiIm.
1) gy`m©ñV Pmcm. 2) Ë`mÀ`m Kar _r ZXrdéZ Jocmo.
3) _r VwH$mam_ dmMco. 4) am_ CÎm_ coIH$ Amho.
5) Imcr {Xcoë`m dmŠàMmamMm C{MV AWm©Mm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
"AŠH$m~mB©Mm \o$am `oUo' -
1) AŠH$m~mB© Jmoc {\$aV `oUo. 2) Jar~ lr_§V hmoUo.
3) J[a~mKar AŠH$m~mB© OmUo. 4) AË`§V J[a~r `oUo.
6) "XmoZ Jmoï>rVrc \$aH$ ñnï> H$aUmam' `m eãXg_yhmgmR>r `mo½` eãX AmoiIm.
1) ì`mdhm[aH$ 2) {d{OJrfm
3) ì`dÀN>oXH$ 4) eH$H$Vm©
7) "ho H$m`© VmoM H$é OmUo' `m dmŠ`mVrc {H«$`mnXmMm AW© Imcrc n`m©`mVyZ emoYm.
1) ñdmWu {H«$`mnX 2) {dÜ`Wu {H«$`mnX
3) g§H$o VmWu {H«$`mnX 4) AmkmWu {H«$`mnX
8) Imcrc {dYmZo dmMm.
A) H$ï> Ho$co åhUyZ Mm§Jco {Xdg Amco.
~) AT>inX {_imdo åhUyZ Y«wdmZo Kmoa VníM`m© Ho$cr.
C^`mÝd`r Aì``mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.
1) A -n[aUm_, ~-CÔoe 2) A-ñdê$n, ~-n[aUm_
3) A-n[aUm_, ~-Ý`wZËd 4) A-CÔoe, ~-n[aUm_
Resonance IAS 3 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
9) _amR>r ì`mH$aUmVrc à`moJm~m~V gË` {dYmZ H$moUVo?
1) H$V©ar à`moJmV H$_© ZgVoM.
2) ^mdo à`moJmV {H«$`mnX V¥Vr`m nwéfr d EH$dMZr AgVo.
3) H$_©Ur à`moJmMo gH$_©H$ d AH$_©H$ H$_©Ur Ago XmoZ àH$ma AmhoV.
4) dmŠ`mV H$Vm© AÜ`møV Agë`mg à`moJ AmoiIVm `oV Zmhr.
10) nwT>rcn¡H$s gw`mo½` eãX g_yh H$moUVm?
A) Xoer-hmS>, S>mi o m, KmoS>m, PmS> ~) JwOamVr-XmXa, [aH$m_Q>oH$S>m, Xcmc, S>~m
H$) H$mZS>r-^mH$ar, Vyn, {dir, MmH$ar S>) \$magr-gm_Zm, noedm h{H$H$V, AÎma
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A Am{U ~ 2) \$ŠV ~ Am{U H$
3) \$ŠV H$ Am{U S> 4) darcn¡H$s gd©
11) dmŠ`mÀ`m eodQ>r Vnerc Úmd`mMm Agë`mg H$moUVo {dam_{MÝh dmnaVmV?
1) AY©{dam_ 2) ñdën{dam_
3) g§`moJ{MÝh 4) AnyU{© dam_
12) g_mZ AWm©À`m åhUr AmoiIm.
A) H$m§Xm nS>cm nodmV {ngm qhS>o JmdmV ~) H$mIoV H$igm Jmdmcm digm
H$) KamoKar _mVrÀ`m Mwcr S>) hmVÀ`m H$mH$Umcm Amagm H$emcm.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A, S> ~amo~a 2) \$ŠV ~, H$ ~amo~a
3) \$ŠV A, H$ ~amo~a 4) \$ŠV A, ~ ~amo~a
13) nwT>rc {dYmZo dmMm.
A) dmŠ`mVrc eãXm§Zm "nX' Ago åhUVmV.
~) dmŠ` åhUOo nyU© AWm©Mo ~mocUo hmo`.
H$) dmŠ` åhUOo eãXmMr _m§S>Ur hmo`.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) A, ~ ~amo~a, H$ MyH$ 2) \$ŠV ~ ~amo~a A, H$ MyH$
3) \$ŠV H$ ~amo~a, A, ~ MyH$ 4) A, ~, H$ {VÝhr ~amo~a
14) ì`§OZg§YrMo CXmhaU Agcocm JQ> AmoiIm.
A) AYmodXZ ~) XþemgZ
H$) g_mcmoMZ S>) {MXmZ§X
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A, ~ ~amo~a 2) \$ŠV ~, H$ ~amo~a
3) \$ŠV A, S> ~amo~a 4) \$ŠV H$, S> ~amo~a
Resonance IAS 4 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
15) nwT>rcn¡H$s C^`{dY Zgcoco {H«$`mnX åhUOo?
1) hgd 2) CKS>
3) C_c 4) PmH$
16) "R>rH$!' `m eãXmÀ`m Ho$dcà`moJr Aì``mMm àH$ma gm§Jm.
1) AmíM`©Xe©H$ Ho$dcà`moJr Aì`` 2) g§_VrXe©H$ Ho$dcà`moJr Aì``
3) emoH$Xe©H$ Ho$dcà`moJr Aì`` 4) hf©Xe©H$ Ho$dcà`moJr Aì``
17) nwT>rc {dYmZo dmMm d `mo½` {dYmZo {ZdS>m.
A) Q²>, R>, S²>, T²>, U² ho _yY©Ý` dU© AmhoV.
~) V², W², X², W², Y², Z² ho Am¡îR>ç dU© AmhoV.
H$) `², a², c², d² ho X§Ë` dU© AmhoV.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A Am{U ~ ~amo~a 2) \$ŠV A Am{U H$ ~amo~a
3) \$ŠV A ~amo~a 4) A, ~, H$ ho {VÝhr {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV.
18) nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ ~amo~a Amho?
A) MVwWu {d^ŠVrVyZ "g§àXmZ' hm H$maH$mW© ì`ŠV hmoVmo.
~) {ÛVr`m {d^ŠVr "H$Vm©' hm H$maH$mW© ì`ŠV H$é eH$Vo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV ~
3) A, ~ XmoÝhr 4) A, ~ XmoÝhr Zmhr.
19) nwT>rc eãXm§nmgyZ ^mddmMH$ Zm_ V`ma H$aVmZm H$moUVo àË`` dmnamdo cmJVrc?
A) gwX§ a ~) XmVm
H$) Zdc S>) IdQ>
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) H$s {Jar AmB© Am
2) Vm Ëd H$s Am
3) Vm {Jar AmB© Vm
4) ` Ëd AmB© nUm
20) "ehmUm' `m {deofUmcm Zm_ ~Zdm`Mo Agoc Va Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVm àË`` cmdmdm cmJoc?
1) cm 2) Umam
3) ` 4) B©
Resonance IAS 5 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
CVmam dmMyZ àíZ H«$_m§H$ 21 Vo 25 Mo CÎmao Úm.
Y_© Am{U OmV nmVirda {ó`m§Mm Cn`moJ _moham åhUyZM Pmcm. nwéfr Mîå`mVyZ OJmH$S>o ~KUmè`m {ó`m,
añË`mda CVê$Zhr Amnc§ ñd^mZ hadyZ ~gë`m. g§V gm{hË`mVrc _wŠVm~mBªnmgyZ gmo`am~mB©n`ªVMr gm{hË` {Z{_©Vr
Ho$di n§Wr` A§JmZo Am{U nwéf g§VmZm H|$ÐñWmZr R>do Zy Vnmgcr Jocr. AÜ`mË_mÀ`m ZmdmZo Ë`mMr `mo½` g_rúmmM
Pmcr Zmhr. Iao åhUOo _mUyg åhUyZ Amnë`m _wŠVrÀ`m Om{Udm Am{U gm_m{OH$ n[apñWVr {déÕMm {dÐmoh `m
H$d{`ÌrZr àIanUo _m§S>cm Amho. Ë`m§Mo n[apñWVr {déÕ C^o amhÊ`mMo YmS>ghr dmImUÊ`mOmoJo Amho.
AmYw{ZH$ H$mimV _hmË_m Jm§Yr `m§À`m amOH$s` ñdmV§Í` MidhrVrc {ó`m§Mm gh^mJ, {ó`m§Mr ñdmV§Í`
{df`H$ OmUrd {H$Vr àJë^ Amho, ho ñnï> H$aUmam Amho. _hmË_m Jm§Yr EH$m _`m©Xon`ªV ór-ñdmV§Í`mMm {dMma
H$arV Agco Var {ó`m§{df`r Ë`m§Mr _Vo nma§n[aH$ hmoVr. `m MidhrV {ó`m§Mm gh^mJ _moR>m Agcm Var {ó`m§Mo
ñWmZ _mÌ n[aKm~mhoaM hmoVo. Ë`m_wio ñdmV§Í` {_imë`mZ§Va `m {ó`m ~mOycm \o$H$ë`m Joë`m.
n[adV©ZdmXr MiditZm _hmË_m \w$co `m§À`m gË`emoYH$ MidirMo A{Yð>mZ Amho. {ó`m§À`m g_mZ A{YH$mam§Mr
`WmW© OmUrd Agcoë`m _hmË_m \w$co `m§À`m g_J« H$m`m©V gm{dÌr~mB© g_mZ ñWmZmda AmhoV. \w$c|À`m {ZYZmZ§Va
Ë`m§Zr gË`emoYH$ Midi nwT>o Mmcdcr. `mncrH$S>o `m MidhrVhr {ó`m§Mm d¡{eîQ>çnyU© gh^mJ {XgV Zmhr.
S>m.° ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a `m§Zr X{cV {ó`m§Mo ñd^mZ OmJ¥V Ho$co. nU VoìhmnmgyZ AmOn`ªV X{cV Midi Am{U
X{cV amOH$maUmÀ`m AJ«^mJr {ó`m AmhoV, Ago {MÌ {Xgco Zmhr.
`mZ§Va {dÚmWu Midhr nmgyZ eoVH$ar Midhrn`ªV Am{U H$m_Jma MidirnmgyZ {ó`m§À`m Midirn`ªVÀ`m
gJù`mM Midit_Ü`o {ó`m§Mm gh^mJ hmoVmM. kmZ, g_Vm, ñdmV§Í` Am{U qcJroXmVrVVm hr g§dY¡ m{ZH$ _yë`o
OJÊ`mV éO{dÊ`mgmR>r `m gJù`mM Midir à`ËZerc hmoË`m, Ago dada {MÌ Agco Var `m gJù`mM
Midit_Ü`o OmVr` Apñ_Vm, qcJ^oX, Y_©{df`H$ doJdoJio Ñ{ï>H$moZ VgoM doJdoJù`m amOH$s` Am{U gm_m{OH$
Anoúmm Omonmgë`m Joë`m. H$mhr AndmX dJiVm g_VoMr _mJUr H$aUmè`m {dMmam§_Ü`ohr {nV¥gÎmmH$Vm Omonmgcr
Jocr, Ë`mVyZ qcJ^oXmMo amOH$maU daMT> R>aco. {ó`m§À`m {dH$mgmcm MmcZm {_imcr Zmhr. ór_wŠVrMr Midi
dJiVm BVa Midir_Ü`o {ó`m§Mm JaOonaw Vm dmna Pmcm. ZoVË¥ dmMr Am{U {ZU©`à{H«$`oMr gyÌo _mÌ nwéfm§À`m
hmVmVM am{hcr. doJdoJù`m Midit_Ü`o Agcoë`m Á`oð> _¡{ÌUtZm AmnU MidirVyZ ~mOycm \o$H$co Jocmo,
qH$dm MidirV Amncm Moham hadcm `mMr I§V dmQ>V AgVo.

21) Imcrcn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZ/Zo H$moUVo/Vr?

A) g§V gm{hË`mVrc _wŠVm~mBªnmgyZ gmo`am~mB©n`ªVMr gm{hË` {Z{_©Vr Ho$di n§Wr` A§JmZo Am{U nwéf g§VmZm
H|$ÐñWmZr R>odyZ {Z{_©cr Jocr.
~) `m H$d{`ÌrZt à{VHy$c n[apñWVrg_moa C^m amhÊ`mMo YmS>g XmIdco hmoV.o
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) Ho$di A 2) Ho$di ~
3) darcn¡H$s XmoÝhr 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.

Resonance IAS 6 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
22) Imcrcn¡H$s `mo½` Zgcoco/cr {dYmZ/Zo H$moUVo/Vr?
A) H«$m§{VdmXr MiditZm _hmË_m \w$co `m§À`m gË`emoYH$ MidirMo A{Yð>mZ Amho.
~) {ó`m§{df`r _hmË_m Jm§YrOtMr _Vo nma§n[aH$ hmoVr.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) Ho$di A 2) Ho$di ~
3) darcn¡H$s XmoÝhr 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.
23) Imcrcn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZ/Zo H$moUVo/Vr?
A) {dÚmWu Midir nmgyZ eoVH$ar Midirn`ªV Am{U H$m_Jma MidirnmgyZ {ó`m§À`m Midirn`ªVÀ`m
gJù`mM Midit_Ü`o {ó`m§Mm gh^mJ hmoVm.
~) Ý`m`, ñdmV§Í`, g_Vm Am{U ~§YwVm hr g§d¡Ym{ZH$ _yë`o gd©M MiditV Omonmgcr Jocr.
H$) g_VoMr _mJUr H$aUmè`m gd©M {dMmam§_Ü`o {nV¥gÎmmH$Vm Omonmgcr Jocc
o r.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) darcn¡H$s gd© 2) A, ~
3) A, H$ 4) A \$ŠV
24) _hmË_m \w$c|À`m _¥Ë`yZV§ a "gË`emoYH$ Midi' nwT>o ZoÊ`mMo H$m_ H$moUr Ho$co?
1) gm{dÌr~mB© \w$co 2) emhÿ _hmamO
3) VmZw~mB© {~O} 4) darcn¡H$s gd©
25) darc CVmè`mcm `mo½` erf©H$ gwMdm.
1) _moMm©, Midir Am{U Vr 2) ór nwéf VwcZm
3) ór OÝ_ 4) {ó`m§Mr gm_m{OH$ g{_Vr
26. Which word/s is/are Opposite in meaning to the word printed in capitals in the
given sentence?
My son is gifted with an extraordinarily INQUISITIVE mind.
a) Curious b) Intrigued
c) Indifferent d) Concerned
Answer options:
1) c only 2) b and c only
3) b and d only 4) a b and d only

27) Fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningful:

_______higher you climb, ____colder it gets.
Answer options:
1) the, the 2) a, the
3) the, no article 4) the, a
Resonance IAS 7 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
28) Choose the correct active form of the following sentence:
This monument is believed to have been built by a Mughal emperor.
1) People believe that a Mughal emperor built this monument.
2) People believe this monument to be built by a Mughal emperor.
3) We believed that this monument had been built by a Mughal emperor.
4) A Mughal emperor is believed to have built this monument.

29) Choose the correct expression:

a) Cut one shorts
b) Cut a sorry figure
c) Cut to the quick
Answer options:
1) c only 2) a and c only
3) b and c only 4) b only

30) Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

(a) I would have gladly accompanied your sister__________________
(b) ____________________________, I would not have accepted it.
1) If you had asked me, had I realized the nature of the job earlier.
2) If you asked me, have I realized the nature of the job earlier.
3) Unless you had asked me, if I realized the nature of the job earlier.
4) If you asks me, were I realized the nature of the job earlier.

31) Choose the option with all four words spelt correctly.
1) Lghtening, noticeable, vacuum, ocassional.
2) Lightning, noticeable, vacuum, occasional.
3) Lightening, noticable, vaccum, ocassional.
4) Lightning, noticeable, vaccum, ocassional

32) Choose the correct match:

a) Be on cloud nine - Be sad
b) A bird’s eye view - Concise view
c) To eat humble pie To show kindness
d) Jump the bandwagon To join the popular activity
(1) Only (a) (b) and (c) (2) Only (b) (c) and (d)
(3) Only (a) and (d) (4) Only (b) and (d)

Resonance IAS 8 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
33) Which one of the following sentences substitutes a gerund for infinitive in
the sentence given below?
To attack is better than to wait indefinitely.
1) Attacking is better than waiting indefinitely.
2) to attacking is better than waiting indefinitely.
3) Attacking is better than indefinitely waiting.
4) Attacking is better than to wait indefinitely.
34) Identify the sentences having idioms in them.
a) There are black sheep in every community.
b) I suspect that fellow has sent us on a wild-goose chase.
c) Successive ministers have found the question of employment a hard nut to
d) Night came on and rain fell heavily and we all got very wet.
Answer options:
1) a b and d 2) b c and d only
3) a b and c 4) All of the above
35) Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the sentences given
a) That is the fault that will right itself.
b) He is the right man for the position.
c) I asked it as a right.
d) Serves him right! He stood right in my way.
Answer options:
1) Noun, adverb, verb and adjective
2) verb, noun adjective, adverb
3) verb, adjective, noun, adverb
4) adverb, adjective, noun, verb
36) Match the following:
a) Amnesty I) General pardon for political offenders
b) Convalescent II) Inscription on tombstone
c) Epitaph III) Recovering from illness
d) Imperceptible IV) That which cannot be noticed
Answer options:
a) b) c) d)
1) ii iii I iv
2) i iii ii iv
3) i ii iii iv
4) i iv iii ii

Resonance IAS 9 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
37) Identify the adjective clause in the following sentences:
a) Take all you want.
b) He is a man everybody likes.
c) We make accept the offer he has made.
Answer options:
1) None 2) All
3) b and c only 4) b only

38) Choose the correct transformation of the following sentences:

a) I wish I were young again  O that I were young again!
b) It is very kind of you to help him like that. How kind of you to help him
like that.
c) This is Indeed a great pleasure.  What a great pleasure it is!
Answer options:
1) a only 2) b only
3) b and c only 4) a and c only

39) Convert the following sentence into a Positive degree:

Dhirubhai Ambani was one of the most enterprising industrialists.
a) Dhirubhai Ambani was more enterprising than most other industrialists.
b) There were very few industrialists as enterprising as Dhirubhai Ambani.
c) No other industrialists were as enterprising as Dhirubhai Ambani.
Answer options:
1) a only 2) b only
3) b and c 4) c only
40) Choose the correct pair:
a) If it rains, the match will be cancelled Indicative mood.
b) Speak the truth whatever happens Imperative mood.
c) I am hoping that he might come this evening Subjunctive mood.
Answer options:
1) a only 2) b only
3) All 4) a and c only

41) identify the transitive and intransitive verbs in the given sentences:
a) The boy cut his hand with a knife.
b) The policeman blew his whistle.
c) The birds sing in the green trees.

Resonance IAS 10 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
Answer options:
1) Transitive, Transitive, Transitive.
2) Intransitive, Intransitive, Intransitive.
3) Transitive, Transitive, Intransitive.
4) Transitive, Intransitive, intransitive.

42) Choose the Incorrect sentence/s:

a) I have never told a lie nor deceived anybody.
b) I have not written to him nor spoken to him.
Answer options:
1) a only 2) b only
3) Both 4) Neither

43) There was little hope of success, nevertheless they decided to perform the
The above underlined conjunction is a type of:
Answer options:
1) Cumulative 2) Adversative
3) Disjunctive 4) Illative

44) Choose the correct prepositional phrase/s:

a) By reason of
b) In comparison with
c) In course of
Answer options:
1) b and c only 2) a and c only
3) a and b only 4) b and d only

45. The underlined group of words is the example of:

a) The car in the garage had a flat battery.
b) The river flow under a bridge.
c) After the party we did a lot of washing-up.
d) The repairs to the roof were completed quickly.
1) Prepositional phrases
2) Adverb phrases
3) Noun phrases
4) Phrasal verbs

Resonance IAS 11 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions :
Pollution is not a technical problem. The fault lies not in science and technology
as such but in the sense of values of the comtemporary world which ignores the rights of
others and is oblivious of the longer perspectives. There are grave misgivings that the
discussion on the ecology may be designed to distract attention from the problems of war
and poverty. We have to prove to the disinherited majority of the world that ecology and
conservation will not work against their interest but will bring an improvement in their
lives. To withhold technology from them would deprive them of vast resources of energy
and knowledge. This is no longer feasible nor will it be acceptable.
The environmental problems of developing countries are not the side effects of
excessive industrialization but reflect the inadequacy of development. The rich countries
may look upon development as the cause of environment destruction but to us it is one
of the primary needs of improving the environment for living, or providing foods, water,
sanitation and shelter, of making the deserts green and the mountains habitable. The
research and perseverance of dedicated people have given us an insight which is likley to
pay an important part in the shaping of our future plans. We see that however mush man
hankers after matrial goods; they can never give him full satisfaction. Thus the higher
standard of living must be achieved without alienating people from their heritage and
without despoiling nature of its beauty, freshness and purity so essential for our lives.
The most urgent and basic question is that of peace. Nothing is so pointless as modern
warfare. Nothing destroys so instantly, completely as the diabolic weapons which not
only kill but main and deform the living and yet to be born, which poison the land,
leaving long trails of ugliness, barrenness and hopeless desolation. What ecological project
can survive a war?
It is clear that the environmental crisis which is confronting the world will
profoundly alter the future destiny of our planet. No one among us, whatever our status,
strength of circumstance can remain unaffected. The process of change challenges present
international polices. Will the growing awareness of “one earth” and “one environment”
guide us to the concept of “one humanity”? Will there be more equitable sharing of
environmental costs and greater international interest in the accelerated progress of the
less developed world? Or will it remain confined to a narrow concern based on exclusive
self sufficiency?

46) How do the rich and developing countries view the development?
1) They think that it is the cause of environmental destruction.
2) They think that it is one of the primary needs.
3) They don’t like development.
4) Their views are contrary regarding development.
Resonance IAS 12 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
47) What is the misunderstanding among the people regarding the discussion on
1) It is blessing
2) It is harmful.
3) It is of no use.
4) It is ignoring the main problems of war and poverty.

48) Whom will the environmental crisis affect?

1) It will affect pollution.
2) It will affect war.
3) It will affect research.
4) It will affect people and nature.

49) What is a threat to the ecological project?

1) the research 2) the diabolic weapons used in war
3) peace 4) none of the above

50) What will play an important part in the shaping of our future plans?
1) pollution 2) development
3) the research and perseverance 4) industrialization

51) OmoS>çm Owidm.

Oc{dÚwV {Z{_©Vr H|$Ð ZXrMo Zmd
A) S>t^o 1) Hw$H$S>r, nwUo
~) _mUrH$ S>mho 2) Ca_moS>r, gmVmam
H$) KmQ>Ka 3) KmoS>, nwUo
S>) `odcoída 4) àdam, ZJa
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) 3 1 4 2
2) 3 1 2 4
3) 4 3 2 1
4) 4 3 1 2
52) OmoS>çm Owidm.
ImS>çm {Oëho
A) Xm{Vdao 1) aËZm{Jar
~) ~mUH$moQ> 2) nmcKa
H$) {dO`JS> 3) _w~§ B© eha d CnZJa
S>) _mZmoar 4) qgYwXJþ ©
Resonance IAS 13 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) 2 1 4 3
2) 3 4 1 2
3) 1 2 3 4
4) 4 3 2 1
53) ZXr d Ë`m§À`m {H$Zmar AgUmè`m eham§À`m `mo½` OmoS>çm cmdm.
ZXr ehao
A) Hw$H$S>r 1) _moaJmd (Aï>{dZm`H$)
~) H$èhm 2) AmoPa (Aï>{dZm`H$)
H$) ^r_m 3) Ami§Xr
S>) B§Ðm`Ur 4) amOJwê$ZJa
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) 4 2 1 3
2) 4 3 2 1
3) 1 2 3 4
4) 2 1 4 3
54) gwMrnUu gXmh[aV dZm§{df`r MwH$sMo {dYmZ {ZdS>m.
1) `m dZm§Zm V¡Jm dZñnVr gwX²Ym åhQ>co OmVo.
2) `m dZm§Mr nmZo gwBÀ© `m Q>moH$m§gmaIr AgVmV.
3) OJmV gdm©{YH$ d¥úmVm|S> `m dZm§Mr Pmcocr Amho.
4) `m dZm§V àm_w»`mZo MrS>, AmoH$, amoOdwS>, E~Zwg BË`mXr dZñnVr AmT>iVmV.
55) _hmamï´>mVrc g§V d Ë`m§À`m g_mYrñWim§{df`r `mo½` OmoS>çm Owidm.
A) g§V JmoamHw$§ ^ma 1) _§JcdoT>m
~) g§V EH$ZmW 2) gmgdS>
H$) g§V Xm_mOrn§V 3) n¡R>U
S>) g§V gmonmZXod 4) Voa
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) 4 1 2 3
2) 4 3 1 2
3) 4 3 2 1
4) 1 2 3 4
Resonance IAS 14 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
56) A) {h_mÀN>m{XV ^mJ qH$dm {h_úmoÌ `m§À`m gr_maofc o mM {h_aofm Ago åhUVmV.
~) gÜ`m n¥Ïdrda gw_mao 5 Q>ŠHo$ úmoÌ {h_mdaUmImcr Amho.
H$) CÝhmù`mV {h_aofm A{YH$ C§Mrda Va {hdmù`mV Vr H$_r C§Mrda AgVo.
S>) {dfwdd¥ÎmmnmgyZ Y«wdmH$S>o {h_aofoMr C§Mr dmT>V OmVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A Am{U H$
2) \$ŠV ~ Am{U S>
3) \$ŠV A Am{U ~
4) \$ŠV A Am{U S>
57) Imcrc {Xcoë`m {dYmZm {df`r {dMma H$am?
A) {ÛnH$ënr` nR>mamdarc ZÚm nmíd© CËIZZ H$aVmV.
~) {ÛnH$ënr` àXoemV Xè`m CWi ñdê$nmÀ`m AgVmV. (Shallow Valley)
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` AgyZ ~ ho A Mo `mo½` H$maU.
2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` _mÌ ~ ho A Mo H$maU Zmhr.
3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½` AmhoV.
4) \$ŠV ~ {dYmZ `mo½`.
58) Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVm _hm_mJ© _hmamï´> amÁ`mVM gwê$ hmoVmo d amÁ`mVM g§nVmo.
1) amï´>r` _hm_mJ© H«$_m§H$ : 3 2) amï´>r` _hm_mJ© H«$_m§H$ : 4
3) amï´>r` _hm_mJ© H«$_m§H$ : 4 ~ 4) amï´>r` _hm_mJ© H«$_m§H$ : 6
59) `mo½` OmoS>çm Owidm.
ehao Q>monU Zmdo
A) n§Om~ 1) gamodamMo eha
~) ^wdZoída 2) Zdm~mMo eha
H$) CX`nya 3) n§MZÚm§Mm àXoe
S>) cIZD$ 4) Xodim§Mo eha
n`m©`r CÎmao :
A ~ H$ S>
1) 3 4 2 1
2) 3 4 1 2
3) 3 2 4 1
4) 4 1 3 2

Resonance IAS 15 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
60) npíM_ KmQ>m{df`r `mo½` {dYmZm§Mm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
A) nm°{cAmo{gZ d B`mo{gZ `m eVH$m_Ü`o Am§V[aH$ ~cmÀ`m à^mdm_wio npíM_ KmQ>mMr {Z{_©Vr Pmcr.
~) npíM_ KmQ>mMm {dñVma 5 amÁ` Am{U 2 H|$Ðem{gV àXoemV Pmcm Amho.
H$) X{úmU gømÐr_Yrc AÞmB©_Tw >r ho ^maVmVrc gdm©V C§M {eIa Amho.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A `mo½` 2) \$ŠV ~ `mo½`
3) A Am{U H$ `mo½` 4) A Am{U ~
61) Imcrcn¡H$s MyH$sMr OmoS>r {dMmamV ¿`m.
^mJ VaVyXr
1) XmoZ-2 - ZmJ[aH$Ëd
2) VrZ-3 - _yc^yV hŠH$
3) n§Yam-15 - {ZdS>UyH$m
4) Xhm-10 - númm§Va~§Xr
62) {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
A) H$c_ 26 AÝd`o gd© Y_m©À`m cmoH$m§Zm Amnmnë`m Y_m©À`m d Ym[_©H$ ì`dhmam§Mm _wŠV ì`dñWmnZmMm
hŠH$ Amho.
~) Ym{_©H$ {dYrVrc {Z`_m§Mo {Z`_Z amÁ` gaH$ma H$m`ÚmZÛmao H$ê$ eH$Vo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV ~
3) A d ~ 4) A d ~ XmoÝhr MyH$
63) H$moUË`m n[apñWVrV amÁ`nmcm§Zm ñd{ddoH$mYrZ A{YH$ma CncãY AgVmV.
A) dV©_mZ _§{Ì_§S>imZo {dídmg J_mdë`mg {dYmZg^m ~aImñV H$aUo.
~) EImXo {dYo`H$ amï´>nVrÀ`m {dMmamW© amIyZ R>odUo.
H$) Amgm_, _oKmc`, {Ìnyam, {_Pmoa_ amÁ`m§Zm I{ZOm§À`m nadmÝ`mVyZ àmá am°`ëQ>rVrc H$mhr {hñgm
ñdm`Îm Am{Xdmgr {Oëhm n[afXm§Zm XoU.o
S>) {dÎmr` pñ_VrÀ`m Mm¡H$ergmR>r amÁ` {dÎm Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm H$aUo.
darcn¡H$s AMyH$ Zgcocr {dYmZo AmoiIm.
1) \$ŠV A 2) A, ~, H$
3) \$ŠV S> 4) ~ d H$
64) ~id§Vam` _ohVm g{_Vr ~X²Xc H$m` ~ao Zmhr?
1) n§Mm`VamOMm ñVa {ÌñVa Agmdm.
2) Am_Xma d ImgXma `m§Zm {Oëhm n[afX_Ü`o gXñ` Zgmdo.
3) {ÌñVa `§ÌUo_Ü`o {Oëhm n[afXcm A{YH$ _hËd X`mdo.
4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.
Resonance IAS 16 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
65) Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVr H$m_o hr _hmZJanm{cH$m A{Zdm`© AmhoV.
A) OÝ_-_¥Ë`y Zm|X H$aUo.
~) gmWrÀ`m amoJmÀ`m àgmamg à{V~§Y H$aUo.
H$) A{VH«$_U H$mT>Uo.
S>) Vcmd, dmhZVi {Z_m©U H$aUo.
darc `mo½` {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
1) A d ~ 2) H$ d S>
3) \$ŠV S> 4) \$ŠV H$
66) Imcrc `mo½` {dYmZo AmoiIm.
A) amï´>r` AmUr~mUrMm KQ>ZoV VaVyX H$aÊ`mMm _w»` CÔoe XoemMo gmd©^m¡_Ëd EH$Vm, AI§S>Vm, gwaúmm,
cmoH$emhr amOH$s` àUmcr A~m{YV amIUo.
~) amï´>r` AmUr~mUr cmJy Pmë`mg H|$Ð d amÁ` `m_Yrc g§~Y§ mda H$moUË`mhr n[aUm_ hmoV Zmhr.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A ~amo~a 2) \$ŠV ~ ~amo~a
3) XmoÝhr MyH$ 4) XmoÝhr ~amo~a
67) Imcrc {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
A) gwàr_ H$moQ>© EH$/A{YH$ hm`H$moQ>m©g_moarc IQ>ë`m§_Ü`o gmaImM àíZ àc§{~V Agoc d gwàr_ H$moQ>mg©
ñdV:cm dmQ>ë`mg Vr Ho$g ñdV:H$S>o hñVm§VaU H$ê$ eH$Vo.
~) gwàr_ H$moQ>© Amnë`m {ZU©`mMm nwZ{d©Mma H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma g§gXoH$Sy>ZM àmá H$ê$ eH$Vo.
H$) amï´>nVr d Cnamï´>nVr `m§À`m {ZdS>UHy $ V§Q>çm~Ôc {ZU©` XoÊ`mMm gdm}ƒ Ý`m`mc`mMm A{YH$ma àma§{^H$
Ag_mdoeH$ d A§{V_ AgVmo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) A d ~ 2) A d H$
3) \$ŠV A 4) A, ~, H$
68) {dYmZ n[afXoÀ`m aMZog§X^m©V MyH$sMo {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
1) 1/3 ñWm{ZH$ ñdamÁ` g§ñWmH$Sy>Z {ZdSy>Z {Xco OmVrc.
2) 1/12 nXdrYa _VXmag§KmH$Sy>Z {ZdSy>Z {Xco OmVrc.
3) 1/12 {eúmH$ _VXma g§KmH$Sy>Z {ZdSy>Z {Xco OmVrc.
4) 1/12 gXñ` amÁ`nmcmH$Sy>Z Zm_{ZX}{eV Ho$co OmVmV.
69) Imcrcn¡H$s A`mo½` {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
A) AënH$mcrZ MMm© CnpñWV H$aÊ`mgmR>r nrR>mgrZ A{YH$mar `m§Zm gyMZm X`mdr cmJVo.
~) AënH$mcrZ MMm© Pmë`mZ§Va Ë`mda _VXmZ KoVco OmVo.
H$) AË`§V VmVS>rÀ`m gmd©O{ZH$ _hËdmÀ`m _wÚmda MMm© gwê$ H$aÊ`mgmR>r dmna Ho$cm OmVmo.
Resonance IAS 17 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV ~
3) \$ŠV H$ 4) A d ~
70) `mo½` H$WZ/H$WZo AmoiIm.
A) amÁ` {df`mda H$m`Xo H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma \$ŠV AmUr~mUr H$mimVM g§gXocm àmá Amho.
~) amï´>r` {hVmgmR>r amÁ`g^m R>amdmÛmao amÁ`gyMrVrc {df`mda H$m`Xm H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma g§gXocm Amho.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) \$ŠV A 2) \$ŠV A
3) XmoÝhr MyH$ 4) XmoÝhr ~amo~a
71) Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUË`m g§ñWoZo ""OJmVrc n{hcm dÝ`Ord ~m°ÊS>'' Wildlife Conservation Bond
gwê$ Ho$cm?
3) Wildlife Conservation society 4) World Bank
72) Am{W©H$ gd}úmU 2022-23 Zwgma ^maV dZ úmoÌ d¥Õr _Ü`o OJmV H$moUË`m ñWmZmda Amho?
1) àW_ 2) {ÛVr`
3) V¥Vr` 4) Mm¡Ï`m
73) df© 2022 gmR>r {díd AmЩ^w_r {XdgmMr Wr_ H$m` Amho?
1) AmЩ^_y r Am_Mo {OdZ 2) AmЩ^_y r d O¡d{d{dYVm
3) AmЩ^y_r d nmUr 4) doQ>c±S> EŠeZ \$m°a nrnëg E§S> ZoMa
74) ZwH$VoM "{IOm{X`m' Am{U "~{Iam' dÝ`Ord A^`maÊ`mcm am_ga ñWi KmofrV H$aÊ`mV Amco. Va
^maVmV gÜ`m {H$Vr am_ga ñWio AmhoV.
1) 41 2) 46
3) 49 4) 51
75) Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUË`m g§ñWoZo n`m©daU AZwH$y c eoVr cm àmoËgmhZ XoÊ`mgmR>r ""Ordm H$m`©H$« _'' gwê$ Ho$cm
1) Zm~mS>© 2) B\$H$mo
3) RBI 4) ICAR
76) dmfuH$ \«$§ {Q>`g© [anmoQ>© 2022 Zwgma OJmVrc gdm©{YH$ ÜdZr àXþfU H$aUmao eha H$moUVo?
1) T>mH$m 2) _wamXm~mX
3) Bñcm_m~mX 4) {Xëcr

Resonance IAS 18 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
77) Am°ñH$a nwañH$ma 2022 {df`r A`mo½` {dYmZ/Zo {ZdS>m?
A) ho 96 do Am°ñH$a nwañH$ma g§ñH$aU hmoVo.
~) gd©ËH¥$ï> {MÌnQ> nwañH$ma ""H$moS>m'' `m {MÌnQ>mcm {_imcm.
H$) ~oñQ> S>mŠ° `y_|Q´>r nwañH$ma "BZH$mÝQ>m'o cm {_imcm.
S>) gd©ËH¥$ï> {ZX}eH$ Mm nwañH$ma {dc pñ_W cm {_imcm.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) A, ~, H$ 2) ~, H$, S>
3) A, H$, S> 4) H$, S>
78) àË`oH$ dfu ""amï´>r` cgrH$aU {Xdg'' H$moUË`m {Xder gmOam Ho$cm OmVmo.
When is the 'National Immunization Day' Celebrated every year?
1) 10 _mM© 2) 12 _mM©
3) 14 _mM© 4) 16 _mM©
79) ZwH$VoM XoemVrc n{hcr "_oS>rH$c {gQ>r' "B§Ðm`Ur _o{S>{gQ>r' H$moUË`m ehamV ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mMr KmofUm
H$aÊ`mV Amcr Amho?
Where was the Country's first medical city Indrayani medicity announced
1) _w~§ B© 2) nwUo
3) {X„r 4) Ah_Xm~mX
80) ZwH$VoM {gnarZo [anmoQ>© àH$m{eV Ho$cr Ë`mZwgma 2017 Vo 2021 n`ªV ^maVmMm gdm©V _moR>m hm{V`ma
AmnyVuH$aVm Xoe H$moUVm Amho?
According to the report released by SIPRI Which Country is the Largest
arms supplier to India during the year 2017-21?
1) Russia 2) USA
3) France 4) Germany
81) nmM amÁ`m§Mo {dYmZg^m {ZH$mc cmJco Ë`m {df`r {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m? `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
A) Jmodm amÁ`mV BJP gdm©V _moR>m núm (20 OmJm) {O§H$ë`m, EHy$U 44 OmJm§gmR>r {ZdS>UHy $
~) _{Unya amÁ`mV BJP gdm©V _moR>m núm (32 OmJm). {O§H$ë`m EHy$U 60 OmJm§gmR>r {ZdS>UHw $ Pmcr.
H$) n§Om~_Ü`o Am_ AmX_r nmQ>u {dO`r (90 OmJm) {O§H$ë`m. EHy$U 117 OmJmgmR>r {ZdS>UHw $ Pmcr.
S>) CÎma àXoe _Ü`o BJP gdm©V _moBm núm (255 OmJm) qOH$ë`m, EHy$U 445 OmJm§gmR>r {ZdS>UHy $ Pmcr.
n`m©`r CÎmao :
1) A, ~, H$, S> 2) \$ŠV A
3) \$ŠV ~ 4) \$ŠV A, ~, S>
Resonance IAS 19 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
82) H$moUË`m amÁ` gaH$maZo ""H$m¡eë`m _mV¥Ëd `moOZm'' gwê$ Ho$cr.
Which state government has launched 'Kaushalya Matritva Yojana'
1) H$Zm©Q>H$ 2) N>ÎmrgJS>
3) VocJ§ mUm 4) amÁ`ñWmZ
83) ZwH$VoM H$moUË`m XoemZo g¡Ý` CnJ«h "Zwa-2' AmdH$memV gmoS>cm Amho?
Which Country has recently launched a military satellite Noor-2?
1) BamH$ 2) BamU
3) UAE 4) nm{H$ñVmZ
84) ^maVmMo àW_ {díd em§Vr H|$Ð H$moUË`m {R>H$mUr ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Amco.
1) nwUo (_aH$S>) 2) Zm{eH$ (BJVnyar)
3) Jwê$J«m_ 4) MoÝZB©
85) H$moUË`m _§Ìmc`mZo XmoZ ZdrZ Initiative "g§^d' Am{U "ñdmdc§~Z' Mr gwadmV Ho$cr?
1) MSME _§Ìmc` 2) J¥h _§Ìmc`
3) {eúmm _§Ìmc` 4) J«m{_U {dH$mg _§Ìmc`
86) ZwH$VoM MM}V Agcoco H¡$S>rdmBna H$m` Amho.
1) EH$ àH$maMm ~m°_ 2) H$amoZm ìh°ŠgrZ
3) a{e`Z {_gmB©c 4) _mcdo`a
87) Aerial photography is also called as---------.
1) Airborne imagery 2) Airborne sheet
3) Air imagery 4) All the above
88) Which of the following are considered while developing a digital toppographic
database for GIS?
1) Aerial photography 2) Satellite imagery
3) Topographical maps 4) All the above
89) Consider the folowing statements about IRNSS (NAVIC) :
a) IRNSS is an independent regional navigation satellite system designed to
provide position information in the Indian region only.
b) When fully developed, IRNSS will have 24 satellites in space.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
1) 1 only
2) 2 only
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

Resonance IAS 20 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
90) Which of the following is not a term used for drones?
1) Rapid Action Fight System (RAFS)
2) Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle System (UAVS)
3) Remotely Piloted Aerial System (RPAS)
4) Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)

91) amYm 7 {H$_r A§Va Am¾o`o H$So> MmbVo, Z§Va Vr n{ü_oH$So> diVo Am{U 14 {H$_r A§Va àdmg H$aVo. `oWyZ
Vr dm`ì`oH$So> 7 {H$_r A§Vamda OmVo Am{U eodQ>r Vr 4 {H$_r A§Va nydH} $So> gaH$Vo. Vr AmVm gwédmVrÀ`m
q~XÿnmgyZ {H$Vr Xÿa Amho?
Radha moves towards South-East a distance of 7 km, then she moves towards
West and travels a distance of 14 km. From here she moves towards North-
West a distance of 7 km and finally she moves a distance of 4 km towards east.
How far is she now from the starting point?
1) 3 km 2) 4 km 3) 10 km 4) 11 km

92) 65 {H$bmo dOZmÀ`m EH$mÀ`m OmJr ZdrZ ì`º$s Amë`mda 8 ì`º$s¨Mo gamgar dOZ 2.5 {H$bmo Zo dmT>Vo.
ZdrZ ì`º$s Mo dOZ {H$Vr Agy eH$Vo?
The average weight of 8 person’s increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes
in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new
1) 76 kg 2) 76.5 kg 3) 85 kg 4) Data Inadequate

93) {dYmZ : ""Vwåhr Kar AgVmZm ì`mdgm{`H$ ~ZÊ`mMr EH$ X{_©i g§Yr.'' g§JUH$ H§$nZrÛmao g§JUH$ gmúma
J¥{hUtgmR>r Om{hamV.
J¥hrVHo$ :
I) H$mhr J¥{hUtZm EH$mM doir ì`mdgm{`H$ ~ZÊ`mMr BÀN>m AgVo.
II) g§JUH$ CÚmoJ doJmZo dmT>V Amho.
III) EH$ ì`mdgm{`H$ VgoM J¥{hUr AgUo eŠ` Amho.
Statement: ”A rare opportunity to be a professional while you are at home.” - An
advertisement for computer literate housewives by a computer company.
I. Some housewives simultaneously desire to become professional.
II. Computer industry is growing at a fast pace.
III. It is possible to be a professional as well as a housewife.
1) Only I & III are true 2) All are true.
3) Only 1 & 2 are true. 4) None of these

Resonance IAS 21 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS
94) EH$ ì`mnmar 20 é. /{H$J«° XamMo 26 {H$cmo Vm§Xi
ÿ , é.30 {H$J«° XamÀ`m 30 {H$cmo Vm§Ximgh {_idVmo Am{U
{_lUmcm é.30/{H$J°« XamV {dH$Vmo. Ë`mÀ`m Zâ`mMr Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr Amho?
A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety
at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:
1) No profit, No loss 2) 5% 3) 8% 4) 10%

95) {dYmZ : gd© {hado {Zio AmhoV. gd© {Zio nm§T>ao Amho.
{ZîH$f© :
I) H$mhr {Zio {hado AmhoV. II) H$mhr nm§T>ao {hado AmhoV.
III) H$mhr {hado nm§T>ao ZmhrV. IV) gd© nm§T>ao {Zio AmhoV.
Statements: All green are blue. All blue are white.
I. Some blue are green.
II. Some white are green.
III. Some green are not white.
IV. All white are blue.
1) Only (1) and (2) is true. 2) Only (1) and (3) is true.
3) Only (1) and (4) is true. 4) Only (2) and (4) is true.

96) EH$m H°$Z_Ü`o XmoZ Ðdm§Mo A Am{U B {_lU 7 : 5 `m à_mUmV Amho. Ooìhm 9 {cQ>a {_lU H$mTy>Z B Zo
~Xcco OmVmo Voìhm ZdrZ {_lUmV A Am{U B Mo JwUmoÎma 7 : 9 hmoV.o gwédmVrcm H°$Z_Ü`o {H$Vr Ðd hmoV?o
A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B is the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litres
of mixture are drawn off and the can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B
becomes 7 : 9. How many litres of liquid was contained by the can initially?
1) 12 litre 2) 36 litre 3) 27 litre 4) 48 litre

97) g|Q>´ c cm`~«ar ~|Jiwê$_Ü`o gcJ 64 B{VhmgmMr nwñVHo$ R>odÊ`mV Amcr AmhoV. àmMrZ B{Vhmg S>mì`m
~mOynmgyZ 25 dm Amho Am{U _Ü``wJrZ B{Vhmg COì`m ~mOynmgyZ 30 dm Amho. àmMrZ Am{U _Ü``wJrZ
B{VhmgmÀ`m _Ü`o AgUmè`m EHy$U nwñVH$m§Mr g§»`m {H$Vr Amho?
There are 64 history books arranged in a row at central library Bangalore.
Ancient history is 25th from the left side of the row and Middivel history is
30th from the right side of the row. What is the total number of books between
Ancient and Middivel history?
1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) 9

98) A hm H$m_Jma B noúmm VrZnQ> H$m`©úm_ Amho Am{U åhUyZ B noúmm 60 {Xdg H$_r doiVo H$m_ nyU© H$aÊ`mg
gúm_ Amho. XmoÝhr {_iyZ VoM H$m_ {H$Vr {XdgmV nyU© H$aVrc?
A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60
days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
1) 20 days 2) 22.5 days 3) 25 days 4) 30 days
Resonance IAS 22 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
99) AmR> cmoH$ P, Q, R, S, J, K, L Am{U M EH$m AmR> _Ocr B_maVrV amhVmV, àË`oH$ _Oë`mda EH$
nU Ë`mM H«$_mZo AgUo Amdí`H$ Zmhr. Vi_Ocm H«$_m§H$ 1 Amho, Am{U darc _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 2 Amho
Am{U AgoM. L Á`m _Oë`mda amhVmo Ë`mÀ`m Imcr \$ŠV XmoZ ì`ŠVr amhVmV. L Am{U P _Ü`o \$ŠV
EH$M ì`ŠVr amhVmo. M {df_ H«$_m§H$mÀ`m _Oë`mda amhVmo na§Vw _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 7 da Zmhr. \$ŠV XmoZ
ì`ŠVr M Am{U Q _Ü`o amhVmV. Q gdm©V daÀ`m _Oë`mda amhV Zmhr. P gdm©V ImcÀ`m _Oë`mda
amhV Zmhr. S cJoM R À`m Imcr amhVmo. S qH$dm J XmoKho r _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 6 da amhVmV.
Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 6 da amhVmo?
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, J, K, L and M live in an eight storied building, one on
each floor but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered
1, and the floor above is numbered 2 and so on. Only two persons live below
the floor on which L lives. Only one person lives between L and P. M lives on
an odd numbered floor but not on floor number 7. Only two persons live
between M and Q. Q does not live on the topmost floor. P does not live on the
lowermost floor. S lives immediately below R. Neither S nor J lives on floor
number 6.
Who among the following lives on floor number 6?
1) P 2) Q 3) J 4) K

100) Oa A = Y Mm x% Am{U B = x Mm y% Agoc, Va Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo gË` Amho?

If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true?
1. A is smaller than B.
2. A is greater than B
3. Relationship between A and B cannot be determined.
4. None of these


Resonance IAS 23 Mob. : 7448047047

Resonance IAS

Resonance IAS 24 Mob. : 7448047047

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