By: Yuvraj Kokare: Resonance IAS Mob.: 7448047047
By: Yuvraj Kokare: Resonance IAS Mob.: 7448047047
By: Yuvraj Kokare: Resonance IAS Mob.: 7448047047
By : Yuvraj Kokare
: 03/04/2022 4
31) Choose the option with all four words spelt correctly.
1) Lghtening, noticeable, vacuum, ocassional.
2) Lightning, noticeable, vacuum, occasional.
3) Lightening, noticable, vaccum, ocassional.
4) Lightning, noticeable, vaccum, ocassional
41) identify the transitive and intransitive verbs in the given sentences:
a) The boy cut his hand with a knife.
b) The policeman blew his whistle.
c) The birds sing in the green trees.
43) There was little hope of success, nevertheless they decided to perform the
The above underlined conjunction is a type of:
Answer options:
1) Cumulative 2) Adversative
3) Disjunctive 4) Illative
46) How do the rich and developing countries view the development?
1) They think that it is the cause of environmental destruction.
2) They think that it is one of the primary needs.
3) They don’t like development.
4) Their views are contrary regarding development.
Resonance IAS 12 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
47) What is the misunderstanding among the people regarding the discussion on
1) It is blessing
2) It is harmful.
3) It is of no use.
4) It is ignoring the main problems of war and poverty.
50) What will play an important part in the shaping of our future plans?
1) pollution 2) development
3) the research and perseverance 4) industrialization
91) amYm 7 {H$_r A§Va Am¾o`o H$So> MmbVo, Z§Va Vr n{ü_oH$So> diVo Am{U 14 {H$_r A§Va àdmg H$aVo. `oWyZ
Vr dm`ì`oH$So> 7 {H$_r A§Vamda OmVo Am{U eodQ>r Vr 4 {H$_r A§Va nydH} $So> gaH$Vo. Vr AmVm gwédmVrÀ`m
q~XÿnmgyZ {H$Vr Xÿa Amho?
Radha moves towards South-East a distance of 7 km, then she moves towards
West and travels a distance of 14 km. From here she moves towards North-
West a distance of 7 km and finally she moves a distance of 4 km towards east.
How far is she now from the starting point?
1) 3 km 2) 4 km 3) 10 km 4) 11 km
92) 65 {H$bmo dOZmÀ`m EH$mÀ`m OmJr ZdrZ ì`º$s Amë`mda 8 ì`º$s¨Mo gamgar dOZ 2.5 {H$bmo Zo dmT>Vo.
ZdrZ ì`º$s Mo dOZ {H$Vr Agy eH$Vo?
The average weight of 8 person’s increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes
in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new
1) 76 kg 2) 76.5 kg 3) 85 kg 4) Data Inadequate
93) {dYmZ : ""Vwåhr Kar AgVmZm ì`mdgm{`H$ ~ZÊ`mMr EH$ X{_©i g§Yr.'' g§JUH$ H§$nZrÛmao g§JUH$ gmúma
J¥{hUtgmR>r Om{hamV.
J¥hrVHo$ :
I) H$mhr J¥{hUtZm EH$mM doir ì`mdgm{`H$ ~ZÊ`mMr BÀN>m AgVo.
II) g§JUH$ CÚmoJ doJmZo dmT>V Amho.
III) EH$ ì`mdgm{`H$ VgoM J¥{hUr AgUo eŠ` Amho.
Statement: ”A rare opportunity to be a professional while you are at home.” - An
advertisement for computer literate housewives by a computer company.
I. Some housewives simultaneously desire to become professional.
II. Computer industry is growing at a fast pace.
III. It is possible to be a professional as well as a housewife.
1) Only I & III are true 2) All are true.
3) Only 1 & 2 are true. 4) None of these
95) {dYmZ : gd© {hado {Zio AmhoV. gd© {Zio nm§T>ao Amho.
{ZîH$f© :
I) H$mhr {Zio {hado AmhoV. II) H$mhr nm§T>ao {hado AmhoV.
III) H$mhr {hado nm§T>ao ZmhrV. IV) gd© nm§T>ao {Zio AmhoV.
Statements: All green are blue. All blue are white.
I. Some blue are green.
II. Some white are green.
III. Some green are not white.
IV. All white are blue.
1) Only (1) and (2) is true. 2) Only (1) and (3) is true.
3) Only (1) and (4) is true. 4) Only (2) and (4) is true.
96) EH$m H°$Z_Ü`o XmoZ Ðdm§Mo A Am{U B {_lU 7 : 5 `m à_mUmV Amho. Ooìhm 9 {cQ>a {_lU H$mTy>Z B Zo
~Xcco OmVmo Voìhm ZdrZ {_lUmV A Am{U B Mo JwUmoÎma 7 : 9 hmoV.o gwédmVrcm H°$Z_Ü`o {H$Vr Ðd hmoV?o
A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B is the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litres
of mixture are drawn off and the can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B
becomes 7 : 9. How many litres of liquid was contained by the can initially?
1) 12 litre 2) 36 litre 3) 27 litre 4) 48 litre
97) g|Q>´ c cm`~«ar ~|Jiwê$_Ü`o gcJ 64 B{VhmgmMr nwñVHo$ R>odÊ`mV Amcr AmhoV. àmMrZ B{Vhmg S>mì`m
~mOynmgyZ 25 dm Amho Am{U _Ü``wJrZ B{Vhmg COì`m ~mOynmgyZ 30 dm Amho. àmMrZ Am{U _Ü``wJrZ
B{VhmgmÀ`m _Ü`o AgUmè`m EHy$U nwñVH$m§Mr g§»`m {H$Vr Amho?
There are 64 history books arranged in a row at central library Bangalore.
Ancient history is 25th from the left side of the row and Middivel history is
30th from the right side of the row. What is the total number of books between
Ancient and Middivel history?
1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) 9
98) A hm H$m_Jma B noúmm VrZnQ> H$m`©úm_ Amho Am{U åhUyZ B noúmm 60 {Xdg H$_r doiVo H$m_ nyU© H$aÊ`mg
gúm_ Amho. XmoÝhr {_iyZ VoM H$m_ {H$Vr {XdgmV nyU© H$aVrc?
A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60
days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
1) 20 days 2) 22.5 days 3) 25 days 4) 30 days
Resonance IAS 22 Mob. : 7448047047
Resonance IAS
99) AmR> cmoH$ P, Q, R, S, J, K, L Am{U M EH$m AmR> _Ocr B_maVrV amhVmV, àË`oH$ _Oë`mda EH$
nU Ë`mM H«$_mZo AgUo Amdí`H$ Zmhr. Vi_Ocm H«$_m§H$ 1 Amho, Am{U darc _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 2 Amho
Am{U AgoM. L Á`m _Oë`mda amhVmo Ë`mÀ`m Imcr \$ŠV XmoZ ì`ŠVr amhVmV. L Am{U P _Ü`o \$ŠV
EH$M ì`ŠVr amhVmo. M {df_ H«$_m§H$mÀ`m _Oë`mda amhVmo na§Vw _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 7 da Zmhr. \$ŠV XmoZ
ì`ŠVr M Am{U Q _Ü`o amhVmV. Q gdm©V daÀ`m _Oë`mda amhV Zmhr. P gdm©V ImcÀ`m _Oë`mda
amhV Zmhr. S cJoM R À`m Imcr amhVmo. S qH$dm J XmoKho r _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 6 da amhVmV.
Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU _Ocm H«$_m§H$ 6 da amhVmo?
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, J, K, L and M live in an eight storied building, one on
each floor but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered
1, and the floor above is numbered 2 and so on. Only two persons live below
the floor on which L lives. Only one person lives between L and P. M lives on
an odd numbered floor but not on floor number 7. Only two persons live
between M and Q. Q does not live on the topmost floor. P does not live on the
lowermost floor. S lives immediately below R. Neither S nor J lives on floor
number 6.
Who among the following lives on floor number 6?
1) P 2) Q 3) J 4) K