პირობითი წინადადებები - Grammar Promoter
პირობითი წინადადებები - Grammar Promoter
პირობითი წინადადებები - Grammar Promoter
I. In each sentence, circle the best answer. III. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.
Make zero conditional, first conditional or second
conditional sentences.
1. If one admires / will admire somebody, it shows
immense respect. 1. If I __________ this shirt, I won't have much money
2. If children need help, their parents will support / are left. (buy)
supporting them. 2. I am pretty sure Amanda would help us if we
3. If I will need / need help, I always ask my friends for __________ her. (ask)
their advice. 3. What would you do if I __________ you that I was
4. We eat / will eat out if we don't find anything in the using your mobile phone without permission? (tell)
fridge. 4. If it weren’t for my mobile phone, I __________ where
5. If he misses the bus, he does not / will not arrive my friends were. (never, know)
home on time. 5. If you press this blue button, the computer
6. I ask / asked my friends for recommendations if I have __________ to print the document. (begin)
a problem. 6. My lecturer won't be content if I __________ the limit
7. I feel excited when you are / will be here. at the exam. (not transcend)
8. If you drop glass, it smashes / will smash. 7. It would definitely be so boring if I __________
9. If we had known Jenny was coming with us, we would nothing to do all day. (have)
given / would have given her a lift. 8. We can stay in and try out new video games tomorrow
10. If I had waited longer, I would have caught / caught if it __________. (rain)
the bus. 9. I __________ amazed if they invented a technology
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