DELTA-P Oil Differential Pressure Switch: Application
DELTA-P Oil Differential Pressure Switch: Application
DELTA-P Oil Differential Pressure Switch: Application
Monitoring of oil differential pres- nels link the switch to the suc-
sure in refrigeration compressors. tion and discharge ports of the
This is particularly important in pump. No capillary connections
multi-compressor packs due to are necessary. The electrical
the varying pressure conditions. part of the switch can be fitted
The screw-in part of the DELTA-P or removed without opening
switch is mounted directly into the refrigeration circuit.
the pump housing; internal chan-
Functional description:
The differential pressure monitor drops below the set value for
is activated when the supply volt- longer than the delay time, the
age is applied via an auxiliary con- output contact opens and locks
tact of the motor contactor K1. out mechanically. The switch can
A red LED signals insufficient be reactivated by depressing the
differential oil pressure immedi- reset button. Shorter periods of
ately. Once the preset value has insufficient differential pressure
been reached, this LED is extin- are also recognised by the inter-
guished. The output contact re- nal microprocessor circuitry and
mains closed when the set value lead to a trip and lockout after a
is reached / exceeded. If the oil correspondingly extended delay
differential pressure remains or time (integration).
The unit must be connec- ved. Limit values for the supply
ted by trained electrical person- voltage of the unit may not be
nel. All valid standards for con- exceeded. The oil differential
necting electrical and refrigera- pressure switch needs no main-
tion equipment must be obser- tenance.
Technical data
Supply *) AC 50/60Hz 230V ± 10% 10VA
Ambient temperature range -30...+60°C
Time delay see ordering information
Differential pressure *) (fixed) 0.65bar ± 0.15bar
Switching capacity AC 250V, max. 2.5A, 720VA ind.
Refrigerant compatibility yes (brass)
Product group D
Protection class IP54 when mounted and cable EN 60529 output downwards
Approval UL
Connection diagram Reset mechanical / manual
Connection cable 4xAWG18 (0.75mm2), L=1m
colour coded cores
Weight approx. 200g
Ordering information
DELTA-P Oil Pressure Switch,
90s time delay *) 52 D 555 S60
consisting of:
Edition: 690.00118.1
KRIWAN Industrie-Elektronik GmbH • Allmand 11 • D-74670 Forchtenberg • phone ++49-7947-822-0 • fax ++49-7947-1288 • e-mail: • home: