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Type VDG 13

Undervoltage Relay
Type VDG 13
Undervoltage Relay

VDG 13 relay
withdrawn from case

Features Description The unique method of winding the

operating coil ensures that the time/
l Identical time/voltage Relay type VDG 13 is a heavily voltage characteristics are identical
characteristics on all taps. damped, frequency compensated on each of the voltage taps.
induction disc relay with adjustable Selection of the required voltage
l Frequency compensated.
inverse time/voltage characteristic. setting is by means of a link board
l Simple construction, easily With the relay electro-magnet de- which has a single insulated link.
accessible. energised, the disc contact is held in Taps on the operating coil and a
l Comprehensive range of auxiliary the closed position by a spiral series resistance are connected to
unit ratings. control spring. When the rated the link board and provide a
voltage is applied to the relay coil, a constant inductance/resistance ratio
l Dust tight drawout case and torque is produced in the contact on each voltage setting and
tropicalised finish. opening direction and when the frequency compensation effect is
applied voltage falls below the obtained by using the correct
Application setting value, the control spring combination of coil reactance and
torque overcomes the driving torque resistance.
Relay type VDG 13 is an inverse
and closes the contact. Damping of
time undervoltage protection of ac The relay operating time can be
the disc movement is by a
circuits, capacitors, rectifiers and adjusted by means of the disc back-
removable high retentivity
machines such as induction motors. stop which is controlled by rotating
permanent magnet.
a knurled moulded disc at the base
of the graduated time multiplier
Type VDG 13 relay is a single pole
Technical data The two pairs of electrically
separate, self reset contacts
Voltage ratings and settings provided on the auxiliary unit will
The relay can be supplied having a make and carry for 0.5 sec 7500VA
voltage rating of 110, 240/250 or with maxima of 30A and 660V ac
440 V ac, 50 Hz. or dc.
For 240/250 or 440V relays,
external voltage transformers are
supplied. The relay meets the requirements of
IS 3231/IEC 255-5 Series C - 2 kV
The following setting range is for 1 minute.
available: Figure 1:
Time/voltage characteristic External and internal circuit
50 - 90% adjustable in five equal at time multiplier setting 1.0
steps at 10%. connections
Typical external and internal
Resetting voltage
connections for type VDG 13 under-
The disc will completely reset at Frequency error voltage relay with shunt reinforcing
105% or less of the voltage setting. indicators is shown in Figure 2.
The maximum pick-up variation
Operating time between 40 and 70 Hz is 7%.
0 - 5.0 seconds at zero voltage. Case
Time/voltage characteristic at time Auxiliary units and operation
Relays are supplied in drawout
multiplier setting 1.0 as given in indicators
cases suitable for flush or projection
Figure 1. The relay has a voltage operated mounting and are finished eggshell
auxiliary unit fitted with two pairs of black and tropicalised. The drawout
Resetting time
normally open self reset contacts feature considerably simplifies
With the time multiplier set at 1.0, arranged to reinforce the disc maintenance and permits testing to
when the applied voltage suddenly contact. be carried out easily and quickly.
increases from zero to rated voltage,
It is also fitted with an operation A cradle mounted isolating switch is
the resetting times are as follows:
indicator which is hand reset by provided which automatically
Relay setting 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 means of a push-rod protruding isolates the trip circuit when the
(%) cradle assembly is withdrawn from
through the relay case.
Resetting time 1 1.5 2 4 5 10 12 the case for maintenance. This
(seconds) Coil ratings prevents any inadvertent tripping of
24V dc - 240V dc. the circuit breaker. A filter breather
Burdens is fitted which equalises pressure
Contact ratings inside and outside the case without
5.0VA at voltage setting
admitting dust.
The single disc contact will make
At rated voltage, the burdens are as
and carry for 0.5 s, 2500VA with Type VDG 13 relays are mounted in
maxima of 10A and 660V ac or dc. size 1D vertical case.
Relay Setting 50 60 70 80 90

VA at rated 20 14 10.5 8 6

Thermal rating
The relay will withstand 120% rated
voltage on any setting continuously
for 60°C rise in coil temperature.

The operating value conforms to
error class index E 5.0 as per BS
142 and 5.0 as per IS 3231 at the
voltage setting.
The operating time at time multiplier
setting 1.0 conforms to the time/
voltage characteristic given in
Figure 1, subject to a tolerance of Figure 2:
±7.5% at zero voltage. Typical external and internal connections for relay type VDG 13
Dimensions and weights Information required
Maximum overall dimensions Approximate with order
Relay Case Height Width Depth* gross weight
1. System frequency and
size mm mm mm Kg.
VDG 13 1D vert 233 170 203 6.0
2. Voltage rating (110, 240/250
External 127 114 114 4.5 or 440V ac).
3. Auxiliary contacts - hand or
* Add 76 mm for maximum length of terminal studs, alternatively, self reset.
29 mm for terminal screws.
The approximate gross weights given above are inclusive of
cartons, mounting appendages and terminal details.
The relays comply fully with the requirements of IS 3231 and are
suitable for use in normal tropical environments.
ALSTOM Limited Pallavaram Works: 19/1, GST Road, Pallavaram, Chennai-600 043. India.
Tel: 91-044-2368621 Fax: 91-044-2367276 Email: plw.applications@alstom.sprintrpg.eml.vsnl.net.in.
© 1998 ALSTOM Limited

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