Analysis and Design of Online Bookstore System

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Analysis and Design of Online Bookstore System

Tao Tao1, Ningli Wang2, and Haibo Lu1

School of Computer Science,Anhui University of Technology, Ma anshan 243032,China
Academic Administration, Anhui University of Technology, Ma anshan 243032, China

Abstract. In this paper a online bookstore system is designe. Introduced such

system development process as the requirement analysis, system design,
function design, database design, detail design and so on. Finally described the
process of a module of user login. The system has friendly interface and easy to

Keywords: E-commerce, Online bookstore, MVC, J2EE, JSP, Hibernate.

1 Introduction

Now the Internet has been an unimaginable speed of the rapid development. The
network has been an important part of our life. Along with the development of the
Internet, and people's consumption and the way of life Changes, this new business
pattern gradually integrate into people's lives. Through the different visit for virtual
mall, people can find the most cost-effective products with not going out, and they
have munch self-choice. Through the orders, people can find the goods which they
needed, and quickly get the products which they ordered. This new business pattern
can save a lot of time and energy for both custormers and manufacturers, and greatly
reduce inventory risk. The manufactures can produce and procure according to
customer needs, and this was called on-demand production and procurement which
greatly improved the efficiency.
E-commerce is a new business transaction, which both buyers and sellers through a
simple, fast, low-cost electronic means of communication method. The paper
introduces a design of online bookstore system,which is a web-based technology of
electronic products online trading portal.
With the convenience of online bookstore shopping, users can buy more books
who need. They can experience the advantage and rapidity of books which brought
from online bookstore without going out of home. The system offers the general
functions of online book shopping in the foreground, and system management in the
background. It can afford convenience not only to user’s consumption, but also Let
administrator prompt to know the inventory of sold book that is prepare to purchase in

X. Qu and Y. Yang (Eds.): IBI 2011, Part I, CCIS 267, pp. 747–752, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
748 T. Tao, N. Wang, and H. Lu

2 Requirement Analysis

Now there are a large number of books published with a variety of types. The system
can browse the detailed information of all kinds of books. It can help customer to
login the system and search the books he most wanted immediately. Then customer
can manage the shopping cart of his own. On the side of the administrator, he can add
the new books, modify the book information, maintain the classification of the book,
manage the order of book and so on.
The system is needed to have maintenanceability, strong robustness, lower cost,
simple interface and easy to use.

3 The System Design

3.1 Function Module Design

Accoring to the costumer requirement discussed above, the function of the online
bookstore system can include two parts which is the customer management and the
administrator management, classified by different user category.
Every module has several submodules. The customer management mainly include
register module, shopping cart module, order management module and so on. The
shopping cart module can add, delete and modify books. When it finished, a new
order then creates.In order management module, user can delete and modify the order.
The administrator management mainly include user management module, book
information management module, order state management module and so on.
Administrator can modify or delete user information by the user management module.
In the same way he can add, delete and modify book information under the
background. When a user created a order under the foreground, administrator can
check it and chang its state by passing it through or not under the background. Figure
1 shows the function module frame of the system.

3.2 Database Design

There has a one-to-many relation between user and order. One user can has many
orders, however one order can only be subordinated to a user. Between order and
entry, there is also a one-to-many relation. One order has many entries, and one
unique entry must be attach itself to a order. There is a relation of many-to-many
between entry and book. One entry may have a number of books, while a book may
belong to many entries. Figure 2 shows the whole Entity-Relation diagram of the
According to the system E-R diagram, the corresponding data table then is easily
transformed. The data table is mainly include user information, order information,
book information, order entries and so on. The order entries table has its items in
detail which described in table 1.

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