Answer Key Lets Catch A Wave
Answer Key Lets Catch A Wave
Answer Key Lets Catch A Wave
Station 1 - What Can a Slinky and Some Rope Tell Us About Waves?
Materials per station: 1 - Slinky 1 - 6' rope Black Tape
Part I
1. A wave is any disturbance that transmits energy through matter of space. There are two main
types of waves listed in your book, transverse and longitudinal waves. Define and draw a
picture of each one.
Define Transverse Wave: rarefactions
A wave that vibrates up and down.
Wavelength =
2. You will hold one end of the slinky and your partner will hold the other end.
3. Sit across the table from each other.
4. Gently push the slinky back and forth between you. .
5. Observe the wave and the coil with the black tape.
a. Does the coil move with the wave?
Waves move in the same direction as the collisions
b. Describe how the marked tape moves relative to the wave when:
1. You move the rope faster? The tape moves up and down but does not move
down the length of the rope
2. You move the rope slower? The tape moves slowly up and down.
1. Lightly strike the mallet on the table's front edge, top and side edge (see labeled spots on table)
and observe what happens to the water in the box.
Draw a picture of the waves when you hit the following:
The three directions will determine how large the sea waves will be. The front edge produces a P
(primary) wave, the side strike produces and S (secondary wave) and the top strike produces an L
(surface) wave.
d. Which wave do you think would cause the most damage? A surface wave
Part II
1. Now use the slinky to demonstrate the three types of waves.
2. One student will be the holder and the second student will be the operator.
3. To create a P wave, the operator pushes the spring directly toward the holder.
a. What type of wave is this (do not put P wave!) longitudinal
4. To create an S wave, the operator waves the spring from side to side.
a. What type of wave is this (do not put S wave!) transverse
5. To create an L wave, the operator lifts the spring up and snaps it down gently.
6. Which of the three waves was the biggest? L wave (surface wave)