Lovely Professional University, Punjab: Parameter Marks

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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code: CAP463 Course Title: PROJECT

L:0 T:0 P:16 Credits:8

Course Outcome(s): Through this course students should be able to

• interpret and implement the skills acquired to generate new knowledge

• construct the new ideas to translate them into work of practical importance using knowledge acquired
• anticipate the optimized methods for solving real world problems using IT as tool
• judge the existing IT solutions for enhancing business productivity
• tabulate the methods and procedures about the usage of the project and product
• employ the procedure to troubleshoot for fault tolerant projects


A project involves activities that closely relates to professional work in the related field. Upon completion, student
will be able to apply the discipline knowledge and capabilities acquired during the programme. A capstone project
may incorporate work-integrated learning placements, case analysis and other immersive learning experiences such
as study tools, service learning, volunteering, virtual simulations, etc.

Course Weightages:
0 50 0 50 0

Attendance Requirement: NA

Continuous Assessment (CA): Monthly by the supervisor

CA Evaluation Parameters:
Parameter Marks
Attendance of the student (* If Att% 76- 5
100 Award:4-5 Marks , 51-75% Award:3
Marks, 26-50% Award:2 Marks, 0-25%
Award: 1 Mark )
Plan of work was well defined and was 2
realistic to be achieved in stipulated
Student has done feasibility analysis 2
required for completion of Project Work
such as cost issues,time, operational
feasibility etc.
Student was able to narrow down the title 4
based upon the preliminary survey.
Testing of the project has been 3
successfully done by the student
The categorization of chapters was 2
appropriate and relevant
The flow of the written report was well 2
organized and structured.
The plagiarism of the report was as per 2
the prescribed limit.
The project has been completed and is in 3
presentable form
The relevant risks related to the project 1
have been considered.
The report was well written and was free 2
from grammatical errors
The results obtained by the student are 4
encouraging and supports the proposed
The steps/action 4
formulated by the student is appropriate to
solve the problem
The student has completed the real 4
implementation of the project work
The student has explored some project 2
topics relevant to his/her field/area.
The student has explored some real life 3
problems related to which project topic
can be finalized.
The student has gathered all the relevant 3
tools/resources/material required for
completion of the project in stipulated
The student has identified all the 2
required for completion of project work till
The student has started the real 3
implementation of the project work
The student has suffcient knowledge 3
regarding the tools/equipments to be used
in the project.
The student was able to overcome/handle 3
the problems/challenges encountere
during implementation
The title was clear and comprehensive 3
rather than broad and general
Title proposed by the student justifies the 3
scope of the proposed work
Total 65

ETP Evaluation Parameters:

Parameter Marks
Adequate references/bibliography are 3
included in the report and are in proper
The content mentioned in the report is 3
accurate and free from errors/grammatical
The plagiarism in the final report is as per 3
the prescribed policy
All the required data has been collected 3
and analysed properly
All the results obtained from 3
experimentation/survey/review/field work
are significant and supports the project
The candidate has been able to generate 8
any of the following as a outcome a) IPR
New innovations,c) Quality publications,d)
Societal Contributions,e) Policy Making
The candidate is confident while 3
answering the questions and has an
ability to remain calm under pressure.
The candidate is open to the observations 2
and pertinent suggestions formulated
during the presentation/ discussion
The candidate is well updated about the 3
recent developments and trends in the
proposed area of research
The introductory pages and annexures 3
(list of tables, figures, abstract, index,
ethical committee approvals, published
materials, COA etc.) are included in the
written report.
The overall formatting of the report is as 3
per the prescribed guidelines
The presentation includes the relevant 2
information and is precise, correct and
The Project work has addressed any of 4
the following a) Societal Issues,b)
Industrial issues,c) Government issues
(Policy making etc.),d) Business issue,e)
Environmental issues,f) Conceptual,g)
Enrich the discipline,h) News worthy
The project work will solve the problem at 3
any of the following a) organization,b)
State level,c) National Level,d)
International Level
The student was able to achieve all the 4
formulated objectives of the proposed
Total 50

Applicability of R Grade: No

The conduct of the course shall be as per guidelines issued by the University for the given course.

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