Chinese Lesson Plan - Chloie o

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Title: Mo Li Hua
Grade Level: 3rd-5th grade
Standards (List specific SOLs that pertain specifically to YOUR objectives).
Virginia Standards: (SOL)
3.6 a. Recognize music compositions from different periods of music history.
b. Listen to and describe instruments from a variety of time periods and places.

3.13 a. Sing in tune with a clear tone quality.

f. Maintain proper posture for singing.

Objectives: (List specific, assessable items you want students to KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO).
As a result of the instruction, students will be able to: (observable skills- action verbs)
● Sing the first line in Chinese with proper pronunciation, pitch, and rhythm
● Sing the second line on “la” with proper pitch and rhythm
● Sing both lines while simultaneously opening and closing fans
Materials (List the instructional materials you will need or use for the lesson. Why? I will know that you know
what you need to teach the lesson and will not be running around the room to find something you forgot.)

● Fans
● Powerpoint
● Sheet music for teacher to sing
Modifications: (List any modifications in the instructional setting or room that you must make for any child
who has special needs. Could be a child with a broken leg. It could be using a microphone for a child with a hearing
deficiency. Has anyone encountered this yet?)

● If anyone has a broken leg, etc., they should be okay to continue with

Steps in Teaching: (List your instructional strategies. Specifically, how you plan to teach the objectives. What
teaching will you use? Are you prepared to approach it in several ways-verbally, visually, and kinetically? Consider
learning theories as you introduce your lessons and build each future lesson).

● Learn “hello” in Chinese language (1.5 minutes)

○ Watch video of how to say it
○ Say hello for students and then have them repeat
○ Have them turn to their neighbors and say it as well

● Talk about where China is compared to Blacksburg, VA (2 minutes)

○ Show a map of entire world and have students help me point to where we are
○ Ask if anyone can find China, ask for a volunteer to come point to it
○ If they can’t find it, point to it yourself
○ Have a bigger map of only China and point to specific region that the song

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021


● Give background information (2 minutes)

○ Talk about cultural instrument (guzheng) using pictures from slide
○ Use information on next slide to talk about the spread to the West and Puccini’s

● Introduce and teach song (10 minutes)

○ Watch video, have kids listen
○ Sing entire song for them (aka first two lines)
○ Teach first line in Chinese
■ Go through pronunciations without pitch
■ Add pitch
○ Teach second line on “la”
■ With pitch
○ Sing entire song once more for them, then have them repeat
○ Fix any pronunciation and pitch issues, etc.

● Introduce and learn to use fans (4.5 minutes)

○ Watch video of the fans dance
○ Have kids sit in a circle-
○ Teach how to hold the fan
○ Options:
■ Have them open fans on 1, close fans on 3.
■ For 5th grade, every other person opens on 3, closes on 1.
■ Three circles, group 1 open on 1, group 2 on 2, group 3 on 3, all close on 4.
○ Now add singing while using fans

Assessment: (The question of assessment is “How well do the students know the objectives or how well can they
do/apply/use the objectives?” Go back to the top of this format- your assessment starts here.)

Overall Outcomes: Assessment for Each Outcome:

After learning the pieces, each student will… I will document individual student achievement

● Say “hello” in Chinese ● (Informal) Ask students to say hello in

● Demonstrate an understanding of the Chinese
geography of China ● (Informal) Ask students to volunteer to
show China on the map
● Sing and pronounce Chinese words ● (Informal) Use ears to determine
60% correctly whether students correctly pronounce
Chinese words
● Sing all pitches and rhythms with 75% ● (Informal) Use ears to determine
accuracy whether students match pitch

** Use various assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, rating scales, checklists, short quizzes, self-reflections, etc.) and various
types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, matching, etc.)

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021

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