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Iot Based Smart Irrigation System

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“IOT based smart irrigation ,crop monitoring ,pest(pedator) management,

animal detection etc.”

Submitted by
(Roll no. 201603176)
(Roll no. 20150382)

Under the Guidance of


In the partial fulfillment of B. Tech. in Electronics & Telecommunication

Engineering course of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological university,
Lonere (Dist. Raigad) in the academic year 2018-2019.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere



“IOT based smart irrigation ,crop monitoring ,pest(pedator) management,

animal detection etc.”

Submitted by
(Roll no. 201603176)
(Roll no. 20150382)

Under the Guidance of


Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere

“VIDYAVIHAR”, LONERE- 402103. Tal. Mangaon, Dist. Raigad. (Maharashtra State) INDIA


This is to certify that the Project entitled “IOT based smart

irrigation ,crop monitoring ,pest(pedator) management,
animaldetection” submitted by ASHWINI CHANDRAMANI
PATIL (Roll no. 201603176) SONY SHRIDHAR PATIL (Roll no.
20150382) is record of bonafide work carried out by him under my
guidance in the partial fulfillment the requirement for the award of
Degree of B. Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering course of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological
University, Lonere (Dist. Raigad) in the academic year 2018-2019.

Mr. Narendra S. Jadhav

Project guide
Department of Electronics and
Dr. S. L. Nalbalwar
Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological Associate Professor and Head
University Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological

It gives me immense pleasure to present my report for project phase-I on “IOT based smart
irrigation ,crop monitoring ,pest(pedator) management, animal detection”. The able
guidance of all teaching staff of this department made the study possible. They have been a
constant source of encouragement throughout the completion of this project phase-I.
I would like to express my grateful thanks to Dr. S. L. Nalbalwar sir who has motivated me
and to Mr .Narendra S. Jadhav sir who guided properly for this Project. I would also like
to express my sincere thanks to Electronics & Telecommunication Department for giving me
an opportunity to explore the subject by conducting this Project.


(Roll no. 201603176)
(Roll no. 20150382)
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,

The foremost aim of technology has been to increase efficiency and decrease effort. With the
advent of ‘Internet of Things’ in the last decade, we have been pushing for ubiquitous
computing in all spheres of life. It thus is of extreme importance to simplify human
interfacing with technology. Automation is one such area that aims that achieves simplicity
whilst increasing efficiency. One of the important applications of IOT is Smart Agriculture.
Smart Agriculture reduces wastage of water, fertilizers and increases the crop yield. Here a
system is proposed to monitor crop-field using sensors for soil moisture, humidity and
temperature. By monitoring these parameters the irrigation system can be automated if soil
moisture is low. As the world is trending towards new technologies and implementations it is
a necessary goal to trend up in agriculture too. Many researches are done in the field of
agriculture and most of them signify the use of wireless sensor network that collect data from
different sensors deployed at various nodes and send it through the wireless protocol.
The collected data provide the information about the various
environmental factors. Monitoring the environmental factors is not the complete solution to
increase the yield of crops. There are number of other factors that decrease the productivity
hence, automation must be implemented in agriculture to overcome these problems. In order
to provide solution to such problems, it is necessary to develop an integrated system which
wills improve productivity in every stage.

Sr. No.Title Page No.




3.1 List of components

4.1 System design 06
4.1.1 Block diagram 07
4.1.2 working principle

4.2 Technical specification

4.2.1 specification GSM MODULE

4.2.2 specification of ARDINO UNO

4.5.3 power supply







List of Figures

Sr.No. Name Page No.

Fig.4.1 Block diagram of automation system 06

Fig.4.1.1 android mobile 07

Fig.4.2.1 Bluetooth module HC-05 08

Fig.4.2.1 Bluetooth module HC-05 09

Fig.4.3 arduino UNO 10

Fig.4.4.1. relay 11

Fig.4.4.2. relay 12

Fig.4.4.3. switching relay 12

Fig.4.5.1. power supply 13

Fig.4.6.1. working flow chart 14

 List of Tables

Sr.No. Name

01 list of Components

02 specification of component

 List of Abbreviations
Sr.No. Abbrivation Long form

01 IC Integrated Circuit

02 LED Light Emitting Diode

03 PCB Printed Circuit Board

A Project Report on ‘Antenna Array with a Reconfigurable Element Factor for Beam Steering’



Agriculture is considered as the basis of life for the human species as it is the main source of
food grains and other raw materials. It plays vital role in the growth of country’s economy. It
also provides large ample employment opportunities to the people. Growth in agricultural
sector is necessary for the development of economic condition of the country. Unfortunately,
many farmers still use the traditional methods of farming which results in low yielding of
crops and fruits. But wherever automation had been implemented and human beings had been
replaced by automatic machineries, the yield has been improved. Hence there is need to
implement modern science and technology in the agriculture sector for increasing the yield.
Most of the papers signifies the use of wireless sensor network
which collects the data from different types of sensors and then send it to main server using
wireless protocol. The collected data provides the information about different environmental
factors which in turns helps to monitor the system. Monitoring environmental factors is not
enough and complete solution to improve the yield of the crops. There are number of other
factors that affect the productivity to great extent. These factors include attack of insects and
pests which can be controlled by spraying the crop with proper insecticide and pesticides.
Secondly, attack of wild animals and birds when the crop grows up.
There is also possibility of thefts when crop is at the stage of
harvesting. Even after harvesting, farmers also face problems in storage of harvested crop.
So, in order to provide solutions to all such problems, it is necessary to develop integrated
system which will take care of all factors affecting the productivity in every stages like;
cultivation, harvesting and post harvesting storage. This paper therefore proposes a system
which is useful in monitoring the field data as well as controlling the field operations which

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A Project Report on ‘Antenna Array with a Reconfigurable Element Factor for Beam Steering’

 Paper title: web-based Internet of things solution aimed for monitoring,
tracking and analyzing data in agriculture area is proposed.
Author : Krešimir Grgić
Publication :irjet ,march:2016
et al.(2016)[5], it reviews a web-based Internet of things solution aimed for monitoring,
tracking and analyzing data in agriculture area is proposed. Real time data is achieved
using broker-based publishing/subscribing Message Queue Telemetry Transport protocol
which is briefly described. Using this protocol limitations resulting from constrained
networks in rural areas are avoided. Collected data from sensors is shown and stored in
web part of the information system. This type of implementation is developed by the
manufacturers need for monitoring and tracking data. One major issue is that it is not
much energy saving and here data fusion is present. Zheng, L et al. (2011)[6], This
approach proposes

 paper title : wise agricultural model

author : Tanmay Baranwal
Publication: National Seminar on Recent Trends in Data Mining (RTDM 2016)

Tanmay Baranwal et al.(2016)[1] , proposed a wise agricultural model which are designed,
tested and analyzed an ‘Internet of Things’ based device which is capable of analyzing the
sensed information and then transmitting it to the user. This device can be controlled and
monitored from remote location and it can be implemented in agricultural fields, grain stores
and cold stores for security purpose. In this it is oriented to accentuate the methods to solve
such problems like identification of rodents, threats to crops and delivering real time
notification based on information analysis and processing without human intervention. The
issue is that Failure of any particular part or device is not informed and has to be tested

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A Project Report on ‘Antenna Array with a Reconfigurable Element Factor for Beam Steering’


 List of component

Sr.no. components
1. Gsm module
2. Arduino uno
3. Relay

4. capacitors
5. resistors
6. diodes
7. Ics

8 Soil moisture sensor

9 Temperature sensor
10 PIR sensor
11 Humidity sensor
12 Water pump motor

Fig.4.1 table of list of component

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A Project Report on ‘Antenna Array with a Reconfigurable Element Factor for Beam Steering’



Technology is improving every minute. Even though Irrigation ensures

maximum crop yields overall, it might cause wastage of water resources overall. Let us
introduce some of the systems proposed to improve method with soil-moisture sensor method
increases the accuracy of irrigation on time and off time. The major contention with this
system includes less coverage area of about 120 meters because of Xbee devices.

In 4 actually focuses on closed loop distant observing of precise irrigation by

means of Citect configuration software. All the end nodes transmit soil temperature, humidity
and soil moisture values to the sink node. Once the sink node received the data, it compares
the received data with predefined value. Based on that, sink node sends command to open as
well as to close the valve. Information like soil moisture value, soil temperature value,
humidity and valve status at various time intervals are transmitted to the web server using
GPRS module. The end user can remotely monitor via web interfaces. The advantages of this
system include real time collection and transmission of data and conservation of water up to
25% when compared to normal irrigation systems. The major disadvantage include tapered
irrigation efficiency by reason of not utilizing bright sunshine duration and wind speed values
for reference evapotranspiration

In 5 is based in dynamic automatic irrigation and pesticide avoidance using

wireless sensor networks. As soon the wireless sensor nodes measures the soil moisture and
soil fertility, the on stream camera compares the measured value with reference values. The
valve keeps close when soil is wet and no pesticide found and gets open when soil is dry and
pesticide found. When there is no need of irrigation the microcontroller will be put in sleep
mode and when needed the microcontroller will turned into active mode for power
consumption. The advantages of this system is improved energy efficiency using power
saving modes, dynamic irrigation and pesticide avoidance. Reduced irrigation efficiency
because of not considering bright sunshine duration, air temperature and wind speed values
for reference evapo-transpiration are considered as the main issues with this system.

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Fig4.1.-block diagram of automation system

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A Project Report on ‘Antenna Array with a Reconfigurable Element Factor for Beam Steering’


The term “IoT” stands for the internet of things, can be defined as the
interconnection between the individually identifiable embedded computing apparatus
in the accessible internet infrastructure. The ‘IoT’ connects various devices and
transportations with an help of internet as well as electronic sensors.

In the agriculture field, sensors are used like soil moisture. The
information received from the sensors is sent to the Database folder through the
Android device. In the control section, the system is activated using the application,
this is finished using the ON/OFF buttons in the application. Also, this system is
automatically activated when the soil moisture is low, the pump is switched ON based
on the moisture content.The application has a feature like taking some time from the
user and water the agriculture field when the time comes. In this system, there is a
switch used to turn off the water supply if the system fails. Other parameters such as
the moisture sensor demonstrate the threshold price and the level of water in the soil.

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1. Android based phone

2. GSM module
3. Arduino Uno
4. Relay boards
5.Power supply
6. connecting wires

1.Android based phone:

 Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently
developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, the OS uses
touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping,
pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects, and a virtual
keyboard. We have used the Android platform because of its huge market globally
and it’s easy to use user interface [5]. Applications on the Android phones extend the
functionality of devices and are written primarily in the Java programming language
using the Android software development kit (SDK). The voice recognizer which is an
in built feature of Android phones is used to build an application which the user can
operate to automate the appliances in his house.

Fig.4.1.1. android mobile

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 Android allows apps to have a deeper and more natural hook into the operating
system and user experience. For example, in the coming years, when Google Voice
finally gets a true VOIP client, it will be able to seamlessly replace the default calling
 Bluetooth low energy (Bluetooth LE, BLE, marketed as Bluetooth Smart[8]) is a
wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth
Special Interest Group aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness,
beacons[9] security, and home entertainment industries[10] Compared to Classic
Bluetooth, Bluetooth


M/GPRS module is used to establish communication between a computer and a GSM-

GPRS system. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is an architecture used
for mobile communication in most of the countries. Global Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is
an extension of GSM that enables higher data transmission rate. GSM/GPRS module
consists of a GSM/GPRS modem assembled together with power supply circuit and
communication interfaces (like RS-232, USB, etc) for computer. GSM/GPRS MODEM is a
class of wireless MODEM devices that are designed for communication of a computer with
the GSM and GPRS network. It requires aSIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card just like
mobile phones to activate communication with the network. Also they
have IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number similar to mobile phones for
their identification. A GSM/GPRS MODEM can perform the following operations: 
1.      Receive, send or delete SMS messages in a SIM.
2.      Read, add, search phonebook entries of the SIM.
3.      Make, Receive, or reject a voice call.
The MODEM needs AT commands, for interacting with processor or controller, which are
communicated through serial communication. These commands are sent by the
controller/processor. The MODEM sends back a result after it receives a command. Different
AT commands supported by the MODEM can be sent by the processor/controller/computer
to interact with the GSM and GPRS cellular network

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Fig. GSM Module

3.Arduino UNO:

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328p. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button [2]. It
contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. We either need to connect it to a
computer using a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter. The Arduino circuit acts
as an interface between the software part and the hardware part of the project [1].
The Bluetooth module transmits the text to the Arduino Uno serial port. The text is matched
against the various combinations of predefined texts to switch the appliances on/off. The
appliance name and a command for on/off are stored as predefined command. For example,
to switch on a television the user needs to say “television on” and to switch it off he needs to
say “television off”. The appliances are connected via the relay boards to pin numbers 2, 3
and 4 of the Arduino Uno. When the matching text is detected the corresponding pin number
is given a high or low output signal to switch the appliance on and off respectively. The
boards feature serial communications interfaces, including USB on some models, for loading
programs from personal computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino
platform provides an integrated development environment (IDE)[12] based on the Processing

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The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including USB on some models, for
loading programs from personal computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the
Arduino platform provides an integrated development environment (IDE)[12] based on
the Processing project
Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself
kits. The hardware design specifications are openly available, allowing the Arduino
boards to be manufactured by anyone. Adafruit Industries estimated in mid-2011 that
over 300,000 official Arduinos had been commercially produced[13] and in 2013 that
700,000 official boards were in users' hands[14].

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4. Soil moisture sensor

Soil moisture sensor measures the water content in soil. It uses the property of the electrical
resistance of the soil. The relationship among the measured property and soil moisture is
calibrated and it varies depending on environmental factors such as temperature, soil type, or
electric conductivity. Here, It is used to sense the moisture in field and transfer it to raspberry
pi in order to take controlling action of switching water pump ON/OFF.

Fig. soil moisture sensor

5. Temperature Sensor LM35:

The LM35 is precision IC temperature sensor. Output voltage of LM35 is directly

proportional to the Centigrade/Celsius of temperature. The LM35 does not need external
calibration or trimming to provide accurate temperature range. It is very low cost sensor. It
has low output impedance and linear output. The operating temperature range for LM35 is
−55˚ to +150˚C. With rise in temperature, the output voltage of the sensor increases linearly
and the value of voltage is given to the microcontroller which is multiplied by the conversion
factor in order to give the value of actual temperature

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Fig. Temperature sensor

6. Humidity sensor

It measures both air temperature and moisture. Relative humidity expressed as a

percentage. HS1100 is used for sensing humidity.

Fig. Humidity sensor

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A PIR based motion detector is used to sense movement of people animal or other objects.

Fig. PIR sensor

8. Water pump motor

The pump is powered by an electric motor that drives an impeller, or centrifugalpump. The

impeller moves water, called drive water, from the well through a narrow orifice, or jet,
mounted in the housing in front of the impeller. ... Its function is to slow down the water and
increase the pressure.

Fig. water pump motor

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A relay is an electromagnetic switch. In other words it is activated when a current is applied

to it. Normally a relay is used in a circuit as a type of switch (as shown below). There are
different types of relays and they operate at different voltages. When a circuit is built the
voltage that will trigger it has to be considered. In this project the relay circuit is used to turn
the appliances on/off. The high/low signal is supplied from the Arduino Uno microcontroller.
When a low voltage is given to the relay of an appliance it is turned off and when a high
voltage is given it is turned on. The relay circuit to drive four appliances in the Voice-
operated Android and Arduino Home automation system is shown below. The number of
appliances can be modified according to the user’s requirements.

Fig.4.9.1. Relay

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Fig.4.9.2 Relay

9.1 Switching Relay :

Fig.4.9.3- Relay

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to

mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid-
state relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power
signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or
where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long
distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers: they repeated the signal coming in from one
circuit and re-transmitted it on another circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone
exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations.

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Fig.10.5.1-Power supply

 The power electronics circuit consists of an AC-DC converter with R and Cs to

convert wall outlet AC to a steady and clean power supply of 5V. the circuit diagram
for converting 230V AC into 5V dc is as shown in the fig

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1. Andriod
2. Arduino tool (IDE)

12. Crop water monitoring

Usually the farmer pumps the water more or less to cultivate the land.This may result in
wastage of water or insufficiency to the crops.Sends an alerting message to the farmer when
the moisture level increases or decreases

This is the hardware –softwaere solution consisting of:

Autonomous wireless temperature ,humidity and soil moisture sensors.

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1. This is done with wireless moisture sensors that communicate with the smart
irrigation controls and helps inform the system whether or not the landscape is in need
of water.
2. The smart irrigation system will help you have better control of your landscape
needs as well as peace of mind that the smart system can make decision independently
if you are away .
3. You have significant amount if money your water bills because through intelligent
control and automation
4. Your smart irrigation system will optimize resource so that everything gets what it
needs without need less waste.
5. With the smart irrigation system we can be better set words of our resource which
is a better for environment.

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The application are limited only by your imagination-

 Turning water motor on/off in field .

 In any gardening system
 In the green houses

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The sensors are successfully interfaced with aurdiono-uno and wireless communication is
achieved. All observations and experimental tests prove that this project is a complete
solution to the field activities irrigation problems. Implementation of such a system in the
field can definitely help to improve the yield of the crops and aids to manage the water
resources effectively reducing the wastage. All observations and experimental tests proves
that project is a complete solution to field activities, irrigation problems, and storage
problems using remote controlled robot, smart irrigation system and a smart warehouse
management system respectively. Implementation of such a system in the field can definitely
help to improve the yield of the crops and overall production

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Our project can be improvised by using a sensor to note the soil ph value such that usage of
unnecessary Fertilizers can be reduced. A water meter can be installed to estimate the amount
of water used for irrigation and thus giving a cost estimation. Further, it also reduces the
investment of farmers.

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