Close Up Vocabulary List Unit 6

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Unit 6 Ready, Steady, Go!

Word focus (page 70)

equipment (n) /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/things that are needed for an activity- опрема

● The equipment for sports like scuba diving is very expensive. ➣equip (v), equipped (adj)
coordination (n) /kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn/the ability to control your movements– способност за контролирање на движења, координација
● An athlete needs to be fit and have excellent coordination. ➣coordinate (v)
ice rink (n) /aɪs rɪŋk/a specially prepared surface of ice where you can skate - лизгалиште
● It is quite cold on the ice rink, so dress warmly.
Reading (page 70-71)

fit (adj) /fɪt/strong and healthy because you take regular exercise – подготвен, спремен, во форма, здрав
● Dad runs in the park three times a week, so he’s very fit. ➣fitness (n) ✎Opp: unfit
watersports (n) /ˈwɔːtəspɔːts/sports that are done on or in water – спортови на вода
● I love all watersports, especially skiing and diving.
skate (v) /skeɪt/move on skates (skate = a boot with a metal blade on the bottom) – лизгалка, ролшуа
● I put on my skates and went round and round the ice rink. ➣skate (n), skater (n)
rowing (n) /ˈrəʊɪŋ/a sport or activity of travelling in a boat using oars (весла) - веслање
● Rowing is great exercise, especially for your arms. ➣row (v), rower (n)
knee (n) /niː/the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg - колено
● He fell and hurt his knee badly, so he can’t walk.
lie (v) /laɪ/be in a position in which your body is flat on a surface - лежи
● The surfer was lying on the board, and when a big wave came he stood up and rode it.
board (n) /bɔːd/a long thin piece of hard material used in sports like surfing – даска, штица
● This board is used for surfing and it is made of expensive material.
borrow (v) /ˈbɒrəʊ/take sth that belongs to sb else, use it and return it to them later -позајмува
● I had forgotten to take some money with me, so I had to borrow 20 euros from a friend. ➣borrower (n)
scuba diving (n) /ˈskuːbə ˈdaɪvɪŋ/swimming underwater using a container of air that you have on your back and a tube that you use to
breathe the air in the container – нуркање (со апарат за нуркање)
● My greatest ambition is to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef and see the corals, fish and other sea life there.
level (n) /ˈlevl/a particular standard; how much you know about a subject; how good you are at an activity - ниво
● I’ve been studying English for five years and my level is quite good. ➣level (adj)
including (prep) /ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ/having sth as part of a larger group or amount - вклучувајќи
● The child ate everything on her plate, including the spinach. ➣include (v) ✎Opp: excluding
instructor (n) /ɪnˈstrʌktə/a trainer, sb who teaches you a sport - инструктор
● Dan is a swimming instructor and gives lessons to children every evening at the local pool. ➣instruct (v), instruction (n)
be in safe hands (expr) /biː ɪn seɪf hændz/ not be in danger – да бидеш безбеден, во сигурни раце
● You are in safe hands because the instructor has been giving skiing lessons for twenty years.
hire (v) /haɪə/ rent for a short time - изнајмува
● You don’t have to buy a boat when you go on holiday. You can hire one for as long as you want.
goal (n) /ɡəʊl/ sth that you hope to achieve – цел ● Her goal is to win the chess championship next year.
belt (n) /belt/ a long narrow piece of leather or cloth that you wear around your waist - ремен
● He’s good at judo; he has a black belt.

СУГС Раде Јовчевски Корчагин Професор: Леонора Каталиниќ

confidence (n) /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ a belief in your ability to do sth successfully - доверба
● If you want to win, you must have confidence in your abilities. ➣confident (adj), confidently (adv)
enter a competition (phr) /ˈentər ə ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ put your name on the list for a competition – се натпреварува
● Are you going to enter the story-writing competition? You might win it.
helmet (n) /ˈhelmɪt/ a hard hat that protects your head - шлем
● In Formula 1 racing, the drivers wear helmets to protect their heads.
figure skating (n) /ˈfɪɡə ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ a type of skating in which you move in patterns on the ice and do jumps and spins – уметничко
● My favourite spectator sport is figure skating because the athletes are great to watch.
pull sb/sth along (expr) /pʊl ˈsʌmbədi/ ˈsʌmθɪŋ əˈlɒŋ/ make sb/sth move towards you because they are attached to you or because you
are holding them - влече
● Our car broke down and it was pulled along by another car.
water-skiing (n) /wɔːtə-ˈskiːɪŋ/ a sport in which you are pulled behind a fast boat and you are on skis on water – скијање на вода
● Water-skiing is a hard sport and many people fall in the water when they first try. ➣water-ski (v)
motorboat (n) /ˈməʊtəbəʊt/ a fast boat with an engine - глисер
● They got to Aegina in half an hour in the motorboat.
ride the waves (phr) /raɪd ðə weɪvz/ move on the surface of the water on a board – сурфа на бранови
● Professional surfers can ride the waves for great distances. ✎Syn: surf
life jacket (n) /laɪf ˈʤækɪt/ a jacket filled with air that helps you float in water – елек за спасување
● If you are in a boat, you should wear a life jacket in case you fall into the water.
suitable (adj) /ˈsuːtəbl/ right or appropriate - соодветен
● You can’t go running in those shoes. They aren’t suitable. ➣suitably (adv), suitability (n) ✎Opp: unsuitable
shy (adj) /ʃaɪ/ nervous about meeting and speaking to other people - срамежлив
● Gerry is shy and he hates going to places where there are a lot of strangers. ➣shyly (adv), shyness (n)
compete (v) /kəmˈpiːt/ take part in a competition or sport – се натпреварува
● Hundreds of athletes compete for a gold medal at the Olympic Games. ➣competitor (n), competition (n), competitive (adj),
competitively (adv)
instruct (v) /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ teach sb, especially a skill – учи, подучува
● The chemistry teacher instructed the students on how to do the experiment. ➣instructor (n), instruction (n)
race (n) /reɪs/ a competition in which people run to see who finishes first - трка
● Dave ran in the race and came second. ➣race (v)
coach (n) /kəʊʧ/ sb who trains people to play a sport - тренер
● The rowing coach made his team train every day for an hour. ➣coach (v)
sail (v) /seɪl/ travel on water in a boat with sails – плови, едри, патува со брод
● Sir Francis Chichester was the first person to sail around the world on his own. ➣sail (n), sailor (n)
Vocabulary (page 72)
gymnastics (n) /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ a sport involving movements that need skill and strength - гимнастика
● She’s very good at gymnastics and hopes to get into the Olympic team one day. ➣gymnast (n), gym (n)
snowboarding (n) /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ the sport of moving over snow on a board – скијање на штица, сноубординг
● Snowboarding is a winter sport. ➣snowboard (n), snowboarder (n)
net (n) /net/ the thing that you must hit the ball over in games like tennis; the thing behind the goal posts that players try to hit the ball
into -мрежа
● The footballer kicked the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the match.
cap (n) /kæp/ a flat hat with a curved part sticking out at the front - капа
● Baseball players often wear a cap to keep the sun out of their eyes.

СУГС Раде Јовчевски Корчагин Професор: Леонора Каталиниќ

referee (n) /refəˈriː/ sb who makes sure that players follow the rules of a sport – спортски судија
● The referee gave the player a yellow card. ➣referee (v)
stick (n) /stɪk a long piece of wood that you use to hit a ball in some sports – палка (за хокеј/поло)
● You hit the ball with a stick when playing hockey.
stroll (v) /strəʊl/ walk in a leisurely way – се шета
● I strolled around the park.
tournament (n) /ˈtɔːnəmənt/ a set of games where you must win to carry on to the next game – натпреварување, турнир
● The team have won the first game, so they are still in the tournament.
track (n) /træk/ the ground you run along in a race – патека
● He ran 400 metres on the track in one minute.
umpire (n) /ˈʌmpaɪə(r)/ a person who watches a game like tennis and makes sure that players do not break the rules – судија (во крикет,
тенис, поло)
● The umpire sent the player off the field for using bad language.
line judge (n) /laɪn dʒʌdʒ/ sb who decides when a ball is out of the playing area in a sport – линиски судија
● The line judge saw the footballer was offside and held up his flag.
pitch (n) /pɪʧ/ the area of grass where you play football, soccer or rugby – игралиште (за хокеј, фудбал, крикет)
● The grass on the football pitch was really wet after the heavy rain.
bat (n) /bæt/ a wooden stick used in a sport like baseball – палка (за крикет и безбол)
● He swung the baseball bat and hit the ball.
glove (n) /glʌv/ sth that you wear on your hand to protect it - ракавица
● In baseball, the players wear a large glove to catch the ball.
goal post (n) /ɡəʊl pəʊst/ one of the two posts that form the area where the ball must go in order to score - статива
● Gerard tried to score, but the ball hit the goal post and didn’t go into the net.
astonished (adj) /əˈstɒnɪʃt/ very surprised – зачуден, вчудовиден
● Everyone was astonished when I beat the school champion at tennis. ➣astonishing (adj), astonish (v), astonishment (n)
nasty (adj) /ˈnɑːsti/ painful; serious – болен, сериозен, непријатен
● I’ve got a nasty cold, so I’m not going to school today. ➣nastily (adv), nastiness (n)
one-on-one (adj) /wʌn-ɒn- wʌn/ between two people only – еден на еден
● She’s having a one-on-one lesson with her music teacher.
extra time (n) /ˈekstrə taɪm/ a period of time that is added to the end of a sports game like football if there is no winner at the end of the
normal period – додатно, дополнително време
● The score was 0–0 after the second half, but then David scored in extra time.
Grammar (page 73)
regularly (adv) /ˈreɡjələli/ at regular intervals - редовно
● My grandparents visit us regularly. We see them once a month. ➣regular (adj)
stay in shape (expr) /steɪ ɪn ʃeɪp/ keep fit – одржува форма, кондиција
● I go running twice a week to stay in shape.
evaporate (v) /ɪˈvæpəreɪt/ If a liquid evaporates, it changes into a gas. - испарува
● I left the pan on the cooker and all the water evaporated. ➣evaporation (n), evaporated (adj)
sunbathe (v) /ˈsʌnbeɪð/ sit or lie in the sun in order to get a suntan – се сонча
● You shouldn’t sunbathe at midday. The sun is too hot then.
on time (phr) /ɒn taɪm/ at the time arranged - навреме
● Please arrive on time. You mustn’t be late.
sweatshirt (n) /ˈswetʃɜːt/ a loose piece of clothing that covers the top part of your body and that you wear when you do a sport or when
you are relaxing – горна тренерка
● I like wearing sweatshirts when I’m at home because they are so comfortable.

СУГС Раде Јовчевски Корчагин Професор: Леонора Каталиниќ


Listening (page 74)

relieved (adj) /rɪˈliːvd/ happy because you are no longer worried about sth – му олеснува, полесно му е
● When her son finally came home after midnight, she was relieved that he hadn’t had an accident. ➣relief (n), relieve (v)
behaviour (n) /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ the way sb does things - однесување
● The students were expelled from school for bad behaviour. ➣behave (v)
unacceptable (adj) /ʌnəkˈseptəbl/ so wrong or bad that it should not be allowed - неприфатливо
● The team lost the basketball game 32–68 and their coach said the score was unacceptable. ➣accept (v), acceptance (n) ✎Opp:
commentary (n) /ˈkɒməntri/ a spoken description of an event while it is happening - коментар
● Grandpa is blind so he follows the football by listening to radio commentaries. ➣comment (n, v), commentator (n)
Speaking (page 75)
major (adj) /ˈmeɪʤə/ important - важен
● The football World Cup is a major championship that all countries want to win. ➣majority (n) ✎Opp: minor
specialist (adj) /ˈspeʃəlɪst/ used for a very particular purpose - стручна
● This is specialist equipment and you need training to use it. ➣specialist (n), specialised (adj), specialise (v), special (adj)
challenging (adj) /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ difficult in an interesting way – предизвикувачки, привлечен, интересен
● Being a teacher is a challenging job because it isn’t easy to deal with children. ➣challenge (n, v)
take up (phr v) /teɪk ʌp/ start a sport or hobby – почнува (хоби, спорт)
● Our kids have taken up tae kwon do this year and they have lessons twice a week.
totally (adv) /ˈtəʊtəli/ completely – целосно, сосема
● I don’t want to play the piano any more. I want to try a totally different instrument. ➣total (adj)
absolutely (adv) /ˈæbsəluːtli/ completely – целосно, сосема, апсолутно
● Thank you for your present. It’s absolutely lovely. ➣absolute (adj)

Vocabulary (page 76)

define (v) /dɪˈfaɪn/ describe clearly – дефинира, одредува
● He defined the phrasal verb for the class and explained its meaning. ➣definition (n), defined (adj)
competitively (adv) /kəmˈpetətɪvli/ in a way that shows you are trying very hard to be more successful or better than others –
конкурентски, натпреварувачки
● She wants to win, so she plays very competitively. ➣competitive (adj), compete (v), competition (n), competitor (n)
assistant (n) /əˈsɪstənt/ a person who helps sb, usually in their job - помошник
● I couldn’t do my job without my assistant, Mr Robinson. ➣assist (v), assistance (n)
freely (adv) /ˈfriːli/ without anyone stopping sb/sth; allowing sb/ sth to move without stopping them - слободно
● They are going to make the road wider so that traffic can move freely. ➣free (adj, v), freedom (n)
follower (n) /ˈfɒləʊə(r)/ a person who admires a particular person, sport, ideas, etc. - следбеник, обожавател
● I write a blog on sport and I have a large number of followers. ➣follow (n), following (adj)
concentrated (adj) /ˈkɒnsntreɪtɪd/ made stronger because water has been removed - концентриран
● I bought a tin of concentrated milk from the supermarket. ➣concentrate (v), concentration (n)
deepen (v) /ˈdiːpən/ become deeper; become stronger - продлабочува
● The longer they knew each other, the more their love deepened. ➣deep (adj), deeply (adv), depth (n)
supervisor (n) /ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)/ sb who makes sure that sb else does a job correctly or that a job or activity is done correctly – надзорник,
управител, раководител, ментор
● Her supervisor was pleased with her work. ➣supervise (v), supervision (n)

СУГС Раде Јовчевски Корчагин Професор: Леонора Каталиниќ

proper (adj) /ˈprɒpə(r)/ appropriate, correct – вистински, соодветен, погоден, точен
● I don’t want to eat a sandwich. I want a proper meal – some fish and boiled potatoes, perhaps. ➣properly (adv)
free-diving (n) /friː-ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ diving without breathing equipment – нуркање без опрема
● You need to do breathing exercises before you try free-diving in deep water.
hold your breath (expr) /həʊld jɔː breθ/ not breathe on purpose – задржи здив
● I can hold my breath underwater for 40 seconds and then I need to come up for air.
air tank (n) /eə tæŋk/ a large container with air to breathe for divers – резервоар за воздух
● Divers use air tanks so they can stay under water for a long time without coming to the surface to breathe.
professional (n) /prəˈfeʃənl/ sb who does a sport or other activity as a job and earns money from it – стручњак, професионалец
● Doug is a professional and makes a lot of money playing golf. ➣profession (n), professional (adj) ✎Opp: amateur
excel (v) /ɪkˈsel/ do very well – се надминува себеси
● He excels at basketball and wants to be a professional player. ➣excellence (n), excellent (adj)
parachute (n) /ˈpærəʃuːt/ a large piece of cloth fastened to the back of a person who jumps out of a plane that opens to form an
umbrella shape and makes the person fall to the ground slowly - падобран
● He jumped out of the plane and a few seconds later his parachute opened. ➣parachute (v), parachutist (n)
Grammar (page 77)
properly (adv) /ˈprɒpəli/ correctly; appropriately – правилно, исправно
● You must learn to speak English properly, without mistakes. ➣proper (adj)
calm down (phr v) /kɑːm daʊn/ become calm, not excited, angry, upset or nervous – се смирува
● Please don’t shout. Calm down and take deep breaths.
warm up (phr v) /wɔːm ʌp/ get ready to do or play a sport by doing some gentle exercises – се загрева
● The sprinters walked up and down the track to warm up before the race. ➣warm-up (n)
Video- Water Sport Adventure (page 80)
spectator (n) /spekˈteɪtə(r)/ a person who is watching a sport – гледач, публика
● The spectators cheered when Harvey scored the winning goal.
sportsperson (n) /ˈspɔːtspɜːsn/ a person who plays sport as a job – професионален спортист
● They interviewed the sportsperson who had won the most medals at the Olympics. ✎plural: sportspeople
power (n) /ˈpaʊə(r)/ strength; energy - сила, моќ
● I think that getting energy from the power of the wind is a fantastic idea. ➣power(v), powerful(adj), powerfully(adv)
kite (n) /kaɪt/ a frame covered in paper or plastic that you fly in the air on the end of a string - летало
● Traditionally, children fly kites in Greece on the day that starts the 40-day period before Easter.
gorge (n) /gɔːʤ/ a very deep valley – клисура, (планински) теснец ● You can go on walking holidays in the Samaria Gorge in Crete.
tower (n) /ˈtaʊə(r)/ a tall structure – кула ● We climbed the tower and looked down on the people below.
foot (n) /fʊt/ a unit for measuring length (30.48 centimetres) – стапка ● That basketball player is seven feet tall, that’s over two metres!
invent (v) /ɪnˈvent/ make or design sth that has not existed before - открива
● Everyone knows that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. ➣inventor (n), invention (n), inventive (adj)
launch (v) /lɔːnʧ/ throw into the air - лансира
● We tried again and again to launch our kite into the air, but there wasn’t enough wind for it to fly. ➣launch (n)
mechanical engineer (n) /məˈkænɪkl enʤɪˈnɪə/ sb who has a university degree in mechanical engineering, sb who works with machines
and engines – механички инженер
● Greg’s father is a mechanical engineer and works for a car manufacturing company.
come up with sth (phr v) /kʌm ʌp wɪθ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ find or think of an answer, an idea, a solution, etc. - смислува
● The student came up with a clever solution to the problem.
rope (n) /rəʊp/ very strong thick string used to tie things ● Mountain climbers use strong ropes to help them climb.

СУГС Раде Јовчевски Корчагин Професор: Леонора Каталиниќ

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