Group Problems #12 - Solutions: Monday, September 19

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Group Problems #12 - Solutions

Monday, September 19

Problem 1 Energy-momentum invariant

(a) What is the value of the energy-momentum invariant for a particle of mass m?
The modulus of a particle’s 4-momentum is defined as P2 = P · P = (E/c)2 − p2 .
This quantity is invariant with respect to a change in reference frames, so to
compute its value we are free to choose a convenient frame. Choosing the frame
in which the particle is at rest gives p = 0 and E = γmc2 = mc2 , since v = 0 and
γ = 1 in this frame. So we have (E/c)2 −p2 = (mc2 /c)2 = m2 c2 . Traditionally, we
define the “energy-momentum invariant” in energy units, so we multiply through
by c2 :
E 2 − (pc)2 = m2 c4 . (1)
So the “value” of the energy-momentum invariant is m2 c4 . It is also OK to use
momentum units, in which case the value is m2 c2 .

(b) What is the value of the energy-momentum invariant for a massless particle?
From above we see that E 2 − (pc)2 = 0 for a massless (m = 0) particle. Thus,
the value of the energy-momentum invariant is zero.

Problem 2 Compton scattering

A beam of x-rays with wavelength 0.2400 nm is directed toward a sample. The x-rays
scatter from the electrons within the sample, imparting momentum to the electrons,
which are initially at rest in the lab frame. After scattering, the x-rays are detected
at various angles relative to the direction of the incoming beam using a detector that
can resolve their wavelengths.

(a) What is the longest wavelength measured by the detector?

The Compton scattering formula derived in the lecture notes is:
λ0 − λ = (1 − cos θ), (2)


where λ is the initial x-ray wavelength, λ0 is the scattered x-ray wavelength, m

is the mass of the recoiling particle (in this case an electron: mc2 = 511 keV),
and θ is the scattering angle of the x-rays relative to the initial beam direction.
Note that λ0 ≥ λ since −1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1. This makes sense since the scattering
process imparts energy and momentum to the recoiling electron, and thus the
x-ray energy must decrease (the wavelength must get longer).
The largest shift in the wavelength occurs for cos θ = −1. In this case,
λ0 = λ + 2 . (3)
A very useful quantity to remember is Planck’s constant times the speed of light:
hc = 1240 eV-nm. With this, we find:
1240 eV − nm
λ0 = 0.2400 nm + 2 = 0.2400 + 0.0049 = 0.2449 nm. (4)
511 × 103 eV

(b) At what scattering angle does this occur?

cos θ = −1 −→ θ = π. The x-ray scatters directly backwards, which gives the
biggest momentum kick to the electron. This corresponds to the largest possible
loss of energy from the x-ray photon.
(c) For this scattering angle, what is the kinetic energy of the recoiling electrons?
Conserving the first component of the 4-momentum before and after the scatter-
ing process is equivalent to conservation of energy. So we have:
E + me c2 = E 0 + γme c2 =⇒ E − E 0 = (γ − 1)me c2 , (5)
where E is the initial energy of the x-ray photon and E 0 is the energy of the
scattered x-ray. We recognize that the last term in the equation, (γ − 1)me c2 is
the kinetic energy of the recoiling electron. Thus, we must convert the initial and
scattered x-ray wavelengths into energy using E = hc/λ = 1240 eV-nm/λ.
For the current problem, we have E = 1240/0.24 = 5167 eV, and E 0 = 1240/0.2449 =
5063 eV, so E − E 0 = 104 eV, which is the kinetic energy of the recoiling electron.
Note that this is much smaller than the rest energy of an electron (511 keV), so
the recoiling electron is non-relativistic.
(d) If the detector measures a wavelength for the scattered x-rays of 0.2412 nm, what
is the x-ray scattering angle?
Rearranging the Compton scattering formula (Eq. 2) gives:
me c2
cos θ = (λ − λ0 ) +1 (6)
511 × 103
= −0.0012 +1 (7)
= 0.5 (8)
−→ θ = π/3. (9)

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(e) What is the direction of travel of the recoiling electrons in this case?
The energy of the scattered x-ray photon is E 0 = hc/λ0 = 1240/0.2412 = 5141
eV, so its momentum is p0 = E 0 /c = 5141 eV/c. It travels at a 60◦ angle,
so p0x = 5141 cos(π/3) = 2570.5 eV/c and p0y = 5141 sin(π/3) = 4452.3 eV/c.
Conserving the x- and y-components of momentum before and after the scattering
process then gives:

x − direction : pi,tot = pf,tot −→ 5167 eV/c = 2570.5 eV/c + p0e,x (10)

−→ p0e,x = 2596.5 eV/c (11)
y − direction : pi,tot = pf,tot −→ 0 = 4452.3 eV/c + p0e,y (12)
−→ p0e,y = −4452.3 eV/c (13)

where pi,tot and pf,tot are the total initial and final momentum in each direction,
and p0e,x and p0e,y is the momentum of the recoiling electron in the x- and y-
directions, respectively. With this information, we can solve for the direction of
travel, φ, for the recoiling electrons:

p0e,y 4452.3
tan φ = 0
=− −→ φ = 59.75◦ . (14)
pe,x 2596.5

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