Group Problems #12 - Solutions: Monday, September 19
Group Problems #12 - Solutions: Monday, September 19
Group Problems #12 - Solutions: Monday, September 19
Monday, September 19
(b) What is the value of the energy-momentum invariant for a massless particle?
From above we see that E 2 − (pc)2 = 0 for a massless (m = 0) particle. Thus,
the value of the energy-momentum invariant is zero.
course name PS #
(e) What is the direction of travel of the recoiling electrons in this case?
The energy of the scattered x-ray photon is E 0 = hc/λ0 = 1240/0.2412 = 5141
eV, so its momentum is p0 = E 0 /c = 5141 eV/c. It travels at a 60◦ angle,
so p0x = 5141 cos(π/3) = 2570.5 eV/c and p0y = 5141 sin(π/3) = 4452.3 eV/c.
Conserving the x- and y-components of momentum before and after the scattering
process then gives:
where pi,tot and pf,tot are the total initial and final momentum in each direction,
and p0e,x and p0e,y is the momentum of the recoiling electron in the x- and y-
directions, respectively. With this information, we can solve for the direction of
travel, φ, for the recoiling electrons:
p0e,y 4452.3
tan φ = 0
=− −→ φ = 59.75◦ . (14)
pe,x 2596.5
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