Accounts SBA

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Aim: The impact of Technology on the Financial Accounting System at Grace Kennedy Ltd

1. To determine the advantages and disadvantages that the computerised accounting system
has over the manual accounting system

2. To determine how the advent of technology has impacted the employees and how they
respond to it

3. To find out
Dear Respondents:

My name is Rushawn Beecher a lower six form student at Morant Bay High School. I
am conducting an investigation into the impact of Technology on the Financial Accounting
System at Grace Kennedy Ltd. This is for partial completion of my Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) course. The administration of this questionnaire is a part of
the fulfillment of my IA and any information gathered will be kept strictly confidential.

Thanks in advance

Yours Respectfully
Rushawn Beecher

Please indicate your response by placing a tick [√] in box provided or write on the lines

1. What type of organization are you (non-profit, for-profit, commercial etc.)?


2. Is your organization incorporated or legally registered?

Yes No (If no, explain)



3. Which one of the following best describes your accounting system?

Manual Automated/Computerized Combination

4. How often are financial reports prepared?

Monthly Quarterly Annually Not Prepared (Explain)

5. Do you consider the manual accounting system to be efficient?

Yes No

6. What is the main disadvantage of the manual accounting system?

It takes a long time to complete

It is difficult to operate

More employees are needed to complete work given to them

It is less accurate

7. What do you believe are some of the disadvantages of the computerized accounting



8. What is the main advantage of the computerized accounting system?

Records are easier to prepare

Faster Processing

Improved Accuracy

All of the Above

9. Do you know of any other advantages of the computerized accounting system?



10. Which of the accounting systems do you believe to be more efficient?

Manual Computerized

11. What is the main positive effect of the computerized accounting system on the


They receive training

To work is easier

They are more motivated to work

They become more diverse and flexible in their jobs

12. What is the main negative effect of the computerized accounting system on the


Those who are computer illiterate are fired

They develop poor work attitude (laziness)

The need for them is reduced hence they are fired

None of the above

13. In your opinion what other effects does technology have on the workforce on a whole?



14. What is the main measure taken to secure data when using the computerized accounting


The use of passwords

The use of only authorized personnel

The use of back up storage

None of the Above

15. What are some of the measures used to secure the data when using the manual

accounting system?




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