CE Project Action Plan Template: Intervention Summary Statement

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Skylar Robinson

KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green
CE Project Action Plan Template

(Public Health Open Pressbook (Textbook))

Intervention summary statement

I will help develop and write a public health open press book textbook that will be aimed towards public
health students who are learning about the concepts of public health. The purpose of the textbook is for
many different reasons. Some reasons include students having the ability to have free access to a textbook,
not only students have access but anyone who wants to learn about public health will have access to the
textbook. Also, there currently aren't any updated public health open press books that are available that
discuss today's issues. Students would be able to read about today's experiences in public health, instead of
reading outdated information. This textbook could help students learn more about public health, and it
could help them have a better idea of what type of career they would have in public health. I think it’s
essential to include every foundation of public health because this could really help individuals learn more
information. I will have meetings with my supervisor, Dr. Garner every week, so I will be able to continue to
work on this project. Also, I will conduct research about the topics discussed in the press book, organize
activities and assignments for KINE2350 that will correlate with the textbook. Everything I do will
potentially be used towards the open press book, and I will rely on research to help me with the process.
Also, I will create a course map for the chapters that I choose to focus on. All of these tasks will correspond
with creating and writing the open press book. Everything I work on will go towards starting the process of
putting together a textbook. Overall, I will work on the press book and do the parts I’m assigned from
February to May 2022. I will work on and achieve the goals I set for myself, towards helping form the public
health press book.

Community analysis

Currently, there's no intro to public health open textbooks upon conducting research on the open pres
sbook (OER) website. I found that there were many public health textbooks, but they didn't focus on the
introduction of public health. That could be an issue of someone looking into learning about public health,
and they can’t find a textbook to learn about the foundations of public health. The pandemic caused an
influx of interest in public health, and people might not have the ability to pay for a textbook. Therefore
our textbook will be free and available for anyone to read, even though it will be heavily used in the intro
level public health course at UTA. Also, the public health textbooks on OER doesn't go into great detail

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green
about public health, instead many of the open press books focus on specific parts of public health. Also,
currently, there aren't any updated open textbooks that focus on today's public health issues. For instance,
despite there being research conducted about COVID, on the OER website there aren't any textbooks that
mention COVID. Also, the information that will be presented in the press book will be factual, and could
potentially reduce the spread of misinformation. This will help more people learn about public health, and
as a result, have more efforts into spreading factual information. Also, this could help spread positive
information about the efforts of public health to the public from students. Being informed about public
health could help the public become more aware, and could bring a positive outlook. Another benefit of
the textbook is that not only will students learn, but there will be activities associated. This will help
students learn even more by working on activities for the chapters. The more likely students work on
activities when learning, the more likely they will collect the information.

Problem analysis

Provide a summary description of the problem this intervention plan relates to. Include a description of:
● Nature, severity and scale of problem?
● Distribution of problem?
Approximately 500 words

Stakeholder analysis

Provide a summary description of the major stakeholders related to the problem being addressed s
● What we know about the target group, description etc
● Motivation and opportunities of the target group

● Accessibility and engagement with the target group

Approximately 300 words

Determinant Analysis

Provide a summary description of the determinant analysis you have conducted demonstrating an
understanding of the problem
● What are the determinants of the problem
● What determinants are amenable to change
● How have determinants been prioritised or selected for change?
● What theoretical models or assumptions are being used?

Insert determinant analysis diagram and describe analysis of the causative relationship between

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green
determinants and problem.

Approximately 400 words

Mandates for action

Provide a summary of existing mandates for action that support investment in your intervention.

Approximately 300 words

Existing capacity for action

Provide a summary of existing capacity and capacity gaps that support your call for extra resources and
investment to support problem solving.

Approximately 300 words

Project partners and governance

Provide a summary of who and how you plan to establish intervention governance structures that include
key stakeholders and assist decision making.

Use diagrams as required

Approximately 300 words

Goal & Objectives

● The goal is to create an intro to public heath open press book ( textbook)
● Conduct Research for the textbook
● Review KINE 2350 assignments and activities
● Organize chapters into modules

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green
● Create a course map for chapters
● Write a letter for Dr. Garner (discuss lessons learned)

Intervention research
Summarise the intelligence from previous interventions (intervention research) that demonstrates you
have considered the learnings from previous effort. How has this informed your strategy mix?

Limit to 250 words

Strategy mix
Summarise the rationale and describe the strategy mix
● Describe strategy mix
● Do strategies fit with objectives (what is the logic model)
● Why do we think they have merit and are likely to work?
● Are strategies supported by intervention research evidence?

Evaluation Plan

Describe the evaluation plan, specifically describing methods, how evaluation relates to goals and objectives
and the types of evaluation:
● Process
● Impact
● Outcome
● Capacity
● Economic evaluation.

What are the evaluation research questions?

What theoretical frameworks are used?

How are we accounting for confounding effects on evaluation results?

(intervention vs control comparisons etc)

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green

Evaluation stage Method Description of data collection / Data type Answers Question No? Output/
analysis method Disemmination






Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green

Activity planning
Work package descriptions

Activity/Task Method Who When

Skylar Robinson
KINE 4359-002
Dr. Brandie Green

Project costs

Item Costs1

1. Investment by permanent staff (FTE estimates only)      

2. Project budget:
a) Temporary project staff - (insert level, FTE and time period)      
b) Associated non labour and corporate overheads      
c) Other (itemise)      
Project budget-total      

Resource contribution from stakeholders


Estimated margin of error


Cost implications post-project



1 If project is multi-year, add additional columns and provide costs for each financial year.

Project Schedule- timelines
Strategy/Activity Accountable Months (adjust timeframe as necessary)
Officer/s Duration Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Project strategy implementation / finalisation activities

Project management activities

Risk management

What do you foresee might go wrong, and how will you plan to manage?

Risk Risk Management Activities

Preventive Contingent

Communication management

What plan do you have to keep stakeholders informed and to ensure project effects/impacts are shared
and utilised?

What How With/To Whom When/how often

References/ intelligence sources


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