True love of self does not exclude love for others;for love is
never selfish.It always shiares its goodness to another.As Fulton.
Sheen puts it,"There are only two words in the vocabulary of love:
you and forever.You,because love must not be confined to the seif,;
it reaches out,it radiates itself to another to you.
General Applications
The principle of justice does not only govern the relations
between an individual with another.It also applies to:
(a)The government should render aid for education,the pro-
motion of social justice,the protection of labor,for sanita-
Legal Justice
The citizen in turn has his duties to the state;for instance,
to render military service to the state
Commutative Justice
Every individual should render to another that which
belongs to him.The basis of this is the so-called mutuality of
rights and duties..
Particular Applications of Justice
Duties of Justice
It follows from the principle of love and justice that it is wrong
tO do anything harmful to the body,reputation,and property of others.
Inus,murder is a great wrong because 1)It runs counter to the basic
Piinciple of love and justice.2)it does violence to the social order
ald,therefore.,against the moral law.3)It is against man's nature as
a Social being and,therefore,against the natural law.Man,as we have
often pointed out,is made not to live by himself alone but with his
fellow beings in society.But what will happen if men murder each
other?Social life would become impossible.4)It robs God of His sole
dominion over life and death.He is the author of life and'He alone
can take it away.
Self Defense
Under certain conditions,it is morally justified to kill an unjust
asgressor in self-defense.
The right to live is a basic and inalienable right.Now,the right
to live necessarily includes the right to use the means necessary to
sustain and defend one's life.But sometimes,it may happen that the
only way to save one's life from an unjuste aggressor is to kill;
therefore,to kill an unjust aggressor may be morally permissible under
certain conditions.These conditions are:
One of our duties of love toward our neighbors is truthfulness or
veracity.Moral truth is the conformity between what one says and
what one has in mind.A lie is telling an untruth,telling what is not in
one's mind.
Lying is intrinsically wrong:1)it is against the natural purpose
of speech.Man is a speaking creature;he is given the power of speech
in order to be able to live and communicate with his fellows.But how
can he liua nnd commnnicate with hic fellowc hu lvinngYT xinn tande
life.Lying does violence to man's social nature and,therefore,is
against the moral law.
Mental Reservation
Mental reservation is the making of a statement which would
seem a lie without qualification but would not be a lie with the proper
qualification reserved in one's mind.It is similar to giving a double-
meaning statement.Under certain conditions,which are dictated by
the principle of justice and prudence,a mental reservation is not a lic
and,therefore,does not share in the malice of a lie.
2.To a fellow who always disturbs you by always going with you
to the show,you can tell"I will not go to the show''(although
you are really going),reserving the phrase"if you go with me"
in your mind.
3.To one who wishes to buy,asking you if you have this or that
thing(butter,for instance),you may answer"'no"'reserving
mentally the qualification."not for sale."'
from his pocket(his father's pocket).If the boy really got it,he
Cannot make a mental reservation.
standpoint,divorce is wrong,for: