Eloá Volpini - DR - CL1B - L2 - Assignment

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Composition and Literature 1B

Name: Eloa Rodrigues Volpini

Email: 1124elvo625019@mizzouacademy.missouri.ed

School: Colegio Dante Alighieri

Classroom Teacher’s Name:

Complete this template. When your assignment is just the way you like it, submit
it to Canvas for a grade.
Comp & Lit 1B
Lesson 2 Writing Assignment

Character Portrait:
Imagine you are a new character in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
Use the template to create a character description of yourself that includes
these aspects:
1. A photograph of yourself that represents you in character. You may use
props to represent your midcentury style and personality.
2. Your imaginary name and your relationship to the Capulets or
3. What you hope to accomplish by the end of the play, described in 3-5
4. An original quote that provides a strong sense of your personality. It is
written by you. It sounds Shakespearean and either (a) uses iambic
pentameter or (b) is written as a rhyming couplet.
Your assignment meets the following guidelines:
● Your text is typed in 12-point font and double-spaced.
● The template is complete.
● Your writing shows thought and imagination.
● Your quote is written in Shakespearean language.
● Your quote is written either in iambic pentameter or rhyming couplets
(or both!).

Character Portrait

Image and Name Relationship to Montagues or

- Sebastian Elchester Capulets

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Composition and Literature 1B

I'm a Friar laurence cousin, who

had a close relationship with the

Montagues family as I was a family

friend for many years. I used to

help with the organization of the

house. Sebastian met Juliet at her

house and said he was in love at

first sight.


Would be to prevent Romeo and

Juliet from getting married by

bribing the priest ( friar laurence )

because he was in love with Juliet

since he met her and doesn’t want

to feel the pain of seeing her

getting married to another man.


" Thou art my love

Wherefore hast to be like that

All of a sudden you marry

Come what, come may I still love

thou. "

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Composition and Literature 1B

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