Baredo Princess Jane Mondilo 11 Abm 2 Hope: Manager
Baredo Princess Jane Mondilo 11 Abm 2 Hope: Manager
Baredo Princess Jane Mondilo 11 Abm 2 Hope: Manager
Functions, Roles, and Skills of a Manager
Functions Roles Skills
A manager has Interpersonal
managers work to to perform skills.
increase the functions Communication
efficiency and like planning, and motivation.
effectiveness of organizing, Organisation and
their employees, staffing, delegation.
processes, directing and Forward planning
projects, and controlling. All and strategic
organizations as a these functions thinking.
whole. the most are essential for Problem solving
fundamental level, running an and decision-
management is a organization making.
discipline that smoothly and Commercial
consists of a set of achieving awareness.
five general enterprise Mentoring.
functions: planning, objectives.
organizing, staffing, Planning is
leading and required for
controlling. These setting goals and
five functions are establishing
part of a body of strategies for
practices and coordinating
theories on how to activities.
be a successful
TEACHER SIDE Activity 2- performance task
Task 1 - Design a backdrop for the Virtual World Teachers’ Day Celebration
1. Perform with the theme: ““Gurong Filipino: Katuwang sa Hamon, Kasama sa
Activity 2 found in Pagbangon” and
the OM – LAS 2. with the front of Daraga Parish Church as the background. This can be done
Choose ONE out through
of the 7 Learning an illustration/sketch of photoshop/canva or any cellphone apps to come up
Tasks. with the said
Consider the backdrop.Present it through a power point presentation or in word.
given situation in
the Learning
Activity Sheet.
(LAS). Output
can be recorded
and submitted
online – in the
Answer the
questions that
Activity 2 –
Performance Answers to the Questions
Task Q1. What functions of management did you apply to come up with output?
( Answers to Q 1- Cite examples.
5) -The different functions of management I apply to come up with my output .
2. Attend
ONLINE class via first is the planning , creating a plan to meet company goals and objectives.
Google Second is organizing, organize who needs to do the task or what task to be
classroom. Link done. And third is directing those activities which are designed to encourage
will be sent in the subordinates to work effectively and efficiently and lastly time
your block management , Effective time management skills can have a positive impact
GC. on my work, When you learn to take control of your time on a daily basis, you
improve your ability to get things done, make better decisions and most
importantly, gain ultimate control of your key priorities
2. If you perform by group, list down your group members and identify each
role. Write the
duties and responsibilities. If you are alone, what role and
duties/responsibilities you
Group ROLE Duties and responsibilities
Pau llanza Leader Her responsibility is to keep the
group focused on the primary goal
or task by setting agendas,
controlling the participation and
communication of the group’s
members, and evaluating ideas and
contributions of participants. Her
duty is to communicate clearly,
Disciplining her group members ,
motivates the group, mentoring ,
The Learner, the communicator ,
and the navigator.
Avian Information As the information gatherer, avian
Gatherers are very important in the success of
the group. Aivan are in charge of
getting all the information together
to be presented on the final day of
the research project. Here are the
other jobs that avian are
responsible for: avian will look over
each group member’s information
and notes before task is over each
day. Avian will sort out any
unnecessary information that should
not be included on the visual aid.
Avian will look over and approve all
the information that goes on the
visual aid. Avian will gather as much
credible information that you can
find for the visual aid.
Kyle alejo Materials As the materials kyle are
Person responsible for gathering and
returning all the materials that your
group will use during the project. It
is kyle responsibility to gather and
return all items to their designated
place. Here are the jobs you are
responsible for: kyle will gathering
all handouts, answer sheets, etc.
kyle will be responsible for gathering
and returning all highlighters,
crayons, pencils, etc. to designated
area. He will be responsible for
returning all items to the classroom
or teacher.