EE - IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas FOR BIOLOGY

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IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas: Biology extended essay topics

1. Endosymbiotic theory – evidence for how ancient bacteria were “subjugated” and transformed into
eukaryotic cell organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts)
2. Fungi – metabolic and molecular similarities with both plants and animals
3. Evidence supporting life evolution on Earth near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor
4. Current theories and evidence for biological mechanisms responsible for increasing rates of allergic diseases
in developed countries
5. Tracking ancient people migration events using relative frequencies of blood groups in various geographic
6. How millennia of breeding made domesticated dogs respond to eye contact by bonding (by producing
oxytocin hormone)
7. Biological mechanisms of magnetoreception for geographical navigation in various organisms
8. Benefits and advances in modelling entire organisms in silico (using computers) – the example of
Mycoplasma genitalium as a “whole cell” model
9. An analysis of recent adaptive traits evolved in humans (tolerance to arsenic in drinking water in Patagonia,
better nutrient assimilation from dairy products in Europe, or from vegetal food in Africa, etc.)
10. Neanderthalian DNA in people with European ancestry
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 Abortion, Human cloning, Genetic Researches Biology Topics:
1. Presentation on Abortion Law & Society’s Perspective in the USA
2. How Abortion is Related to the Feminist Ideology
3. The Biological Insights of Abortion
4. Human Cloning & Transplantation Possibilities
5. Project on Different Types of Cloning
6. DNA Structure, Genetic Disorders, and Modern Technology
7. History and Development of Human Cloning Science
8. Cloning: The Moral Aspect
9. How Cloning Can Change Medicine
10. What We Actually Know About DNA-modified Organisms
11. DNA Modifications in Humans
12. Can DNA Change Beat Aging?
13. Genetic Grounds for Obesity
14. Is Homosexuality Genetically Based?
15. How Addictive Substances Affect Our Genes
16. Depression & Genes
17. Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?
18. Should Human Cloning Be Legal?
19. The Advantages of Transgenic Crops
20. Factors Contributing to Genetic Mutations
21. Organ Transplantation: Is Donor’s Consent Needed?
22. Ethics Behind Transplantation
23. How Public Opinion Holds Back the Scientific Progress

 Behaviour and Hormones Biology Research Topics:

Another huge part of biology research essay topics deals with the question of behavior and hormones.
Students can share ideas on how our hormones influence mood and well-being. They can also be related to
some disorders.
1. Report on the Significance of Certain Hormones Concerning the Body Functioning
2. Cell Structure & Antibiotic Resistance
3. Hormones Influence on Mind and Behavior
4. How Hormones Contribute to Depression
5. Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy
6. Psychological Disorders: The Biological Basis
7. Biology Behind the Bipolar Disorder
8. Cortisol and Testosterone Influence Risk-Taking
9. Current Oxytocin Science
10. Oxytocin and Fear Reaction
11. Endocrine-Related Diseases
12. How Hormones Affect Human Behavior
13. Hormonal Control of Reproductive System
14. Influence of Hormonal Therapy
15. Endocrinology and Metabolism
16. Hormone-Specific Psychopathic Disorders
17. Melatonin in Therapy
18. Steroid Hormones’ Path to Cells
19. Cardio Exercise Influence Hormones
20. Oxytocin in Treatment Psychopathic Disorders
21. How Hormones Influence Women’s Mental Health
22. Gender Specifics Related to Mental Health
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 Immune System Biology Research Topics:

Biology topics to write about cannot be full without at least several ones dealing with the immune system. It
is our main defense against different diseases, that’s why it is important to know more about it.
1. Human Immune System and Its Resistance Capabilities
2. How Do Immune System Agents Function?
3. Discovering Diseases Caused by Immune System not Functioning Good
4. Immunity & Stress
5. Tolerance & Autoimmunity
6. Asthma & Allergic Reactions
7. Immunotherapy Influence on Human Body
8. Immunology & Transplantation
9. Graft Rejection Prevention
10. Vaccination: Are There Any Real Benefits?
11. The Society’s Perspective on Vaccination

 Plant Pathology Biology Research Topics:

Here are several interesting biology research topics concerning plant pathology:
1. Natural Disease Resistance in Plants
2. The Prevention Measures in Plant Pathology
3. Research on Plant-Associated Microbes and Current Genomic Tools
4. Literature Review on Microbial Ecology and Evolution
5. Plant Diseases Management Facilitated by Modern Technology
6. Plant Evolutionary Genetics
7. Weedy & Invasive Plants
8. Photosynthesis: Aspects & Functions
9. Fertilizers’ Influence on Plants

 Ecology-concerning Subjects Biology Research Topics:

Undergraduates can do a proposal on Ecology-concerning subjects. First, it is one of the most relevant
scientific fields as we deal with the results of human behavior all the time. Any new cool paper can shed
some light of new ideas that will contribute to making the world a better place.
1. Ecological and Evolutionary Factors Influencing Animal Behavior
2. Essay on Relationship Between Living Forms and Their Environment
3. The Affect of Human Behavior on Animal Forms in the USA
4. The Ways Animal and Plants Respond to Changing Environment
5. Developmental Mechanism of Resistance in Animals
6. The Environmental Change and its Involvement in the Diversity of Species
7. Is Global Warming Really a Threat?
8. Fast Food Industry & Tropic Forests Extinction
9. Environmental Psychology
10. Means of Wildlife Protection
11. Impact of Rain Forests Extinction
12. Rare Species Protection
13. The Problem of Extinction
14. Renewable Energy and Environment’s Pollution
15. Climate Change and Biodiversity
16. Types of Pollution in Modern World
17. What is Sustainability in Biology?
18. Non-human factors of Extinction of Species
19. Benefits of Ecotourism
20. Is Extinction of Bees Real?
21. Oil Spill Effects on Ocean Wildlife
22. Factors and benefits of Organic Farming

 Neurobiology Research Topics:

1. Visual Cortex & Models of Orientation
2. Neuroscience in Robotic Technologies
3. What is Visual-Motor Coordination Based On?
4. Impact of Music on Human Brain
5. Brain Injuries and Related Disorders
6. Brain and Memory
7. Brain Capabilities of Self-Repairing
8. Genetic Defect That Contributes to Schizophrenia
9. Factors and Causes Behind a Migraine
10. Connection Between Gut Bacteria and Anxiety
11. Can Gut Bacteria Contribute to Depression?
12. Cognitive Neuroscience on Problem-Solving
13. Genes and Proteins Responsible for Neurons functioning

 Animals Biology Research Topics:

Here are fascinating biology research topics related to animals. They are quite popular among students. You
can submit several papers dwelling on deep analysis of one phenomenon or species.
1. Factors Concerning Animal Growth
2. The Obesity in Home Pets
3. Traditional Dog Diet and Modern Home Pets
4. Male Pregnancy Among Animals
5. Is Beauty Products Testing on Animals Ethical?
6. Birds Behavioral Study
7. Animal Science & Food Sustainability
8. Does Veganism Actually Influence Meat Production?
9. Wild Animal Projects
10. Fashion Industry & Animal Abuse
11. Camouflage Mechanism in Sea Animals
12. Discovering Primate Language and Cognitive Function
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 Topics on the History of Biology:

There also easy issues related to the history of Biology. You can dwell on the capstone of modern science or
dwell on an understanding of one crucial academic term.
1. The History of Genetics
2. Darwin’s Theory and Biology
3. Discovering Evolution Factors
4. How Archeology Impacts Animal Biology?
5. Natural Selection Theory: The Discovery and Its Impact
6. Effects of Whale Hunting
7. Dead Branches of Evolution
8. Famous Biologist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
9. Edward Jenner and the History of Vaccination
10. Rachel Carson’s Perspective on Environmental Safety
11. Stephen Jay Gold’s Paleontology: How History and Biology are Combined

 This list ends with several other fascinating research proposal topics, such as:
1. Molecular and Genome Evolution
2. Comparative Genomics
3. The Evolutionary Biology of Infectious Diseases
4. Modern Technology and Scientific Tools in Biology
5. Neurobiological Explanation of Sleep
6. Symbiosis in Parasites
7. Metabolism & Physical Exercise

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