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Iron Ore Mining and Grade Control

Using Thermo Scientific Portable XRF


Introduction industry worldwide, analyzing a broad range of

Iron (Fe) is the most common element, by mass, elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U).
forming the planet Earth, and is the fourth most In particular, the handheld Thermo Scientific
common element found in the Earth’s crust. Niton XL3t GOLDD+ Series analyzer delivers
Because of its high concentration and the magnetic fast, accurate elemental analysis with unmatched
property of its oxide minerals – particularly efficiency for companies across all stages of mining
magnetite – the exploration and mining of Fe and exploration.
is easier than other base metals. One of the
Also available are Thermo Scientific sample
important features of iron ore is the presence of
collection and preparation tools, which deliver a
penalty elements, such as phosphorous (P) and
full lab-to-field solution for on-site XRF analysis.
aluminum (Al).
These compact, portable, battery-powered tools
provide everything required to handle the sample
collection and preparation of geological material
for rapid elemental analysis in the field.
Portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) instruments
are successful in the exploration and mining of
iron ore deposits, as well as in grade control of
the penalty element concentrates. Because P and
Al are considered light elements, the need for a
more sensitive analysis is required. With Thermo
Scientific portable XRF analyzers, users are able to
use its “Light Filter” ability, which is specifically
designed to analyze these light elements.

Portable XRF Analyzers

Portable XRF is a technique that provides the
ability to deliver fast and accurate results with
little or no sample preparation in various stages
of mining activity – from grass root exploration
to ore grade control, and even environmental
More than 3,000 Thermo Scientific portable XRF Figure 1. RC pulp sample is lightly pressed to make a flat surface for
instruments are used extensively in the mining analysis.
in improving accuracy and precision of the
portable XRF assay. For example, correlation
with lab data increased from 0.8910 in the piled
samples to 0.9957 in the prepared, pulp specimen.
Similar improvements are seen in the penalty
elements as well.

Sample Fe Mn Ti Si Al
Pile 0.8910 0.6912 0.9388 0.8251 0.8453
Pulp 0.9957 0.9976 0.9892 0.9903 0.8945
Table 1: Correlation (R ) between assay data from Thermo Scientific

The handheld Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t GOLDD+ Series analyzers Niton XL3t XRF analyzer and lab.
deliver fast, accurate elemental analysis with unmatched efficiency
for companies across all stages of mining and exploration.

The results yielded by both the RC sample piles
and the pulps show strong correlations between
Methodology the portable XRF results and the lab data, which
Thirty five reverse circulation (RC) samples indicates that portable XRF is a reliable, fast, and
were analyzed using a Niton XL3t XRF ®

effective tool for iron ore grade control and mining.

analyzer. Commonly, in an RC drill, a pneumatic Such real time data can be crucial in helping
reciprocating piston (hammer) drives a tungsten- geologists to make decisions in the field, saving time
steel drill bit, which through the help of an air and money. The improved correlation data for the
compressor drying the material out, produces RC pulp data versus the RC sample piles data set
rock chips that are returned to the surface. Sample suggests that better accuracy and precision can be
preparation, including crushing and pulverizing, achieved through better sample preparation. The
eliminates effects of sample heterogeneity and fewer variables in the samples, the less error there
improves the accuracy of portable XRF data. For will be in the assay data. Our sample preparation
this study, each sample was analyzed both in RC tool kits can be utilized to obtain pulverized
piles (chips are variable in grain size – starting at specimen from a variety of geological samples
10 mm in diameter) as well as in pulp specimen (see ranging from chip rock to drill cores.
Figure 1).
To discuss your particular applications and
Because analysis is performed by making direct performance requirements, or to schedule an
contact with soft samples, the reading window on-site demonstration, please contact your
was checked for any contaminants following a local Thermo Scientific portable XRF analyzers
detector calibration. An SiO2 blank standard was representative or contact us directly by email at
analyzed using Soil Mode, which measured a range niton@thermofisher.com, or visit our website at
of elements from chlorine (Cl) to U. Any significant www.thermoscientific.com/niton.
readings of elements in this range would identify
contaminants on the window. Samples were
analyzed for 40 seconds (“Main” and “Low” filters
for 10 seconds each, and 20 seconds for the “High”

The coefficient of determination, the R value, is a

measure of how closely the data sets correlate to

each other. A perfect correlation would have an
R value of 1. This study shows a high correlation

between the Niton XL3t analyzer data and the lab

data for Fe, manganese (Mn), and titanium (Ti), as
well as penalty elements, Si and Al (see Figures 2-4,
Table 1). P concentrations were below detection
limits in the analyzed samples. This investigation Thirty five reverse circulation (RC) samples were analyzed on site
also indicates the importance of sample preparation using a Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t XRF analyzer.
Lab Samples
vs Niton Pulp - Fe PilevsSamples
Lab Niton RC - Fe

60.00 60.00

y = 0.9376x + 0.7527 y = 0.9296x + 2.1503
R² = 0.9957 R² = 0.891
Fe (%) - Lab

Fe (%) - Lab




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fe (%) - Niton XL3t 900 Fe (%) - Niton XL3t 900

Figure 2. Correlation between Fe values measured by portable XRF and lab in the pile and the prepared pulp samples. Note significant
improvement in R value in the prepared pulp samples.

Lab Samples
vs Niton Pulp - Al Pile
Lab vs Samples
Niton RC - Al
25.00 25.00

20.00 20.00 y = 0.8361x - 0.1043

R² = 0.8453
y = 0.8295x - 0.0874
Al (%) - Lab

Al (%) - Lab

R² = 0.8945 15.00

10.00 10.00

5.00 5.00

0.00 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 5 10 15 20 25

-5.00 -5.00

Al (%) - Niton XL3t 900 Al (%) - Niton XL3t 900

Figure 3. Correlation between Al values measured by portable XRF and lab in the pile and the prepared pulp samples.

Lab vs Samples
Niton Pulp - Si Pilevs Samples
Lab Niton RC - Si
35.00 35.00


y = 1.1044x - 1.1426 25.00 y = 1.5139x - 2.6623

R² = 0.8251
Si (%) - Lab

Si (%) - Lab

R² = 0.9903

Lab vs Niton Pulp - Si 15.00

Linear (Lab vs Niton Pulp - Si)





0 5 10 15 20 25

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -5.00

Si (%) - Niton XL3t 900 Si (%) - Niton XL3t 900

Figure 4. Correlation between Si values measured by portable XRF and lab in the pile and the prepared pulp samples
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offices, Thermo Fisher
Scientific maintains a
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throughout the world.

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+1 978 670 7460

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+49 89 3681 380

Asia Pacific
New Territories, Hong Kong
+852 2885 4613


Rare Earth Elements (REE) measurable with either the Niton XL3t or the Niton XLp 522K

Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE): Requires Niton XLp analyzer

Thermo Scientific Niton XRF analyzers are the ideal choice for measuring both light and heavy rare earth elements as well as providing reliable
results for a comprehensive range of key element groups for mineral exploration.

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