Review of Methods For Prediction of Internal Blast Loading: Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences

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Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences ISSN 2303-4521

Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

Review of methods for prediction of internal blast loading

Alan Catovic1, Elvedin Kljuno2
1 University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Defense technologies department,
2 University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Department for mechanics,


A review of internal blast loads on structures modeling methods is presented in the paper. Also, numerical
simulations of the internal explosion were done in numerical software Ansys Autodyn. Critical areas of
confined spaces were identified for this type of explosion event.
Recommendations were given regarding the use of numerical simulations in blast wave parameter prediction,
as well as suggestions for further research.

Keywords: Interior explosion, Blast overpressure, Structures, Simulation

Corresponding Author:
Alan Catovic,
Defense Technologies Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Sarajevo
Vilsonovo setaliste 9, 71000 Sarajevo

1. Introduction
Explosions inside structures can happen for various reasons, their parameters are usually difficult to estimate,
and they can lead to the collapse of the buildings and other structures.
Internal blast loading of structures by high explosives is generally described in [1,2,3]. Reference [1] contains
also topics as flame propagation in gas-air mixtures, the effect of flame area and turbulence increase, as well as
internal loading by dust and gas explosions. Particular methods and analytic expressions from [1,2] will be
described in more detail in Section 2.
Recently Feldgun et al. [4] included numerical simulations of the internal loading (room with rigid walls) and
analytical derivations. They investigated the influence of the charge size and its location in the structure. They
also introduced the analytical model to estimate the residual internal pressure.
Fedorova et al. [5] presented 3D numerical simulations of a shock wave in urban areas, modeled using prismatic
bodies on a flat plate and inside a closed structure.
Wei-zheng Xu et al. [6] presented different numerical and experimental results for blast waves generated by
cylindrical TNT charges in a partially confined chamber. They also developed codes for predicting the evolution
of shock waves using fifth-order weighted nonoscillatory finite difference schemes, with which they
investigated shock tube problem, interacting blast waves, shock entropy wave interaction, and double Mach
Anthistle et al. [7] describe the design and results of experiments performed using a test cell to measure the
pressures created when structures were placed inside to alter the propagation of shock waves, using quarter
symmetry to reduce the required test cell the size and charge.
Feldgun et al. [8] also presented different models for the prediction of the gas pressure, where the sensitivity of
the gas pressure to the heat capacity ratio and explosion internal energy is studied.
The analysis of the shock wave interactions with the structure can also be found in [9], and some aspects of the
problem in technical manuals [10,11].
Many authors presented various reports on shock wave - structure interaction by using external explosion in the
vicinity of some obstacles, but the problem of a confined explosion is very complicated and considerably less

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

2. Internal loading of structures by high explosives

The structure can, generally, behave as unvented or vented when an explosive device detonates within the
structure. Compared to a vented, an unvented building has to be harder to withstand an explosion since some
pressure relief can be expected in vented structures (ie windows shattering). For detonation inside a structure,
two loading types can occur. The first is reflected loading, where, because of reverberation from repeated wave
reflections, the original reflected shock wave is accompanied by multiple reflected pulses. This blast wave train
typically decreases in amplitude, and as the reverberating shock waves are decaying, because of the expansion,
the second loading occurs, creating a gas pressure loading. Venting can be helpful for structures, for the defense
against dangerous gas pressures, but protective venting is of no use for people since accidents are likely to be
triggered by the initial blast wave [1,2].
Prediction is more difficult in the case of oblique reflections inducing Mach stem waves and the complex
pressure enhancements that occur at internal comers in box-like enclosures. Programs such as the BLASTIN
code allow estimation of the multiple shock wave reflections from the floor, walls, and roof produced by high
explosive detonations in closed rectangular box-shaped rooms together with the subsequent gas pressure phase
[1]. The initial reflected shock wave parameters (Pr, ir) can be determined using the curves shown in empirical
diagrams (i.e. incident and reflected shockwave parameters after the detonation in free air and at surface level
[10]). However, estimation of the re-reflected shockwaves is somewhat harder, especially where Mach stem
waves are present. A first-order estimation pressure inside the structures can be made by idealizing the pressure
pulses with a triangular form. For the following reflections, Baker et al. [3] assumed that the maximum pressure
and impulse can be halved on each re-reflection. After several (i.e. three) reflections, the remaining (reflected)
wave pressure is approximated to have zero values (Fig. 1) [2]:

1 1 1
Pr2 = Pr Pr3 = Pr = Pr Pr4 = 0 (1)
2 1 2 2 4 1
1 1 1
ir2 = ir1 ir3 = ir2 = ir1 ir4 = 0 (2)
2 2 4

The reverberation time (Fig. 1) can be defined as the delay between individual blast wave hitting the internal
side of the structure. It is approximated as constant (equal to 2ta; ta is first blast wave time of arrival). Fig. 2
shows blast waves inside a structure, such as can be expected by penetration of a high explosive projectile.

Figure 1. Simplified internal blast wave reflections Figure 2. Blast waves generated inside a structure by
(adapted from [1]) penetration of a HE projectile (adapted from [1])

The next approximation is suggested in reference [3]. Namely, if the time of the response for the loaded building
is much longer than the combined load duration (5ta + tr) then all three shockwave pulses can be approximated
as one pulse with total maximum pressure prT, and a total specific impulse irT [1]:

PrT = Pr1 + Pr2 + Pr3 = 1,75Pr1 (3)

irT = ir1 + ir2 + ir3 = 1,75ir1 (4)

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

An example of an unvented containment structure capable of withstanding the loading from a 5 kg TNT charge
is given in Figure 3, where the massive, heavily reinforced form of the structure should be noted.
Here, the quasi-static load of gas pressure is forming, and the reverberating blast waves decrease in strength
(decaying). At any given moment, the magnitude of this load depends on the structure's volume, vents area in
the structure, and the explosive's characteristics.
Figure 4 shows an example of P(t) curve for a protective structure with gas venting. Figure 4 also indicates
several reverberating blast waves (three in this case, supporting the approach highlighted in the equation 1) and
a formation of gas pressure load with its maximum and which then decays at point B [2].

Figure 3. Structure to contain detonation of up to 5 Figure 4. Pressure - time profile for internal blast
kg TNT (adapted from: [1]) loading for vented structure (adapted from [2])

Reference [3] presents overview of an approach for prediction of the pressure-time history by using
approximated form of the gas pressure load, as shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Simplification of development of gas pressure phase inside a structure (adapted from [1])

The equation for estimation of the gas pressure decay can be presented in following form [1,2]:

( )
P(t ) = PQS + P0 e(−2.13 ) (12)

Here parameter PQS is maximum quasi-static pressure, and P0 is environmental pressure. Also [1,2]:

 e As ta0
= (13)

Here e is ratio of vent to wall area, V is the building volume, a0 is the sound speed, As is the area of inside roof
and wall. The gas pressure rise is approximated using a linear function and it has a maximum at the end of the
reverberation (5ta + tr). The gas pressure curve in Figure 5 is shown with the solid line.

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

The blowdown time (when the gas pressure falls to ambient pressure) corresponding to  max can be determined
as [1]:

1  PQS + P0 
 m ax = ln  
 (14)
2,13  P0 

The impulse ig of gas pressure can be approximated with the area under the curve (we can ignore initial linear
rise), and can be determined as [2]:

 (P(t ) − P )dt = C (1 − e )− P t
P1 −Ct max
ig = 0 0 max (15)

Here P1 (= PQS + P0) is the peak internal pressure and:

2,13 e As a0
C= (16)

There are several ways of venting a structure, including openings in the building, frangible panels that break at
some predetermined pressure, and buildings constructed to fail in such a way as to provide safer venting of an
explosion [1].
Figure 6 shows such a structure that is designed to fail-safe during the explosion.

Figure 6. Example of a structure designed to fail safe and vent harmlessly (adapted from [12])

When an explosive detonates inside the structure, the initial maximum pressures will be very high and are
usually intensified by several reflections inside. The consequences of the large temperatures and gaseous
materials created by the explosion can create additional pressures depending on the containment configuration
and can increase the load duration inside the building. The structure can be weakened by the cumulative forces
of these pressures unless it is built to withstand the internal pressures. Venting these pressures can minimize

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

their duration and intensity. Usage of structures of the cubicle type (Fig. 7) or other barriers (with more surfaces
or frangible ones), can lead to venting.
Calculation procedures for different cubicle structure designs, with appropriate diagrams, can be found in [10].
The estimation of the shock loads is usually done using computer programs because of a large number of
parameters at play.

Figure 7. Confined explosion structures (adapted from: [6])

The blast pressure loading in internal parts of structures can be very complex. Gregory [13] shows the loading
for a vented (cylindrical) structure. Fig. 8 indicates schematically a moment when the incident wave is reflected
from internal surfaces obliquely, and parts of the cylindrical surfaces are loaded with a reflected wave. If the
angle of incidence is large, this oblique reflection can also create Mach waves. Pressures can be also increased
when waves hit corners or reflect near the axis of a central part of the cylindrical structure. In a structures shaped
like a box, the reflection process can be even more complex (as will be shown in numerical simulations later).

Figure 8. Shock reflections inside cylindrical (supressive) structure (adapted from: [3])

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

In the process of estimation of internal blast loads, the first stage is the estimation of the pressures on the inside
part of the structure (floor, inside walls, roof, etc.),. This depends on the location/characteristics of the explosive
charge, the geometry of the structure, as well as the presence, size and location of openings. A confined space
can be generally defined with narrow spaces, with a comparatively long duration of the pressure and a number
of follow-up peak pressures [14].
With sufficiently capable blast measurement devices, shock wave loading can be determined, or it can be
calculated for symmetrical structures. The loading can be reasonably accurately estimated for centrally
positioned or eccentric blasts in a spherical containment system. Current (but complex) computer 2D programs
can be used in a cylindrical system to predict specific pressure-time loads on the cylinder axis for blast sources.
The estimation of precise pressure-time loads is much more difficult for complex geometries typically used in
real systems, so approximate solutions can be used here or experiments can be made. Kingery et al. [15], and
Schumacher et al. [14], contain the data for measurements of internal blast on vented structures (for different
Example analytical calculation of basic parameters of internal loadings of structures can be found in [3].
In our earlier paper [16] we made comparation of analytical models for blast wave overpressure estimation after
the explosion and introdued numerical simulation method for this purpose. Also, in [17] we reviewed estimation
methods for external blast loads on structures, together with numerical simulation methods used in dealing with
external blasts.
3. Numerical simulations
When employed in an urban environment problem, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models take into
consideration not only the conservation equations, materials, equations of state and boundary conditions, but
accounts for the interaction of the blast wave and geometry in the domain, thus predicting complex reflections
of the blast wave after the explosion. For complex geometries, this cannot be done using empirical methods.
In this paper, numerical 3D modeling of the internal explosion was performed in Ansys AUTODYN for 16,65
kg TNT charge (to compare the results with reference [4]), with a density of 1630 kg/m3, located in the centre
of the fully confined rigid space with internal dimensions 3x3x3 m (structure, shown in Fig. 9). Material
parameters (default values) for air and TNT were chosen from the AUTODYN.
The computational grid for interior space contained 343 000 cells, and Euler solver was used. Mesh in Euler
solver is fixed, and material flows through faces of numerical cells. It is mostly used for fluid modeling, as well
as for gases and solids deformation.
This multiple material solver uses Godunov method, where material is transported across cells, and algorithms
estimate the state of cells with multiple materials. Advantages of Euler solver are: no grid distortions, large
deformations possible, rezoning and erosion not required, and higher time step in general. Disadvantages are
usually: more computations, need finer zoning and additional cells for potential flow regions, shocks are
diffused more than using Lagrange solver, less flexible for strength modeling and thin sections need smaller
time steps [18].
During the calculation, the pressure history was recorded at the corner of the room, since this is the location
with the highest recorded values of overpressures after the explosion in confined space, and also in the centre
of the structure side, as well as in the middle of the structure edge (Fig. 9).
We started the analysis with a free airburst explosion simulation (1D detonation wave [18]), with an explosive
mass of 16,65 kg (charge radius 134,6 mm; numerical cells 1 mm size). Results of this 2D numerical simulation
were saved (.fill file) and remapped later into the center of a 3D closed space environment (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9 presents an initial setup of a rigid closed space 3D model after a remapping solution from 2D numerical
simulation. The detonation point was located in the center of the room. Velocity vectors of the initial shockwave
are also visible in Fig. 9, as well as different gauge points in the room.
Figure 10 presents computed pressure histories at gauges (measuring points) 1, 2, and 3, located in different
parts of the room. It can be seen that, because of a relatively large mass of the charge (16,65 kg), quite high
overpressure levels were present at the point in the corner of the room (about 41,1 MPa, a result closely matching
the one from reference [4]).
Maximum overpressure at gauge 2 is around 12 MPa, and at gauge 3 is around 5,4 MPa. We can also see
additional pressure peaks developing over time (confirming the theory mentioned in the previous section),
increasing the total blast wave impulse delivered.

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

Figure 9. Initial setup of interior explosion (3D model) after remapping solution from 2D simulation

Figure 10. Computed pressure history at gauges 1, 2 and 3, located in the room

Fig. 11 presents shockwave velocity vectors for different numerical simulation times. From Fig. 11 we can see
the movement of the shockwave and its velocity at different times. Also, symmetrical wave reflections can be
seen as a wave develops away from the detonation point and bounces of the inner surface of the structure.

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

Figure 11. Shockwave velocity vectors for different times in a rigid closed space environment

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

Figure 12 presents the pressure contours on the plane through the centre of the room (cubicle) for different
simulation times, showing the shock wave propagation and reflection. After reflection from the wall, the shock
front moves toward the room centre, and after symmetrical reflection, the whole process is repeated, with the
additional pressure peaks of lower intensities.
In the second image to the right in Fig. 12 (t = 0,251 ms) we can see the pressure values over 5 MPa, as indicated
in Fig. 10 for gauge 3. The third image, to the left in Fig. 12 (t = 1,88 ms), is also interesting showing complex
reflections pattern taking place after the blast wave bounces inside the structure.

Figure 12 Pressure contours on the plane through the centre of the room for different simulation times

Figure 13 presents the pressure contours, this time on the plane representing the floor of the room (confined
cubicle) for different simulation times. The total simulation time was 5 ms, the same as in previous cases.
Here, it can be seen from the blast wave pressure contours that overpressure values are significantly higher,
with values reaching over 40 MPa for t = 1,126 ms. This pressure value corresponds to the location of a gauge
point 1 in the corner of the confined room (pressure history shown in Fig. 10). These contours confirm an earlier
statement (also mentioned in [4]) that the highest blast wave pressure is usually achieved in the corner of the
confined space due to symmetrical wave reflections.
Generally, as we can see, at the beginning of the process the peak pressure is developed at the wall centre (Fig.
12, second to third image), and then it moves further, to the edge’s direction (Fig. 13, third image), where the
values of peak pressures noticeably increase. These kinds of numerical simulations, using CFD methods, can
give us valuable insight into the complexity of shockwave propagation in closed spaces and the inherent danger
of an explosion in such an environment. Together with experiments and theoretical models, they can be an
efficient tool in the estimation of blast parameters in an urban scenario.

PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

Figure 13. Pressure contours on the plane representing the floor of the room for different simulation times
4. Conclusions
A review of internal blast loads on structures modeling methods is presented in the paper.
Numerical simulations of an explosion in a confined environment scenario were done in software Ansys
AUTODYN and compared with available data [4]. It was confirmed that the highest blast wave pressure is
usually achieved in the corner of the confined space.
Recommendations were given regarding the use of numerical simulations in blast wave parameter estimations
for the confined space environment.
Further research in this field could be directed to simulations of structural response to loading. Methods for
reinforcing the structures to the blast load and human protection techniques could also be pursued in future

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PEN Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2021, pp.534-544

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