A Proposed Typhoon Resistant Design of A Wind Turbine Tower in The Philippines
A Proposed Typhoon Resistant Design of A Wind Turbine Tower in The Philippines
A Proposed Typhoon Resistant Design of A Wind Turbine Tower in The Philippines
The Philippines is essentially a typhoon-prone area which poses a threat to the structural integrity of wind
turbines. Due to this scenario, the authors classified the country’s wind climate according to the IEC
classes. The generalized extreme value distribution was used to model the extreme wind speeds from each
of the fifty stations. Areas exceeding the IEC class I 50-year return wind speeds were classified as Class 1a.
Subsequently the probability of buckling failure of a wind turbine was analyzed. The analysis shows that
there is a need to increase the mean of the tower buckling resistance by a factor of 1.02 to 1.74 to mitigate
buckling failure due to typhoons.
Key Words : typhoon, wind turbine, generalized extreme value, buckling failure
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
possibility of typhoons exceeding the Ve50 during its PFT is equal to 6.4×10-3. From this value the
economic life. Due to this extreme wind phenomenon reliability index β is calculated using Equation (2)
and the potential risk it poses to wind turbines studies and is equal to 2.4904.
have been done to improve the performance of wind
turbines considering typhoon loads; e.g., Okinawa β = −Φ −1 ( PFT ) (2)
Electric Power Company Inc.3), Clausen et al 2), and
Garciano et al 5). Although the IEC defines external
wind conditions in the design of wind turbines it (2) Critical buckling resistance
contains no specific information for wind conditions a) Buckling capacity
in areas with typhoons. As such wind turbines There are several failure modes that a wind
designed according to the IEC standards does not turbine might experience when strong typhoons
necessarily ensure satisfactory performance if strike. Failures such as blade fracture, anchor bolt
constructed in the Philippines. pull-out or buckling of the tower have been observed
A higher probability of failure can also be not only in Japan but in other countries as well.
prescribed for wind turbines with due consideration However due to the cost impact of tower buckling
to the economics of the wind farm. This approach failure the authors were motivated to study on this
requires that both the designer’s technical and major failure mode.
owner’s financial criteria are simultaneously met. In Modern wind turbine towers are made of steel and
this paper the authors will focus on the technical are tubular in shape. The tower can be considered as a
approach which is necessary to evaluate the risk with thin wall structure due to a larger diameter compared
the probability of system failure. Once this technical to the thickness. Due to this circumstance the tower is
development is established the financial approach prone to buckling. A localized increase of stress9) is
can be done using the abovementioned probability of also likely because of a geometric discontinuity at
failure. The optimal solution based on both the base of the tower where a doorway is located.
approaches is developed and discussed in a parallel There are several models which can estimate the
study6), 7). buckling capacity of a thin-wall structure but in this
The authors therefore propose a solution from a paper the model recommended by the International
technical approach a typhoon resistant design of a Organization for Standardization10) (ISO) is used.
wind turbine tower in the Philippines. To realize this
proposal the following design parameters of a wind ⎛ fy ⎞
turbine tower will be established: (1) the target Fyc = ⎜⎜1.047 − 0.274 ⎟⎟ f y (3)
probability of buckling failure due to a typhoon load ⎝ Fxe ⎠
which is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution; (2)
the buckling resistance distribution; and the (3) where Fyc is the characteristic local buckling strength
typhoon load distribution. These proposed design in stress units, fy is the yield stress of steel and Fxe is
parameters are compatible with the target probability the characteristic elastic local buckling strength in
of failure of existing wind turbines designed for stress units. The value of Fxe 11) is determined using
European wind conditions. Equation (4).
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
−1 −1
where Xy,ss model uncertainties related to yield stress 2 Rn X aero X exp X st−1 X str
2CT v 2 Fπrδr = W 2 N (C L sin φ + C D cos φ )cδr (9) D t D/t ratio µRn(v) σRn(v) δRn(v)
3.0 50 60 88.12 12.21 0.139
75 40 107.76 14.95 0.139
where F is a correction factor for hub and tip loss, r is
3.5 50 70 102.71 14.18 0.138
the radius of blade element, W is the resultant relative 75 47 125.89 17.46 0.139
velocity at the blade, N is the number of blades, CL is 4.0 50 80 117.16 16.12 0.139
the lift coefficient, φ is the inflow angle, CD is the 75 53 144.01 19.91 0.138
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
σ s = exp(ζ s2 − 1) µ s (13)
δ s = σ s / µs (14)
φ = exp(−αβδ R (v ) ) (15)
γ = exp(αβδ s ) (16)
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
where xp is the return level associated with the return (3) Typhoon load distribution
period 1/p. In particular xp is exceeded by the annual The annual wind data were gathered at 10 meters
maximum in any particular year with probability p. above the ground. Therefore to model the typhoon
Therefore using the ML estimate of the parameters load that will be applied at the hub height of a wind
from Station No. 447, the 50-year return wind speed turbine, random samples generated from the GEV
is 76 m/s (see Fig. 5). It is also worthwhile to note density function for each station are extrapolated to
that the return wind speed curve is bounded because the hub height using the logarithmic law shown
the shape parameter is negative. The ML estimate of below
the parameters µˆ , σˆ and ξˆ for all the stations are ln( z / z o )
v' = x r (23)
shown in Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 respectively. ln( z r / z o )
0.5 1 5 10 50 100
of the parameters for all stations are shown in Fig. 9,
Return Period in Years Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively.
Fig. 5 Return Wind Speed Curve
Fig. 7 Scale Parameter of GEV Model for all Stations Fig. 10 Scale Parameter of Typhoon Load Model for all Stations
Fig. 8 Shape Parameter of GEV Model for all Stations Fig. 11 Shape Parameter of Typhoon Load Model for all Stations
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu F Vol.63 No.2, 181-189, 2007. 5