Final NCP
Final NCP
Final NCP
Unsanitary food Inability to have Short term: After the proper Perform a good Health Materials: After the health
Handling and provide sanitized nursing health teaching Teaching teaching, the
Preparation food and After 30 intervention, the that will tackle Visual aid community was
individual minutes of community will be the following: Seminars regarding on able to
Objectives: development due good health able to: how to do the understand the
to: teaching, the 1.) Talk about the proper food importance of
Expose community 1.) Achieve the importance of handling and sanitary food
kitchenware and 1.) Lack of will be able to importance of doing the proper sanitation. handling and
utensils to mice knowledge in understand the proper food sanitary food preparation.
and insects. doing the correct importance of preparation and handling and (For
preventive proper food handling. preparation. Handwashing )
Uncovered food measure. handling.
that are exposed 2.) Evaluate to Water
into insects, flies 2.) Insufficient 2.) Recognize the avoid the negative Soap
and rodents. knowledge in the different types of result of the Hand towel
importance of Long term: prevention to problem. Nail brush (if
Placing of sanitation and avoid the cause of needed)
uncooked food good hygiene. After 1 day of the problem. Basin
into the dirty sink. proper nursing
intervention, 3.) Talk with the Manpower:
Washing the food The 3.) Identify the family regarding
with water from community risk factors that with the possible Knowledge, time
uncovered will be able will give the health problem and effort of
container. apply the identified problem. with improper Nurse and
knowledge of food preparation community.
proper and 4.) Exercise the and handling.
sanitized food proper food
handling on to handling into their Financial:
their own daily living.
Methods of
Nursing Intervention Nurse- Resources
Health Problem Goal Care Objective of Care Evaluation
Diagnosis Measures Community Require
Ineffective Short Term: After the proper Health Teaching Home visit, Materials: After proper
Heart Disease coping nursing • Encourage Medical Visual Aids nursing
ability After 2 hours interventions the them to have Mission intervention
related to of proper community will be a proper Manpower: the
knowledge- nursing able to: exercise and Time and community
deficit of intervention avoid vices effort of the cope with
disease the • Understand such as nurse and their healthy
process community the cigarette community lifestyle and
will be able to importance smoking, understands
understand of alcohol Financial: the
the awareness drinking Expenses importance
importance of in their • Discuss how for health of
the health important to teaching awareness
Objectives Cues: awareness of • Have a have a aids. of the
• Highblood the disease healthy balance diet disease
pressure process. lifestyle by by process.
ranging from avoiding encouraging
180/140 Long Term: vices such them to avoid
mmHg to as cigarette eating fatty
160/110mmm After 24 smoking and food, and
Hg hours of alcohol lessen sodium
• Based on the nursing drinking (salt) intake “Goal Met”
survey form. intervention • Have a • Discuss how
the balance diet, to manage
community proper stress
will be able to exercise and
cope on their will have the
healthy knowledge
lifestyle. to manage
the stress