XIV With VIOS Redp4598
XIV With VIOS Redp4598
XIV With VIOS Redp4598
Bertrand Dufrasne
Jana Jamsek
ibm.com/redbooks Redpaper
International Technical Support Organization
February 2010
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page v.
This edition applies to Version 10, Release 2, of the IBM XIV Storage System software when attaching the XIV
Storage System server to an IBM i client through a Virtual I/O Server 2.1.2 partition.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
The team who wrote this paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Chapter 3. Planning for the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2 SAN connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3 Planning for the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3.1 Physical Fibre Channel adapters and virtual SCSI adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3.2 Queue depth in the IBM i operating system and Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3.3 Multipath with two Virtual I/O Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.1 Distributing connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.2 Zoning SAN switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.3 Queue depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.4 Number of application threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5 Planning for capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1 Connecting a PowerVM client to the IBM XIV Storage System server . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.1 Creating the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.2 Installing the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.3 IBM i multipath capability with two Virtual I/O Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.1.4 Connecting with virtual SCSI adapters in multipath with two Virtual I/O Servers . 54
4.2 Configuring XIV storage to connect to IBM i by using the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.1 Creating a storage pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.2 Defining the volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2.3 Connecting the volumes to the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3 Mapping the volumes in the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.1 Using the HMC to map volumes to an IBM i client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.4 Installing the IBM i client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
How to get Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
iv IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
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vi IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
In this IBM® Redpaper™ publication, we discuss and explain how you can connect the IBM
XIV® Storage System server to the IBM i operating system through the Virtual I/O Server
(VIOS). A connection through the VIOS is especially interesting for IT centers that have many
small IBM i partitions. When using the VIOS, the Fibre Channel host adapters can be installed
in the VIOS and shared by many IBM i clients by using virtual connectivity to the VIOS.
Bertrand Dufrasne is an IBM Certified Consulting I/T Specialist and Project Leader for IBM
System Storage™ disk products at the ITSO in San Jose, CA. He has worked at IBM in
various areas of IT. He has authored many IBM Redbooks® publications and has developed
and taught technical workshops. Before joining the ITSO, he worked for IBM Global Services
as an Application Architect. Bertrand holds a Master of Electrical Engineering degree from
the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons, Belgium.
Jana Jamsek is an IT Specialist for IBM Slovenia. She works in Storage Advanced Technical
Support for Europe as a specialist for IBM Storage Systems and the IBM i (i5/OS®) operating
system. Jana has eight years of experience in working with the IBM System i® platform and
its predecessor models, as well as eight years of experience in working with storage. She has
a master degree in computer science and a degree in mathematics from the University of
Ljubljana in Slovenia.
John Bynum
Robert Gagliardi
Gary Kruesel
Christina Lara
Lisa Martinez
Vess Natchev
Aviad Offer
Christopher Sansone
Wesley Varela
Ingo Dimmer
IBM Germany
Haim Helman
IBM Israel
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viii IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the XIV concepts and architecture. We summarize,
and in some cases repeat for convenience, the information that is in the IBM Redbooks
publication IBM XIV Storage System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659.
Tip: If you are already familiar with the XIV architecture, you can skip this chapter.
Massive parallelism
The system architecture ensures full exploitation of all system components. Any I/O activity
involving a specific logical volume in the system is always inherently handled by all spindles.
The system harnesses all storage capacity and all internal bandwidth. It also takes advantage
of all available processing power, which is true for both host-initiated I/O activity and
system-initiated activity, such as rebuild processes and snapshot generation. All disks, CPUs,
switches, and other components of the system contribute to the performance of the system at
all times.
Workload balancing
The workload is evenly distributed over all hardware components at all times. All disks and
modules are used equally, regardless of access patterns. Despite the fact that applications
might access certain volumes more frequently than other volumes, or access certain parts of
a volume more frequently than other parts, the load on the physical disks and modules will be
balanced perfectly.
Protection against a double disk failure is provided by an efficient rebuild process that brings
the system back to full redundancy in minutes. In addition, the XIV system extends the
self-healing concept, resuming redundancy even after failures in components other than
True virtualization
Unlike other system architectures, storage virtualization is inherent to the basic principles of
the XIV design. Physical drives and their locations are completely hidden from the user, which
dramatically simplifies storage configuration so that the system can lay out the user’s volume
in the optimal way. The automatic layout maximizes the system’s performance by using
system resources for each volume, regardless of the user’s access patterns.
Thin provisioning
The system supports thin provisioning, which is the capability to allocate actual storage to
applications in a just-in-time and as needed basis. Thin provisioning allows the most efficient
use of available space and, as a result, significant cost savings compared to traditional
provisioning techniques. Thin provisioning is achieved by defining a logical capacity that is
larger than the physical capacity and by using space based on what is consumed rather than
what is allocated.
Processing power
The XIV open architecture uses the latest processor technologies and is more scalable than
solutions that are based on a closed architecture. The XIV system avoids sacrificing the
performance of one volume over another and, therefore, requires little to no tuning.
2 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
1.2 Architecture overview
The XIV architecture incorporates a variety of features that are designed to uniformly
distribute data across internal resources.
Ethernet switches
Data modules
UPS units
Although externally similar in appearance, data and interface or data modules differ in
their functions, interfaces, and the way in which they are interconnected.
Interface and data modules are connected to each other through an internal IP switched network.
Note: Figure 1-2 depicts the conceptual architecture only. Do not misinterpret the number
of connections or other elements of this diagram as a precise hardware layout.
Interface modules
Interface modules are equivalent to data modules in all aspects, with the following exceptions:
In addition to disk, cache, and processing resources, interface modules include both Fibre
Channel and iSCSI interfaces for host system connectivity, remote mirroring, and data
migration activities. Figure 1-2 conceptually illustrates the placement of interface modules
within the topology of the XIV IBM Storage System architecture.
The system services and software functionality associated with managing external I/O
resides exclusively on the interface modules.
Ethernet switches
The XIV system contains a redundant switched Ethernet network that transmits both data and
metadata traffic between the modules. Traffic can flow in any of the following ways:
Between two interface modules
Between two data modules
Between an interface module and a data module
4 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
1.2.2 Parallelism
The concept of parallelism pervades all aspects of the XIV architecture by means of a
balanced, redundant data distribution scheme in conjunction with a pool of distributed (or
grid) computing resources. In addition to hardware parallelism, the XIV system also employs
sophisticated algorithms to achieve optimal parallelism.
Data is distributed across all drives in a pseudo-random fashion. The patented algorithms
provide a uniform yet random spreading of data across all available disks to maintain data
resilience and redundancy. Figure 1-3 on page 6 provides a conceptual representation of the
pseudo-random data distribution within the XIV system.
In this section, we elaborate on the logical system concepts, which form the basis for the
system full storage virtualization.
Logical constructs
The logical architecture of the XIV system incorporates constructs that underlie the storage
virtualization and distribution of data, which are integral to its design. The logical structure of
the system ensures that there is optimum granularity in the mapping of logical elements to
both modules and individual physical disks, thereby guaranteeing an equal distribution of data
across all physical resources.
The fundamental building block of logical volumes is called a partition. Partitions have the
following characteristics on the XIV system:
All partitions are 1 MB (1024 KB) in size.
A partition contains either a primary copy or secondary copy of data:
– Each partition is mapped to a single physical disk:
• This mapping is dynamically managed by the system through innovative data
distribution algorithms to preserve data redundancy and equilibrium. For more
information about the topic of data distribution, see “Logical volume layout on
physical disks” on page 9.
• The storage administrator has no control or knowledge of the specific mapping of
partitions to drives.
– Secondary copy partitions are always placed in a different module than the one that
contains the primary copy partition.
Figure 1-3 illustrates that data is uniformly, yet randomly distributed over all disks. Each 1 MB
of data is duplicated in a primary and secondary partition. For the same data, the system
ensures that the primary partition and its corresponding secondary partition are not in the
same module.
Logical volumes
The XIV system presents logical volumes to hosts in the same manner as conventional
subsystems. However, both the granularity of logical volumes and the mapping of logical
volumes to physical disks differ in the following ways:
Every logical volume is comprised of 1 MB (1024 KB) constructs of data called partitions.
The physical capacity associated with a logical volume is always a multiple of 17 GB
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6 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Therefore, although it is possible to present a block-designated logical volume to a host
that is not a multiple of 17 GB, the actual physical space that is allocated for the volume is
always the sum of the minimum number of 17 GB increments that are needed to meet the
block-designated capacity.
Note: The initial physical capacity that is allocated by the system upon volume creation
can be less than this amount, as discussed in “Logical and actual volume sizes” on
page 10.
The maximum number of volumes that can be concurrently defined on the system is
limited by the following factors:
– The logical address space limit
• The logical address range of the system permits up to 16 377 volumes, although
this constraint is purely logical, and therefore, is not normally a practical
• The same address space is used for both volumes and snapshots.
– The limit imposed by the logical and physical topology of the system for the minimum
volume size
The physical capacity of the system, based on 180 drives with 1 TB of capacity per
drive and assuming the minimum volume size of 17 GB, limits the maximum volume
count to 4 605 volumes.
Important: The logical address limit is ordinarily not a practical consideration during
planning, because under most conditions, this limit is not reached. It is intended to exceed
the adequate number of volumes for all conceivable circumstances.
Storage pools
Storage pools are administrative boundaries that enable storage administrators to manage
relationships between volumes and snapshots and to define separate capacity provisioning
and snapshot requirements for such uses as separate applications or departments. Storage
pools are not tied in any way to physical resources, nor are they part of the data distribution
A logical volume is defined within the context of one storage pool. Because storage pools are
logical constructs, a volume and any snapshots associated with it can be moved to any other
storage pool, as long as there is sufficient space.
As a benefit of the system virtualization, there are no limitations on the size of storage pools
or on the associations between logical volumes and storage pools. In fact, manipulation of
storage pools consists exclusively of metadata transactions and does not trigger any copying
of data. Therefore, changes are completed instantly and without any system overhead or
performance degradation.
When moving a volume into a storage pool, the size of the storage pool is not
automatically increased by the size of the volume. Likewise, when removing a volume
from a storage pool, the size of the storage pool does not decrease by the size of the
The system defines capacity by using decimal metrics. With decimal metrics, 1 GB is
1 000 000 000 bytes. With binary metrics, 1 GB is 1 073 741 824 bytes.
A snapshot represents a point-in-time copy of a volume. Snapshots are similar to volumes,
except that snapshots incorporate dependent relationships with their source volumes, which
can be either logical volumes or other snapshots. Because they are not independent entities,
a given snapshot does not necessarily wholly consist of partitions that are unique to that
snapshot. Conversely, a snapshot image does not share all of its partitions with its source
volume if updates to the source occur after the snapshot was created.
Snapshot reserve capacity is defined within each storage pool and is effectively maintained
separately from logical, or master, volume capacity.
Snapshot reserve: The snapshot reserve must be a minimum of 34 GB. The system
preemptively deletes snapshots if the snapshots fully consume the allocated available
Snapshots are automatically deleted only when inadequate physical capacity is available
within the context of each storage pool. This process is managed by a snapshot deletion
priority scheme. Therefore, when the capacity of a storage pool is exhausted, only the
snapshots that reside in the affected storage pool are deleted in order of the deletion priority.
8 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
A logical volume can have multiple independent snapshots. This logical volume is also
known as a master volume.
The XIV system manages these suspend and resume activities for all volumes within the
consistency group.
The distribution algorithms preserve the equality of access among all physical disks under all
conceivable conditions and volume access patterns. Essentially, although not truly random in
nature, the distribution algorithms in combination with the system architecture preclude the
occurrence of hot spots:
A fully configured XIV system contains 180 disks, and each volume is allocated across at
least 17 GB (decimal) of capacity that is distributed evenly across all disks.
Each logically adjacent partition on a volume is distributed across a different disk.
Partitions are not combined into groups before they are spread across the disks.
The pseudo-random distribution ensures that logically adjacent partitions are never striped
sequentially across physically adjacent disks. Each disk has its data mirrored across all
other disks, excluding the disks in the same module.
Each disk holds approximately one percent of any other disk in other modules.
Disks have an equal probability of being accessed regardless of aggregate workload
access patterns.
When the system is scaled out through the addition of modules, a new goal distribution is
created whereby just a minimum number of partitions is moved to the newly allocated
capacity to arrive at the new distribution table.
The new capacity is fully utilized within several hours and with no need for any
administrative intervention. Thus, the system automatically returns to a state of equilibrium
among all resources.
Upon the failure or phase-out of a drive or a module, a new goal distribution is created
whereby data in non-redundant partitions is copied and redistributed across the remaining
modules and drives.
The global reserved space includes sufficient capacity to withstand the failure of a full module
and an additional three disks, and still allows the system to execute a new goal distribution
and return to full redundancy.
Important: The system will tolerate multiple hardware failures, including up to an entire
module in addition to three subsequent drive failures outside of the failed module, provided
that a new goal distribution is fully executed before a subsequent failure occurs. If the
system is less than 100% full, it can sustain more subsequent failures based on the
amount of unused disk space that will be allocated at the event of failure as spare capacity.
Note: The XIV system does not manage a global reserved space for snapshots.
10 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Logical volume size
The logical volume size is the size of the logical volume that is observed by the host, as
defined upon volume creation or as a result of a resizing command. The storage administrator
specifies the volume size in the same manner regardless of whether the storage pool will be a
thin pool or a regular pool. The volume size is specified in one of two ways, depending on
In terms of GB, the system allocates the soft volume size as the minimum number of
discrete 17 GB increments that are needed to meet the requested volume size.
In terms of blocks, the capacity is indicated as a discrete number of 512 byte blocks. The
system still allocates the soft volume size consumed within the storage pool as the
minimum number of discrete 17 GB increments that are needed to meet the requested
size (specified in 512 byte blocks). However, the size that is reported to hosts is equivalent
to the precise number of blocks that are defined.
Incidentally, the snapshot reserve capacity associated with each storage pool is a soft
capacity limit. It is specified by the storage administrator, although it effectively limits the hard
capacity that is consumed collectively by snapshots.
Tip: Defining logical volumes in terms of blocks is useful when you must precisely match
the size of an existing logical volume that resides on another system.
The actual volume size reflects the physical space that is used in the volume as a result of
host writes. It is discretely and dynamically provisioned by the system, not the storage
The discrete additions to the actual volume size can be measured in two different ways, by
considering either the allocated space or the consumed space. The allocated space reflects
the physical space used by the volume in 17 GB increments. The consumed space reflects the
physical space used by the volume in 1 MB partitions. In both cases, the upper limit of this
provisioning is determined by the logical size that is assigned to the volume.
The following elements also come into account for the actual volume size:
Capacity is allocated to volumes by the system in increments of 17 GB because of the
underlying logical and physical architecture. There is no smaller degree of granularity than
17 GB.
Application write access patterns determine the rate at which the allocated hard volume
capacity is consumed and subsequently the rate at which the system allocates additional
increments of 17 GB up to the limit defined by the logical volume size. As a result, the
storage administrator has no direct control over the actual capacity allocated to the volume
by the system at any given point in time.
During volume creation, or when a volume has been formatted, zero physical capacity is
assigned to the volume. As application writes accumulate in new areas of the volume, the
physical capacity that is allocated to the volume grows in increments of 17 GB and can
ultimately reach the full logical volume size.
Increasing the logical volume size does not affect the actual volume size.
With a regular pool, the “host-apparent” capacity is guaranteed to be equal to the physical
capacity that is reserved for the pool. The total physical capacity that is allocated to the
constituent individual volumes and collective snapshots at any given time within a regular
pool will reflect the current usage by hosts, because the capacity is dynamically consumed as
required. However, the remaining unallocated space within the pool remains reserved for the
pool and cannot be used by other storage pools.
In contrast, a thinly provisioned storage pool is not fully backed by hard capacity, meaning
that the entirety of the logical space within the pool cannot be physically provisioned unless
the pool is transformed first into a regular pool. However, benefits can be realized when
physical space consumption is less than the logical space that is assigned, because the
amount of logical capacity assigned to the pool that is not covered by physical capacity is
available for use by other storage pools.
When a storage pool is created by using thin provisioning, that pool is defined in terms of both
a soft size and a hard size independently, as opposed to a regular storage pool in which these
sizes are by definition equivalent. A hard pool size and soft pool size are defined and used as
explained in the following sections.
Thin provisioning of the storage pool maximizes capacity utilization in the context of a group
of volumes, wherein the aggregate “host-apparent,” or soft, capacity assigned to all volumes
surpasses the underlying physical, or hard, capacity that is allocated to them. This utilization
requires that the aggregate space available to be allocated to hosts within a thinly provisioned
storage pool must be defined independently of the physical, or hard, space allocated within
the system for that pool. Thus, the storage pool hard size that is defined by the storage
administrator limits the physical capacity that is available collectively to volumes and
snapshots within a thinly provisioned storage pool. The aggregate space that is assignable to
host operating systems is specified by the storage pool’s soft size.
Regular storage pools effectively segregate the hard space that is reserved for volumes from
the hard space that is consumed by snapshots by limiting the soft space that is allocated to
volumes. However, thinly provisioned storage pools permit the totality of the hard space to be
consumed by volumes with no guarantee of preserving any hard space for snapshots. Logical
volumes take precedence over snapshots and might be allowed to overwrite snapshots if
necessary as hard space is consumed. The hard space that is allocated to the storage pool
that is unused (or the incremental difference between the aggregate logical and actual volume
sizes) can, however, be used by snapshots in the same storage pool.
Careful management is critical to prevent hard space for both logical volumes and snapshots
from being exhausted. Ideally, hard capacity utilization must be maintained under a certain
threshold by increasing the pool hard size as needed in advance.
12 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Storage pools control when and which snapshots are deleted when insufficient space is
assigned within the pool for snapshots.
The soft snapshot reserve capacity and the hard space allocated to the storage pool
are consumed only as changes occur to the master volumes or the snapshots
themselves, not as snapshots are created.
Thin provisioning is managed for each storage pool independently of all other storage pools:
Regardless of any unused capacity that might reside in other storage pools, snapshots
within a given storage pool are deleted by the system according to corresponding
snapshot preset priority if the hard pool size contains insufficient space to create an
additional volume or increase the size of an existing volume. (Snapshots are only deleted
when a write occurs under those conditions, and not when allocating more space.)
As discussed previously, the storage administrator defines both the soft size and the hard
size of thinly provisioned storage pools and allocates resources to volumes within a given
storage pool without any limitations imposed by other storage pools.
The designation of a storage pool as a regular pool or a thinly provisioned pool can be
dynamically changed by the storage administrator:
When a regular pool must be converted to a thinly provisioned pool, the soft pool size
parameter must be explicitly set in addition to the hard pool size, which remains
unchanged unless updated.
When a thinly provisioned pool must be converted to a regular pool, the soft pool size is
automatically reduced to match the current hard pool size. If the combined allocation of
soft capacity for existing volumes in the pool exceeds the pool hard size, the storage pool
cannot be converted. Of course, this situation can be resolved if individual volumes are
selectively resized or deleted to reduce the soft space consumed.
With the architecture of the XIV system, the global system capacity can be defined in terms of
both a hard system size and a soft system size. When thin provisioning is not activated at the
system level, these two sizes are equal to the system’s physical capacity.
With thin provisioning, these concepts have the meanings as discussed in the following
The soft system size obviously limits the soft size of all volumes in the system and has the
following attributes:
The soft system size is not related to any direct system attribute and can be defined to be
larger than the hard system size if thin provisioning is implemented. Keep in mind that the
storage administrator cannot set the soft system size.
Note: If the storage pools within the system are thinly provisioned, but the soft system
size does not exceed the hard system size, the total system hard capacity cannot be
filled until all storage pools are regularly provisioned. Therefore, define all storage pools
in a non-thinly provisioned system as regular storage pools.
The soft system size is a purely logical limit. However, you must exercise care when the
soft system size is set to a value greater than the maximum potential hard system size.
Obviously, it must be possible to upgrade the system’s hard size to be equal to the soft
size. Therefore, defining an unreasonably high system soft size can result in full capacity
depletion. For this reason, defining the soft system size is not within the scope of the
storage administrator role.
Certain conditions can temporarily reduce the system’s soft limit.
14 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
attached hosts. The potential impact of a component failure is vastly reduced, because each
module in the system is responsible for a relatively small percentage of the system’s
operation. Simply put, a controller failure in a typical N+1 system likely results in a dramatic
(up to 50%) reduction of available cache, processing power, and internal bandwidth, where
the loss of a module in the XIV system translates to only one-fifteenth of the system
resources and does not compromise performance nearly as much as the same failure with a
typical architecture.
Additionally, the XIV system incorporates innovative provisions to mitigate isolated disk-level
performance anomalies through redundancy-supported reaction. For more information about
redundancy-supported reaction, see the Redbooks publication IBM XIV Storage System:
Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659.
Figure 1-4 on page 16 illustrates the path that is taken by a write request as it travels through
the system. The diagram is intended to be viewed as a conceptual topology. Therefore, do not
interpret the specific numbers of connections and so forth as literal depictions. Also, for
purposes of this discussion, the interface modules are depicted on a separate level from the
data modules. However, in reality the interface modules also function as data modules. The
following numbers correspond to the numbers in Figure 1-4:
1. A host sends a write request to the system. Any of the interface modules that are
connected to the host can service the request, because the modules work in an
active-active capacity. The IBM XIV Storage System server does not perform load
balancing of the requests. Load balancing must be implemented by storage administrators
to equally distribute the host requests among all interface modules.
2. The interface module uses the system configuration information to determine the location
of the primary module that houses the referenced data, which can be either an interface
module, including the interface module that received the write request, or a data module.
The data is written only to the local cache of the primary module.
3. The primary module uses the system configuration information to determine the location
of the secondary module that houses the copy of the referenced data. Again, this module
can be either an interface module or a data module, but it cannot be the same as the
primary module. The data is redundantly written to the local cache of the secondary
After the data is written to cache in both the primary and secondary modules, the host
receives an acknowledgement that the I/O is complete, which occurs independently of copies
of either cached or dirty data that is being destaged to physical disk.
Because of the grid topology of the XIV system, a system quiesce event entails the graceful
shutdown of all modules within the system. Each module can be thought of as an
independent entity that is responsible for managing the destaging of dirty data, that is, written
data that has not yet been destaged to physical disk. The dirty data within each module
consists of equal parts primary and secondary copies of data, but will never contain both
primary and secondary copies of the same data.
Each module in the XIV system contains a local, independent space that is reserved for
caching operations within its system memory. In addition, each module contains 8 GB of high
speed volatile memory (a total of 120 GB), from which 5.5 GB (and 82.5 GB overall) are
dedicated for caching data.
Note: The system does not contain non-volatile memory space that is reserved for write
operations. However, the close proximity of the cache and the drives, in conjunction with
the enforcement of an upper limit for dirty, or non-destaged, data on a per-drive basis,
ensures that the full destage will occur while operating under battery power.
16 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
1.3.5 Rebuild and redistribution
The IBM XIV Storage System server dynamically maintains the pseudo-random distribution of
data across all modules and disks while ensuring that two copies of data exist at all times
when the system reports Full Redundancy. Obviously, when there is a change to the
hardware infrastructure as a result of a failed component, data must be restored to
redundancy and distributed, or when a component is added, or phased-in, a new data
distribution must accommodate the change.
Goal distribution
The process of achieving a new goal distribution while simultaneously restoring data
redundancy because of the loss of a disk or module is called a rebuild. Because a rebuild
occurs as a result of a component failure that consists full data redundancy, a period exists
during which the non-redundant data is both restored to full redundancy and homogeneously
redistributed over the remaining disks.
The process of achieving a new goal distribution (only occurring when redundancy exists) is
known as redistribution, during which all data in the system (including both primary and
secondary copies) is redistributed, when it is a result of the following events:
The replacement of a failed disk or module following a rebuild, also called a phase-in
When one or more modules are added to the system, called a scale-out upgrade
Following either of these occurrences, the XIV system immediately initiates the following
sequence of events:
1. The XIV distribution algorithms calculate which partitions must be relocated and copied.
The resultant distribution table is called the goal distribution.
2. The data modules and interface modules begin concurrently redistributing and copying (in
the case of a rebuild) the partitions according to the goal distribution:
– This process occurs in a parallel, any-to-any fashion concurrently among all modules
and drives in the background, with complete host transparency.
– The priority that is associated with achieving the new goal distribution is internally
determined by the system. The priority cannot be adjusted by the storage
• Rebuilds have the highest priority. However, the transactional load is
homogeneously distributed over all the remaining disks in the system resulting in a
low density of system-generated transactions.
• Phase-outs (caused by the XIV technician removing and replacing a failed module)
have a lower priority than rebuilds, because at least two copies of all data exist at all
times during the phase-out.
• Redistributions have the lowest priority, because there is neither a lack of data
redundancy nor has the system detected the potential for an impending failure.
3. The system reports Full Redundancy after the goal distribution has been met.
Following the completion of goal distribution resulting from a rebuild or phase-out, a
subsequent redistribution must occur when the system hardware is fully restored through
a phase-in.
18 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
The IBM XIV Storage System family consists of two machine types, the 2810-A14 and the
2812-A14. The 2812 machine type comes standard with a three-year manufacturer warranty.
The 2810 machine type is delivered with a one-year standard warranty. Most of the hardware
features are the same for both machine types. Table 1-1 lists the major differences.
Figure 1-6 summarizes the main hardware characteristics of the XIV models 2810-A14 and
All XIV hardware components come pre-installed in a standard 19-inch data center class
rack. At the bottom of the rack, an uninterruptible power supply module complex, which is
made up of three redundant uninterruptible power supply units, is installed and provides
power to the various system components.
Figure 1-7 shows details for these configuration options and the various capacities, drives,
ports, and memory.
Total modules 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Interface modules 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(Feature #1100)
Data modules 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Feature #1105)
Disk drives 72 108 120 132 144 156 168 180
iSCSI ports 0 4 4 6 6 6 6 6
Note: For the same reason that the system is not dependent on specially developed parts,
there might be differences in the actual hardware components that are used in your
particular system compared with those components described in the following sections.
20 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
The XIV hardware components are installed in a standard 482.6 mm (19-inch) rack XIV
Model 2810 and 2812 redesigned door. Adequate space is provided to house all components
and to properly route all cables. The rack door and side panels are locked with a key to
prevent unauthorized access to the installed components.
Data module
The fully populated rack hosts 9 data modules (modules 1-3 and modules 10-15). The only
difference between data modules and interface modules (see “Interface module” on page 22)
is the additional host adapters and Gigabit Ethernet adapters in the interface modules and the
option of a dual CPU configuration for the newer interface modules.
Each data module contains four redundant Gigabit Ethernet ports. These ports together with
the two switches form the internal network, which is the communication path for data and
metadata between all modules. One Dual Gigabit Ethernet adapter is integrated in the
System Planar (port 1 and 2). The remaining two ports (3 and 4) are on an additional Dual
Gigabit Ethernet adapter installed in a Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe)
slot as seen in Figure 1-8.
Data Module
2 x On-board
Gigabit Ethernet
Serial Dual-port Gigabit
4 x USB
Four Fibre Channel ports are available in each interface module for a total of 24 Fibre
Channel ports. They support 1, 2, and 4 Gbps full-duplex data transfer over short wave fibre
links, using a 50 micron multi-mode cable. They also support new end-to-end error detection
through a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for improved data integrity during reads and
In each module, the Fibre Channel ports are allocated in the following manner:
Ports 1 and 3 are allocated for host connectivity.
Ports 2 and 4 are allocated for additional host connectivity or remote mirror and data
migration connectivity.
Note: Using more than 12 Fibre Channel ports for host connectivity does not necessarily
provide more bandwidth. Use enough ports to support multipathing, without overburdening
the host with too many paths to manage.
Six iSCSI ports (two ports per interface modules 7 through 9) are available for iSCSI over
IP/Ethernet services. These ports support a 1 Gbps Ethernet network connection, connect to
the user’s IP network through the Patch Panel, and provide connectivity to the iSCSI hosts.
The XIV system was engineered with substantial protection against data corruption and data
loss. Several features and functions implemented in the disk drive also increase reliability and
SAS interface
The disk drive features a 3 Gbps SAS interface supporting key features in the SATA
specification, including Native Command Queuing (NCQ) and staggered spin-up and
hot-swap capability.
32 MB cache buffer
The internal 32 MB cache buffer enhances the data transfer performance.
Rotation Vibration Safeguard (RVS)
In multi-drive environments, rotational vibration, which results from the vibration of
neighboring drives in a system, can degrade hard drive performance. To aid in maintaining
high performance, the disk drive incorporates the enhanced RVS technology, providing up
to a 50% improvement over the previous generation against performance degradation,
and therefore, leading the industry.
Advanced magnetic recording heads and media
There is an excellent soft error rate for improved reliability and performance.
Self-Protection Throttling (SPT)
SPT monitors and manages I/O to maximize reliability and performance.
22 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Thermal Fly-height Control (TFC)
TFC provides a better soft error rate for improved reliability and performance.
Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) Motor
The FDB Motor improves acoustics and positional accuracy.
Load/unload ramp
The read/write heads are placed outside the data area to protect user data when the
power is removed.
All XIV disks are installed in the front of the modules, twelve disks per module. Each SATA
disk is installed in a disk tray, which connects the disk to the backplane and includes the disk
indicators on the front. If a disk is failing, it can be replaced easily from the front of the rack.
The complete disk tray is one FRU, which is latched in its position by a mechanical handle.
Important: Never swap SATA disks in the XIV system within a module nor place them in
another module because of internal tracing and logging data that they maintain.
The Gigabit Ethernet Layer 3-Switch contains 48 copper and 4 fiber ports (small form-factor
plugable (SFP) capable of one of 3 speeds, 10/100/10000 Mbps), robust stacking, and
10 Gigabit Ethernet uplink capability. The switches are powered by redundant power supplies
to eliminate any single point of failure.
The XIV Storage Management software is provided at the time of installation. Optionally you
can download it from the following Web address:
For detailed information about the compatibility of the XIV Storage Management software,
see the XIV interoperability matrix or the System Storage Interoperability Center (SSIC) at the
following address:
The IBM XIV Storage Management software includes a user-friendly and intuitive GUI
application, as well as an XCLI component that offers a comprehensive set of commands to
configure and monitor the system. The XCLI is a powerful text-based, command line-based
tool that enables an administrator to issue simple commands to configure, manage, or
maintain the system. This tool includes the definitions that are required to connect to hosts
and applications. The XCLI tool can be used in an XCLI session environment to interactively
configure the system or as part of a script to perform lengthy and more complex tasks.
The basic storage system configuration sequence that is followed in this chapter includes the
initial installation steps, followed by the disk space definition and management. Figure 1-9
shows an overview of the configuration flow. Keep in mind that, because the XIV Storage
Management GUI is extremely intuitive, you can easily and quickly achieve most configuration
Basic configuration
XIV Storage
Software Install
Manage Storage Manage Storage
Pools Pools
Remote Mirroring
Monitoring and
XCLI Scripting event notification
24 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
1.5.1 The XIV Storage Management GUI
In this section, we take you through the XIV Storage Management GUI. We explain how to
start it and present tips for navigating its options and features.
Important: You must change the default passwords to properly secure your system.
The default admin user comes with storage administrator (storageadmin) rights. The XIV
system offers role-based user access management.
To connect to an XIV system, you must initially add the system to make it visible in the GUI by
specifying its IP addresses.
2. After you return to the main XIV Storage Management window, wait until the system is
displayed and indicates a status of enabled. Under normal circumstances, the system
shows a status of Full Redundancy in a green label box.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the image of the XIV system and click to open the XIV
Storage System Management main window (Figure 1-12).
Function icons
Mouse over
Main display area status
Status indicators
26 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
The main window of the XIV Storage Management software is divided into several areas:
Function icons
This set of vertically stacked icons, on the left side of the main window, is used to navigate
between the functions of the GUI based on the icon that is selected. Moving the mouse
pointer over an icon opens a corresponding option menu. Figure 1-13 shows the various
menu options that are available from the function icons.
Systems Volumes
Group the managed Manage storage volumes and their
systems snapshots; define, delete, and edit
Access management
Access the control system that
specifies the defined user roles to
control access
Main display
This area occupies the major part of the window and provides graphical representation of
the XIV system. Moving the mouse pointer over the graphical representation of a specific
hardware component (module, disk, and uninterruptible power supply unit) open a status
callout. When a specific function is selected, the main display shows a tabular
representation of that function.
Menu bar
The menu bar is used to configure the system. It is also used as an alternative to the
Function icons for accessing the various functions of the XIV system.
The toolbar is used to access a range of specific actions that are linked to the individual
functions of the system.
Tip: The configuration information regarding the connected systems and the GUI is stored
in various files under the user’s home directory.
As a useful and convenient feature, all the commands issued from the GUI are saved in a
log in the format of the XCLI syntax. This syntax includes quoted strings. However, the
quotation marks are needed only if the value that is specified contains blanks.
The default location is in the Documents and Setting folder of the Microsoft Windows
current user, for example:
%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Application Data\XIV\GUI10\logs\guiCommands*.log
28 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
As shown in Figure 1-14, commands can be executed against multiple selected objects.
As shown in Figure 1-15, menu tips are displayed when the mouse pointer is placed over
disabled menu items. The tips explain why the item is not selectable in a given context.
Keyboard navigation
Up and down
arrows are used
to scroll
For more information about the XIV Storage Management GUI, see Chapter 4, “Configuration,”
in IBM XIV Storage System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659.
To start an XCLI session, click the desktop link or click Launch XCLI from the systems menu
in the GUI (as shown in Figure 1-17). Starting from the GUI automatically provides the current
user ID and password and connects you to the selected system. Otherwise you are prompted
for user information and the IP address of the system.
30 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
You can define a script to specify the name and path to the commands file. (The lists of
commands are executed in User Mode only).
The first command prints the usage of xcli. The second command prints all the commands
that can be used by the user in that particular system. The third command one shows the
usage of the user_list command with all the parameters.
There are various parameters to get the result of a command in a predefined format. The
default is a user readable format. You can specify the -s parameter to get it in a
comma-separated format or specify the -x parameter to obtain it in an XML format.
Note: The XML format contains all the fields of a particular command. The user and the
comma-separated formats provide the default fields as a result.
For more information about using XCLI, see Chapter 4, “Configuration,” in IBM XIV Storage
System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659.
For complete and detailed documentation of the IBM XIV Storage Management software, see
the XCLI Reference Guide, GC27-2213, and the XIV Session User Guide. You can find both
of these documents in the IBM XIV Storage System Information Center at the following
32 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
PowerVM offers a secure virtualization environment with the following major features and
Consolidates diverse sets of applications that are built for multiple operating systems (AIX,
IBM i, and Linux) on a single server
Virtualizes processor, memory, and I/O resources to increase asset utilization and reduce
infrastructure costs
Dynamically adjusts server capability to meet changing workload demands
Moves running workloads between servers to maximize availability and avoid planned
They provide logical partitioning technology by using either the Hardware Management
Console (HMC) or the Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM), dynamic logical partition
(LPAR) operations, Micro-Partitioning™ and VIOS capabilities, and Node Port ID
Virtualization (NPIV).
With PowerVM Express Edition, clients can create up to three partitions on a server (two
client partitions and one for the VIOS and IVM). They can use virtualized disk and optical
devices, as well as try the shared processor pool. All virtualization features, such as
34 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Micro-Partitioning, shared processor pool, VIOS, PowerVM LX86, shared dedicated capacity,
NPIV, and virtual tape, can be managed by using the IVM.
With PowerVM Standard Edition, clients can create up to 254 partitions on a server. They can
use virtualized disk and optical devices and try out the shared processor pool. All
virtualization features, such as Micro-Partitioning, Shared Processor Pool, Virtual I/O Server,
PowerVM Lx86, Shared Dedicated Capacity, NPIV, and Virtual Tape, can be managed by
using an Hardware Management Console or the IVM.
With PowerVM Live Partition Mobility, you can move a running partition from one POWER6
technology-based server to another with no application downtime. This capability results in
better system utilization, improved application availability, and energy savings. With PowerVM
Live Partition Mobility, planned application downtime because of regular server maintenance
is no longer necessary.
The VIOS owns the physical I/O resources such as Ethernet and SCSI/FC adapters. It
virtualizes those resources for its client LPARs to share them remotely by using the built-in
hypervisor services. These client LPARs can be created quickly, typically owning only real
memory and shares of CPUs without any physical disks or physical Ethernet adapters.
With Virtual SCSI support, VIOS client partitions can share disk storage that is physically
assigned to the VIOS LPAR. This virtual SCSI support of VIOS is used to make storage
devices, such as the IBM XIV Storage System server, that do not support the IBM i
proprietary 520-byte/sectors format that is available to IBM i clients of VIOS.
VIOS owns the physical adapters, such as the Fibre Channel storage adapters that are
connected to the XIV system. The logical unit numbers (LUNs) of the physical storage
devices that are detected by VIOS are mapped to VIOS virtual SCSI (VSCSI) server adapters
that are created as part of its partition profile.
The client partition with its corresponding VSCSI client adapters defined in its partition profile
connects to the VIOS VSCSI server adapters by using the hypervisor. VIOS performs SCSI
emulation and acts as the SCSI target for the IBM i operating system.
h d is k h d is k
#1 #n
... # 1 -(m -1 ) # m -n
P O W E R H y p e rv is o r
F C a d a p te r F C a d a p te r
X IV S to ra g e S y s te m
The VIOS does not do any device discovery on ports by using NPIV. Thus no devices are
shown in the VIOS connected to NPIV adapters. The discovery is left for the virtual client and
all the devices found during discovery are detected only by the virtual client. This way, the
virtual client can use FC SAN storage specific multipathing software on the client to discover
and manage devices.
For more information about PowerVM virtualization management, see the IBM Redbooks
publication IBM PowerVM Virtualization Managing and Monitoring, SG24-7590.
Note: Connection through VIOS NPIV to an IBM i client is possible only for storage devices
that can attach natively to the IBM i operating system, such as the IBM System Storage
DS8000®. To connect other storage devices, use VIOS with virtual SCSI adapters.
36 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
2.2 PowerVM client connectivity to the IBM XIV Storage System
The XIV system can be connected to an IBM i partition through VIOS. See 4.1, “Connecting a
PowerVM client to the IBM XIV Storage System server” on page 48, for detailed instructions
about how to set up the environment on an IBM POWER6 system to connect the XIV system
to an IBM i client with multipath through two VIOS partitions.
Note: In this paper, the IBM i operating system resides in a logical partition (LPAR) on an
IBM Power Systems server or Power Blade platform.
Note: Not all listed Fibre Channel adapters are supported in every POWER6 server
listed in the first point. For more information about which FC adapter is supported with
which server, see the IBM Redbooks publication IBM Power 520 and Power 550
(POWER6) System Builder, SG24-7765, and the IBM Redpaper publication IBM Power
570 and IBM Power 595 (POWER6) System Builder, REDP-4439.
40 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
The following Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs) are supported to connect the XIV
system to a VIOS partition on IBM Power Blade servers JS12 and JS22:
– LP1105-BCv - 4 Gbps Fibre PCI-X Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter, P/N 43W6859
– IBM SANblade QMI3472 PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter, P/N 39Y9306
– IBM 4 Gb PCI-X Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter, P/N 41Y8527
The following Fibre Channel HBAs are supported to connect the XIV system to a VIOS
partition on IBM Power Blade servers JS23 and JS43:
– IBM SANblade QMI3472 PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter, P/N 39Y9306
– IBM 44X1940 QLOGIC ENET & 8Gbps Fibre Channel Expansion Card for
– IBM 44X1945 QMI3572 QLOGIC 8Gbps Fibre Channel Expansion Card for
– IBM 46M6065 QMI2572 QLogic 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Expansion Card for
– IBM 46M6140 Emulex 8Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card for BladeCenter
– IBM SANblade QMI3472 PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter, P/N 39Y9306
You must have IBM XIV Storage System firmware 10.0.1b and later.
The XIV system can be connected to the VIOS at a maximum distance of 500m (the
maximum distance for short wave Fibre Channel links using 50 micron optical cables).
Switch zoning
For redundancy, set up at least two connections from two Fibre Channel adapters in the
VIOS, through two SAN switches, to the Fibre Channel interfaces of the XIV system. Each
host connects to ports from at least two interface modules in the XIV system. See Figure 3-1
on page 44 for an example.
You must zone the switches so that each zone contains one FC Adapter on the host system
(initiator) and multiple FC ports in the XIV system (target).
Chapter 3. Planning for the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 41
3.3 Planning for the Virtual I/O Server
In this section, we provide planning information for the VIOS partitions.
Note: When the IBM i operating system and VIOS reside on an IBM Power Blade server,
you can define only one VSCSI adapter in the VIOS to assign to an IBM i client.
Consequently the number of LUNs to connect to the IBM i operating system is limited to16.
3.3.2 Queue depth in the IBM i operating system and Virtual I/O Server
When connecting the IBM XIV Storage System server to an IBM i client through the VIOS,
consider the following types of queue depths:
The IBM i queue depth to a virtual LUN
SCSI command tag queuing in the IBM i operating system enables up to 32 I/O operations
to one LUN at the same time.
The queue depth per physical disk (hdisk) in the VIOS
This queue depth indicates the maximum number of I/O requests that can be outstanding
on a physical disk in the VIOS at a given time.
The queue depth per physical adapter in the VIOS
This queue depth indicates the maximum number of I/O requests that can be outstanding
on a physical adapter in the VIOS at a given time.
The IBM i operating system has a fixed queue depth of 32, which is not changeable. However,
the queue depths in the VIOS can be set up by a user. The default setting in the VIOS varies
based on the type of connected storage, type of physical adapter, and type of multipath driver
or Host Attachment kit that is used. Typically for the XIV system, the queue depth per physical
disk is 32, the queue depth per 4 Gbps FC adapter is 200, and the queue depth per 8 Gbps
FC adapter is 500.
Check the queue depth on physical disks by entering the following VIOS command:
lsdev -dev hdiskxx -attr queue_depth
This command ensures that the queue depth in the VIOS matches the IBM i queue depth for
42 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
3.3.3 Multipath with two Virtual I/O Servers
The IBM XIV Storage System server is connected to an IBM i client partition through the
VIOS. For redundancy, you connect the XIV system to an IBM i client with two or more VIOS
partitions, with one VSCSI adapter in the IBM i operating system assigned to a VSCSI
adapter in each VIOS. The IBM i operating system then establishes multipath to an XIV LUN,
with each path using one different VIOS. For XIV attachment to the VIOS, the VIOS integrated
native MPIO multipath driver is used. Up to eight VIOS partitions can be used in such a
multipath connection. However, most installations might do multipath by using two VIOS
See 4.1.3, “IBM i multipath capability with two Virtual I/O Servers” on page 54, for more
With the grid architecture and massive parallelism inherent to XIV system, the recommended
approach is to maximize the utilization of all the XIV resources at all times.
Similarly, if multiple hosts have multiple connections, you must distribute the connections
evenly across the interface modules.
Note: Create a separate zone for each host adapter that connects to a switch, for each
zone that contains the connection from the host adapter, and for all connections to the XIV
Chapter 3. Planning for the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 43
XIV Storage System
Interface modules
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 1
Zone 2
The XIV architecture eliminates the existing storage concept of a large central cache. Instead,
each module in the XIV grid has its own dedicated cache. The XIV algorithms that stage data
between disk and cache work most efficiently when multiple I/O requests are coming in
parallel. This is where the host queue depth becomes an important factor in maximizing XIV
I/O performance. Therefore, configure the host HBA queue depths as large as possible.
44 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
3.5.1 Net usable capacity
Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 show the number of interface or data modules, dedicated data
modules, number of disk units, spare capacity, and net usable capacity of the IBM XIV
Storage System configurations.
Number of modules 15 14 13 12
Number of modules 11 10 9 6
For more information about usable capacity, see the Redbooks publication IBM XIV Storage
System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659.
Consider an example where, when creating a regular storage pool, we define capacity at
3000 GB. The capacity is rounded up to the next multiple of 234 . This translates into the
following equation:
175 x 17179869184 bytes = 3006477107200 bytes = 3006.477107200 GB (decimal)
The size of storage pool is presented as an integer of a decimal in GB. Therefore, it is shown
as 3006 GB.
Similarly, the size of a LUN in the regular storage pool is rounded up to the multiple of 234
bytes and is presented as an integer part of the decimal in GB. When a thinly provisioned
storage pool is created, both its hard size and soft size are expressed as a multiple of 234
bytes. When a LUN is created in a thinly provisioned storage pool, its actual size and logical
size are the multiple of 234 bytes and are presented as an integer part of the decimal in GB.
Chapter 3. Planning for the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 45
3.5.3 Capacity reduction for an IBM i client
After a LUN is connected to an IBM i partition through the VIOS, the capacity of the LUN is
reduced by about 11%.
The IBM i storage uses disks that support 520 bytes per sector. The IBM XIV Storage System
server only supports 512 bytes per sector. Therefore, it is necessary to convert a 520 bytes
per sector data layout to a 512 byte per sector when connecting XIV LUNs to an IBM i client.
Basically, to do the conversion, for every page in the IBM i client (8 x 512-byte sectors), an
extra 512-byte sector is allocated. The extra sectors contain the information that was
previously stored in the 8-byte sector headers. Because of this process, you must allocate
nine sectors of XIV storage or midrange storage for every eight sectors in the IBM i client.
From a capacity point of view, the usable capacity is multiplied by 8 divided by 9 or app.0.89,
which means that it is reduced by about 11%, when the logical volumes report to an IBM i
In the XIV system, we define a LUN with as size of 150 GB. The capacity is rounded up to the
next multiple of (234 ), which is the following result:
9 x 234 bytes = 154618822656 bytes
This capacity is presented in the XIV Storage Management GUI as 154 GB. After the LUN is
connected to the IBM i client through the VIOS, its usable capacity for the IBM i client, is
reduced in the following way:
(8 / 9) x 154618822656 bytes = 137438953472 bytes
The capacity of such a LUN, as reported in IBM i system service tools (SST), is 137.438 GB.
In the following example, we calculate the usable capacity that is available to an IBM i client
from a nine-module XIV system connected through the VIOS, using one regular storage pool
and no snapshots, and defining the LUNs with a size of 100 GB.
In this example, the net capacity of a nine-module XIV system is 43.087 TB, as shown in
Table 3-2 on page 45. From this capacity, we can define a regular storage pool with the
following capacity:
2507 x 234 bytes = 43.07 TB
After creating the LUNs and connecting them to the IBM i client by using the VIOS, the
capacity is reduced to 1 divided by 9. Therefore, the approximate usable capacity for the IBM
i operating system is calculated as follows:
43.07 x (8 / 9) TB = 38.28 TB
46 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
The LUNs are connected to the IBM i partition in multipath with two Virtual I/O Servers
(VIOS). We explain this setup in 4.1, “Connecting a PowerVM client to the IBM XIV Storage
System server” on page 48.
For more information about how to create the VIOS and IBM i client partitions in the POWER6
server, see 6.2.1, “Creating the VIOS LPAR,” and 6.2.2, “Creating the IBM i LPAR,” in the IBM
Redbooks publication IBM i and Midrange External Storage, SG24-7668.
48 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
3. In the Create LPAR wizard:
a. Type the partition ID and name.
b. Type the partition profile name.
c. Select whether the processors in the LPAR will be dedicated or shared. We
recommend that you select Dedicated.
d. Specify the minimum, desired, and maximum number of processors for the partition.
e. Specify the minimum, desired, and maximum amount of memory in the partition.
4. In the I/O panel (Figure 4-2), select the I/O devices to include in the new LPAR. In our
example, we include the RAID controller to attach the internal SAS drive for the VIOS boot
disk and DVD_RAM drive. We include the physical Fibre Channel (FC) adapters to
connect to the XIV server. As shown in Figure 4-2, we add them as Required.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 49
7. Configure the logical host Ethernet adapter:
a. Select the logical host Ethernet adapter from the list.
b. In the next window, click Configure.
c. Verify that the selected logical host Ethernet adapter is not selected by any other
partitions, and select Allow all VLAN IDs.
8. In the Profile Summary panel, review the information, and click Finish to create the LPAR.
50 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
9. In the Load Source Device panel, if the connected XIV system will be used to boot from a
storage area network (SAN), select the virtual adapter that connects to the VIOS.
10.In the Alternate Restart Device panel, if the virtual DVD-RAM device will be used in the
IBM i client, select the corresponding virtual adapter.
11.In the Console Selection panel, select the default of HMC for the console device. Click OK.
12.Depending on the planned configuration, click Next in the three panels that follow until you
reach the Profile Summary panel.
13.In the Profile Summary panel, check the specified configuration and click Finish to create
the IBM i LPAR.
If the disks that you are going to use for the VIOS installation were previously used by an
IBM i partition, you must reformat them for 512 bytes per sector.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 51
Figure 4-3 Activate LPAR window
4. In the next window, choose boot mode SMS and click OK. Then, click OK to activate the
VIOS partition in SMS boot mode while a terminal session window is open.
5. In the SMS main menu (Figure 4-4), select option 5. Select Boot Options.
PowerPC Firmware
Version EM320_031
SMS 1.7 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2007 All rights reserved.
Main Menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options
Navigation Keys:
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:5
52 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
9. From the Select Media Adapter menu, select the media adapter.
10.From the Select Device menu, select the device SATA CD-ROM.
11.From the Select Task menu, select option 2. Normal boot mode.
12.In the next console window, when prompted by the question “Are you sure you want to exit
System Management Services?”, select option 1. Yes.
The VIOS partition is automatically rebooted in normal boot mode.
13.In the VIOS installation panel that opens, at the prompt for the system console, type 1 to
use this terminal as the system console.
14.At the installation language prompt, type 1 to use English as the installation language.
15.In the VIOS welcome panel, select option 1 Start Install Now with Default Settings.
16.From the VIOS System Backup Installation and Settings menu, select option 0 Install with
the settings listed above.
Installation of the VIOS starts, and its progress is shown in the Installing Base Operation
System panel.
17.After successful installation of the VIOS, log in with the prime administrator user ID
padmin. Enter a new password and type a to accept the software terms and conditions.
18.Before you run any VIOS command other than the chlang command to change the
language setting, accept the software license terms by entering the following command:
license -accept
To view the license before you accept it, enter the following command:
license -view
2. Configure TCP/IP for the logical Ethernet adapter entX by using the mktcpip command
syntax and specifying the corresponding interface resource enX.
3. Verify the created TCP/IP connection by pinging the IP address that you specified in the
mktcpip command.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 53
Upgrading the Virtual I/O Server to the latest fix pack
As the last step of the installation, upgrade the VIOS to the latest fix pack.
With Virtual I/O Server release 2.1.2 or later, and IBM i release 6.1.1 or later, it is possible to
establish multipath to a set of LUNs, with each path using a connection through a different
VIOS. This topology provides redundancy in case either a connection or the VIOS fails. Up to
eight multipath connections can be implemented to the same set of LUNs, each through a
different VIOS. However, we expect that most IT centers will establish no more than two such
4.1.4 Connecting with virtual SCSI adapters in multipath with two Virtual I/O
In our setup, we use two VIOS and two VSCSI adapters in the IBM i partition, where each
adapter is assigned to a virtual adapter in one VIOS. We connect the same set of XIV LUNs
to each VIOS through two physical FC adapters in the VIOS multipath and map them to
VSCSI adapters serving IBM i partition. This way, the IBM i partition sees the LUNs through
two paths, each path by using one VIOS. Therefore, multipathing is started for the LUNs.
Figure 4-6 on page 55 shows our setup.
For our testing, we did not use separate switches as shown in Figure 4-6, but rather used
separate blades in the same SAN Director. In a real, production environment, use separate
switches as shown in Figure 4-6.
54 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
7 3 16 16
Physical FC adapters
To connect XIV LUNs to an IBM i client partition in multipath with two VIOS:
1. After the LUNs are created in the XIV system, use the XIV Storage Management GUI or
Extended Command Line Interface (XCLI) to map the LUNs to the VIOS host as shown in
4.2, “Configuring XIV storage to connect to IBM i by using the Virtual I/O Server” on
page 56.
2. Log in to VIOS as administrator. In our example, we use PUTTY to log in as described in
6.5, “Configuring VIOS virtual devices,” of the Redbooks publication IBM i and Midrange
External Storage, SG24-7668.
Type the cfgdev command so that the VIOS can recognize newly attached LUNs.
3. in the VIOS, remove the SCSI reservation attribute from the LUNs (hdisks) that will be
connected through two VIOS by entering the following command for each hdisk that will
connect to the IBM i operating system in multipath:
chdev -dev hdiskX -attr reserve_policy=no_reserve
4. Set the attributes of Fibre Channel adapters in the VIOS to fc_err_recov=fast_fail and
dyntrk=yes. When the attributes are set to these values, the error handling in FC adapter
allows faster transfer to the alternate paths in case of problems with one FC path. To make
multipath within one VIOS work more efficiently, specify these values by entering the
following command:
chdev -dev fscsi0 -attr fc_err_recov=fast_fail dyntrk=yes-perm
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 55
5. To get more bandwidth by using multiple paths, enter the following command for each
hdisk (hdiskX):
chdev -dev hdiskX -perm -attr algorithm=round_robin;
6. Map the disks that correspond to the XIV LUNs to the VSCSI adapters that are assigned
to the IBM i client. First, check the IDs of assigned virtual adapters. Then complete the
following steps:
a. In the HMC, open the partition profile of the IBM i LPAR, click the Virtual Adapters tab,
and observe the corresponding VSCSI adapters in the VIOS.
b. in the VIOS, look for the device name of the virtual adapter that is connected to the IBM
i client. You can use the command lsmap -all to view the virtual adapters.
c. Map the disk devices to the SCSI virtual adapter that is assigned to the SCSI virtual
adapter in the IBM i partition by entering the following command:
mkvdev -vdev hdiskxx -vadapter vhostx
Upon completing these steps, in each VIOS partition, the XIV LUNs report in the IBM i client
partition by using two paths. The resource name of disk unit that represents the XIV LUN
starts with DMPxxx, which indicates that the LUN is connected in multipath.
56 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
4.2.1 Creating a storage pool
To create an IBM XIV Storage System storage pool:
1. Set up the XIV Storage Management GUI and connect to the XIV system as explained in
1.5.1, “The XIV Storage Management GUI” on page 25.
2. In the main GUI, click the Pools icon and select Storage Pools from the option menu as
shown in Figure 4-7.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 57
3. In the Storage Pools window (Figure 4-8), click the Add Pool button from the toolbar.
4. In the Add Pool panel (Figure 4-9), specify the type of storage pool being created (Regular
or Thinly provisioned), its size, the size to reserve for snapshots in the pool, and the name
of the pool. Then click Add.
58 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Although we specified 3000 GB for Pool Size, the pool that is created has a size of
3006 GB, because the size of a storage pool in the XIV system must be a multiple of 234
bytes. Therefore, the specified 3000 GB was rounded up to the next multiple of 234 bytes,
of which the integer part, 3006 GB, is shown in the GUI. For more information about the
capacity of storage pools, see 3.5, “Planning for capacity” on page 44.
The newly created storage pool is highlighted in the Storage Pools GUI window (Figure 4-10).
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 59
4.2.2 Defining the volumes
The next step is to create volumes in the IBM XIV Storage System storage pool.
Note: In the XIV system, we create the same type of volumes for all the host servers,
except for the Hewlett-Packard servers.
1. In the Storage Pools window (Figure 4-11), right-click the storage pool in which you want
to create volumes, and select Volumes and Snapshots.
60 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
2. In the Volumes and Snapshots window (Figure 4-12), which lists all the volumes that are
presently defined in the XIV system, from the toolbar, click Add Volumes.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 61
3. In the Create Volumes window (Figure 4-13), make sure that the correct storage pool is
selected and specify the number of volumes to create, their size, and a name. Click
Create. When creating multiple volumes, the corresponding suffix is automatically
appended at the end of the specified volume name.
In our example, we created nine new LUNs, with a size of 150 GB, in the storage pool
IBM i Pool as shown in Figure 4-13. The specified size of 150 GB was rounded up to the
next multiple of 234 bytes, of which the integer part, 154 GB, is shown in the GUI. For
more information about LUN capacity, see 3.5, “Planning for capacity” on page 44.
While the LUNs are being created, the XIV Storage Management GUI shows a progress
indicator (Figure 4-14).
62 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
After the volumes are all created, they are listed and highlighted in the Volumes and
Snapshots window (Figure 4-15).
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 63
4.2.3 Connecting the volumes to the Virtual I/O Server
To connect the volumes to the VIOS partitions:
1. In the XIV Storage Management GUI (Figure 4-16), click the Hosts and Clusters icon and
select Hosts Connectivity from the option menu.
64 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
2. In the Host Connectivity window (Figure 4-17), select the VIOS partition to which you want
to connect the XIV volumes (LUNs), right -click, and select Modify LUN Mapping.
Note: Selecting the VIOS partition (not a particular worldwide port name (WWPN) in
the VIOS) assigns LUNs to both WWPNs of the FC adapters that are available in the
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 65
3. In the Volume to LUN Mapping window (Figure 4-18), which shows two panes, in the left
pane, select the LUN that you want to add to the host, and then click Map to map the LUN
to the VIOS. The LUN that was just mapped is added to the list shown in the right pane.
4. To establish IBM i multipathing using two VIOS partitions, map the same LUNs to the
second VIOS. Therefore, perform steps 2 on page 65 and 3 on page 66 for the other VIOS
While adding the LUNs to the second VIOS partition, you see the warning message that
the LUNs are already mapped to another VIOS (Figure 4-19). Click OK to close the
Figure 4-19 Warning message when adding LUNs to the second VIOS
66 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
In our example, we add only one LUN to both VIOS partitions. This LUN is the IBM i Load
Source disk unit.
In each VIOS, we must map this LUN to the VSCSI adapter that is assigned to the IBM i client
and start IBM i installation. After installing the IBM i Licensed Internal Code, we can add the
other LUNs to both VIOS, map them for each VIOS to the VSCSI adapters for the IBM i client,
and finally add them to IBM i in Dedicated Service Tools (DST) environment.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 67
If the reserve policy is not no_reserve, change it to no_reserve by entering the following
chdev -dev hdiskX -attr reserve_policy=no_reserve
4. Before mapping hdisks to a VSCSI adapter, check whether the adapter is assigned to the
client VSCSI adapter in IBM i and whether any other devices are mapped to it.
a. Enter the following command to display the virtual slot of the adapter and see any other
devices assigned to it:
lsmap -vadapter <name>
In our setup, no other devices are assigned to the adapter, and the relevant slot is C16
(Figure 4-21).
b. From the HMC, edit the profile of the IBM i partition. Select the partition and choose
Configuration Manage Profiles. Then select the profile and click Actions Edit.
c. In the partition profile, click the Virtual Adapters tab and make sure that a client
VSCSI adapter is assigned to the server adapter with the same ID as the virtual slot
number. In our example, client adapter 3 is assigned to server adapter 16 (thus
matching the virtual slot C16) as shown in Figure 4-22.
68 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
5. Map the relevant hdisks to the VSCSI adapter by entering the following command:
mkvdev -vdev hdiskx -vadapter <name>
In our example, we map the XIV LUNs to the adapter vhost5, and we give to each LUN the
virtual device name by using the -dev parameter as shown in Figure 4-23.
After completing these steps for each VIOS, the LUNs are available to the IBM i client in
multipath (one path through each VIOS).
Figure 4-24 HMC: Selectign Virtual Storage Management for the selected server
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 69
3. In the Virtual Storage Management window (Figure 4-25), select the VIOS to which to
assign volumes. Click Query VIOS.
4. After the Query VIOS results are displayed, click the Physical Volumes tab to view the
disk devices in the VIOS (Figure 4-26).
a. Select the hdisk that you want to assign to the IBM i client and click Modify
Figure 4-26 HMC: Modifying the assignment of physical volumes in the VIOS
70 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
b. In the Modify Physical Disk Partition Assignments window (Figure 4-27), from the
pull-down list, choose the IBM i client to which you want to assign the volumes.
c. Click OK to confirm the selection for the selected partition (Figure 4-28).
You now see the information message indicating that the hdisk is being reassigned
(Figure 4-29). The Query VIOS function starts automatically again.
Important: To have multipath to the IBM i client LUNS through two VIOS, you must
perform steps 1 through 4 for each VIOS.
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 71
4.4 Installing the IBM i client
To install the IBM i client:
1. Insert the installation media Base_01 6.1.1 in the DVD drive of the client IBM i partition.
Installing IBM i: To install IBM i, you can use the DVD drive that is dedicated to the
IBM i client partition or the virtual DVD drive that is assigned in the VIOS. If you are
using the virtual DVD drive, insert the installation media in the corresponding physical
drive in the VIOS.
2. In the IBM i partition, make sure that the tagged adapter for load source disk points to the
adapter in the VIOS to which the XIV LUNs are assigned. Also, ensure that the tagged
adapter for Alternate restart device points to the server VSCSI adapter with the assigned
optical drive or to the physical adapter with DVD-RAM.
To check the tagged adapter:
a. Select the partition in HMC, and select Configuration Manage Profiles from the
pull-down menu.
b. Select the profile and select Actions Edit.
c. In the partition profile, click the Tagged I/O tab.
As shown in Figure 4-30, we use client adapter 3 for the load source and client adapter
11 for the alternate installation device.
72 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
d. Still in the partition profile, click the Virtual Adapters tab, and verify that the
corresponding server virtual adapters are the ones with the assigned volumes and
DVD drive. See Figure 4-22 on page 68.
3. In the IBM i client partition, make sure that IPL source is set to D and that Keylock position
is set to Manual.
To verify these settings, select the IBM i client partition in HMC, choose Properties, and
click the Settings tab to see the currently selected values. Figure 4-31 shows the settings
in the client partition used for this example.
4. To activate the IBM i client partition, select this partition in the HMC and select Activate
from the pull-down menu. You can open the console window in the HMC.
Alternatively with the IBM Personal Communications tool, you can use Telnet to connect to
HMC port 2300 (Figure 4-32).
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 73
Select the appropriate language, server, and partition (Figure 4-33).
5. In the first console panel when installing the IBM i, select a language for the IBM i
operating system (Figure 4-35).
74 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
6. In the next console panel (Figure 4-36), select 1. Install Licensed Internal Code.
7. Select the device for the load source unit. In our installation, we initially assigned only one
XIV LUN to the tagged VSCSI adapter in IBM i, and we assigned the other LUNs later in
System i DST. Therefore, we only have one unit to select as shown in Figure 4-37.
8. In the Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) panel, select option 2. lnstall Licensed
Internal Code and Initialize System (Figure 4-38).
Figure 4-38 Installing the Licensed Internal Code and initializing the system
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 75
9. When the warning is displayed, press F10 to accept it for the installation to continue. The
installation starts, and you can observe the progress as shown in Figure 4-39.
10.After the installation of the Licensed Internal Code is completed, access the DST and add
more disk units (LUNs) to the System i auxiliary storage pools (ASPs). Select the following
options in DST as prompted by the panels:
a. Select option 4. Work with disk units.
b. Select option 1. Work with disk configuration.
c. Select option 3. Work with ASP configuration.
d. Select option 3. Add units to ASPs.
e. Choose an ASP to add disks to or use.
f. Select option 3. Add units to existing ASPs.
g. In the Specify ASPs to Add Units to window, select the disk units to add to the ASP by
specifying the ASP number for each disk unit, and press Enter.
In our example, we connected eight additional 154 GB LUNs from the XIV system and
added them to ASP1. Figure 4-40 shows the load source disk and all the disk units added
in ASP1. The disk unit names start with DMP, which indicates that they are connected in
76 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
11.Exit the DST and choose option 2. Install the operating system (Figure 4-41).
12.In the next console window, select the installation device type and confirm the language
selection. The system starts an IPL from the newly installed load source disk
(Figure 4-42).
Figure 4-42 Licensed Internal Code IPL when installing the operating system
Chapter 4. Implementing the IBM XIV Storage System server with IBM i 77
13.Upon completion of the IPL, when the system prompts you to load the next installation
media (Figure 4-43), insert the media B2924_01 into the DVD drive. For the message at
the console, type G.
After you insert the date and time, the system displays a progress bar for the IBM i
installation, as shown in Figure 4-44.
78 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics covered in this paper.
IBM Redbooks
For information about ordering these publications, see “How to get Redbooks” on page 80.
Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available in softcopy only.
IBM i and IBM System Storage: A Guide to Implementing External Disks on IBM i,
IBM i and Midrange External Storage, SG24-7668
IBM PowerVM Virtualization Managing and Monitoring, SG24-7590
IBM XIV Storage System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659
Other publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM XIV Storage System Host System, GC27-2215
IBM XIV Storage System Installation and Service Manual, GA32-0590
IBM XIV Storage System Introduction and Theory of Operations, GC27-2214
IBM XIV Storage System Model 2810 Installation Planning Guide, GC52-1327-01
IBM XIV Storage System Pre-Installation Network Planning Guide for Customer
Configuration, GC52-1328-01
IBM XIV Storage System XCLI Manual, GC27-2213
XCLI Reference Guide, GC27-2213
Online resources
These Web sites are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM XIV Storage System overview
IBM XIV Storage System Information Center
System Storage Interoperability Center (SSIC)
80 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
disk unit 45, 76
Numerics distribution 17
2810-A14 model 18, 20 DVD drive 51, 72–73
2812-A14 model 18, 20
A Ethernet
address space 7 fabric 3–4
AIX 23 network 4
Alerting Event 28 port 21
allocated space 11 switch 4, 23
ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) 20 exp 34 45–46
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) 20 Extended Command Line Interface (XCLI) 12, 24, 28, 31
command example 30
B session 24, 30–31
bandwidth 23 environment 30
battery 21 link 30
block 7
block-designated capacity 7 F
buffer 22 FDB (Fluid Dynamic Bearing) 23
Fibre Channel 4, 19–20
C adapter 40–42
cache 3–4 connectivity configuration 33
buffer 22 port 22, 36, 41
capacity protocol 41
allocation 10 SAN environment 36
reduction 44, 46 Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) 23
unallocated 12 full redundancy 17
client partition 43, 47, 69 function icons 27
comma-separated format 31
configuration flow 24 G
connectivity adapters 19 Gigabit Ethernet adapter 21
consistency group 9 global spare capacity 10
application volumes 9 goal distribution 9–10, 17
special snapshot command 9 full redundancy 10
consumed space 11 priority 17
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) 22 graceful shutdown 16
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 22 grid architecture 3
grid topology 14, 16
data integrity 9 H
data module 4, 15, 17, 19, 21–22 hard pool size 12–13
Gigabit Ethernet adapter 21 hard space depletion 7
only difference 21 hard storage capacity 28
separate level 15 hard system size 13
data redundancy 5, 14, 17–18 Hardware Management Console (HMC) 34, 68–69
full 17 HMC (Hardware Management Console) 34, 68–69
non-redundant data 17 host connectivity 22
default IP address 25 hot spot 9
deletion priority 8 HPUX 23
destage 16
detailed information 23
dirty data 16 I
disk drive 15, 22 I/O activity 2
LAN subnet 25 Query VIOS
Linux 23 function 71
logical volume 2, 5–7, 9–10, 46 result 70
hard space 12 queue depth 42, 44
layout on physical disks 9
size 11
LUN 42, 44–45 R
rack 19
rack door 21
M rebuild 17
machine type 19 Redbooks Web site 80
main display 27 Contact us viii
management workstation 25 redistribution 17
mapping 5 redundancy 5, 14
master volume 9 redundancy-supported reaction 15
maximum number 7 Redundant Power Supply (RPS) 20, 23
maximum volume count 7 regular pool 12–13
mean time between failure (MTBF) 22 regular storage pool 12
menu bar 27 remote mirroring 4
metadata 4, 10, 21 reserve capacity 11, 13
Microsoft Windows 23 Rotation Vibration Safeguard (RVS) 22
modules 3 RPS (Redundant Power Supply) 20, 23
MTBF (mean time between failure) 22 RVS (Rotation Vibration Safeguard) 22
multipath 43
Native Command Queuing (NCQ) 22 connectivity 41
NCQ (Native Command Queuing) 22 switches 41
net usable capacity 10 SAS (Serial-Attached SCSI) 22
Node Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) 34, 36 SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) 1
non-redundant data 17 disk 23
NPIV (Node Port ID Virtualization) 34, 36 disk drives 22
scale-out upgrade 17
script 24, 31
P self-healing 2, 14
parallelism 3, 5 Self-Protection Throttling (SPT) 22
partition 5 Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) 1, 22
patch panel 22 disk 23
IP network 22 disk drives 22
phase-in 17
82 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) 22 queue depth 42
serviceability 14 Version 2.1.1 40
SFP (small form-factor pluggable) 23 Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) 33, 35–36, 40, 47
shutdown sequence 16 logical partition 35
small form-factor pluggable (SFP) 23 multipath 43
snapshot 8 partition 40–41, 47–48, 55
consistency group 9 planning 42
reserve 8 queue depth 42
snapshot reserve capacity 7–8, 11, 13 Version 2.1.1 40
soft pool size 13 virtual SCSI adapter 36, 42, 47–49
soft storage capacity 28 virtualization management (VM) 34, 36–37
soft system size 13–14 VM (virtualization management) 34, 36–37
Solaris workstation 23 volume count 7
space limit 7 volume size 7, 11
spare capacity 10 actual 11
SPT (Self-Protection Throttling) 22
SSIC (System Storage Interoperability Center) 23
status bar 28 X
storage administrator 7–8, 11–13, 15, 17 XCLI (Extended Command Line Interface) 12, 24, 28, 31
storage capacity 28 command example 30
storage pool 5, 7–8, 11–14, 28, 47, 57 session 24, 30–31
capacity 11, 45 environment 30
characteristics 7 link 30
logical volumes 8 XIV Storage Management GUI 25, 30
thinly provisioned 12 features 28
storage virtualization 2, 5 launching 25
innovative implementation 5 main menu 26
switch zoning 41 XIV Storage Management software 23–24, 27, 30
system quiesce 16 compatibility 23
system reserve 10 documentation 32
system size function icons 27
hard 13 menu options 27
soft 14 XIV Storage System
System Storage Interoperability Center (SSIC) 23 2810-A14 model 18
system usable capacity 10 2812-A14 model 18
system-initiated activity 2 architecture 3, 5–6, 14–15, 44
system-level thin provisioning 13 data distribution 17
design 2
distribution algorithm 17
T family 19
TFC (Thermal Fly-height Control) 23 hardware 3, 5, 19, 23, 27
Thermal Fly-height Control (TFC) 23 hardware component 20
thin provisioning 2, 10 I/O performance 44
storage pool 12 Information Center 32
system level 13 key design features 2
toolbar 27 logical architecture 5
logical hierarchy 6
logical volume layout on physical disks 9
U LUN 42, 56, 67, 75
unallocated capacity 12 queue depth 42
uninterruptible power supply 16, 21, 27 open architecture 2
module 19, 21 overview 1
usable capacity 20 planning for an IBM i environment 39
PowerVM client connectivity 37
V reliability 14
VIOS (Virtual I/O Server) 33, 35–36, 40, 47 requirements 40
logical partition 35 SATA disks 23
multipath 43 software 23
partition 40–41, 47–48, 55 system usable capacity 10
planning 42 technician 18
virtualization 5
Index 83
volume 47
zero physical capacity 11
84 IBM XIV Storage System with the Virtual I/O Server and IBM i
Back cover ®
Understand how to In this IBM Redpaper publication, we discuss and explain how you
can connect the IBM XIV Storage System server to the IBM i
attach the XIV server
operating system through the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS). A TECHNICAL
to IBM i through VIOS
connection through the VIOS is especially interesting for IT SUPPORT
centers that have many small IBM i partitions. When using the ORGANIZATION
Learn how to exploit VIOS, the Fibre Channel host adapters can be installed in the VIOS
and shared by many IBM i clients by using virtual connectivity to
the multipathing
the VIOS.
tasks step-by-step
IBM Redbooks are developed
by the IBM International
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Organization. Experts from
IBM, Customers and Partners
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timely technical information
based on realistic scenarios.
Specific recommendations
are provided to help you
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effectively in your