Person in Situation

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions

for Social Work Practice

by Kathryn L. Cornell

Abstract direct social work as focusing on both the person and

This article explores the history of the person-in- his or her environment. Richmond proclaimed that
situation concept in social work practice, identifies dif- the social worker should be “no more occupied with
abnormalities in individual than in the environ-
ficulties in integrating the concept in practice theories,
ment…no more able to neglect one than the other”
and explores how philosophical innovations have
(p. 98). Richmond’s casework occurred within the
informed a more integrated approach to social work
context of the relationship between social worker and
theory. The potential impact of the convergence of
client, but she promoted both direct action through
integrating subjective and objective phenomena in
that relationship and indirect action through use of
philosophy with integrating the person and environ-
environmental resources (p. 101). Furthermore,
ment perspective in clinical theory is discussed.
Richmond stated that in the “absence of services…
Introduction social workers should develop substitutes and push
hard to secure community agencies still lacking” by
The concept of “person-in-situation” or “person- making use of “arguments and illustrations from
in-environment” stemmed from the beginning of casework” (p. 115). In this way, she understood that
social work and its dual focus on both individual casework, group work, community work, social
assistance and social reform. The historical develop- reform, and social research were all interdependent
ment of the concept reflects political, social, and aspects of social work that should come together on
economic concerns as well as debates within the the behalf of clients. Hence, Richmond was able to
profession of social work. It has been central to contextualize individual, direct action within the
direct practice1 in particular, though there have been framework of the environment and the multiple
difficulties in applying the concept within some of functions of the social worker.
the major theoretical frameworks adopted by social While Richmond’s work synthesized concerns
workers. This article will trace the person-in-situa- about the person and environment in both the
tion concept throughout the history of social work, assessment of cases and in the activities of the social
examine how practice theories have often failed to worker, the rise of psychoanalytic theory soon shift-
fully integrate the concept, and explore the conver- ed this focus for social workers in direct practice.
gence of contemporary philosophy with advances in Freud’s work and his focus on individual pathology
integrating the concept in clinical theory. became widely read and popular among social work-
ers in the U.S. (Simon, 1994). The intrapsychic focus
History of Freud’s theories as well as the analytic stance of
The early years of social work practice are defined abstinence of the practioner in treatment led to a
by the contributions of Jane Addams in the settle- reduction of attention to, and intervention in, envi-
ment house movement and Mary Richmond in ronmental causes of distress. By the 1940s, some
social casework. The two influences represent the direct practitioners were beginning to label them-
beginnings of the dual focus of social work on social selves as psychiatric social workers and explicitly
reform (by the settlement house movement) and on aligning with psychoanalytic theory and practice.
individuals and families (in social casework). Mary It was then that Gordon Hamilton (1940) wrote
Richmond (1922) attempted to bridge these divi- the influential Theory and Practice of Social
sions by emphasizing the importance in work with Casework. Hamilton clearly incorporated aspects of
individuals and families of the interaction between psychoanalytic theory including transference,
the person and the environment. She defined social defense and resistance, and interpretation into case-
casework as “those processes which develop person- work practice. In the preface to the 1951 edition of
ality through adjustments consciously effected, Theory and Practice of Social Casework, Hamilton
individual by individual, between men [sic] and identified herself as part of the diagnostic school
their social environment” (pp. 98–99). Here we and expressed her allegiance to Freudian theory,
encounter the first formal conceptualization of though she also stated that by the time the second
Direct practice here is used to distinguish work with individuals and families
from macro level administrative, community, and policy social work.
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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

edition was published she believed social work practice issues as opposed to environmental issues on a case.
fit more with ego psychology and psychodynamic In the 1960s, awareness of social problems began
theory than with the specialty of psychoanalysis (pp. to expand greatly, impacting the focus of the social
v–vii). Hamilton reaffirmed social work’s tradition- work profession. The publication of The Other
al concern with the environment and “committed America, the implementation of President Kennedy’s
not only to understand the structure and dynamics social programs, and the growth of the civil rights
of personality but also to rediscover the use of envi- movement all contributed to renewed interest in
ronmental or social therapy” (p. v). Hamilton was social reform (Simon, 1994). The social programs of
the first to make use of the phrase “person and situ- the Great Society and the War on Poverty heightened
ation” as a way to define the distinguishing charac- this interest. Social workers began to question direct
teristics of social work as a “humanistic” or clinical practice and condemned psychotherapy as a “band-
profession (p. 3). She used the construct to highlight aid” approach that did not address underlying social
the interaction between the intrapsychic and objec- issues (Turner, 1978, p. 3).
tive, with the interaction being the primary domain In the midst of this change in the social climate,
of the social worker. Hamilton perceived the role of Florence Hollis (1964) published Casework: A
the direct practice social worker as understanding Psychosocial Therapy. As in the prior works of
intrapsychic conflict while making use of the Hamilton and Richmond, Hollis directed attention
healthy aspects of the client to help the individual back to the interaction between the individual and
adapt to his or her environment, though she fails to environmental factors in social work, stating that,
equally emphasize intervening to cause the environ- “Central to casework is the notion of ‘the-person-
ment to adapt to the individual. She did recognize in-his-situation’ as a threefold configuration con-
that counseling frequently needed to be accompa- sisting of the person, the situation, and the interac-
nied by practical assistance that required the social tion between them” (p. 10). However, Hollis limited
worker to develop an understanding of the commu- her understanding of “situation” to an interpersonal
nity, the client’s social needs, and the resources to dynamic between the client and significant others
meet those needs (p. 84). She also included the use such as friends and family rather than broader
of social resources as one of the four characteristic socio-political concerns. She also stated that the dif-
processes of direct practice (p. 26). Thus, while ference between social casework and psychiatry was
psychodynamic theory strongly influenced “mainly a matter of methods” and that emphasizing
Hamilton’s approach to practice, she returned to the differences in culture would risk understating uni-
emphasis on person and situation in assessment and versal Freudian personality dynamics (pp. 11–12).
treatment, and in defining the unique perspective of In defining the distinctive characteristics of case-
the profession. work, Hollis noted that casework “gives weight to
Hamilton’s desire to define the profession was both person and situation in diagnosis, works pri-
not unique in her time. There was a prevailing fear marily with the individual but also enters into the
that social work would become absorbed in other environment when it is in the client’s best interest”
professions such as psychology, psychiatry, medicine (p. 267). The influence of the focus on intrapsychic
and sociology (Turner, 1978). By the 1950s, mental dynamics in the previous decade is evident in
health work had strong popular support and thera- Hollis’s emphasis on individual treatment and her
pists held high status, leading to higher status for alignment with psychodynamic theory. However,
psychiatric social workers (Turner, p. 2). Psychiatric she did note ways in which the social worker could
social workers advocated for casework to be recog- intervene in environmental factors, including refer-
nized as a form of psychotherapy and appeared to ring to other professional experts, suggesting
be more aligned with psychiatry than social work. In resources, preparing the client to make use of
clinical settings, direct practice social workers were resources, enlisting social supports, influencing oth-
seen as experts on the external factors of a case, ers on behalf of the client, and “direct marshalling of
while psychiatrists were experts on the internal fac- resources and services on the client’s behalf” (p. 112).
tors, though in fact the roles of the social worker and Hollis also noted:
psychiatrist were not so clearly defined in actual Not since Mary Richmond’s time have we given
practice (Turner, p. 9). Despite ambiguity in actual the same quality of attention to indirect as to
roles, psychiatrists were held in higher status and direct work. This neglect has tended to down-
frequently supervised social workers, paralleling the grade environmental treatment in the worker’s
higher status given to “internal” or intrapsychic mind…[as] something unworthy of serious

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

analysis.… This is an absolutely false assumption. (Goldstein, 1996, p. 91). Some social workers ques-
Environmental work also takes place with people tioned whether clinical practitioners respected the
and through psychological means.” (p. 77). traditions of social work, especially those of social
So even in the midst of her adherence to Freudian justice and concern for the poor and oppressed
and psychodynamic theory, Hollis called for a (Goldstein, 1996). Critics of clinical social work
renewal of social work’s traditional focus on the contended that it still relied too heavily on psycho-
environment and identified it as serious, psycholog- dynamic theory and only “paid lip service” to the
ical work for the social caseworker. person-in-situation perspective. However, by 1980 a
Even as Hollis advocated the recognition of the broad definition of clinical social work had arisen
interaction between the person and the environ- that “reaffirmed its person-situation perspective, its
ment, the profession began in the 1960s to turn its concern with the social as well as personal context,
attention away from direct practice and toward its biopyschosocial assessment lens…[and] broad
community organization, policy design, and social knowledge base” and reaffirmed both agency-based
action (Goldstein, 1996). Direct practice casework- and private practice (Goldstein, 1996, p. 93).
ers lost their status, schools of social work reduced In clinical social work in the 1980s, theories such
curriculum space allotted to direct practice inter- as self-psychology, the ecological perspective, object
vention and theory, social work undergraduate pro- relations, couples and family theories, cognitive/
grams proliferated, and social work doctoral pro- behavioral, crisis intervention, task-centered, and
grams increasingly emphasized administration, empowerment theory increased in popularity
social policy, and research (Goldstein, 1996, p. 90). (Goldstein, 1996). Psychodynamically oriented cli-
Supporters of direct practice were accused of “blam- nicians began to make use of new theories and
ing the victim” of oppression and pathologizing models for the treatment of women, people of color,
marginalized groups such as women, gays, and peo- gays, and lesbians (Goldstein, 1996). Criticism and
ple of color (Goldstein, 1996). Direct practitioners, debate regarding clinical social work practice (par-
in turn, felt that the poor were being deprived of ticularly private practice) remained, as some per-
individualized services, social work was becoming ceived it as failing to address the needs of the poor
deprofessionalized, the quality of treatment avail- and oppressed (Specht, & Courtney, 1994). Yet evi-
able was suffering, and direct service was being dence suggests most private practitioners also
abandoned by the NASW (Goldstein, 1996). worked at least part time in agency settings
Direct practitioners turned to psychosocial theo- (Goldstein, 1996), and case related advocacy was
ries that emphasized the person-in-situation to still being practiced by clinical social workers both
defend direct practice as relevant to the mission of as a part of work in agency settings and on their own
social work. In 1978, Turner’s Psychosocial Therapy time as volunteers (Ezell, 1994).
detailed the debate within social work and empha- Continuing challenges for the profession by the
sized skills in relating to individuals, families, 1990s included an increasingly diverse knowledge
groups and communities, as well as skills in mobi- base, specialization, and professional fragmentation
lizing available resources. Turner highlighted the (Goldstein, 1996). In the face of these challenges,
knowledge and skill direct practitioners need to clinical social work again made use of the person-
make use of community resources and noted the in-environment/situation concept to unite the pro-
“liberating effect” on clients when such resources fession (Goldstein, 1996; Lieberman, 1987). In 1987,
are made available (p. 60). He also added the role of the Board of Directors of the NASW, the Federation
facilitator to social work practice as a means to inte- of Societies of Clinical Social Work, and the
grate the complex web of resources and services American Board of Examiners accepted a common
involved in care for clients. Turner noted that the definition of clinical social work that included a
need for a multi-skilled direct service social worker basis in knowledge and theory with “particular
was becoming evident as psychosocial therapy attention to person-in-environment” and services
gained attention and highlighted a variety of needs that consist of “assessment, diagnosis, treatment,
and interventions. client-centered advocacy, and evaluation” (Northen,
Many social workers at that time equated clinical 1995, p. 8). Most current clinical social work texts
social work with psychodynamically-oriented case- now make use of the term “person-in-environment”
work and psychotherapy, an effort to promote pri- and spend at least some space on the environmen-
vate practice, and an attempt to achieve higher sta- tal/social aspects of assessment and treatment
tus by psychotherapists within the profession (Berzoff, Flanagan, & Hertz, 1996; Brandell, 1997;

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

Cooper & Lesser, 2002; Northern, 1995; Webb, base the person, but not the environment or the
2003). However, the concept is still not fully inte- interaction between it and the person. Social workers
grated into discussions of theory and treatment. It attempted to modify this theory in order to account
may be relegated to a special chapter (Berzoff, for the person-in-situation perspective, but it was
Flanagan, & Hertz, 1996), posed as an opening state- only “tacked on” and not truly integrated into theory
ment (Northen, 1995, Cooper & Lesser, 2002; Webb, (Berzoff, Flanagan, & Hertz, 1996; Hamilton, 1951;
2003), discussed only in the context of assessment and Hollis, 1964). A consequence of this is that envi-
(Northern, 1995; Cooper & Lesser, 2002; Webb, ronmental interventions have also never been truly
2003), or not discussed at all (Turner, 1996). This is integrated into psychodynamic social work practice.
due, in part, to the continuing difficulty of integrat- So, following Richmond’s writings (which were
ing the person, the environment, and the interaction completed prior to Freud’s overwhelming influence
between the two in the theories that guide clinical on the profession) significant works addressing
social work practice, as theories have traditionally social work direct practice struggled to modify
focused on intrapsychic issues with minimal atten- Freudian theory and practice to integrate the person-
tion to the environment or socio-cultural issues in-situation concept.
with little emphasize on the individual. Hamilton recognized this issue and turned to ego
psychology in an attempt to combine intrapsychic
Practice Theories theory with the person-in-situation focus of social
This section explores four established social work work (Hamilton, 1951, preface). However, while
practice theories that have differing approaches to Hartmann, a leading theorist of ego psychology,
and emphases on the person, the environment, and focused on the ego’s adaptation to the “average
the interaction between the two. These theories, expectable environment”, he failed to account for
which include psychoanalytic theory, ego psycholo- the cultural complexity and diversity that is encoun-
gy, constructivist theory, and radical theories, repre- tered in modern society (Saari, 2002, p. 3).
sent a broad range of theoretical traditions that all Furthermore, ego psychology has not accounted for
have some difficulty integrating a balanced person- socio-cultural phenomena such as oppression, sex-
in-environment perspective. ism, racism, heterosexism, and competing class
The psychodynamic theories that have influenced interests. Since the societal issues that have a very
clinical social work have had difficulty including real impact on clients’ functioning and sense of
both the environment and the interaction between well-being remained unacknowledged, they could
person and environment in approaches to practice. not be addressed through the psychodynamic
One of Freud’s basic tenets of psychoanalytic theory framework. In fact, some have argued that psycho-
was that an infant begins from a pleasure principle dynamic theories focus the social worker’s attention
but must later adjust to the demands of the reality on the individual’s adaptation to society, which
principle. Freud assumed that individual needs and could cause him or her to “blame the victim” for a
drives precede the infant’s perception of reality, a failure to adapt to an oppressive society.
view that newer postmodern theorists have ques- More recent postmodern philosophies have
tioned (Saari, 2002). The potential effects of the influenced psychodynamic theory, leading to the
sociopolitical environment on intrapsychic processes adoption of constructivist theories (Saari, 2002).
were not considered in psychoanalytic theory. In Constructivism is based on the idea that knowledge
regard to the environment, Freudian theory assumed is context bound and that “social life is not uniform
that society was monolithic and universal, and that it nor determined by essential processes” (Houston,
was built on social consensus (Thompson, 1992). 2002, p. 151). Under this theory, there is no one real-
Freud did not account for competing needs within ity outside of the subjective experience and no uni-
society or variations in how individuals experience versal claims can be made as to truth or knowledge
culture and society. This then negated the need for (Carpenter, 1996). This relativism has appealed to
attention to social justice issues, attention to cultural social workers as it negates the claims of universal-
diversity, and the impact of real experiences of ism and the valuing of dominant worldviews over
oppression and discrimination in the lives of many those of oppressed or devalued cultures (Houston,
social work clients. Thus, both the interactive effect 2002). However, without any reference to the objec-
of the environment on personality development and tive world, there is the question of how construc-
the need to confront environmental issues were tivists can account for the role of the environment in
excluded from Freudian theory. The theory had at its shaping the individual. In fact, Carpenter (1996)

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

notes that a principle concept of constructivism is Radical social work’s incorporation of a sociopoliti-
structure determinism, that is that human experi- cal viewpoint of the environment comes at the
ence is predominated by internal processes that expense of an enriched theoretical understanding of
determine perceptions and preclude the direct influ- individual and subjective experiences. Thompson
ence of the environment. This form of construc- (1992) notes, “the oppressive social order manifests
tivism is unable to explain the very real effect of envi- itself in a variety of significant ways-social, psycho-
ronmental influences such as oppression, poverty, logical and emotional” (p. 105). Thus the social
trauma, and violence. With the exclusive focus on the worker should not neglect the individual’s experi-
subjective, the environmental component involved ence in attempting to address social issues.
in the person-in-environment perspective is eradi- All of the above perspectives of psychoanalytic,
cated. In fact, Carpenter states that through this lens, psychodynamic, constructivist, and radical theory
“‘psychosocial problems’ do not exist in the ontolog- have been unable to adequately capture and balance
ical sense but only in language and thought” both aspects of the person-in-environment con-
(Carpenter, 1996, p.157). Using that premise, one struct. This has contributed to the difficulties within
could propose that clients’ problems are a result of the profession, including bitter divides between
faulty thinking, so that changes in their subjective community organizers and direct practice workers.
experiences or thought patterns will eradicate their Furthermore, despite the value placed on under-
perceived problems. This then places the responsibil- standing both the person and the environment, the
ity for the problem back with the client rather than lack of a cohesive theory for clinical work can lead to
with very real inequities and environmental con- a lack of integration of interventions at both the
straints. If social relativism is the basis for social individual and environmental levels. The relatively
work practice, there is no role for advocacy to change recent decline in the primacy of psychodynamic the-
social structures that perpetuate social inequality ory has led to more theories from which clinical
and empowering clients to act collectively. social workers can choose but can also result in frag-
Radical social work diametrically opposes the rel- mentation. An eclectic approach, which makes use of
ativism of constructivist theory. Radical theory a variety of theories, is not guaranteed to integrate
draws heavily from Marxist concepts and empha- these differing perspectives, leading to difficulties
sizes politics, class conflict, ideological hegemony, with achieving balance between approaches and a
and socialism (Thompson, 1992). It highlights lack of guiding principles to clarify difficult clinical
structural inequities inherent in a capitalist society decisions.
and the role of culture and belief systems in perpet-
uating inequality. It refocuses the attention of the New Developments in Practice Theory
social worker on the environment. Radical theory Some social work theorists have attempted to
creates a problem for clinical social workers in that address the difficulty of integrating environmental
it attributes individual difficulties to structural and intrapsychic considerations by making use of
inequities. It would accordingly prescribe structural contemporary philosophies that attempt to unite
interventions rather than individual, family, or subjective experience (person) and objective
group work. Radical theory would thus require sociopolitical realities (environment). This section
social workers to focus any direct practice on edu- will explore how authors have begun to apply prin-
cating clients and empowering them to change the ciples from Sartrean existentialism, Michel
structures that contribute to their oppression rather Foucault’s postmodern theory, and Bourdieu’s criti-
than helping them to adapt to the status quo cal realist philosophy to re-examine and more fully
(Thompson, 1992). The risk of this approach is that integrate the person-in-environment concept.
the social worker may impose his or her values and Thompson (1992) uses Sartrean existentialism to
worldview regarding the sociopolitical nature of develop an existentialist framework for social work
problems upon clients who are seeking help. Client practice. Thompson identifies the core existentialist
self-determination is negated as the social worker principles of freedom and responsibility. Existential
educates the client on the “real” causes of his or her freedom is self-creation through choices and actions
problems and insists on political awareness and as opposed to deterministic accounts of human
political action. Furthermore, radical theory can at nature (Thompson, 1992). This includes responsi-
times dehumanize the individual by solely focusing bility for one’s own actions, which contributes to the
on sociopolitical determinants without acknowl- range of options available to oneself and others
edging the role of individual choice and action. (Thompson, 1992, p. 175). Sartre was particularly

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

interested in the moral dimensions of how individ- psychotherapy can also be liberating by helping
ual praxis becomes sociopolitical in its context and clients create new meanings and participate in their
consequences (Thompson, 1992, p. 176). Through cultural environment. She constructs a new vision of
this framework, Thompson is able to integrate the psychotherapy that accounts for the environment in
person-in-environment concept as a dialectic concepts of liberation, meaning, culture, and sym-
between existential freedom and political liberty. bolization. By attending to issues of power, acknowl-
Existential freedom equates with ontological free- edging client’s social and environmental realities,
dom, or the capacity for the individual to make and assisting the client in constructing new, mean-
choices, while political liberty is the range of choices ingful narrated identities in the context of client self-
available to the individual (Thompson, 1992). The determination and adherence to the client’s, rather
framework allows for the subjective individual expe- than the therapist’s, goals, Saari demonstrates how
rience, objective environmental constraints, and a psychotherapy can be liberating rather than domi-
constant exchange between the two that leads to a nating. Furthermore, she notes that “understanding
totalisation of experience. Thompson uses this the interrelated nature of inner and external worlds
framework to develop principles for existential ought to lead” to both better conditions for human
social work, give examples of the principles in direct functioning as well as the improvement of psy-
practice, and use the principles to critique other chotherapy for our clients (p. 164).
prominent social work theories. Some of the princi- Houston (2002) also comments on constructivist
ples for practice that he draws from existentialism theory in social work and uses Bourdieu’s critical
include the concept of a shared subjective journey, realist philosophy to develop a model for culturally
authenticity in confronting difficult choices, respon- sensitive and politically radical social work. Houston
sibility and solidarity, self-creation as a prerequisite notes that Bourdieu’s philosophy integrates an
for political liberty, recognizing contingency and understanding of Marxist ideas about how culture
choice as opposed to stability, and recognizing and and class shape society with a respect for individual
managing the dynamic tension between authority human agency. The philosophy contends that socie-
and non-directive practice in social work. tal inequality is reproduced by culture in modern
Saari (2002) approaches the problem of the capitalism, but also acknowledges that individuals
intersection between person and environment by can effect change in their daily lives through choice
identifying the difficulties in psychoanalytic and and action (p. 155). Similarly to Thompson,
developmental theory, particularly the criticisms of Houston highlights this dialectic between personal
postmodernist Michel Foucault, and by using post- agency and structural inequality in understanding
modern theory to reformulate ideas about the ther- the interaction between subjective experiences and
apeutic relationship and the nature of change. Saari objective social realities. Houston believes that a
concludes that there has been little consideration of model based on the principles of critical realism
the environment in psychodynamic theory—even “enables practitioners to gain an in-depth under-
in postmodern constructivist theory—but that standing of the nexus constituting the person in soci-
postmodern philosophy can be used to interrelate ety” (p. 163). Houston uses this philosophy to devel-
the intrapsychic and environmental (p. 156). She op a four-stage model for culturally sensitive social
notes Foucault’s main criticism is that psychothera- work that includes understanding the relationship
py can be used as an instrument of domination of between culture, power, and reproduction; enhanc-
individuals’ subjective experience in support of ing professional reflexivity; developing cultural sen-
societal oppression (p. 54). Foucault argues that psy- sitivity; and raising awareness and empowering
chotherapy can act as a form of social control clients. He argues that social work practitioners can-
through hierarchical surveillance of the clients’ not solely attend to the subjective experience of their
thoughts and impulses by the analyst, normalizing clients without also understanding how issues of
judgment or classification of the client into good or power and culture affect both the client and the
bad categories which may seem arbitrary to the client/worker relationship. In his work applying crit-
client (e.g. DSM-IV), and the examination which ical realism to child welfare interventions, Houston
combines the prior two categories to produce judg- also highlights the interaction between the objective
ments that can have significant consequences for the and subjective that accounts for intrapsychic, famil-
individual’s status in society (pp. 93–94). Saari ial, social, political, and economic factors in a model
accepts that psychotherapy can be used to dominate for assessment and intervention (Houston, 2001).
others as described by Foucault, but she notes Again he argues for understanding how all of these

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Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

factors interact to create the client’s reality and need organizer would understand how subjective experi-
to be understood by the social worker for ethical and ences and individual agency can be used and valued
effective practice. in activism, organizing, and social change. In this
way the profession could combat fragmentation
Future Directions for Social Work and fully realize Mary Richmond’s vision of inter-
The theoretical contributions of Houston, Saari, dependence between casework, group work, com-
and Thompson, among others, represent the future munity work, social reform, and social research in
of the development of the person-in-environment service of our clients.
concept in social work practice. The convergence of
philosophical understandings of the interrelatedness References
of subjective and objective phenomena with social Berzoff, J., Flanagan, L. M., & Hertz, P. (2004). Inside
work’s historical attempts to develop a comprehen- out and outside in: Psychodynamic clinical theory
sive approach to both humans and their environ- and practice in contemporary multicultural
ments can lead to exciting and innovative, in-depth contexts. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.
theories that truly integrate both the person and the Carpenter, D. (1996). Constructivism and social work
environment. While these concepts are not simple or treatment. In F. Turner (Ed.), Social work
easily distilled into concrete techniques, their com- treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (4th
plexity and depth offer a rich framework for guiding ed., pp. 146–167). New York: Free Press.
flexible and responsive practice. The concepts Cooper, M. & Lesser, J. G. (2002). Clinical social work
offered, once integrated into clinical practice, have practice: An integrated approach. Needham
the potential for providing a firm foundation for the Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
complex and difficult decisions that clinical social Ezell, M. (1994). Advocacy practice of social workers.
workers face daily. These theories could improve Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary
social work practice by allowing clinicians to develop Human Services, 75(1), 36–46.
a full understanding of how the realities of social jus- Goldstein, E. G. (1996). What is clinical social work?
tice and oppression affect the subjective experiences Looking back to move ahead. Clinical Social
of our clients. With this improved understanding, Work Journal, 24(1), 89–104.
clinicians would be better able to relieve individual Hamilton, G. (1951). Theory and practice of social
suffering, ensure culturally competent practice, case work (2nd ed.). New York: Columbia
avoid contributing to oppression, empower clients, University Press.
and integrate social action and clinical advocacy into Hollis, F. (1964). Casework: A psychosocial therapy.
their practice. Clients would no longer need to be New York: Random House.
either adapted to society or abandoned in the pursuit Houston, S. (2002). Reflecting on habitus, field and
of structural social change, but a clearer understand- capital: Towards a culturally sensitive social
ing of how social structures inform individual devel- work. Journal of Social Work, 2(2), 149–167.
opment and how individual’s choices impact social Houston, S. (2001). Transcending the fissure in risk
structures could emerge. theory: Critical realism and child welfare. Child
This emerging understanding could also help & Family Social Work, 6(3), 219–228.
unite the traditionally divisive poles of the profes- Lieberman, F. (1987). Psychotherapy and the clinical
sion. The divides between micro and macro issues, social worker. American Journal of Psychotherapy,
or personal and social issues, could become less dis- 41(3), 369–383.
tinct as the interaction between the individual and Northen, H. (1995). Clinical social work: Knowledge
the environment is more fully integrated into theo- and skills (2nd ed.). New York: Columbia
ry. Social workers could consequently see all levels of University Press.
practice as interdependent rather than competitive Richmond, M. E. (1922). What is social case work? An
or unique. We may still develop specialized skills in introductory description. New York: Russell Sage
psychotherapy, clinical advocacy, clinical research, Foundation.
community organizing, social research, administra- Saari, C. (2002). The environment: Its role in
tion, or policy, but all levels of practice would psychosocial functioning and psychotherapy. New
inform each other and distinctions would be more York: Columbia University Press.
fluid and less rigid. The clinical social worker would Simon, B. L. (1994). The empowerment tradition in
understand and combat the effects of sociopolitical American social work: A history. New York:
inequalities with individuals while the community Columbia University Press.

PRAXIS 56 Fall 2006 • Volume 6

Person-In-Situation: History, Theory, and New Directions for Social Work Practice

Specht, H., & Courtney, M. E. (1994). Unfaithful Turner, F. J. (1978). Psychosocial therapy. New York:
angels: How social work has abandoned its Free Press.
mission. New York: Free Press. Webb, N. B. (2003). Social work practice with children
Thompson, N. (1992). Existentialism and social work. (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Aldershot, England: Averbury.
Turner, F. J. (1996). Social work treatment: Interlocking
theoretical approaches (4th ed.). New York: Free

Kathryn L. Cornell, LCSW, is a doctoral student and alumna of the MSW program. She has been working for
the past five years as a clinician in the Jewish Children’s Bureau’s System of Care Program, providing individual
therapy, family therapy, and advocacy for children and families in the child welfare system.

Fall 2006 • Volume 6 57 PRAXIS

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