Leading Lines in Portraiture
Leading Lines in Portraiture
Leading Lines in Portraiture
The angle of the furniture creates a V-shape with the lines of the flooring, pointing to the model.
As humans, we’re hardwired to look at what others seeing your image at a glance such as while driving
are looking at. After all, they might be looking at by a billboard, for example, or scrolling down their
food – or a nasty predator! Photographers can social media feed. Giving them that direction makes
exploit this evolutionary tic by asking their models to sure that their attention goes where you want it, with
look in a certain direction. everything you can possibly arrange pointing to that
same place.
You’ve seen it used hundreds – if not thousands –
of times, usually in advertising. Picture a billboard.
The young, attractive model is looking sideways at Key Lesson: Beef up your leading lines by
a product, usually smiling, and your eyes are also adding a directional glance from your model.
drawn across to look at that product. This is a clear The viewer will take both cues and look exactly
example of the technique in use, and it gets even where you want them to.
stronger if you can combine it with leading lines.
Our eyes are quite lazy. The brain tends to fill in a lot Recommended Reading: If you’d like to
of details that we don’t really properly take in. If it’s improve your composition skills for better
told where to look, it generally will. First impressions images, grab a copy of Photzy’s best-selling
are really powerful, especially if your viewer is only premium guide: Understanding Composition.
Notice how the leading lines across the background coincide with the direction of both of models’ eyes to draw the attention to the shirt logo.
In this photo, the man is pointing – but at what? Do you feel how your attention frays out in that blank space?
1) What kind of shape is the most effective when drawing in the eye?
5) Where is the one place that leading lines should NOT lead?
6) How can you manage to look at your image subjectively and tell whether your leading lines are working?
7) Can you think of a pose that a model could try in order to draw attention to their face?
Learning Assignment:
Ask a model to pose for you in the city, or even outside in your own street. Practice moving around and using
the composition to draw attention to their face, their body as a whole, an item they are carrying, or so on. Try
compositions that use one leading line, that create arrow shapes, or that have as many leading lines as possible.
After several weeks, when you have fully forgotten what the images look like, take a look at them again. This time,
try to track where your eyes move when you look at them in those first few moments. Which techniques are the
most effective? Which are the least effective?
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