Bush 1433-sm (ET)
Bush 1433-sm (ET)
Bush 1433-sm (ET)
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Goodmans GTV 3409, GTV 3459 NO PICTURE, N0 SOUND .............................................. TUNER VOLTAGES, INPUT/OUTPUT SIGNALS OK Q401, 1C401
11 AK08 & 11AK20 Chassis NO PICTURE, SOUND OK ............................................. INT CVBS IN, IC401, SCREEN VOLTAGE COMPONENTS USED WITH 14” PHILIPS A34EAC01X06 CRTS
NO COLOUR ................................................................... IC401, IC402, IC403, X401 C603 3036227078 CAP MKP 6.2NF 1.6KV 3.5%
NO VERTICAL DEFLECTION ......................................... 26V, R711., PL701, IC701 C606 3033344038 CAP MKP 330NF 400V J
C615 3051010832 SER 100PF 50V J
VERTICAL LINEARITY .................................................... C705, VR701
Safety Notes VERTICAL SIZE .............................................................. R704, VR702
RES CF 1.6K 0W25 J
RES CF 1K 0W25 J
L601 4091411110 LINEARTY COIL 224L/150uH
DO NOT CHANGE ANY MODULE UNLESS The adjustments should be carried out in the VERTICAL SHIFT ............................................................ VR703
4013150017 LOSS COIL 150uH
THE SET IS SWITCH OFF. following order for convenience.
VERTICAL FOLD ............................................................. 26V, R711
The mains supply side of the switch mode COMPONENT USED WITH 14” ORION A34JLL90X23 (W) CRTS
power supply transformer is live. Use an SMPS SYSTEM VOLTAGE HORIZONTAL LINEARITY .............................................. L601, C606
isolating transformer. The receivers fulfill 1) Set the BCS (Brightness, Contrast, Satura- HORIZONTAL SIZE ......................................................... C603, SYSTEM VOLTAGE (112V) C603 3032827078 CAP MKP 7.8NF 1.6KV 3.5%
completely the sfety requirements. tion) and VOL (Volume) to minimum.
HORIZONTAL FOLD ....................................................... SYSTEM VOLTAGE (112V) C606 3033344038 CAP MKP 430NF 400V J
2) Check the voltage at the shorted pins of
C615 3054700836 CAP SER 47PF 50V J
Safety precautions socket PL602 (TP1) FLUE PICTURE ............................................................... TR602, G3 (FOCUS), EHT, FLAMENT VOLTAGE R456 3311220437 RES CF 1K2 0W25 J
Servicing of this TV should only be carried out 3) If necessary, adjust VR801 112 ± 0.5VDC (14”
DARK PICTURE .............................................................. TR602 G2 (FOCUS), BRIGNES, CONTRAST VOLTAGE R717 3311020437 RES CF 1K 0W25 J
by a qualified person. and 15 models)
L601 4091411110 LINEARiTE COIL 224/50uH
• Components marked with the warning symbol 4) Set the BCS and VOL to normal picture and NOISY PICTURE ............................................................. AGC VOLTAGE, RF SIGNAL
on the circuit diagram are critical for safety sound
VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL SYNC. ................................... IC401 COMPONENT USED WITH 14” GOLDSTAR A34KPU02XX46 CRTS
and must only be replaced with an identical
component. VISION DEMODULATOR AND AFC INTERFERENCE ............................................................. TUNER (TU201)
C603 3037527038 CAP MKP 7.5NF 1.6KV 3.5%
• Power resistor and fusable resistors must be 1) Set the pattern generator for 10mV, 38.9 MHz
NO SOUND ...................................................................... R303, IC401. (PIN5), IC301 C606 3034341538 CAP MKP 430NF 250V J
mounted in an identical manner to the original (B/G models) or 39.5 MHz (for I models) or
C615 3051010832 CAP SER 100PF 50V J
component. 38.0 MHz (for 0/K models) RF output LOW SOUND ................................................................... IC401 (PIN5, SOUND CONTROL VOLTAGE), R303, IC301
R456 3311220437 RES CF 1K2 0W25 J
• When servicing this TV, check that the EHT 2) Connect the RF output of the pattern SOUND DISTORTION ..................................................... R303, IC301., 26V R717 3311020437 RES CF 1K 0W25 J
does not exceed 26 KV. generator to any one input of SAW filter and
POP NOISE ..................................................................... Q301, C307 L601 4090109000 LINEARTY COIL 50uH
connect the other input of SAW filter to
TV set switched off: ground through 10 nF capacitor (No antenna CONTRAST ..................................................................... IC401 (PIN25) COMPONENT USED WITH 15” ORION A36JSW90X01 CRTS
Make short-circuit between HV-CRT clip and input applied)
3) Check the voltage at the base of 0201 (TP2) BRIGHTNESS .................................................................. IC401 (PIN17)
CRT ground layer. C603 3036227038 CAP MKP 6.2NF 1.6KV 3.5%
Short 0808 (150µF) before changing IC801 or 4) Adjust VL401 for 3.5 ± 0.1 Voc COLOUR .......................................................................... IC401 (PIN26)
C606 3033344038 CAP EL 330NF 400V J
other components in primary side of SMPS. C615 3051010832 CAP SER 100PF 50V J
AUTO TUNING ................................................................ Q501
R456 3311620437 RES CF 1.6K 0W25 J
Measurements 1) Set the pattern generator for centre-cross, MEMORY ......................................................................... IC502
R717 3315610437 RES CF 560R 0W25 J
Voltage readings and oscilloscope traces are circle and cross-hatch composite pattern.
BAND SELECT ................................................................ IC503 L601 4091611100 LINEARITE COIL 15” LIN
measured under following conditions. Antenna 2) Adjust VR702 for vertical size, VR701 for
Signal 60 dBuV from colorbar generator. (100% vertical linearity, VR401 for horizontal NO VIDEO AT SCART ..................................................... SET AV MODE, CHECK IC401 (PIN5), (PIN6)
white, 75% color saturation) centering and focus potentiometer (on EHT NO SOUND AT SCART ................................................... IC401 (PIN6)
Brightness, contrast, color set for a normal transformer) for optimum focusing.
picture. Mains supply, 220V AC, 50 Hz.
1) Check the voltage at pin lof TUNER (TP4)
Service Adjustments 2) Adjust VR402 for 1V less than maximum.
C603 3038227038 CAP MKP 8.2NF 1.6KV 3.5%
C606 3033344038 CAP EL 330NF 400V J
The following preset adjustment procedures are SCREEN VOLTAGE
C615 3054700836 CAP SER 47PF 50V J
not required during installation and should be
made, if necessary, after servicing.
1) Set the pattern generator for grey scale.
2) Set the BCS (Brightness, Contrast, Satura-
CPU & Adjustments The uC starts system according to option diodes
C901 3056810030 CAP SMD 680PF 50V J
configuration (D501, D503, D505, D506, D508). C903 3055610030 CAP SMD 560PF 50V J
tion) to minumum.
WARNING 3) Measure cathode voltages on the CRT base uC (MICROCONTROLLER): The controller has also a software which is able C905 3051020030 CAP SMD 1NF 50V J
C910 3051020030 CAP SMD 1NF 50V J
EHT SHOCK HAZARD The EHT must be safely board by using a 1/1000 probe. to control some service adjustments: R, G, B
C911 3051020030 CAP SMD 1NF 50V J
discharged before attemping to disconnect the 4) Adjust screen pot of FBT for 175 ± 2V reading gain; R, G cut off; vertical position; vertical
EHT lead from the tube anode. on maximum cathode voltage. The microcontroller hardware that is member of C912 3051020030 CAP SMD 1NF 50V J
Clip one end of a convenient lead, such as a the ST6 family has a TV receiver control linearity; horizontal position; vertical amplitude; C913 NOT CONNECTED
meter lead, to the tube earthing strap on the CRT BASEBOARD:CUT-OFF VOLTAGES AND software with menu control. It controls the AGC; language selection for teletext.
tube body, fold back the suction cap and WHITE BALANCE For enter to service mode followed procedure
discharge the EHT through the lead. 1) Set the pattern generator for grey scale. chassis through IIC bus, PWM outputs and I/O C916 3052210030 CAP SMD 220PF 50V J
Press in one side of the spring clip which 2) Set the BCS (Brightness, Contrast, Satura- ports. Dominant features of controller are control must be act within four seconds: C917 3052210030 CAP SMD 220PF 50V J
C918 3052210030 CAP SMD 220PF 50V J
protects into the tube cavity to ease removal of tion) to minumum. of optional teletext, outputs for OSD, IR control R456 3311220437 RES CF 1.2K 0W25 J
the EHT connector. 1 - Press volume down button on the keyboard;
SECAM L MODULE (L/L’ AND B/G) OR (L/L’ signal receiving, and internal EEPROM. R717 RES CF 1K 0W25 J
IMPORTANT AND K1) (11SL02) The controller has IIC communication port at 2 - Press ‘prog’ button on the R/C hand set; R902 3311510830 RES SMD 150R 1/8W J
R909 3311510830 RES SMD 150R 1/8W J
Do not disturb the tube neck adjustments as 1) Set the pattern generator for the colour bar #40 , #41 and OSD driver (R,G,B,FBI) at # 22, # 3 - Press ‘- -‘ button on the R/C hand set;
R916 3311510830 RES SMD 150R 1/8W J
these have been set for optimum performance pattern at system PAL B/G and at frequency 4 - Press “TV” button on the R/C hand set;
during the tube manufacture. of 63.75MHz. 23, # 24, # 25. PWM control outputs are tuning R907 3351032137 RES MO 10K 2W J
R914 3351032137 RES MO 10K 2W J
2) Tune the receiver for the best picture. # 34; vertical linearity adjustment # 1; AGC
R915 3353993137 RES MO 3.9R 3W J
Before attemping the following adjustments, the 3) Switch pattern generator to system SECAM L adjustment # 2. Other control outputs are Muting Parameters can be sellected by program up and
R921 3351032137 RES MO 10K 2W J
receiver should be tuned with the brightness, and the receiver to SYS2 mode. down, parameter adjustments can be done by
contrast and colour controls adjusted for the 4) Connect the frequency counter to pin 13 of - video ident # 3; led driver # 4; system switches R922 3311510830 RES SMD 150R 1/8W J
best picture and all measurements are to be IC101. # 5, # 6, # 8, # 19, # 20, # 36; tuner switches # volume up and down buttons. Memorizing the R923 3313320830 RES SMD 3K3 1/8W J
R926 3313300830 RES SMD 33R 1/8W J
made after a warm-up period of approximately 5 5) Adjust VL101 for 72.3MHz reading and 18, # 19 and inputs are AFC information from IF adjusted parameters can be done by pressing
minutes, unless stated otherwise. VR101 for no interference on the screen. red button. For exit from service mode Press
- 60 dBmV signal at any channel frequency #9; keyboard # 10, # 11, # 13, # 14; scart mode R932 NOT CONNECTED
- Color bar pattern and 1 KHz sound signal ident (4/3-16-9) #38, #39; horizontal sync # 26; “TV “ button. R933 NOT CONNECTED
L601 4090109000 LINEARITE COIL 224/50UH
- Mains 220-240V AC, 50Hz vertical # 27; infrared #35 and reset # 33. 4031001905 LOW FOCUS FBT
BUSH 1433
CRT Module Diagrams