SPWaW-OOB Changes
SPWaW-OOB Changes
SPWaW-OOB Changes
2 OOB Fixes
I would like to first thank the spwaw gaming community for your help and excellent
impute regarding the oobs from the forums. Despite the controversy, you were part of a
first! A first time where an entire gaming community became part of the changes made to
a computer game. These are your changes and thank you for your comments both
positive and negative.
The 8.2 oobs contain many of the changes you desired. I am listing the most important
changes here and leaving out other information, as the changes are too many to list.
Another more detail list of changes will available soon for download. This document is
approximately 3 megs in size and contains all changes made.
One major adjustment was done to improve the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long
Campaign, and Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat. Nations that have this
adjustment are: Germany, France, Free France, USA, India, ANZAC, Poland, USSR,
Belgium, Canada, UK, USMC, and Japan. All other nations not listed were checked and
found to be adequate and a few minor adjustments were implemented where needed.
We are including new LBM files, which will update the pictures used on game menu.
The oobs were coded for new LBM files and a few pictures may be missing but a future
LBM update will be made to correct this.
There are several new sound files for the infantry AT weapons.
Also, several new Icons from Matt Reeves and Mike Amos are included.
HMG and MMG sections and platoons will now appear in Unit Purchase Menus where
applicable and are Team Weapons. The MMG bug has been fixed.
Motorized and Mech Infantry Platoons/Company’s for every nation has been fixed and
revised as well as the majority of normal Infantry formations.
Individual Nation’s Command Vehicles carry capacities were revised so that these should
carry the AO unit where applicable.
Individual Nation’s AC and Lt Tanks have recon spotting ability where applicable.
Medium Tank carry capacities were adjusted to be able to carry infantry squads. Not all
tanks were thus fixed; therefore, it would benefit you to examine tanks carry capacities in
your favorite scenarios.
Purchase points were adjusted to units so that formations will match closely in purchase
cost to 7.11 formations cost so that the existing Campaigns will not be affected by new
oob changes.
Off-Map Artillery ammo loads and ROF were reduced to more historical usage rates to
depict WW II era artillery fire missions per scenario’s total turn length. You can still
increase the rounds using normal spwaw editors if you like.
Ammo Carriers as well as Barge Carriers formations were revised. You can now
purchase one Ammo Carrier or Barge Carrier per nation or as a two-section team.
Unit ammo loads were adjusted for each nation’s individual squads, MMG, HMG units.
Engineer formations have been fixed that were either missing weapons or failed to appear
in formations.
Allied Nation Squads armed with PIAT / Bazookas were fixed so that the Allied Platoons
will either have one to two of these weapons per platoon. In cases where this was not
possible, the cost increase for all squads in a platoon that carry these weapons was
increased to discourage excessive purchase in PBEM style games. Also, as requested,
these weapons are less accurate at long ranges.
The Heavy Flak Gun load/unload cheat was fixed. All Towed class Heavy Flak units
were re-classed as normal Flak to stop this game cheat.
Short-range weapons and Bayonets were added to all OOBs. Please see Addenda I for
locations of these weapons.
USA Mech Platoon / Company were revised as well as Half-track entry dates. Many
minor fixes to Infantry formations and ammo loads were made.
Jeeps can be loaded into Gliders as well as AT Guns 57mm and below.
Late war US Airborne Squads are armed with the 30 Cal. LMG
White Phosphorus ammo was added to mortars and artillery. Since this an experimental
design, it was decided that these weapons were best used for scenario design and
therefore can be accessed in Mortar and Artillery formation by selecting the year 1949.
However, the January 1945 60 mm mortar does have this ammo and can be used to see
how it works.
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
Tanks, Trucks, and LVT’s were fixed and now appear in purchase menus.
I would like to thank Glenn Higginbotham for aiding in the USMC update
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
Armored Formation special option codes were reduced. This caused an increase in
purchase cost as noted from the comments from the Forums.
One German FJ unit added to German oob and FJ squads were rearmed to historical
German PsW Rocket Launcher now appears on map beginning February 1943
Early War Tiger Tank now appears in same color as late Model – no more gray Tiger
German Tanks Company’s are now named with year following name: for example,
Panzer Co (42a) or Panzer Co (42b). These are divided into 17 tanks per company or 22
tanks per company.
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
Unused and rare German Units that were previously inaccessible are now accessible in
Czechoslovakian oob’s. These are now found in formations under the header name,
German or GE by year and date. These units include the rare 12cm Tank Destroyer, Char
Bis Flame tank, Captured Italian, French, Soviet armor, Ammo Carriers, Sp-Flak units,
and much more.
Added and new German Unit – Thor (unit slot 200 and 201) – the 600 mm Siege Mortar.
At this time, there is no lbm included of this weapon. These are Located in Artillery
Purchase Menu.
Norway OOB:
Please see Addenda II for more detail information regarding all new units/weapons.
New experimental units, and formations were added to December 1949 unit purchase
screen menu. These include – Walking Barrage, Bridge Demolition Charge, Fuse Charge,
and Time Bomb. These units will not work if scenarios using these are played in 7.1
Walking Barrage consist of a “one shot” artillery round with very high suppression and
Kill rates. You purchase about 3 to 12 of these and set them to explode in the deployment
editor phase of scenario design during certain turns by use of the Artillery “t” key
function. You can time these to explode as your infantry moves behind the barrage. Be
sure that these are not used in 2 player style games unless agreed upon.
Fuse Charge and Time Bomb: new weapons used to blow up Bridges or to cause a
Building to explode at a key moment. These are one-shot weapons that can be set to
explode by use of the Artillery “t” key function. They do have an error factor that may
cause the charges to not explode on target, in other words, the charge failed to destroy its
target as often happened during combat conditions during WW II.
Next new unit is the Bridge DC Sec and (?) Target design concept. These two units
have a movement of zero and need to be set to face the correct direction to work
correctly. These are used in scenario design to blow up bridges at key times. These are
classed as Special Forces and are set to appear on map in the same manner as Special
Forces. The Bridge DC Sec is meant to be set next to a Bridge, turned to face the bridge,
and set to fire at one hex range on to a bridge. It can be used to fire at units on a bridge or
at the (?) Target unit. Set the morale and experience rate for the Bridge DC Sec in the 120
range and the (?) Target’s in the low 50 range to work correctly.
The (?) Target unit is to be purchased as the opposing sides unit and is placed within the
one hex range of the Bridge DC Sec. It is used to trigger the explosion when it enters the
game. It will cause the Bridge DC Sec to fire at it; thus, resulting in Bridge destruction. It
is recommended that the (?) The Target units enter scenario as special force units do and
that these are limited in use during two player games.
These are to be used in scenario design and not in two player style games unless both
players agree upon there use. These are powerful weapons – keep friendly forces away
from these when they explode! Also note, that these are experimental oob scenario design
tools and that one feature of their uses is residue smoke rounds. This bug at current time
cannot be fixed.
A Bunker/Shelter unit was added that is compatible with 7.1 scenarios. You can place
units inside these using the Load/Unload command. A Cellar/Bunker was added also.
Turreted fortifications were added. These are Turreted Copulas and can fire 360
degrees and you arm these by using game editor, or Fred’s waw editor, according to
nation’s usage. I would like to thank “Rockin Harry” Zahn for these new outstanding
design concepts.
Another unit was added to Norway 12-49 oob, called Bearers. These are 2 man units that
can carry up to 2 points of load. These are to simulate Natives that were employed by the
allies in the CBI area as well as the South Pacific to potage supplies.
Civilian and POW’s were added to the December 1949 Norway oob.
Cavalry Horses were added. These can carry a squad of Infantry or tow small guns.
However, the AI will not move / unload these units very well and scenarios using these
should be played from the Human side or as a two player style game.
Norland class SS Units and infantry formations added to Norway OOB to reflect the
more foreign SS volunteers in game. These are all elite class Formations. The SS Tank
Formations are classed using elite status.
German Flak 88mm Off Map Artillery was added in Norway OOB Artillery 1942 -
1945 section.
This oob contains many new oob scenario design tools. It is best to look these over in the
January 1949 menu
T34/41imp, T34/42, T34//43 armor rates adjusted according to data from following
sources: Russian Tanks of World War II, Bean and Fowler, MBI publishing:
Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two, Steven J. Zaloga and James
Grandsen, A&AP
Poland OOBs
Cavalry Horses were added to Poland oob and are found in the “Misc” Menu from 1930
to 1939. These carry no weapons and can mount and dismount infantry. To be used to
simulate Cavalry troops mounting and dismounting tactics in scenario design. However,
the AI will not move / unload these units very well and scenarios using these should be
played from the Human side or as a two player style game.
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat and beyond. The Pack Mule bug was
fixed and AI selection for the late 1945 through 1949 era now contains correct units.
Italy OOB
Dubat and Abyssinian Infantry were added to Colonial Troops and a new weapon added
for these troops: the Shotel Sword. The LBM pictures will be updated later for these
The AS Mech Infantry Picture corrected. Now shows Infantry and not a truck.
Italian SS infantry and more Foreign SS units and formations were added to the Nataional
Spain OOB in the Misc Menu section.
Francesco “Ruxius” Russo, Virgilio Vergilius Francesco, and Sergio Castaldi greatly
helped to update the Italian and Spanish oobs.
Engineer formations have been fixed that were either missing weapons or formations.
Updated Infantry Platoon/Company to UK and CA to include the Bren LMG and 2 inch
Stuart Millis, has gracefully updated the UK oobs and these are now based on Historical
units and Formations.
Canadian Oobs were also updated and new Recce Formations added to Canadian OOB.
Also Armoured Car Formations were updated as well as Infantry Formations and the
weapons they carry.
Jeeps and Carriers can be loaded into certain Gliders as well as AT Guns 57mm and
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
All infantry will now appear with Mech and Motorized Platoons and Companies. Tank
and Artillery Formations updated. Plus, many minor adjustments.
AI selection improved for the Computer AI Unit picks for Battle, Long Campaign, and
Campaign Generated games for WW II era combat.
Yugoslavian Infantry squads are now armed correctly and appear on Menu.
The units in these nations that use the Panzerfaust 100 dates of appearance were fixed to
coincide with the date the PF 100 appeared in combat role. Some were changed to the PF
60 weapon and entry date adjusted for this weapon’s appearance. The 1943 AT Teams
are now armed with a Panzerschrek where applicable.
Bulgarian, Rumanian, and Hungarian oobs reworked and formations vastly improved.
There are now Elite Infantry Platoons and Companies added to these oobs. Tank sections
were added to their formations and updated.
Belgium oob now has the Wallonie SS infantry formations added to it.
Belgium OOB was updated according to oob submission from Renaud Delhaye of
Ethiopian Infantry and units added to the December 1949 purchase menu for scenario
design purposes. These are located in the Misc Menu in purchase screen for easy access.
Foreign SS Infantry and Italian SS infantry units and formations added to the August
1941 to 1945 – Misc purchase menu. These were added here because the Italian OOB
simply ran out of room.
Scenario design weapons added to weapons menu
All units should now appear in this oob. Also a generic Elite Rifle platoon and Company
were added to National China OOB and Communist China OOB.
Artillery formations corrected.
Japan OOB:
Tank formations adjusted. Many minor fixes to Light Mortars, artillery, and Infantry
units and formations
India OOB:
Greece OOB:
Weapon Data
Accuracy Rates:
Infantry LMG, MMG, HMG accuracy was increased one hex (LMGs -MMGs), and up to
4 hexes for HMGs. Next, all HMGs and MMGs have been classed as Team Weapons.
LMGs remain classed as secondary weapons.
Accuracy rates for all non-Off Map Cannons were adjusted to cannon weapon type based
on individual Cannon’s velocity rates. These were based on Low, Mid, High, extra High
Velocity as well as the difference between effective and maximum ranges. In other
words, accuracy rates are now within the to 7.11 rate ranges.
M1 Bazooka and M9 Bazooka ranges were fixed: M1 Bazooka range is now 4 hexes and
the M9 Bazooka range set at 5 hexes.
The Panzerfaust 100 and Panzerscherk accuracy rate was increased by one hex and
ranges remain unchanged
Without the help from these fine gentlemen, none of the oobs would have been possible
to update. I would like to greatly thank Stuart Millis, Francesco “Ruxius” Russo and
“Rockin Harry” Zahn for their great contributing efforts in this endeavor.
Also a special thanks to Renaud Delhaye, David Lehman, Mark Gallear, Matt Reeves,
Mike Amos, Calo Navarro, Francois Dargaud for there work on updating Icons, LBMs,
and oob revision.
OOB Staff
Stuart Millis, Francesco “Ruxius” Russo, Federico “Resisti” Doveri, Don Doom, “Rockin
Harry” Zahn, "Wild"Bill Wilder, Ken “Orzel Baily” Baran, Glenn Higginbotham,
Virgilio Vergilius Francesco, and Sergio Castaldi, Kevin E. Duguay
Renaud Delhaye, David Lehman, Mark Gallear, Matt Reeves, Mike Amos, Calo Navarro,
Francois Dargaud and as well as all who wrote on the forms and help us with your data
and comments.
ASL Annual 93b, Avalon Hill Publication, First to Fight – by Steven C. Swann
Russian Tanks of World War II, Bean and Fowler, MBI publishing
British and American Tanks of World War II, Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis, A&AP
Anti-Tank Weapons" Peter Chamberlain and Terry Gander, MacDonald and Jane's, 1974
Small Arms, Artillery and Special Weapons of the Third Reich, Terry Gander and Peter
Chamberlain, Macdonald and Jane's, 1978
German Tanks of World War II Tanks, Dr F. M. von Senger und Etterlin, A&AP
Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two, Steven J. Zaloga and James
Grandsen, A&AP
Slaughterhouse – The Encyclopedia of the eastern Front, Military Book Club edition
Addenda I :
List of added short range small arms weapons in revised OOB V8.2
New extra versions of common used infantry rifles are included in oobs. These are a copy
of normal rifles but with a shorter-range setting.
These short-range (SV) rifles are given to AI infantry units by scenario designers in order
to make AI infantry start shooting at effective combat range (300-400 meters), instead of
the long range (500-600 meters) “harassing” fires that the AI normally does! The “SV”
rifle versions, as their “normal” range brothers, go to unit weapon slot 1, which is the
“primary infantry weapon” slot.
What is the purpose of these? AI infantry units always start shooting with their primary
infantry weapons at max range, set in the OOBs (10-12 hexes = 500-600 meters). This is
probably meant as “suppressing” fire, but this AI behavior means that you cannot have
the AI create any sort of good ambush (not taking terrain into account), because by
shooting its main infantry weapon it reveals firing position too soon.
This case is even made worse, as normally the squad support weapon (LMG) in slot 2
shoots next and that means the player has two chances to spot the AI shooter! AI units
cannot be given an engagement range, as it is simply overruled by the AI, so the only
way to limit the engagement range for AI units slot1 weapon, is to limit the range of the
primary infantry weapon in slot 1 itself. However, the AI unit will still shoot its slot2
squad support weapon (usually a LMG) at its normal (max) range, but that would be
more realistic anyway! (“effective” combat range for LMG/MMG is much longer than
for standard rifles)
Note: As said, no standard unit in the V8 OOBs is equipped with the “SV” rifles by
default and other than different range setting all other weapon stats are the same as for the
“normal” rifles!
Best to try out these SV rifles in any scenario and see whether it makes the AI play
smarter. You’ll see AI units starting their “harassing/suppressing” fires with LMGs at
longer range only. The SV rifle in slot1 then drops in when an enemy (hopefully soft)
unit enters the effective “killing” range for this weapon. A little bit of further
experimentation for weapon slots is required for getting the most out of AI units in user
made scenarios.
(Have this file opened for reference on the required SV rifle slot number, as written in
this document further below)
Freds WaW Editor offers the fastest and most simple way to make the weapon slot1
change. Open “unit data” screen, click the weapon field and scroll down the weapon list
until you find the appropriate SV rifle version (Garand M1 short version in US OOB is
No. 243). Click the weapon and then push “Set” button to close the weapon list. Now a
final push on the “Retain” button saves your edit to the unit data. If all scenario (weapon)
edits are done, the scenario must finally be saved to disk (Files/Save WaW Scen).
Weapons can also be changed for another in the SPWAW scenario editor by use of the
“D” key, but the procedure is more time consuming and less comfortable than the method
mentioned above. Off course it’s a matter of preference. Note: SPWAW editor only
shows weapon slots 1 to 240 (D-key, click weapon), although there are 250 weapon slots
available! Freds WaW Editor allows to see them all! Ever wondered why you failed to
find the “Johnson Rifle“ (US OOB) in SPWAW scenario editor? It’s No. 247!!!
Note: "SV" means "Short Version" = 6 hexes max range. (in OOB reads 24 due to range
A new "Bayonet" weapon has been added to all OOBs, for use in unit weapon slot 3 or 4.
Note: New weapon "Anti Tank Rifle Grenade M9A1" added in US and Free French
slot 228 changed to SV "Lee Enfield"
slot 191 changed to "Bayonet"
India OOB 89
slot 143 changed to SV "Enfield Rifle"
slot 001 changed to "Bayonet"
slot 243 "M1889 Rifle" changed to SV "M1903"
France OOB 76
Free France OOB 91
slot 239 changed to SV "M1903 Rifle"
slot 240 changed to SV "Enfield Rifle"
slot 228 changed to SV "MAS 36 Rifle"
slot 227 changed to SV "Garand M1"
slot 191 changed to "Bayonet"
slot 199 added "ATRG M9A1"
Belgium OOB 78
slot 200 changed to "Bayonet"
slot 201 changed to SV "M1930 Rifle"
slot 202 changed to SV "Kar 98k Rifle"
slot 203 changed to SV "M1938 Rifle"
slot 204 changed to SV "MAS 36 Rifle"
Greece OOB 85
slot 231 changed to SV "M1903/14 Rifle"
slot 228 changed to SV "Enfield Rifle"
slot 208 changed to SV "M1889 Rifle"
slot 209 changed to SV "Mod 91 Rifle"
slot 247 "Bayonet"
Norway OOB 86
Philippines OOB 16
Rumania OOB 73
Bulgaria OOB 29
NAT Spain OOB 19
Addenda II :
These new units are only available with scenario date set to December 1949, as was
already the case with the special units that were included earlier (mine dog, rail gun, etc.)
As name implies, the scenario maker special units are meant to provide some means for
the average and advanced scenario maker, to create scenario designs, that otherwise only
would be doable with lots of awkward and time consuming editing with some of the
various editors.
Scenario makers invented several of the “special” units, by “faking” standard units. As
there is usually just a limited space (or none!) in the OOBs for inclusion of new or
additional units, these have been added to Norway OOB86, which is one of those with
most free slots available.
In order to avoid messing the standard Norway OOB TOE (which is as functional as it
was before), the “special” units are strictly divided from the standard Norway units, by
making the last year of availability for Norway units as “end of 1948”, while the special
units are only available in December 1949! However, standard Norway units might
appear in special units purchase screens at times and is not to be avoided. Don’t bother.
Generally when purchasing some of the special units, it is recommended to buy at least a
HQ (A0) unit from parent nation first! Example: In scenario editor, select nation and year
of your choice, enter purchase screen, but don’t purchase anything! This gives you the
proper HQ (A0) unit of selected nation and year. Now set scenario date to December
1949 and enter purchase screen a second time. Now via “Nation” button, select Norway
and then you’re ready to select from the various “special” units, which are:
(Ordered by menus)
ARMOR menu
These are common fighter aircraft taken from the various OOBs and re-classed as some
sort of tank (for organizational purpose), meant to be placed directly on the map to crowd
airfields act.
These all are unarmed and immobile. If for any purpose you need them to be armed or
mobile, you can edit the units with the “D” key in the scenario editor. If you need them to
be wrecked at the start of the scenario, then simply hit “U” key in editor. You also can
edit a save game, to have them in „abandoned“ state. However, these steps are
recommended to be made when the scenario is a mostly finished and all other unit
already purchased.
To have functioning onmap aircraft (unlike taking the stuff from the terrain files) has the
benefit that the units can be used much more variably. As all other units, these adapt to
the icon size chosen in preferences menu and you also have full control on the units
(Note: due to use of same unit classes, the mentioned units also double up in other than
the intended menus !)
Rail Gun
This one already was included for Mega Campaign: Lost Victories.
Classed as “on map” artillery (self propelled).
Explode unit (Explosion)
Was introduced for Mega Campaign: Lost Victories. Served as multi purpose unit to
provide a generic unit that does not have its own icon and does leave an
“exploded/burning” graphic on the map, when destroyed. Thus the name! (actually
obsolete, but is needed for compatibility with MCLV)
This is a US 4.2 inch mortar shooting white phosphorous (WP) rounds. The white
phosphorous is modelled as “Napalm”, as suggested by “Ammo Sgt.”, who also brain
child this unit/weapon.
Next new unit is the Bridge DC Sec and (?) Target design concept. These two units
have a movement of zero and need to be set to face the correct direction to work
correctly. These are used in scenario design to blow up bridges at key times. These are
classed as Special Forces and are set to appear on map in the same manner as Special
Forces. The Bridge DC Sec is meant to be set next to a Bridge, turned to face the bridge,
and set to fire at one hex range on to a bridge. It can be used to fire at units on a bridge or
at the (?) Target unit. Set the morale and experience rate for the Bridge DC Sec in the 120
range and the (?) Targets in the low 50 range to work correctly.
The (?) Target unit is to be purchased as the opposing sides unit and is placed within the
one hex range of the Bridge DC Sec. It is used to trigger the explosion when it enters the
game. It will cause the Bridge DC Sec to fire at it; thus, resulting in Bridge destruction. It
is recommended that the (?) The Target units enter scenario as special force units do and
that these are limited in use during two player games.
These are to be used in scenario design and not in two player style games unless both
players agree upon there use. These are powerful weapons – keep friendly forces away
from these when they explode! Also note, that these are experimental oob scenario design
tools and that one feature of their uses is residue smoke rounds. This bug at current time
cannot be fixed. (Bryan Melvin)
Various Arty.+FX
Fuse Charge and Time Bomb: new weapons used to blow up Bridges or to cause a
Building to explode at a key moment. These are one-shot weapons that can be set to
explode by use of the Artillery “t” key function. They do have an error factor that may
cause the charges to not explode on target, in other words, the charge failed to destroy its
target as often happened during combat conditions during WW II. (Bryan Melvin)
(Note: Not for AI use!)
Walking Barrage consists of a “one shot” artillery round with very high suppression and
Kill rates. You purchase about 3 to 12 of these and set them to explode in the deployment
editor phase of scenario design during certain turns by use of the Artillery “t” key
function. You can time these to explode as your infantry moves behind the barrage. Be
sure that these are not used in 2 player style games unless agreed upon. (Bryan Melvin)
Changed to use “cluster bomb” class and animation, as it better portrays multiple shells
raining into a single hex. (RHZ)
A nasty sort of weapon that does comparatively little initial damage in the impact hex,
but causes considerable suppression in hex and around! The Death Heads! In the beaten
area mark hexes as „poisoned“ and you better stay away from them, or you risk
subsequent losses/suppression! Best to use in WW1 like battles (no vehicles!).
A generic rifle squad/platoon that is unarmed and needs to be armed by scenario makers
before use in a scenario. This unit has no FC or RnF values!
Demo Charge Similar to “mine dog”, but immobile and needs to be placed by infantry
with carry capacity (see further below in this doc).
Support MG
These are copies of common MMG/HMG units taken from the other OOB´s and re-
classed as Scout units. These are used in user made scenarios, where the AI is on the
attack (attack, advance mission set) and deployed in a way so that these provide
supporting fire from static positions in the AI turn. Normally the AI only shoots his
MMG/HMG class weapons effectively when on the defense (Defend, delay scenario
These units were given a basic movement point allowance of 4, but it’s preferable to set
these even to 0 with “D” key, in order to have them backing up the advancing infantry
from mentioned static positions.
Normal machine gun classed units (AI) move with the advancing infantry and get quickly
involved in close to frontline combat and thus get expended quickly, without having
much chance to provide supporting fire in their intended role.
However, both types of medium/heavy machine gun units can be combined in a scenario
off course.
These are no real units, they are rather a way to simulate radio messages sent to the battle
group commander (YOU), from regimental or divisional command post, during game
play! In purchase screen you need to check (click) every “order” unit in order to see what
it’s for! That they’re all NOT given a distinct name, serves just the purpose to hide the
possible type of order sent to the player, BEFORE he actually receives it! More about
this later. Now the possible orders/messages:
FLAG is the little blue (or red) objective flags that you assign units, when CC is set to on.
When you don’t play with CC (command control) on, then these flags have no function in
the game. When this is the case, then these flags can be used to indicate a map location (a
hex coordinate).
Here’s the A0 unit and its assigned „objective flag“. The bottom status bar indicates that
STANCE is Advance to 14,10 and this hex 14,10 is just the hex where the „objective flag“
of this unit is set!
Fee if you receive order: 1. Commander, take and hold enemy objective at location: see
FLAG ,then regimental/divisional command wants you to move to a map area indicated
by the „objective flag“, assigned to this particular “message” unit!
Now you might say, what’s the deal? Just place a victory hex there and you
know where to go!?
Yes, but there’s also cases where this (possible) victory hex has a set “activation turn”
that you’re not aware of. Most of the time, when scenario makers use these (victory hexes
with activation turn), you probably won’t take notice of its activation and thus miss
gaining the victory points for capturing it (and maybe even loose the game).
Now with this particular command message unit, the attention of the player is pointed to
the new victory hex (location), that has just activated and shown up on the map (Drum
roll!)! Or maybe it’s not yet activated (or never will), as the player needs to march a unit
on it to activate it and gain any possible victory points. Could be it’s even of the “cannot
be recaptured” type. And so on....
Also thinkable is to not use any (visible) victory hexes at all and just use the needed by
AI types to control AI movements.
REACTION is normally set for an AI unit to react and start moving at a certain game turn,
but not used for a human players units.
See order/message 5.: Commander, hold position at: see FLAG until: see REACTION
FLAG works as described above, but REACTION is now used to tell the player until what
game turn the condition needs to be met!
This window shows were the Reaction (React) setting is to be found. If the “Command
MSG” unit is currently the active unit, hit “H” key to make the headquarters screen pop
up. To the left on the screen then can be seen the above unit status window, with the
“React” turn marked by the yellow arrow.
So message 5.: Commander, hold position at: see FLAG until: see REACTION , tells you
to defend a hex location (and around) until game turn 25! Off course the scenario maker
needs to make sure that it makes any sense to hold a certain location until set turn!;)
Now how to bring the command message into the game: These are purposely given the
special forces/guerilla class, so they can be set up like any normal special forces unit; set
up infiltration hex at a (more or less) randomly given turn. However, you have much
more control if you let them enter the game by use of reinforcement hexes. Thus you can
set exact location AND exact entry turn, which is not possible for infiltrators without
some considerable editing of scenario data, but that’s out of topic here.
Assuming you (the scenario maker) have purchased and set 7 „command message“ units
as reinforcements to enter the game at reinforcement hex 1 at a certain turn. When
playing the scenario and hitting the „unit menu“ button , then the „unit menu“
screen shows up as follows:
Only thing you see is that 7 Message B units are scheduled to arrive at various turns. As
all command messages are named the same (Message B in this case), the player won’t
know what orders they might contain. Now to add even more uncertainty, the set of
Command messages includes two dummy units with same name Message B (and
Message R), but with no unit pic assigned! (no unit pic = no orders!)
In the example above, only units “B0” and “H0” contain a legal order/message, while the
remainders are just dummies! The player won’t know about all that until the command
message units actually have arrived on the map!
At last you can rename the command message units to anything you want, as long as it
makes any sense to you and for the scenario. Be creative!☺
Any human player who plays side2 uses these. Side 2 player normally has the red
objective flags assigned to his units, thus the (Message-)R = red and (Message)B = blue.
Think they’re superfluous somehow, but anyway......
MISC menu
(I’ll only mention the new units here, as this menu contains also some older stuff like the
train fe)
Btw, the Maginot turret comes unarmed as a standard, to allow variable weapon
configurations. Usually this is either done with “D” key and clicking Weapon in standard
SPWAW scenario editor, or with Fred Chlanda´s WaW Edit, which is much more
comfortable to use.
Various loadable immobile APC (armored personal carrier) class units, meant to be used
as dugouts, basements, shelter rooms, etc. Unlike fort or other unit classes, these do not
unload their passengers involuntarily when just hit!
Only when the carrier (the SHELTER/DUGOUT unit) takes a penetrating/damaging hit,
then the passengers are unloaded automatically. Also when an enemy unit STOPS just
next to the SHELTER/DUGOUT unit (range = 1 hex) then passengers are unloaded
automatically too. Just bypassing the SHELTER/DUGOUT unit (at range = 1 hex), does
NOT cause involuntary unloading!
However, that keeps them not from being detected by enemy aircraft, which due to
vehicle class of SHELTER/DUGOUT units, have an abnormal chance of detecting
enemy vehicles, not regarding terrain, smoke, etc. This is a game flaw or,.IMO a very bad
design decision.
This unit has carrying capacity to load several infantry squads and/or vehicle units. Thus
the TUNNEL/GARAGE name. Top armor is high enough to withstand all but the
heaviest of large caliber guns or bombs. Rear turret armor is at 10 to simulate this unit
having some sort of entry gate, that can be hit and penetrated. This unit has not an own
icon assigned. Unarmed.
This unit only carries/loads infantry class units up to platoon size. Top armor is high
enough to withstand all but larger caliber guns (up to 150mm) or bombs. Rear turret
armor is at 20 to simulate this unit having some sort of (lightly armored) door, that can be
hit and penetrated. This unit has not an own icon assigned. Unarmed.
This is meant to be used as concrete built and unarmed shelter bunker, to be found in
German Siegfried line and other fortification lines. It’s of size 2, carries about two
infantry squads (24) and has its own icon assigned.
You can arm this with a light or medium machine gun in slot1 if appropriate (use “D”
key and select weapon 1).
This is a light motor driven assault boat of wooden or metal construction, similar to
German Sturmboot 39. A single heavy truck can carry about 3 of them and itself has a
carry capacity of 12 (single squad). This is meant to fill the gap between the highly
vulnerable rubber boats (assault rafts carried/used in river assaults) and the more
specialized stuff like barges and amphib tanks/carriers (DUKW). They are loaded with
“L” key when assault boat and loadee are deployed in same shallow water hex.
This is sort of merchant transport ship that only unloads and loads properly in a hex with
"Water" or "Deep Water" AND a "Bridge"! However, this unit can also unload/load in
shallow water, but by moving into a shallow water hex the ship immobilizes itself
(stranded!). This is due to its class (Heavy Amphib-34) and absence of any land
movement capability! Unarmed unit with carry capacity of 254.
Same as above, but classed as landing barge. It can unload directly on the "beach"
(shallow water hex). To "load/board" any unit in the game, the ship must be moved into a
hex that contains a "bridge" AND the to be loaded unit! Unarmed unit with carry capacity
of 254.
Meant to be used as generic recovery vehicles that have enough carry capacity to tow
almost every vehicle in the game! Axis vehicles located in Norway oob 86 and Allied
located in PA oob 16 – Dec 1949 menu.
Generic non-combatant units that are classed as ski infantry in order to prevent smoke
popping and disable close assault ability.
The (native) Supply bearers have a carry capacity of 2, which enables them to carry an
Ammo Canister.
Infantry w CC (Infantry with Carry capacity). Similar to supply bearers, but with carry
capacity of 5. Can load/carry wounded! (stretcher bearers)
Note: The SPWAW game does not know about neutral units, so even civilians or POW
will treated by the AIP (artificial intelligence player) as units viable to shoot at! Same
goes for human players, but when used in hot seat/PBEM games, players can agree not to
shoot them up. However, these units still apply to the “borg mind” rules and can serve as
spotters for the side using them.
Similar to cavalry horses, these are just unarmed and vulnerable carriers, meant to carry
motorcycle infantry (just normal infantry that dismounts). Although all “Mtrcy” units are
technically the same, I included several as they use different unit pics. If you can’t find
any for a particular nation, then just use HU, FR or SU which all share the same unit pic
anyway. Units are classed as wheeled (utility vehicle) and use pack mule icon. Move
sound is reassigned as motorcycle, so the illusion should be OK so far.
A small immobile “ammo carrier” class unit, that can be carried around easily. (supply
bearers above or small vehicles/wagons) Carry cost=2.
Cavalry Horses were added. These can carry a squad of Infantry or tow small guns.
However, the AI will not move / unload these units very well and scenarios using these
should be played from the Human side or as a two player style game. These are found in
Norway oob as well as Poland oob.
An emplacement class unit with smaller size and load capacity of 40. This unit is meant
to be used in conjunction with special hospital building no. 10, 11 and 12, to be found in
Single wood building – Use1 menu (Ter82 shape file). Other than that, as emplacement
class unit, this gives some morale benefit (end turn suppression removal) to units within 3
hexes, just like the normal Command Post/HQ unit does. Unarmed and immobile unit,
without dedicated icon.
“Emplacement” class unit. Serves as very small sized platoon or company command post,
for use as backbone to entrenched units in DEFEND scenarios. Unarmed and loadable
(10) unit with movement allowance of 1.
As with all emplacement class units, this provides morale benefits to any unit within
range of 3 hexes.
RockinHarry 03.26.04