Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Aw5005 Behavior Subjected To Tension and Perforation Under Dynamic Loading

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55, 4, pp. 1219-1233, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.4.1219



Amine Bendarma
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Engineering, Poznań, Poland, and
Universiapolis, Ecole Polytechnique d’Agadir Bab Al Madina, Qr Tilila, Agadir, Morocco
e-mail: b.amine@e-polytechnique.ma

Tomasz Jankowiak, Tomasz Łodygowski

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Engineering, Poznań, Poland
e-mail: tomasz.jankowiak@put.poznan.pl; tomasz.lodygowski@put.poznan.pl

Alexis Rusinek
Laboratory of Mechanics, Biomechanics, Polymers and Structures (LaBPS),
National Engineering School of Metz (ENIM), Metz, France; e-mail: alexis.rusinek@univ-lorraine.fr

Maciej Klósak
Universiapolis, Ecole Polytechnique d’Agadir Bab Al Madina, Qr Tilila, Agadir, Morocco, and
The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław, Poland
e-mail: klosak@e-polytechnique.ma

The paper describes mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy AW5005 (EN AW5005) un-
der impact loading. The work is focused on tensile tests and the process of perforation of
aluminum alloy AW5005 sheets. Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations are
carried out to analyse in details the perforation process. Based on these approaches, ballistic
properties of the structure impacted by a conical nose shape projectile are studied. Different
failure criteria are discussed, coupling numerical and experimental analyses for a wide range
of strain rates. Optimization method functions are used to identify the parameters of the
failure criteria. Finally, good correlation is obtained between the numerical and experimental
results for both tension and perforation tests.
Keywords: aluminum alloy, AW5005, ballistic behavior, failure criterion

1. Introduction

In this paper, a study on aluminum alloy AW5005 behavior is reported. This alloy contains
nominally 0.8% magnesium and it presents a medium strength, good weldability and good
corrosion resistance in marine atmospheres. The metallurgical state of the aluminum alloy used
in this work is as received. It has a lower density and an excellent thermal conductivity compared
to other aluminum alloys. It is the most commonly used type of aluminum in sheet and plate
forms (Kulekci, 2014).
The ballistic behavior and resistance of aluminum sheet plates is strongly dependent on the
material behavior under dynamic loading. The ballistic properties of the structure are intensely
related to the material behavior and to the interaction between the projectile and a thin alumi-
num target during the perforation process. Therefore, to find expected curves, many dynamic
constitutive relations have been studied in several works. For instance, Johnson and Cook (1983)
proposed a dynamic constitutive relation based on a phenomenological approach. The model has
1220 A. Bendarma et al.

been often used in impact and perforation problems analysis. Verleysen et al. (2011) investiga-
ted the effect of strain rate on the forming behavior of sheet metals and described stress-strain
curves of the material using the Johnson-cook model. Erice et al. (2014) presented a coupled
elastoplastic-damage constitutive model to simulate the failure behavior of inconel plates. Rusi-
nek and Rodrı́guez-Martı́nez (2009) provided two extensions of the original Rusinek-Klepaczko
constitutive relation (Rusinek and Klepaczko, 2001) in order to define the behavior of aluminum
alloys at wide ranges of strain rates and temperatures showing a negative strain rate sensitivity.
Børvik et al. (2009) studied the influence of a modified Johnson-Cook constitutive relation using
numerical simulations of steel plate perforation. Jankowiak et al. (2013) considered perforation
of different configurations: mild steel and sandwich plates. The effectiveness of these kinds of
structures was checked. The authors also presented the effect of strain rate sensitivity models
(Johnson-Cook and Rusinek-Klepaczko) on the ballistic curve. Additionally, several effects were
considered: strain hardening, yield stress and projectile mass. Based on these results, it was
possible to optimize the structure and find the right plate thickness to prevent its perforation.
The sandwich configuration containing two sheets of steel is less efficient than a monolithic steel
sheet of an equivalent total thickness. It was proven that thickness of the target had an im-
portant effect on the ballistic performance. This analysis can be used for the present AW5005
structure optimization. Kpenyigba et al. (2013) and Rusinek et al. (2008) studied the influence
of the projectile nose shape (conical, blunt and hemispherical) and the projectile diameter on
ballistic properties and failure modes of thin steel targets. In order to simulate the behavior of
impacted and perforated structures, the finite element method with an explicit time integration
procedure was an effective technique (Kpenyigba et al., 2013; Rusinek et al., 2008; Rusinek and
Rodrı́guez-Martı́nez, 2008; Quinney and Taylor, 1937; Xue and Belytschko, 2010). Numerical
simulations, in particular by the FE method, are also effective supplements for theoretical and
experimental investigations which were carried out to analyze the dynamic behavior of impacted
In order to determine mechanical characteristics of the material in quasi-static conditions,
tensile tests have been carried out according to the methodology discussed in (Zhong et al.,

2. Experimental approach

There are little references about this material, especially concerning mechanical properties of
this specific aluminum alloy. However, Kulekci (2014) published that the yield strength is equal
to 45 MPa and the tensile strength is 110 MPa. Additionally, it is described that the elongation
of this alloy is close to 15%. In the present paper, a tensile test is used to calibrate the material
behavior. The specimen is machined from a 1.0 mm thickness aluminum sheet. The dimensions
of the specimen are presented in Fig. 1. Additionally, the perforation test is used to describe
ballistic properties of the material and failure modes for the conical projectile nose shape see
Fig. 4. Compression using a sandwich specimen (Zhong et al., 2015) and shear tests (Rusinek
and Klepaczko, 2001; Bao and Wierzbicki, 2004) also reports for this material but it is out of
scope of this analysis.

2.1. Tensile test

Quasi-static uniaxial tensile tests of AW5005 aluminum have been performed using a conven-
tional hydraulic machine. The dimensions of the flat dumbbell-shaped specimen are shown in
Fig. 1 (Zhong et al., 2016). The first part of the specimen is embedded on 40 mm while the other
end of the specimen is fixed to the mobile crosshead. The loading force and the displacement
are recorded during the tests for the imposed velocity.
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1221

Fig. 1. Dimensions of the tensile specimens

Fig. 2. Description of kinematic failure for three selected time points: (a) homogeneous deformation,
elastic part, (b) strain localization ε = 0.015, (c) shear band before failure ε = 0.045, (d) force versus
displacement curve for strain rate of 0.001 s−1

During the tests, an inclined fracture plane occurs along thickness of the specimens and a
shear failure zone is observed along the oblique direction as Fig. 2 shows. The shear fracture is
the main failure mode for AW5005 aluminum alloy subjected to quasi-static tension. A camera
has been used to investigate the specimen behavior during quasi-static tensile tests. The results
are given in Fig. 2 for a strain rate equal to 0.001 s−1 . A set of perpendicular lines is drawn on
the specimen surface with a gap of 2.25 mm between them. The tension process is recorded to
estimate local deformation along the specimen loaded in tension. The failure process is presen-
ted together with the force displacement curve in Fig. 2. The analysis of the three frames A, B
and C has allowed one to report the failure development of the specimen. On the frame A, the
tensile process starts and the force is increasing together with the displacement. By coupling
1222 A. Bendarma et al.

the force and displacement measurements obtained using the hydraulic machine and the displa-
cement observed from the camera measurement, the behavior can be defined. After the force
reaches the maximum level, the process of tensile plastic strains localization starts as reported
on the frame B. Finally, the plastic strain localizes, see the frame C. If the local critical failure
strain is reached, a crack is formed and the measured force decreases to zero. Using local strain
measurements, it is observed that the local nominal strains before the failure is close to 0.55
compared to the global strain which equals 0.1.
The quasi-static tensile tests are performed for four different strain rates, i.e. 0.001, 0.01,
0.1 and 0.15 s−1 . The resulting stress-strain curves are presented in Fig. 3. The experimental
tests show that there is no strain rate sensitivity for aluminum alloy AW5005 behavior in the
range of the strain rate used, but there is a significant difference in terms of ductility. The
macroscopic true strains values at failure varies from 0.042 to 0.1. It is also observed that the
ductility increases with the strain rate, Fig. 3. It shows that the average yield strength of the
AW5005 aluminum is close to 147 MPa.

Fig. 3. Stress-strain curves for different strain rates at room temperature, aluminum AW5005

2.2. Perforation test

This part describes the mechanical behavior of aluminum sheets under impact loading. Expe-
rimental, analytical and numerical investigations have been carried out to analyze in details the
perforation process (Kpenyigba et al., 2013). A wide range of impact velocities from 40 to
180 m/s has been covered during the tests. A conical projectile with an angle of 72◦ has 13 mm
in diameter and the plate is 1.0 mm thick. The active part of the specimen during perforation
is presented in Fig. 4.
The projectile is launched using a pneumatic gas gun, it accelerates in the tube to reach
the initial impact velocity V0 . Then, the projectile impacts the alumium sheet with partial or
complete perforation depending on quantity of kinetic energy delivered to the tested plate. At
the end, the residual velocity VR of the projectile is measured after the projectile perforates the
plate. Laser sensors are used to measure the initial velocity and a laser barrier for the residual
velocities of the projectile during perforation. The projectile mass mp is 28 g. The material used
for machining the projectile is maraging steel with heat treatment to reach the yield stress of the
projectile of 2 GPa. Therefore, the projectile is assumed as rigid during the perforation process
(Kpenyigba et al., 2013). The results in terms of the ballistic curve VR -V0 are reported in Fig. 5a.
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1223

Fig. 4. Dimensions of the projectile and target used during perforation tests

Fig. 5. (a) Ballistic curve obtained during perforation and determination of ballistic limit, (b) energy
absorbed by plate during impact test, determination of failure energy

The residual velocity of the projectile can be calculated using the following equation proposed
by Recht and Ipson (1963)
VR = (V0κ − VBκ ) κ (2.1)

where V0 is the initial velocity and VB is the ballistic velocity. In the above equation, the constants
VB is equal to 40 m/s, and κ is the ballistic curve shape parameter equal to 1.65.
The energy absorbed by the plate Ed can be calculated using the following equation
mP 2
Ed = (V0 − VR2 ) (2.2)
The difference of the initial and residual kinetic energy can be calculated using the experi-
mental data, then based on the Recht-Ipson approximation, the energy absorbed by the plate can
be calculated, see Fig. 5b. Using Eq. (2.2), the minimum energy to perforate is 28 J (mP = 28 g
and V0 = VB = 40 m/s).
In Fig. 6, for the initial impact velocity of V0 = 85 m/s, the failure pattern is presented
with four petals for the residual velocity of VR = 66.5 m/s. The same failure is observed for
V0 = 132.3 m/s with VR = 120.2 m/s, respectively. The number of petals is equal to 4 in the
whole range of impact velocities, i.e. from 40 to 180 m/s. A complete description concerning the
number of petals depending on the projectile shape and the failure mode was published and
discussed in details in (Atkins and Liu, 1998).
1224 A. Bendarma et al.

Fig. 6. Experimental observation of failure patterns, V0 = 85.3 m/s and 132.3 m/s

3. Johnson-Cook material model

Using experimental tests, the parameters of the Johnson-Cook (JC) model (Johnson and Cook,
1983) have been identified and used to simulate tension and perforation tests. The thermo-
-viscoplastic behavior of AW5005 aluminum alloy is defined as follows
σ = (A + Bεnpl ) 1 + C ln (1 − T ∗m ) (3.1)
where A is the yield stress, B and n are strain hardening coefficients, C is the strain rate
sensitivity coefficient, ε̇0 is the strain rate reference value and m is the temperature sensiti-
vity parameter. In this work, isothermal conditions are assumed. Therefore, the last term of
the JC model related to the non-dimensional temperature T ∗ is not considered. All numerical
simulations are done at room temperature T = 300 K.
The material constants are obtained by experimental tests. The parameter C has been cal-
culated using the presented experimental tests for a quasi-static loading (strain rates from 0.001
to 0.15 s−1 ). In this range small strain rates sensitivity has been observed. The optimization
using the minimum least square method gives the value of C equal to 0.003. These constants
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Material parameters for the Johnson-Cook model
A [MPa] B [MPa] n [–] C [–]
147 60 0.9 0.003

In order to define the material behavior completely, a failure criterion was proposed by
Johnson and Cook (1985). When mixed with their classical constitutive law, Eq. (3.1), it enabled
one to reflect failure modes of structures or materials.
The Johnson-Cook failure model is applied widely because of the simplicity of formulation.
A number of material parameters that are available in literature were provided by Johnson
and Holmquist (1989). However, Johnson and Cook only determined the positive range of the
stress triaxiality based on some tensile tests and shear tests, and no small or negative values of
stress triaxiality were expressed. In order to effectively apply the Johnson-Cook fracture model,
researchers extended the model in different ways. Liu et al. (2014) proved that the Johnson-Cook
fracture model can be used as damage initiation coupled with damage evolution in metal cutting
simulations. Moreover, the damage evolution combines two different fracture modes effects.
In Fig. 7, the progressive damage model is used for aluminum alloy. The description includes
the elastic part with E0 (part a-b) and the plasticity range (b-c). The damage initiation with the
JC criterion can be expressed by Eq. (3.2) (c). Along the line (c-e), the damage variable evolution
grows from 0 to the maximum degradation ratio Dmax (d), therefore, stiffness of the material is
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1225

degraded and reduced to (1 − D)E0 where D is the damage variable and E0 is the initial Young
modulus. The damage evolution is described by mesh-independent measurements (displacement
at failure and damage energy dissipation) in the model. A linear evolution damage rule is used
by defining a value of displacement at failure uf (e). Thus, the maximum degradation of stiffness
as well as the maximum damage have been taken finally as the failure criterion (d). The element
after reaching the failure criterion is deleted from the mesh in simulation.

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of tensile test data in stress-displacement space for elastic-plastic
materials (ABAQUS, 2011)

The Johnson-Cook damage initiation model (Johnson and Cook, 1985; Johnson and Hol-
mquist, 1989) describes the strain at damage initiation εpl D−init including effects of the stress
triaxiality, strain rate and temperature, as shown in the following equation
D−init = [d 1 + d2 exp(−d 3 η)] 1 + d4 ln (1 + d5 T ∗ ) (3.2)
where d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 , d5 are material parameters, η is the stress triaxiality factor, ε̇0 is the reference
strain rate and T ∗ is the non-dimensional temperature. The first bracket in Eq. (3.2) concerns
the influence of the stress triaxiality factor on the value of strain at damage initiation εpl D−init .
The value of the first bracket decreases as the stress triaxiality factor increases. The second
bracket represents the influence of the strain rate on that value, while the third one represents
the effect of thermal softening.
Table 2. Failure parameters for tension and perforation
Tensile test Perforation test
Test 1 4 3 4
103 s−1 104 s−1
(0.001 s−1 ) (0.01 s−1 ) (0.1 s−1 ) (0.15 s−1 )
Damage initiation strain εpl
D−init 0.008 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.9 0.96
Displacement at failure uf 0.0008 m
Max. degradation Dmax 0.6

By using those analytical approaches coupled to experiment results, the failure parameters
have been deduced and used in the numerical model for both traction and perforation tests.
They are presented in Table 2. The tensile test values are obtained from experiments, whereas
the perforation test values are obtained using a numerical analysis and available literature data
for similar materials (Jankowiak et al., 2013, 2014; Kpenyigba et al., 2013). The strain rates for
perforation tests ε̇ = 1000 s−1 and ε̇ = 10000 s−1 correspond to initial impact velocities V0 of
120 m/s and 180 m/s, respectively. They have been observed locally using numerical simulations.
1226 A. Bendarma et al.

4. Numerical approach

Numerical models are built using Abaqus/Explicit. The tests using this numerical model are
conducted at different strain rates in quasi-static and dynamic conditions with impact velocities
up to 180 m/s. The shell element type S4R with 8 degrees of freedom and 4 nodes with reduced
integration (ABAQUS, 2011) have been used. The same element type with the element size of
0.5 mm×0.5 mm has been proposed for tension and perforation analysis as presented in Fig. 9a.
The effectiveness of such elements for this type of analysis was previously proved by Ambati
and Lorenzis (2016), Amiri et al. (2014), Elnasri and Zhao (2016).
In order to extend experimental results, some other thickness of the aluminum plate has
been added for both tensile and perforation simulations, therefore, thicknesses of 1.0 mm and
1.5 mm have been used.

4.1. Modelling procedures of tensile and perforation tests

In order to verify the Johnson-Cook constitutive and failure models, tension and perforation
tests have been simulated using Abaqus/Explicit version 6.14.

4.1.1. Tensile test

The aim of this numerical analysis has been to reproduce experimental results by checking
the observed failure mode. The constitutive parameters have been identified based on the experi-
mental tests. The constants are reported in Table 1. The number of elements used for meshing is
16356, and 16731 is the total number of nodes. The distribution of the equivalent plastic strains
called PEEQ in Abaqus is presented in Fig. 8b.

Fig. 8. Numerical simulation of tensile test, (a) equivalent plastic strain distribution for macroscopic
strain equal to ε = 0.04, (b) equivalent plastic strain distribution for macroscopic strain ε = 0.045

The numerical simulations are in agreement with experimental observations where the failure
mode is by shearing, see Fig. 2c.
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1227

4.1.2. Perforation test

The optimal mesh has been obtained using a convergence method (stability of the results
without mesh dependency). The mesh is denser in the projectile-plate contact zone, thickness of
the plate in this area is 1.0 mm and the velocity is defined in predefined fields with the range of
impact velocities from 40 to 180 m/s as conceded in the experiment. This model contains 6048
elements in the central part of impact and 6161 using the same element size (0.5 mm×0.5 mm).
The ballistic curves are reported in the following Section and compared to the experimental
results. The interior zone of the model allows one to initiate the process of crack propagation in
a precise way. The projectile behavior has been defined as rigid, because a kinematic coupling
constraint (rigid body) has been applied to avoid deformation of the projectile. The friction
coefficient is assumed to be equal to 0.2.

Fig. 9. Numerical model used during numerical simulations and mesh density distribution: (a) mesh,
(b) equivalent plastic strain distribution for macroscopic strain ε

A decrease of the number of petals with a nose angle of 72◦ has been observed when the
value of failure strain is changed. An analytical model for prediction of the number of petals
proposed by Atkins and Liu (1998) has been used and confirmed by FE simulations.

4.2. Failure criterion model

4.3. Model I (Johnson-Cook model)

Using values illustrated in Table 2, the parameters are used to identify the Johnson-Cook
damage initiation model. The triaxiality dependent part is neglected because the triaxiality
in all cases is 1/3. The influence of temperature is also ignored since there is no effect on all
strain rates captured by the temperature camera that have been used during the tests. The final
equation used to determine the Johnson-Cook damage initiation strain εpl D−init as a function of
strain rates ε̇ corresponding to aluminum alloy is
h ε̇ i
D−init = [d1 ] 1 + d4 ln (4.1)

In order to determine the parameters d1 , d4 , an algorithm with Matlab optimization using Eq.
(4.1) has been developed, and the adopted values are presented in Table 3.
1228 A. Bendarma et al.

Fig. 10. Plot of damage initiation strain versus plastic strain rate using Model I JC), Eq. (4.1)

For tensile tests cases 2, 3 and 4, the damage initiation Johnson-Cook model gives too high
values of the initial damage strain because it is linear in the interval of the strain rate. Finally,
the global behavior in space stress-strain is too ductile, therefore, another approach has been

4.3.1. Failure modeling using optimized Model II

Another function has been proposed to better fit the damage initiation model. This function
(Eq. (4.2)) contains three constants E, F and G to be determined by using an optimization
algorithm. The constants are reported in Table 3

exp(E + F ε̇)
D−init = G (4.2)
1 + exp(E + F ε̇)

As demonstrated in Fig. 11, there is a good correlation between the fitted curve, the expe-
rimental and numerical values, however, there is still a bit of miss-match between some points
in the middle of the curve.

Fig. 11. Plot of damage initiation strain versus plastic strain rate using optimized Model II, Eq. (4.2)
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1229

4.3.2. Failure modeling using Model III

The next damage initiation criterion (Eq. (4.3)) is defined with two glued functions with four
constants H, I, J and K. Using an optimization method, a good correlation in a wide range of
strain rates is obtained (see Fig. 12)
f (ε̇) = H exp(I log10 ε̇) if ε̇ ¬ ε̇transmition
D−init = (4.3)
g(ε̇) = J − K exp(log10 ε̇) if ε̇ ­ ε̇transmition

The estimated constants are reported in Table 3 with ε̇transmition = 1 s−1 .

Table 3. Parameters for failure models

Model I (JC) Model II Model III
d1 [–] d4 [–] E [–] F [–] G [–] H [–] I [–] J [–] K [–]
0.007 78.722 −0.89 1.13 1.0085 −0.398 1.4523 1.0085 0.6647

Fig. 12. Plot of failure strain versus plastic strain rate using optimized Model III

5. Comparison of numerical and experimental results

5.1. Tensile test comparisons

A comparison has been made between three initiation damage models using test number 3.
As it is presented in Fig. 13, the best results are obtained with Model III. This is why this model
has been adopted for an other analysis.
Initiation damage Model III has been implemented into the numerical model and then com-
pared with the experimental data for different strain rates (0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 0.15 s−1 ). The
results are shown in Fig. 14.
As it might be seen in Fig. 15, there is a good correlation between the experimental and
numerical results. In the case of test 3, the numerical model has demonstrated more ductile
behavior at the failure start, whereas for test 4, it has revealed ductility at the terminal phase
of failure.
1230 A. Bendarma et al.

Fig. 13. Comparison between experimental and numerical curves using 3 failure criteria

Fig. 14. Comparison between experimental and numerical curves using optimized initiation
damage model (Model III)

Fig. 15. Numerical result for conical projectile shape, V0 = 120 m/s, comparison between
experiments and simulations

5.2. Perforation test comparison

During this study, the same model (Model III) has been used to compare the numerical and
experimental results in the dynamic field using the perforation process in Abaqus/Explicit with
a wide range of impact velocities from 40 to 180 m/s and with target thicknesses of 1.0 and
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum alloy AW5005... 1231

1.5 mm. As it is shown in Fig. 15, the number of petals is the same as in the experiments, four
petals are observed. It was reported in (Atkins and Liu, 1989; Landkof and Goldsmith, 1985)
that the number of petals N observed during dynamic perforation coupled to a conical projectile
shape was related to the nose angle φ. In this work, one angle (72◦ ) has been used to analyze the
results. In (Kpenyigba et al., 2013) during the analysis of results it was observed that generally
the number of petals N decreased when the projectile angle φ/2 increased.
Figure 16 contains both the experimental and the numerical results of simulations with
the same interval of velocity. Damage initiation criterion Model III has been used to verify the
correlation between the numerical curve and the experiment. There is a good correlation between
the experimental and numerical results which adds to the credibility of correctness of the failure
criterion model. It can be observed that for thicker plates than 1.5 mm, the value of the ballistic
limit is shifted from 40 m/s to 50 m/s.

Fig. 16. The ballistic curve in experiment and in simulation

6. Conclusions

Mechanical characteristics of new aluminum alloy AW5005 have been investigated. The identi-
fication of material parameters has been done using the coupling of the simulation and expe-
rimental techniques. Additionally, three damage initiation criteria have been used in numerical
modelling for both tension and perforation simulations. A good agreement has been observed
between the experimental results and FE simulations in terms of the stress-strain curve and bal-
listic curves as well as the energy absorbed. It confirms the correctness of the damage initiation
The future work will investigate the behavior of a composite material in form of a sandwich
structure with two plates of aluminum (AW5005) and one internal layer of polyethylene.


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Manuscript received January 3, 2017; accepted for print May 9, 2017

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