Eti Micro Project
Eti Micro Project
Eti Micro Project
The term “cloud computing” is a recent buzzword in the IT world. Behind this
fancy poetic phrase there lies a true picture of the future of computing for both in
technical perspective and social perspective. Though the term “Cloud Computing”
is recent but the idea of centralizing computation and storage in distributed data
centers maintained by third party companies is not new but it came in way back
in 1990s along with distributed computing approaches like grid computing. Cloud
computing is aimed at providing IT as a service to the cloud users on-demand
basis with greater flexibility, availability, reliability and scalability with utility
computing model. This new paradigm of computingnhas an immense potential in
it to be used in the field of e-governance and in rural development perspective in
developing countries like India.
Introduction :
Cloud computing is a recently developing paradigm of distributed computing.
Thoughit is not a new idea that emerged just recently. In 1969 [16] L. Kleinrock
anticipated,“As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy. But as they
grow up and become more sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of
’computer utilities’ which, like present electric and telephone utilities, will service
individual homes and offices across the country.” His vision was the true
indication of today’s utility based computing paradigm. One of the giant steps
towards this world was taken in mid 1990s when grid computing was first coined
to allow consumers to obtain computing power on demand. The origin of cloud
computing can be seen as an evolution of grid computing technologies. The term
Cloud computing was given prominence first by Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt in late
2006 (may be he coined the term) [6]. So the birth of cloud computing is very
recent phenomena although its root belongs to some old ideas with new
business, technical and social perspectives. From the archi-tectural point of view
cloud is naturally build on an existing grid based architecture and uses the grid
services and adds some technologies like virtualization and some business
Cloud Stakeholders :
To know why cloud computing is used let’s first concentrate on who use it. And
then we would discuss what advantages they get using cloud. There are three
types of stakeholders cloud providers, cloud users and the end users [Figure 1].
Cloud providers provide cloud services to the cloud users. These cloud services
are of the form of utility computing i.e. the cloud users uses these services pay-as-
you-go model. The cloud users develop their product using these services and
deliver the product to the end users.
Windows Azure
Windows Azure [9] is an intermediate in the spectrum of flexibility vs programmer
convenience. These systems use .NET libraries to facilitate language independent
managed environment. This service falls under the category of Platform as a Ser-
vice. Though it is actually in between complete application framework like Google
App-Engine and hardware virtual machines like EC2. Azure applications run on
machines in Microsoft data centers. By using this service customers can use it to
run applications and store data on internet accessible machines owned by
Microsoft. windows Azure platform provides three fundamental components -
compute com-ponent, storage component and fabric component. Basic
components of Windows Azure are shown in Figure 5.
Cloud Computing Application in Indian context :
Today most of the studies in cloud computing is related to commercial
benefits.But this idea can also be successfully applied to non-profit organizations
and tothe social benefit. In the developing countries like India Cloud computing
can bring about a revolution in the field of low cost computing with greater
efficiency, availability and reliability. Recently in these countries e-governance has
started to flourish. Experts envisioned that utility based computing has a great
future in e-governance. Cloud computing can also be applied to the development
of rural life inIndia by building information hubs to help the concerned people
with greater access to required information and enable them to share their
experiences to build new knowledge base.
Conclusion :
Cloud computing is a newly developing paradigm of distributed computing. Vir-
tualization in combination with utility computing model can make a difference in
the IT industry and as well as in social perspective. Though cloud computing isstill
in its infancy but its clearly gaining momentum. Organizations like Google,Yahoo,
Amazon are already providing cloud services. The products like GoogleApp-
Engine, Amazon EC2, Windows Azure are capturing the market with theirease of
use, availability aspects and utility computing model. Users don’t have to
beworried about the hinges of distributed programming as they are taken care of
bythe cloud providers. They can devote more on their own domain work rather
than these administrative works. Business organizations are also showing
increasing in-terest to indulge themselves into using cloud services. There are
many open researc