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Grammar Unit 4: The First and Second Conditional The Third Conditional

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Grammar Unit 4

The first and second conditional The third conditional

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Rewrite the story in the third conditional.
The first conditional is formed by:
Nadia moved into the house next to Dylan’s. They
If / Unless + ______, will / won’t + infinitive.
became friends. Dylan offered to help Nadia paint
a past simple b present simple
her kitchen, so they bought some tins of orange
c past continuous
paint. Dylan fell over one of the paint tins and
1 Conditional sentences ______ contain commas.
sprained his ankle. Nadia took him to hospital. By
a always b sometimes c never
chance, Dylan met an old friend called Rachel
2 The second conditional is formed by:
there. He asked Rachel out and they went to the
If + past simple, ______ + infinitive.
cinema together two weeks later.
a would b will c be
3 Unless means the same as ______ + a negative If Nadia hadn’t moved into the house next to
verb. Dylan’s, they wouldn’t have become friends.
a infinitive b will c if 1 If they hadn’t b__________________________
4 The second conditional talks about the result of ______________________________________
a(n) ______ situation. 2 If Dylan hadn’t o_________________________
a past b possible future c imaginary ______________________________________
5 The first conditional talks about the result of a(n) 3 If Nadia hadn’t b_________________________
______ situation. ______________________________________
a past b possible future c imaginary 4 If Dylan hadn’t s_________________________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct first or
second conditional form of the verbs. 5 If Nadia hadn’t t_________________________
We will help (help) you paint your room at the
6 If Dylan hadn’t m________________________
weekend unless we’re busy.
1 If they __________ (not work out) at the gym
more often, they won’t get fit.
2 If we had lots of money, we __________ (buy) a The zero conditional
new car.
4 Write zero conditional sentences.
3 Your parents would give you more pocket money
if you __________ (not waste) it on computer you / get the most points / you win.
games. If / When you get the most points, you win.
4 He __________ (visit) the doctor if he has any 1 meat go bad / you not put it in fridge.
aches and pains, but he says he feels OK. _______________________________________
5 If I __________ (not have) a lot of homework, I 2 you / sit in the sun for hours / you get sunburned.
would invite my friends for a sleepover. _______________________________________
6 __________ (you / send) Megan a text message 3 you not get blue / you / mix red and white paint
if you find her keys? together.
7 Unless I __________ (not catch) the 8 o’clock _______________________________________
bus, I will meet you at the sports centre at 9
o’clock. wish / if only
8 __________ (you / be) a professional actress if
5 Complete the words in the text.
you had the opportunity to go to drama school?
9 Julia would go to university and study to be a If only and I wish mean the same thing. We use I
doctor if she __________ (be) so afraid of blood! wish with the (1) p________ simple to talk about
10 If I _________ (be) King for a day, I __________ regrets expressed in the (2) p________. We use if
(give) everyone in Spain more holiday. only with the (3) p________ p________ simple to
11 What __________ (you / do) if it __________ talk about (4) p________ regrets.
(rain) tomorrow?

4 1
Vocabulary Unit 4
Phrasal verbs Extra vocabulary

1 Complete the dialogues with down, out or up. 3 Match words 1–7 to definitions A–G.
A I hate going to the dentist! 1 anxious E
B Calm down, and tell me why you don’t like it. 2 parka __
1 A I painted my room and it looks awful! 3 dynamic __
B Cheer ______, Sophia. I’ll help you paint your 4 avalanche __
room again. 5 grumpy __
2 A Do you think I’m getting fat? 6 cheerful __
B No, but if I were you, I’d cut ______ on 7 snowshoes __
3 A Do you want to go to the water park? A in a bad mood
B No, I think I’ll stay home and chill ______. B worn on your feet in winter weather
4 A I have got a lot of problems. C happy and optimistic
B Open ______ and tell me about them. D snow, ice and rock that suddenly falls down the
5 A Where are you going? side of a mountain
B To the gym to work ______. E very nervous
F a long warm jacket with a hood
Aches and pains G very energetic
2 Choose the correct options, then match the
labels to the pictures. 4 Complete the text with the endings.
A broken / stiff neck __ -al -ble -ous
B dislocated / broken leg __
C sprained / allergic wrist __
D aching / itchy skin __ Sledding might not be the national sport of Canada,
E bruised / swollen ankle __ but it is a very popular one. This is a sport that is
F aching / allergic muscles __ done in cold weather and there are (1) vari____
ways you can stay warm while you’re doing it – try a
few of them and you’ll really enjoy flying down the
snowy hills! Remember, though, that some hills are
not (2) accessi____ to sledders, so always ask
before you go onto someone’s land to go sledding.
the first time you try sledding, but if you’re always
(4) cauti____ and (5) sensi____, you’ll have the
time of your life!

Functional language

5 Complete the words in the sentences. Tick ()

the sentences which show agreement.
I know what you mean. 
1 Wh___ do you think I sho___ do about my poor
exam results? 
2 What ___uld you do if you w___ me? 
3 H___ you thought ___out asking your teacher?

4 You ___ght to wear warm clothes in winter. 
5 Defin___! 
6 That’s ___ht. 
7 I’m not conv____ about that. 

4 2

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