ENGLISH Weekly Learning Plan Q4 Week 1 APRIL 25 - 29, 2022

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School LOURDES E/S PARK Grade 4

GRADE 4 Teacher LEA C. CAMPO Learning Area ENGLISH

Weekly Learning Plan
Week/Teaching Date Week 1/April 25-29, 2022 Quarter 4


MELC: Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements EN4WC-IId-20
1 Write a short story Write a short story Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to
(fiction/nonfiction) (fiction/nonfiction) a. Prayer read their English
with its complete with its complete b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols Quarter 4-SLM Week
elements EN4WC- elements EN4WC- c. Checking of attendance 1.
IId-20 IId-20
d. Quick “kumustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit) Let leaners answer

Way back in Quarter 3. Module 7, you learned to analyze story in terms of its elements. Do you still remember SSLM:
that lesson? 1. What I Know
pp 1-2
B. Motivation (Engage) 2. What’s In p. 3-
Stories are part of your childhood especially when you were not yet sent to school. You kept on telling your 4
grandmother or your mother to tell you stories. As you grow older, you learned that stories have elements. 3. What’s New
pp 5-9
C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (Explore)
Bear in mind that the elements of the story are the title, setting, characters and plot. The plot has three parts,
the beginning, middle and ending.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Independent Practice
Read the following narrative story and answer the questions that follow.
E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
What is a narrative text/story?

F. Evaluation
Write a short narrative story with its complete elements about you.
Explain the Home-based activities that they need to accomplish.
Remind the learners who need remediation and intervention Program after class.
2 Write a short story Write a short story Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to
(fiction/nonfiction) (fiction/nonfiction a. Prayer read their English
with its complete ) with its complete b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols Quarter 4-SLM Week
elements EN4WC- elements EN4WC- c. Checking of attendance 1.
IId-20 IId-20 d. Quick “kumustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit) Let leaners answer

What are the elements of a story? SLM:
1. What Is It pp.
B. Motivation (Engage) 10-13
You will be taught to write a story 2. What’s More
with its complete elements. Writing your own story clearly shows smartness which will help you gain self- p. 13 - 15
confidence and credence to what you write.

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (Explore)

To learn more about short stories (fiction/nonfiction) with their complete elements, here are the ideas you
need to remember:
❖ A short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-
contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a "single effect" or mood. It is crafted
from its own right.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Independent Practice
Practice writing a story by arranging the series of events below. Then, write them in a paragraph form.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

What is a short story?

F. Evaluation
Compose a short story with complete elements where Your character is experiencing super typhoon.

Explain the Home-based activities that they need to accomplish.

Remind the learners who need remediation and intervention Program after class.
Day 3 Write a short story Write a short story Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to
(fiction/nonfiction) (fiction/nonfiction a. Prayer read their English
with its complete ) with its complete b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols Quarter 4-Module 1.
elements EN4WC- elements EN4WC- c. Checking of attendance
IId-20 IId-20 d. Quick “kumustahan”
Let leaners answer
A. Recall (Elicit) SSLM:
Yesterday, we have studied about a short story, what are its elements? 1. What I Have
Learned pp 16
B. Motivation (Engage) 2. What I Can Do p. 17
Writing a story is very easy if you can identify the different elements of the story. You must master the
elements and its sequence so that you can write a good short story.

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (Explore)

To learn more about short stories (fiction/nonfiction) with their complete elements, here are the ideas you
need to remember:
❖ Realistic fiction is a story that tells about characters and events that are similar to people and animals in real
life. It can be a short story, novel, fairy tale and fable.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Independent Practice
Read the following details given in columns below. Arrange the details and write them in a paragraph form to
create a short story. Do these in your notebook.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

A fiction story is not true. It does not exist in reality. These are imagination of the author. The elements are
setting, characters and plot. The plot has the beginning, middle and ending.

F. Evaluation
Choose one of the elements of the story below. Write a short story using the given elements.
Explain the Home-based activities that they need to accomplish.
Remind the learners who need remediation and intervention Program after class.
Day 4 Write a short story Write a short story Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to
(fiction/nonfiction) (fiction/nonfiction a. Prayer read their English
with its complete ) with its complete b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols Quarter 4-SLM 2.
elements EN4WC- elements EN4WC- c. Checking of attendance
IId-20 IId-20 d. Quick “kumustahan”
Let leaners answer
A. Recall (Elicit) SSLM:
What is a fiction story? 1. Assessment p 18
2. Additional Activities
B. Motivation (Engage) p. 19
You will be learning the difference between fiction and nonfiction stories as you are tasked to write a beautiful
fiction/ nonfiction story.

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (Explore)

To learn more about short stories (fiction/nonfiction) with their complete elements, here are the ideas you
need to remember:
Non-fiction refers to factual stories that are based on real people and true events. It can be a news, speech,
history, biography and essay.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Independent Practice
Write a short story about any of the given topics below with complete elements. Use rubric for short story
1. Your character is the inventor of new application in an online game.
2. Your character living in poverty comes into an unexpected fortune.
3. Your character discovers a pot of gold.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

A non-fiction story is a story that teaches, informs and explains the real things. It tells reality. The elements are
setting, characters and plot. The plot has the beginning, middle and ending.

F. Evaluation
Choose one of the elements of the story below. Write a short story using the given elements.
Explain the Home-based activities that they need to accomplish.
Remind the learners who need remediation and intervention Program after class.

Prepared by:
Teacher Noted:

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