July 22 26
July 22 26
July 22 26
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning
Ask students if they have ever
A. Reviewing previous Tell students that they have to
Guide students in reading the wondered why there is a high
improve the stress and intonation Lead the class in doing Task 11: Language connection (Task 11.1:
lesson or presenting paragraphs on Task 13 page 96 tide during full moon. Then tell
that they have learned from the Spin – A – Moon)
the new lesson of their learner’s manuals. them to find out the story they
previous lessons.
are to read in the LM.
Have the students identify the Give them background of what Instruct them to read the dialogues
B. Establishing a Purpose paragraphs first by giving clues a myth is and the information in the box. Remind them to
Let the students write their answers on Task 11 on the board.
for the lesson about literary and academic about Ibanags – where the emphasize some words as they
writing. story came from. read each dialogue.
C. Presenting examples or Lead students in the discussion Remind them as well that as Ask them these questions: Ask them to encircle the pronoun used as subject and underline the
instances of the new on Task 14 page 97 on their they read the selection, they What are the words that you verb.
have to find out what
punishment the main character
lesson manual.
gets from disobeying the
Why did you emphasized these
immortal law of their parents.
Discuss This s good to know! Lead the discussion on page 112 of their LM, This is good to
D. Discussing new with the class and allow them to
Lead the discussion on page 108 know!
concepts and practicing apply what they have learned by Let the students read the story.
and 110 of their LM.
checking available materials Guide them in understanding the rules of SVA using indefinite
new skills #1
assigned to them earlier. pronouns written in the box.
E. Discussing new Let the students watch a video
Remind students about the lessons
presentation of the story. Let
concepts and them compare the video from
on stress and intonation and its
practicing new skills #2 importance in communicating.
Instruct students to answer Activity 1, wherein they have to
F. Developing Mastery Have them look for articles and choose the verb that agree with the subject.
Ask students to do Task 9.1 page
(Leads to Formative let them identify if the material is
109 on their LM.
Let them identify the error in the given sentences in activity 2.
Assessment 3) literary or academic. If the sentence is acceptable in Standard English, circle letter
G. Finding practical
Explain to the students that in Activity C, they have to write a
applications of
short paragraph giving pieces of advice to one characters they
concepts & skills in
like in the story “Why There is High Tide During Full Moon”
daily living
H. Making generalizations
Remind them to underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in all
and abstractions about of their sentences.
the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional Activities for
application or
A. No. of Learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who scored below
80% & need/s additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of Learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of Learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
material did I use/undiscover & wish
to share with other teachers?