Infopack IncSpTraining HU Baja Aug2022

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Infopack for

Inclusive Sports Training for Youth Workers

Erasmus+ Training Course

Baja, Hungary
22-28 August, 2022
(arrival 21th August all day, or 22nd morning!)

 Description – what is it all about?

 Partners – organizations
 Travel
 Accommodation
 Budget and reimbursement policy
 Programme
 Participants’ profile and application procedure
 Other info
 Important info
Description – what is it all about?

Objectives of the project: •

With our project we would like to contribute to the achievement of the social • promoting mutual understanding between
integration - by organizing a special training course for youth workers. different countries
Objectives of the project: • promoting European cooperation in the youth
• getting to know new organizations, renewing relationships with older partners

• creating an environment that promotes the knowledge and acceptance of

• The project contributes to capacity building
different cultures and work styles
of NGOs by building stronger links with each
other and thus become able to learn from
• provides a meeting place for organizations working with target groups with each other, share good practices and invent
disabilities and sport, as a tool for integration in everyday life new ones.
• providing information on Erasmus + and Youthpass • acquiring and strengthening knowledge, skills
• use and promote Youthpass to recognize learning outcomes
and abilities related to the topic

• developing project management skills • promoting the internationalization

• sharing good practices
• collecting and implementing innovative
• start planning specific future projects, writing project sketches project proposals
• Promoting solidarity and tolerance between • exchange of experience
• renewal of the practice and daily activities of the organizations
About us, about the FODISZ
 Hungarian School, Competitive and Recreation Sports Federation for People
with Disabilities (FODISZ) was established in 2008 as a nationwide umbrella
organization to coordinate the sports activities of mentally challenged,
physically disabled, visually or hearing impaired youth in an ideally
structured Student Olympics competition system, and organize recreational
sports events. (We organize more than 200 recreation sporting events in
cooperation with our member organizations in Budapest and as well as on
county level (18 counties), for people with disabilities every year.)
 Our association is determined to ensure that challenged students —
studying in the public schools and special institutions - receive a
comprehensive sport curriculum. At the same time our goal is to motivate
more people to move and play sports through these sports activities. We
believe that participating in and organizing sports events is the most
effective way to socially integrate challenged people into society. The
member organizations of FODISZ and the network of professionals we work
with are the backbone of this endeavour.
 Fogyatékosok Országos Diák-, Verseny- és  E10096961 Nigde Omer HALISDEMIR University Turkey
Szabadidősport Szövetsége (FODISZ), Hungary
 E10031343 ipazia Italy AMIGOS DAS
 E10180333 Asociación Multideportiva Euexia Spain  ARTES Portugal
 E10013269 ASOCIACIJA TAVO EUROPA Lithuania
 E10280267 ELLA Slovakia Slovakia
 E10174394 Ikkaido Inclusive Martial Arts Ireland
 E10041856 Mladinski Senat Strumica The Republic of
North Macedonia  E10011957 "The Change is in You" Association Bulgaria

 E10164968 ASSOCIACIO CULTURAL TABALA Spain  E10247109 Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și
Protecția Copilului
 E10216155 Proutist Universal Malta Malta
 Suceava Romania
 E10044227 Center za izobrazevanje, rehabilitacijo in
usposabljanje Kamnik Slovenia
Travel – planning your travel

 If you’re coming by plane- you will arrive to Liszt Ferenc Airport!
 You can find all of the important info about it here:
 It is also possible to come by train. Usually I use OEBB’s route planner to travel by train
internationaly. It is available here:

 We will organize a private bus from Budapest to Baja on Sunday!

 It will depart from the Airport around 19:00 (DEPENDS on the exact arrivals!).
 We will agree on more places in Budapest where the bus will stop and gather participants who
arrived earlier and decided to visit different parts of Budapest.

 By CAR:
 It is possible to come by car/minibus.
The venue:
BAJAI EGYMI Kollégiuma
(School Dormitory)
 6500 Baja, Barátság tér 18.

 The detailed sleeping

arrangement wil be discussed
before arrival
 No bunk beds ☺
 3-4 participants max. / room
 We will be the only guests
 Central location in Baja
Travel costs (above you can find the maximum contribution to travel costs for from
the city of registration of the organization to the training venue and back):
partner nr of pax budget/pax budget all

E10213575 FODISZ HU 3 23 69
E10031343 ipazia Italy 3 275 825
E10180333 Asociación Multideportiva Euexia 3 360 1080
E10280267 ELLA Slovakia 3 180 540
E10041856 Mladinski Senat Strumica 3 275 825
E10216155 Proutist Universal Malta 3 275 825
E10096961 Nigde Omer HALISDEMIR University 3 275 825
E10136804 TEATRO METAPHORA 3 530 1590
E10013269 ASOCIACIJA TAVO EUROPA 3 275 825
E10174394 Ikkaido Inclusive Martial Arts 3 360 1080
E10011957 "The Change is in You" Association 3 275 825

E10247109 Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Suceava 3 275 825

E10044227 Center za izobrazevanje, rehabilitacijo in usposabljanje

Kamnik 3 180 540

Make sure that you keep all of your tickets, as we will need copies to prove that you actually
travelled to Hungary.
According to the rules we HAVE TO TRANSFER the money to the bank account of the partner
organization (or to the bank account of a participant – depending on who bought the tickets).
We will do 1 transfer / partner organization.
We will transfer the money as soon as we have all of your travel documents and you filled in the
official evaluation questionnaire!
So the quicker you are done with the administration the sooner you get your transfer! ☺
Other things:
o Arrival and Departure dates may be maximum 2 days prior/after the start/end of the event. If you
stay longer you will have to cover it by yourself, on your own expense.
Planned Programme
Inclusive Sports Training for Youth Workers 2022.08.21-28

Date 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


8.00-9.00 breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast

9:00-9:15 energizer energizer energizer energizer energizer energizer

Official Opening If I were the….

Rules and Expectations Commissioner-General for
Intro to the topic Sports and Intro to the topic: different variations for volleyball variations for boccia and
9.15-10.45 Intro to the Programme Education, Youth, Sport and Open space
Inclusion people - different abilities and cycling tennis
Culture - Policy debates

10.45-11.15 break break break break break break break

Intro to the topic Sports and variation for volleyball variations for boccia and Official evaluation,
11.15-12.45 Arrival Ice breaking, Team building Experiental Experts cont.
Inclusion and cycling tennis Youthpass ceremony

12.45-14.30 Lunch and siesta Lunch and siesta Lunch and siesta Lunch and siesta Lunch and siesta Lunch and siesta Lunch

14:30-14:40 energizer energizer energizer energizer energizer energizer

variations for basketball gallball and variation for Possibilities in the Erasmus+
14.40-16.00 Key Competences Organizations' Fair Experiental Experts
and canoeing futball Programme
Erasmus+ Programme

16.15-16.30 break break break break break break

Game - how to organize an

variations for basketball gallball and variation for Future Inclusive Projects -
16.30-18.00 Ice breaking, Team building Organizations' Fair event in an inclusive Departure
and canoeing futball Planning session

18.30- 19.00 Informal time Feedback time Feedback time Feedback time Feedback time Feedback time Feedback time

19.00-20:00 evening meal evening meal evening meal evening meal evening meal evening meal evening meal

20.30-23.00 Informal time Informal evening, getting to intercultural night Open space Open space movie night games night
know each others better
Participants’ profile and application procedure
Profile of participants:
 18+
 Who are willing to participate actively
 Willing to keep the Health and Safety Rules
 And willing to contribute to the success of the project

 It is a sporty training!
 We will have possibilities to try and play different sports, and experiment
their adaptive versions. You do not have to be extra fit, the programme is
managable for every person with average health.

 Application form for participants:

Other info
 Make sure you share your travel details with us before buying the ticket!
 Our national currency is Hungarian Forint (HUF).
 Paying with € is not impossible, it is acceptable in a lots of places.
 Every participant must have valid insurance for the project period (which has coverage for
the possible Covid issues!)
 It is HIGHLY recommended to have your European Insurrance Card with you!
 If the need arise (there will be travel restrictions again), we will issue an invitation letter and a
CERTIFICATE for every participant for an entry for business purpose.
 Join the FB group (closed group) to have a chance to meet each other before the project!
 Available here:

Bring with yourself

❖ Comfortable clothes – warm (the evenings will be cold) and comfy, think layers!
❖ Towel, shampoo, medications if you need, passport/National ID, face masks
❖ Information materials of your organization - flyers, posters, business cards, etc.
❖ Typical food/drinks/dance costumes/presentation/story/interesting facts that you could
present your country with during the Intercultural evening!
❖ sports clothes
❖ The good mood! :)
Important notice!
 Application: please make sure to select your participants as soon as
 In case you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Ada:
 +36703860679
 FB/Messenger: Adrienn Oszlanczi (Ada)

 Health and Safety / COVID: check the actual requirements before travel!
Now we do not have restrictions!
 Official homepage:
 As for the official Covid statistics we are very good. Curfews are no longer
in place (apart from Health Services).
 We, as organizers will make sure that antiseptics / disinfectants / masks /
rapid tests will be constantly available during the programme (if needed).
 PCR tests: if still / again needed we will pay for the tests before you go
home (in Hungary)!

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