My Divine Quotes

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Every moment, Every walk of life, Every Object, Living or dead is

DIVINE....... (Consolidated quotes of mine since Dec-10)

by Nataraj Viswanathan on Friday, June 3, 2011 at 7:43am

1. Consolidation is to make myself rethink whether I am in

Synch or drifting away on a day to day, from these values I
preach. I am sorry, I am too a normal Human on the learning
curve always. God bless me and others towards the
righteous goal.

2. Anger needs to be expressed, but take care, the expression

of the anger should get erases from your mind immediately,
do not carry further. Be Angry on the act, not on the object
(Human or Animals). Express your anger if it has value, feel
sorry for that with the person whom you have expressed and
convey the reason. 

3. Normally people say it is the atmosphere which spoils the

person, reason, we get used to the atmosphere we are in. Try
out creating a atmosphere by yourself, even the bad
companions /company can change to good

4. Seen a Cow tied to a rope, grazing round and round, and sits
always closer to center pole when tired. We humans also
keep grazing (Day to day Activities), but should come back to
(center pole) divinity and spirituality. Enjoy life, don't put a
full stop to your happiness. Slowly try to control your Habits
which you feel is a waste or of no use to neither you nor
society. Start Seeing Divinity in all aspects of life.
5. Many Gurus say neither future nor past is in your hands, the
present is there in your hands be happy today, this moment.
For me Present is also not in my hands, only Happiness is in
my hands. I should be aware of what can bring happiness,
righteously and try doing it.

6. Most of the Human being either wish or pray to reach the

Abode of GOD, it is a moment of Happiness. But no one
wants to die to do this. One has to overcome the fear of
death if he wants to to be with GOD. It’s my feeling of inner-

7. We site examples from Vedas, ancient epics to suit our

Spiritual existence, or thoughts. But no one ever has a clue
on who joins God the ultimate destination. It could be my
bitter enemy, a person whom I have neglected and thought
useless, hence the lesson is, Every one reaches HIM one or
the other way, then why have the Indifference.

8. Take the PAIN as a PILL. It helps to cure many unknown

diseases within us. God bless. All Messiahs of this world are
an example to it.

9. If God appears in front of me, And gives me a boon, I will

wish both Jesus and Krishna are Reborn to tell this world,
Hey human beings religion is created by you, if WE were to
establish a religion it would have been named as

Sow the seeds of Love even in your enemies heart, we do not

know when it can bloom to be a nectarous flower. God bless.
Many wish to become "Lord Rama" but it requires Gods
intervention, I am trying to become "Valmiki". Reaching God
is important, how is not?

We humans we want interpretation and solutions to

understand every thing. We want to excel in every thing we
do to get to our goal. But realizing/experiencing God is so
simple, just love HIM, love His creation. Love Him as you do
to your Dad or Mom, or friend. Play with him, love him, feel
the love from Him........

When you are amongst family or kids, we feel we are big,

When we are amongst our Colleuges, subordinates, we feel
we are big, When we are amongst younger friends we feel
we are big, This feeling will kill us one day. If we have to
learn something, we have to be amongst them. Enjoy every
moment of life be it anywhere.

Living beings have to move to a higher platform, to realize

their past and plan a better future. This higher platform is
attained by virtue of meditation or Bhakti, which can be self
driven or obtained by virtue of a guru.

Wonderful is the day and excitement, when you see the

dream sequence coming true, this further adds to a terrible
experience and excitement when that is a new temple and
you visit that....... I feel this is the real appraisal, what more
need. God bless every one.

Do listen to Every Guru, Saint, Messiah, but when it comes to

connectivity, Connect yourself directly to the GOD, this can
only bring Salvation at the fag end or on the start of the next
Enjoy every bit of your life, enjoy every small miracle,
excitements, encounters, achievements, food you hog, food
when you starve, this is required to keep the doctor away...

The Day one realizes that , the other human being opposite
to him, is also a human, and has similar feelings, similar
thoughts, things become very easy to handle. We as humans
have many things in common few things to make us unique,
but most of us distance ourself thinking of the few unique
things and forget the common thoughts and feelings...
Approach every one with ease, World is yours, God bless
every one.

When GOD appears in front of u, and says, i shall give you

one boon ask me... most of us will fumble because of our
mind & thought process. This is mainly because of
acquaintance, start to know him better and closely... wait for
the miracle and it will happen.

I asked a Person, asked him do you pray, He said i do not

believe in GOD, but i do serve the poor, the needy, the
orphanage. I said, then you are the GOD, keep doing this
good work. When you have GOD within you, why to search
outside.... I closed the conversation, saying, you will get to
realise like what happened to Vivekananda with Ramkrishna

We hurry and rush to a temple, move fast against the crowd,

hitting rubbing people, who also have the same purpose of
visit, see the shrine, feel blessed since you got the glimpse....
Have you ever thought, what you should do to make God
look on you. Don't be a ladder, be an accelerator, It is not
what you see is important, its what others see in you is
important.. think and act. Love God, love humanity.
What is the best religion in the world? every time i
questioned this i got only one answer "HUMANITY". when
we give blood for testing we don't consider Religion as a RH
factor. Enjoy life, Enjoy Humanity, Live and Give for Human

Just like a Tank of water which once shared becomes empty

and quickly gets refilled with fresh water, as Human when
we share the wealth of Happiness, and knowledge, same
gets refilled too. Start sharing what ever you can and what
ever is righteous...

What is important to you in life may not be important for

others. Respect others intentions & privacy too. Aspirations
may not be unique but the way it is achieved changes from
person to person. God bless every one, have noble
aspirations every time, every where.

Love sharing again with a note: "Life is too short for a long
life" Winning is not the only criteria, we need to live, We may
get a support, may not, But a support which is hidden is from
GOD. Keep going most of the time, we achieve milestones,
which we never expected, which we never aspired, which we
never thought off, which we never ventured with passion.
End of the day we are happy. FEEL the BLESSING of GOD

Bhagvad Geeta - Krishna says, " See me in all living things",

when you practice this slowly, you will see, you
automatically get into a respect mode with any one. You
start loving both human and humanity.

When we talk of contentment we associate this to what we

have and what we get. We should not have Contentment in
what we give, be it wealth, knowledge, helping the distress,
needy, Keep giving as much as you can.
Do not neglect any one in life, including yourself. Great
learning’s are born when you associate, truly.

If you work qualitatively you can succeed in your career, but

bringing quality in the process and systems helps many more
to grow .... As we grow our principal values should

Think of the final appraisal (One to one with GOD) your

professional appraisals become a cake walk. Most of the
appraisals end up in understanding two humans ourself and

Maslows-hierarchy-of-needs theory is explained as a

pyramid consists of five levels. It is the reflection of human
basic needs, ends up in self actualization in top of pyramid.
Ethical values of humans also need to grow/accelerate from
base level to the op of pyramid for humans to succeed

10. 31. If you have knowledge no one can steal it, then why
refrain from sharing. Don't hesitate to share your knowledge,
by sharing unknowingly you learn a more. Just like perfumed
facial cream filling the pores not visible to naked eyes.

11. 32.  Even Gods cant save any gender who gets fooled.
Fooling is not an issue, getting fooled is a crime.

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