SQL Server Specialist Self-Test

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SQL Server Specialist Self-Test

To be eligible to apply for the SQL Server Certificate, you should be able to answer all of the
questions below. If you cannot answer some or many of these questions, then we require that you
enroll in the “Database Fundamentals” course before being considered for the SQL Server
Specialist Certificate.

You do not need to submit the answers to UW Educational Outreach although you do need to
return the signed form itself with the rest of your application. The questions are provided to you
to help you to assess your own level of knowledge before applying to the Certificate.

1. What is structured query language and how is it used?

2. What is a primary key and a foreign key?
3. Why would you need to join two tables?
4. What is the difference between a one-to-one and a one-to-many relationship? Can you join 2
tables to create a many-to-many relationship?
5. Write a SQL statement which does the following:
a. Creates a new table with 3 fields: Firstname, Lastname, PID.
b. Make PID the primary key
c. Why might this table contain a foreign key?

6. Write an SQL statement for the above table that would find all people with the last name
“Sweeney” and sort the results alphabetically by last name & first name.

7. Consider the following tables:

Employees: Orders
Employee_ID Name Prod_ID Product Employee_ID
01 Hansen, Ola 234 Printer 01
02 Svendson, Tove 657 Table 03
03 Svendson, Stephen 865 Chair 03
04 Pettersen, Kari

a. Write a SQL statement that finds the name of employees who have a printer.
b. Write a SQL statement that finds anyone named “Svendson” and any products they

8. What is the difference between DDL and DML?

(continued below…)
9. Consider the following tables
Product ID Product Name Product Category
12 Bike ABC Road Bike
13 Bike DEF Mountain Bike
14 Bike GHI Road Bike
15 Bike JKL Touring Bike


Product ID Customer Sales Amount

12 Joe 1000
13 Tom 2000
14 Joe 1500
12 Bill 1000

a) Write a SQL statement that returns the distinct list of product categories from the Product table.
b) Write a SQL statement that returns the total record count from the Sales table.
c) Write a SQL statement that returns the Sum of Sales Amount grouped by Product Category.
d) Write a SQL statement that returns the Sum of Sales Amount grouped by Product Category having sales
greater than 1500
e) Write a SQL Statement that returns the Distinct count of customers from the Sales table
f) Write a SQL Statement that returns a list of products that do not appear the Sales table.

(Please check if you agree) I have taken the self-test and am comfortable with the level of SQL
in these examples. I understand that I will be expected to know this level of SQL when I start the
SQL Server Certificate. Please submit this form with your application.

Print your full name Signature

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