Procedure For Production

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Procedure for Production

 preteshbiswas  Uncategorized  February 7, 2019 7 Minutes


This procedure covers all roles, responsibilities, and authorities related to the Production
process at XXX.


This procedure identifies and establishes plans for production processes that directly affect
product quality. It is designed to ensure that these processes will be carried out under
controlled conditions.


3.1 XXX Quality Manual,

3.2 Procedure for Correction and Corrective Action.
3.3 Procedure for Logistics.
3.4 Procedure for QA
3.5 Procedure for Purchasing.


4.1 Quality Plan:

A quality plan is a document, or several documents, that together specify quality standards,
practices, resources, specifications, and the sequence of activities relevant to a particular
product, service, project, or contract.

4.2 Special process:

These are the processes, results of which cannot be fully inspected and ensured after the
completion of the process.


5.1 Production Manager

5.2 Coating Production Manager
5.3 Factory General Foreman
5.4 Factory Supervisor
5.5 Store Manager & QA/QC
5.6 Packing & QC
5.7 Store Keeper
5.8 Maintenance Supervisor


6.1 Quality Control

 Store manager & QA/QC checks and approves specifications / data sheet received from
Sr Project Manager and issues to production Department.
 Based on the customer’s requirements and commitments, the Production Manager.
plans production based on daily basis in Master Production Plan and Status Report.
 Production Manager intimates Project Manager daily on the status of production
progress through Daily Production Report
 Work Instructions are provided to operators describing:
 The operations to be carried out
 Safety precautions to be adopted
 Inspection and Checks to be carried out.
 Process Specifications are given to supervisors describing:
 Important process control parameters & limiting values, the machinery and
Equipment to be used.
 If the material need for coating, the material first send for coating Dept.
 Method of achieving required product quality etc.
 Product characteristics are periodically checked as per Inspection & Testing section of
this procedure for ensuring compliance with requirements.
 It is ensured that machinery provided can meet the needs and that capability is
maintained by periodic, planned preventive maintenance.
 Instruments are calibrated.
 Handling and Storage facilities are such that the quality of product does not
 New equipment and production processes are established by Design department in
consultation with Production and QC Depts.

6.2 Coating

 Degreasing: This is the first stage, removal of oil, grease and other unwanted
contaminants like dirt from the surface.
 Water Rinse – 1: In this stage, a proper water wash is performed. Whenever
components are degreased, they should be rinsed.
 Derusting: In this stage, rust and scales are removed from the component by means of
acid solution.
 Water Rinse – 2: In this stage, a proper water wash is performed as the derusting
process is followed by one or two water rinses to remove all traces of acid.
 Phosphating: In this stage, the clean surface of the component is coated within a thin
layer of phosphate or chromate salt by using a phosphating.
 Water Rinse – 3: The above operation is followed by one or two water rinses.
 Passivating: After the surface of the phospated component is chemically  cleaned, the
Components are dipped into a solution of hot chromic acid for a period of 12 to 24 hrs,
which tends to passivate the phosphated surface and protect it from rusting until the
components are ready for painting.

6.3 Inspection and Testing:

6.3.1 Incoming Inspection:

 Incoming products are received and physically verified by Storekeeper based on P.O as
per procurement procedure.
 Incoming raw materials are verified/inspected/tested for receiving inspection to
ascertain conformity with specified requirements by Store  QA/QC.
 Store  QA/QC prepares as QC plan according to which the products are regularly
inspected. A QC plan form is necessary.
 Material not in QC plan Form are verified / inspected in accordance with purchase
order specification/details to ascertain conformity with specified requirements by QC
or concerned department.
 Extent of incoming inspection is planned on the basis of control exercised on the
supplier’s usually quality of works. They may be accepted on the basis of:-
 Scrutiny of test certificate / documentation furnished by supplier or
 Sampling inspection or
 100% Inspection
 Incoming products that are verified to be conforming to specified requirements are
released to stores and records of inspection are maintained indicating approval
 Products found non-conforming are clearly labeled and segregated.
 Procurement officers contact the concerned external provider regarding their non-
conforming products.

6.3.2  In process Inspection

 The QC plan describes the stages during processing of a product at which inspection /
verification for conformance is necessary, details and extent of checks are defined in
the QC Test Plan.
 In-process inspection may be carried out by:-
 Patrol inspection.
 Sampling inspection of specified quantity at specified intervals.
 When results of in-process inspection are satisfactory, the products are allowed to go
to the next stage after details are recorded in QC Plan Form and authorized.
 When results are not satisfactory, the process is stopped for investigation and
correction before restarting the production process.
 Products are identified for inspection status as per Product Labeling and Identification
and records are maintained.
6.3.3 Final Inspection

 Products are taken up for final inspection after QC ensures that the product has passed
all previous tests of in-coming and in-process stages satisfactorily.
 Final inspection is based on sampling plans as per quality test plan.
 Products found conforming are so certified, identified for inspection status and
released for dispatch. Results of Inspection are recorded in Pre-Dispatch Inspection
 When contractually required, Test Certificates are issued to the customer.
 Products found non-conforming are labeled, segregated and are recorded in NC
Register and concerned employees are notified for review and remedial action.
 Records of final inspection of various products  are approved by Store Manager &
QA/QC  and the records are maintained.

6.4 Special Processes: –

 Special processes used in XXX like welding, Painting, Galvanizing, Sandblasting is

mentioned in Special Process Qualification Report.
 Special process control plan are prepared by the production manager
 Special process control plan provided for special process are meticulously followed by
the production department.
 The process parameters, personnel and equipment are qualified based on satisfactory
 It is ensured that special process is carried out only by qualified personnel using
standard equipment and operating within qualified range of process parameters. The
record of qualification of special process is recorded in Special Process Qualification
 Control parameters mentioned in Special process control plan are carefully measured
and recorded at specified intervals.

6.5 Maintenance:

 Maintenance Supervisor is responsible to plan and carry out periodic preventive

maintenance based on the Preventive Maintenance Chart to ensure continued process
 Based on conditions of use and experience, periodic maintenance work on machines is
planned by maintenance Supervisor. Maintenance is done based on maintenance
 Work instructions for Periodic maintenance like checking, filling of oil/grease of
production machine are provided to Technicians for execution.
 Scheduled maintenance plans are executed by maintenance personnel and records are
maintained in respective machine file.
 When breakdown occurs necessary repair / rectification work is carried out and records
are maintained in Breakdown Maintenance Report. Production Supervisor reviews the
record and maintains records of down time hours, spares consumed and approximate
cost of spares/repair.
 Root cause analysis and corrective records shall be maintained for all the major
machine break downs. The records shall include details of breakdown
experienced/attended, the effectiveness of action taken and preventive action if any.
 Machine Details like capacity, location and spares parts of machine shall be maintained
in the respective Machine History Card.
 Maintenance Supervisor plans to procure and stock essential spare parts to ensure
maintenance with minimal down time. List of critical spares and existing stock is
 All the spares / accessories with shelf life shall be identified with label containing
details like: Name, location of use/application and date of receipt etc.

6.6 Product Labeling and Identification:

 Production department refer to the Project Identification Number for identification at

the time of storage and dispatch.
 Identification at stores (In-coming.): Incoming material are identified by label,
Inspection status is indicated by color code i.e. Green – Conforming and with Yellow
sticker on label for Hold/Awaiting inspection & Red sticker for Rejected / Non-
Conforming product. Details of each material  is recorded in the Receiving Inspection
 IN-Process Identification: Each Job Order has a unique identification number and the
product is identified through this number. Details of the semi finish/finish product are
recorded. Product status is indicated by color code at bottom of the label, i.e. Green –
Conforming and with Yellow sticker on label for Hold/pending decision & with Red
sticker for Rejected / Non-conforming product.
 Finished Product: Each tested and accepted Product is Labeled ‘Inspected OK’ stamp.
Hold and pending decision is identified with yellow sticker marked as ‘HOLD” and non-
conforming drum is identified with Red sticker marked as ‘REJECTED’.
 Dispatch Identification: At the time of packing and dispatch a label  is provided to each
finish product, which is identified by label. Care is taken to ensure the identification is
complete in all respect including customer requirements as mentioned in the
 Job orders are received from Project Managers/Sales Managers
 Job orders are prioritized by Production Manager and a production plan is made
 Project Manager/Sales Manager is informed of the estimated completion date
 The job order is processed as per the production plan, and as per the coating section
within the procedure
 Project Manager/Sales Manager is informed of the completion/delay of the job order
 Job orders’ status is reported to Project Manager on a daily basis

6.7 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery

6.7.1 HANDLING:-

 Following equipment are provided for convenient and safe handling of product at all
 Hydraulic Trolley.
 Overhead cranes.
 Pallets .etc.
 Necessary care is taken during handling of products, so as to ensure no damages.
 Conditions of stock are periodically inspected to detect deterioration, if any was found.
Timely corrective action should be implemented as per Procedure for correction and
Corrective action


 Records are maintained for receipt, inspection, acceptance and issue of Material.
 All stored products are identified clearly for easy accessibility.
 Fire extinguishers, checked at regular intervals, are available for use in case of


 Precautionary measures for storage of raw materials, spare parts, packaging materials
etc. are taken to preserve quality of product and protect against deterioration due to
environmental factors like humidity and dust.
 The finished products which can be affected by environmental condition are preserved
by plastic / tarpaulin covering, during wet season and sand storms.


 Materials are packed to prepare them for transportation.

 Packing activities are carried out ensuring :-
 Good quality packing material.
 Customer specific packing requirements.
 Inspection after packing.
 Identification label for finished goods.
 Transportation of finished goods are done as per the Logistic Procedure 

6.8 Incentive Scheme

 Production Manager issues an incentive scheme for the production staff based the
available production capacity and historic production data
 Production incentive scheme is approved by Managing Director
 Based on the achieved number of finished products, if the production target is
achieved, production staff are rewarded as per the approved incentive scheme.


7.1 Job Order ( QMS F 088)

7.2 Production Plan( QMS F 089)
7.3 Order Entry ( QMS F 090)
7.3 Delivery Note ( QMS F 091)
7.4 Stock Level Sheet ( QMS F 092)

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