VHF Marine Transceiver: AIS Receiver Is An Option, Depending On Version
VHF Marine Transceiver: AIS Receiver Is An Option, Depending On Version
VHF Marine Transceiver: AIS Receiver Is An Option, Depending On Version
Integrated AIS Receiver* Active Noise Cancelling
With an integrated AIS receiver, the IC-M506 can show ACTIVE Using digital signal processing technology, the built-in
real-time AIS vessel traffic information on the display. bidirectional active noise cancelling provides superb
The AIS target call function allows you to easily set up a performance. It reduces background noise to up to 90%
DSC individual call. The Plotter, Target list and Danger in the received signal and 30% fixed in the transmitting
list can be toggled on the display. signal. The function OFF setting is also possible.
NMEA 2000
With the plug-and-play functionality of NMEA 2000, the IC- 25W Two-Way Hailer
M506 can easily connect to a NMEA 2000 network. The IC-
When connected to an external hailer horn, you can talk
M506 can receive and transmit GPS (position, course (COG) HAILER
to people on the deck or shore from the radio’s micro-
and speed (SOG)), AIS report and DSC call information data
phone and can hear people’s reply via the hailer speaker.
and transmit radio frequency and PGN list data on the net-
The RX hailer function allows you to monitor the received
work. Using this function, the IC-M506 can convert NMEA
audio from the hailer horn. The built-in 25W amplifier in-
0183 GPS data to NMEA 2000 data for other equipment.
creases your talk power, making it loud and clear.
Last Call Voice Recording Built-in Horn (Automatic & Manual)
The last call voice recording function automatically saves Foghorn feature is built-in via the external Hailer horn.
the last two minutes of the last incoming call. You can re- HORN
Four horn patterns are selectable for the automatic
play the received call, and not miss any incoming call. horn function.
Other Features
• Auto and manual foghorn function
• Simple remote control speaker-microphone, HM-205B/RB
• 15W audio output power (with external speaker)
• Weather channels with alert function (USA version only)
• AquaQuake™ draining function
• Optional voice scrambler, UT-112 for private conversation
• MA-500TR AIS transponder and MarineCommander™ compatible
* AIS receiver and NMEA 2000 interface units are options, depend-
ing on version.
SPECIFICATIONS OPTIONS Some options may not be available in some countries. Please ask your dealer for details.
93.4 (3.68)
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and SUBMERSIBLE PLUS are trademarks of Icom Inc. (Japan) in the United States. NMEA 2000 is a trademark of the National Maritime Electronics Association, Inc. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.
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