Periodontal Case Study by Mae Viray
Periodontal Case Study by Mae Viray
Periodontal Case Study by Mae Viray
Construction worker
IO: Leukoplakia on labial & buccal mucosa, white coated tongue, inflamed tonsils & uvula,
nicotine stomatitis (hard palate).
GD: Gen mod pigmented gingiva, rolled margins. Loc fibrosis, recession, & cyanosis.
Hard Tissues: Gen radiographic calculus & Bone Loss, impacted 3rd molars. Attritions,
abfractions, existing amalgam & composite fillings.
Perio Assessment: Gen 3-4mm, Loc 5-6mm PDs, Class I-II Furc, class I MOB, 2mm MAG , gen
3-4mm& 5-6mm CAL, 1-2mm GM, MOD calculus, Class III-IV perio classif, AAPIII-B, gen BOP.
Caries Risk: HIGH Periodontal Risk: HIGH Oral Cancer Risk: HIGH
Composite fillings w/ LA
STRATEGY Nicotine Replacement
Cavitron ultrasonic all surfaces
orban files- tenacious calculus D of 3rd molars
BH 6/7 – all posterior surfaces
7/8 for the buccal & lingual of posterior teeth.
½ gracey & Sickle scaler – anteriors.
Consent Forms signed prior to TXT..
11/11/21 1/20/21 2/14/22 2/28/22 5/9/22
Svs/TX Initial HH, HH, C-NPE, OHI, Reassessed LR, OHI, OHI, UR C-4341
Ts NPEs, RAD, Pt Class, LR D4341 UR D4341 w/LA w/LA
Comple DDS Exam, w/LA
ted OHI,
TXT No revisions No GG did not work due to Too many errors upon No revisions
revision revisions positive aspirations, scale checkout,
s contacting too early. planned on calc map &
& (due to pt anatomy rescaling of UR on
justifica and technique error). next appointment
tion Gave IABL instead.
Pt care Pt glad to Pt Pt responded very well Pt’s teeth “look n feel Pt responded well
& have oral motivated to txt, expressed great”. LR tissue to txt.
feedbac cancer to . Will interest in coming back healed well. Pt “have
k screening try quit-line for next SRP . He got been flossing @ least
done for the service, numb. NAR. once daily.
first time. NRT.
Pt Discussed the Discussed OHI on c-wrap flossing Pt showed Recommended
progress importance of importance due to gen plaque improvement in E-toothbrush
& knowing oral of XRAYs in buildup IP. flossing technique and bec of gen plaque
cancer risks/ diagnosing. plaque index score. buildup, 👎 pt
measure S&S. compliance &
s lifestyle.
HH: currently using nicotine patch and lozenges and Replacement Therapy
OHC Outcomes: Pt twice daily w/ e-toothbrush , once daily, and more effectively with the absence
of plaque buildup IP & all over the gumlines. (improved plaque score, PDs, GD, and lesser BOP)
Therapeutic Outcomes: Tissues looking great and healed well. Pt satisfied, and looking forward
to his PM appointments .
Future Care Recommendations: 3month recall for a year or until stable, and then 6 months
interval thereafter . Will schedule fillings to be done on Sem 6, & follow up other referrals.
I learned that patients are motivated by results and by realizing that there is
actually a problem that needs to be addressed.
E.g pointing out problem areas using a mirror or radiograph. perio education
using layman’s term.
For this pt who is a smoker, educating him about the adverse health outcomes
related to smoking and how the changes in his mouth (IO exam) can be
determining factors for oral cancer is impt. Also educating him about the many
resources available to help him quit like counseling, quit-line services, and
NRTs are great! I hope that he will be successful in his journey to quitting. I
hope to see him in his upcoming SRP appointments, and in restorative clinic.
Hoping to see him on his re-evaluation appointment to also follow up referral
for crown, and extractions.