Writing Sub-Test - Test Booklet: Densample02
Writing Sub-Test - Test Booklet: Densample02
Writing Sub-Test - Test Booklet: Densample02
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© Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment – ABN 51 988 559 414 (2019)
Occupational English Test
Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.
Assume that today's date is 10 February 2019
You are a dentist in a private practice. A regular patient of yours, Ms Taylor Hawking, requests referral to
an orthodontist.
Current Medication:
Ventolin inhaler p.r.n.
Carries EpiPen
Treatment Record:
31 Mar 2016 Exam: L & R bite-wing (BW) radiographs & OPG. Digital photographs.
Occlusal caries detected on BW 26, 27, 36, 37, 46 & 47. Calculus lower anterior teeth.
Treatment required: restoration of teeth 26, 27, 36, 37, 46 & 47 and prophylaxis.
Appointments scheduled.
22 Apr 2016 LA buccal infiltration lignocaine 2% with adrenaline 2.2 ml. 26 Occ and 27 Occ cavity within enamel
bonded composite A3 & scale with ultrasonic and hand scalers lower ant teeth.
Exam: no obvious caries Soft tissue exam OK. Minimal recession. Small amount lower
lingual anterior calculus.
Treatment: scale, clean, floss & polish.
Exam: no obvious decay. Soft tissue exam OK. Minimal recession. Small amount lower lingual
anterior calculus.
Treatment: scale & clean, floss & polish.
09 Jul 2017 Reviewed 38, pericoronitis resolved. Arrange convenient time to have wisdom teeth extracted.
Recall examination.
No obvious caries. Wisdom teeth settled no further problems.
Soft tissue exam OK.
Minimal recession detected. Calculus lower lingual anterior.
Treatment: oral hygiene instruction and showed how to effectively use floss. Scale, (ultra sonic
and hand), floss and prophy.
Writing Task:
Using the information given in the case notes, write a letter of referral to the orthodontist, Dr Peter Rosenberg, 48
Crown Avenue, Stillwater.
In your answer:
● Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
● Do not use note form
● Use letter format
The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words.
Any answers recorded here will not be marked.
Occupational English Test
10 February 2019
Dr Peter Rosenberg
48 Crown Avenue
Dear Dr Rosenberg,
Thank you for seeing Ms Taylor Hawking who is concerned about the “ugly appearance” of her
smile. She would like to discuss treatment options with you, including the possibility of fixed
appliance therapy.
Ms Hawking has all teeth present in both arches. She has severe crowding of the upper arch (9 mm),
and the rotated upper canine teeth are of particular concern. Her lower arch has crowding of 6 mm,
and the lower midline is displaced 5mm to the left.
Her dental history is unremarkable, except that 38, when erupting, had pericoronitis and required
emergency treatment with antibiotic therapy and antibacterial mouthwash on 27/07/17. Her
wisdom teeth have now settled with no further problems.
Ms Hawking has allergies to penicillin and peanuts, for which she carries an EpiPen. She is also
asthmatic, which is controlled with Ventolin inhaler as required.
I would be most grateful if you could assess Ms Hawking before any definitive treatment
decisions are made. I am referring the patient for an OPG, which she will bring to her
appointment with you.
Yours sincerely,