Victorian Curriculum Overview and Lesson Plan Format - One Lesson

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Victorian Curriculum Overview and Lesson Plan Format - One Lesson

Year Level: Year 2 Term: 4 Duration of Lesson: 60 mins Victorian Curriculum Learning Area: Science

Focus: Chemical Reactions - Materials

Year level achievement standard/s:

By the end of Level 2, students describe examples of how people use science in their daily lives. They identify and describe examples of the external features and basic needs of living
things. They describe how different places meet the needs of living things. They describe the properties, behaviour, uses and the effects of interacting with familiar materials and objects .
They discuss how light and sound can be produced and sensed. They identify and describe the changes to objects, materials, resources, living things and things in their local environment.
They suggest how the environment affects them and other living things.
Students pose and respond to questions about familiar objects and events and predict outcomes of investigations. They use their senses to explore the world around them and record
informal measurements to make and compare observations. They record, sort and represent their observations and communicate their ideas to others.

Student prior knowledge: (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
- Students understand what materials are from their procedural writing and know why they are categorised as such
- What atoms are and what is meant by the term matter

Learning Outcomes - By the end of the lesson the students will:

- Recognise and describe that objects are made of materials that have observable properties – colour, flexibility, type
- Categorise materials according to their properties

Learning intentions:
We are learning to:
- Identify what a material is and sort classroom objects into material groups.
Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can:
- Define what a material is and what it is made up of
- Sort objects into groups according to their materials

Strands of the learning area: Content Descriptors: (include codes)

Science – Science Understanding Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (VCSSU044)
Chemical Sciences - sorting and grouping materials on the basis of observable properties such as colour, texture and flexibility


Stage of Instruction- Introduction

Timing Teaching strategies and organization Learning experiences Assessment of, for or Resources (include
(mins) What the teacher will do… What the students will do… as learning ICT/online)
List the teaching strategy eg Questioning
Introduction  Twinkl
Strategy: Setting Goals - Engage in discussion about materials and
Write the success criteria and learning intention on the matter Materials slides
board so students understand the lesson’s expectations  Materials in the
Strategy: Questioning classroom
- Read the slides as a whole class read aloud worksheet
Asking deliberate questions to evoke deeper thinking
T: Today we are talking about Materials and Materials are
- Provide a fact that was learnt from the slides
made of matter
- Does anyone know what matter is?
- Matter is anything that has mass and takes up
space and give examples and matter is made of
atoms which we spoke about the other day
- Different materials have different properties and
features – and that’s why we can group objects
Go through the slides and get students to read sometimes
- Can someone tell me a fact they learnt from the
Now you will become scientific detectives and find objects
around the classroom.

Strategy: Worked Example
Go through the worksheet.
Development 
Strategy: Collaborative Learning
Students will work in small groups and explore the
Encourage students to work in small groups and discuss the
classroom for examples of different materials and sort
different objects in the room.
them on their worksheets.
Strategy: Instant Feedback
They will find 5 examples of each material in the
Highlight/Spotlight when students notice an interesting
classroom and will enter their data by drawing and
object that may be made of a number of different materials
labelling their examples.
– what does this mean? Could it be put in both columns?


Reflection Ask Students to return to the floor for reflection. Students will share some of their responses and Assessment of
Learning – work
explain why they placed it in that category –
Ask for some examples of objects that students have added samples will clarify
referencing different properties. student learning and
to their worksheets. understanding of
materials and their
- E.g How do you know that it is made of wood? Paste the worksheets in their inquiry books and leave properties.
What properties does it have? for correction.

Address any misconceptions or confusions.

Catering for Diversity: (provide accommodations/ modifications for specific students’ needs… Explain what Adjustments will be made during the lesson.
- No students with PLPS
- Checking in with students with low literacy skills and assisting them when necessary
Children observed today ( ( (skills match Learning Intentions and success criteria which align
with Vic Curric Content)

Alignment with AITSL Graduate Teacher standards evident: (use number only)

Focus for further development:


Supervising teacher feedback


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