AY21 22 Computer Syllabus Final

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01/07/18 FF654

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus of

B.Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Effective from Academic Year 2021-22

Prepared by: - Board of Studies in Computer Engineering

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18 FF654

Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: III


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Subject Subject Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

S1 MD2201 Data Science 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

S2 CS2221 Internet of Things 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

S3 CS2218 Object Oriented 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
S4 IT2201 Computer Organization 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
and architecture

S5 CS2207 Software Development 0 0 0 30 70 100 3

S6 CS2209 Engineering Design and 0 0 0 30 70 100 4
9 6 7 27
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18 FF654

Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: S.Y. A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: IV


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Subject
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

S1 CS2202 Data Structures 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

S2 CS2225 Theory of Computation 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

S3 CS2226 Software Engineering 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
Database Management 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
s4 CS2227 System
S5 CS2207 Software Development 0 0 0 30 70 100 3
S6 CS2209 Engineering Design and 0 0 0 30 70 100 4
Total 12 8 4 27

Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18 FF654

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: T.Y. A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: V


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Subject
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Design and Analysis of 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

s1 CS3205 Algorithms
s2 CS3203 System Software 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
s3 CS3215 Web Technology 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
Database Management 3 2 0 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 4
s4 CS3217 Systems
S5 CS3219 Machine Learning 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
CS3220 Cyber Security 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
Engineering Design and 0 0 0 30 70 4
S6 CS3223 Innovation-V
Total 15 10 4 28
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18

Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: T.Y. A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: VI


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Subject
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
s1 CS3216 Theory of Computation
Software Design and 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
s2 CS3218 Modeling
s3 CS3202 Artificial Intelligence 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

s4 CS3207 Compiler Design 3 2 0 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 4

S5 CS3219 Machine Learning 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5

CS3220 Cyber Security 3 2 1 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 100 5
Engineering Design and 0 0 0 30 70 4
S6 CS3223 Innovation-V

Structure and syllabus of S.Y. B.Tech Computer Engineering. Pattern B-18, A.Y. 2018-19 Page 5 of 220
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Total 15 10 4 28

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Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: BTech A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: VII


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Subject
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Business Proposal 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2

s1 MD 4203 Management
Human Computer 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
s2 CS4217 Interaction
CS4219 Internet of Things 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
CS4222 Image Processing 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
Natural Language 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
ET4230 Processing
2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
s3 CS4209 Parallel Computing

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2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
CS4201 Cloud Computing
2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
CS4221 Information Retrieval
Deep Learning 2 0 0 10 30 30 30 100 2
0 0 0 30 70 100 10
s4 CS 4225 Major Project
Total 6 0 0 16

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Issue 1, Rev. 1 , Dt. 01/07/2018

Title: Course Structure FF No. 653

Branch: Computer Year: BTech A.Y.: 2021-22 Module: VIII


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits

Theory LAB Tut. CA MSA ESA Total
Subject Subject
Subject Name
No. Code
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Research Internship 0 0 0 30 70 100 16

s1 CS4202
CS4230 Project Internship 0 0 0 30 70 100 16
CS 4232 Industry Internship 0 0 0 30 70 100 16
CS4234 International Internship 0 0 0 30 70 100 16
Total 16

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Pattern “B21”
S. Y. B. Tech. Computer Engineering AY 2021-22

Computer Engineering Syllabus- AY 2021-22

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Module IV Course Content

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FF No. : 654
CS2202::Data Structures
Course Prerequisites: Basic programming Skills (C/C++).
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms.
2. To emphasize concepts about searching and sorting techniques.
3. To construct and implement various data structures and abstract data types including lists, stacks,
queues, trees, and graphs.
4. To make understand about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with the
help of fundamental data structures.
5. To associate data structures in developing and implementing efficient algorithms.

Credits:..5...... Teaching Scheme Theory: …3…...

Tut: …1…... Hours/Week
Lab: …2…... Hours/Week
Course Relevance: This is a basic Course for Computer Engineering and allied branches.
This course has a high relevance in all domains of computer engineering such as in Industries;
research etc. as a basic prerequisite course. Data Structures are a crucial part of computer
algorithms as they allow programmers to do data management efficiently. A wise selection of
data structures can improve the performance of a computer program or algorithm in a more
useful way.


Arrays, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists.

Arrays: Representation and application of Single and Multidimensional arrays, Sparse


Sorting Techniques: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap sort.

Linked Lists: Dynamic memory allocation, Singly Linked Lists, Doubly linked Lists,
Circular linked lists and Generalized linked lists, Applications of Linked list, introduction to

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vectors and applications.

Stack: Stack representation and Implementation using arrays and Linked lists. Applications of
stack in Recursion, Expression conversions and evaluations.

Queues: Representation and implementation using array and Linked lists, Types of queue.
Applications of Queues: Job Scheduling, Josephus problem etc.


Trees and Graphs and Hashing.

Trees:- Basic terminology, representation using array and linked lists. Tree Traversals:
Recursive and Non recursive, Operations on binary tree. Binary Search trees (BST), Threaded
Binary Tree.

Graphs: Terminology and representation using Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency Lists,
Graph Traversals and Application: BFS and DFS, Connected graph, Bipartite Graph,
Detecting Cycle in graph. Minimum Spanning tree: Prims and Kruskal’s Algorithm, Shortest
Path Algorithms, Union Find.

Searching techniques: Linear Search, Binary search with Analysis.

Hashing: Hashing techniques, Hash table, Hash functions. Collision handling and Collision
resolution techniques.

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List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Sorting Techniques: Insertion, Merge sort, Bubble, Shell Sort, Radix Sort.

2) Problem solving using stack (Maze problem, Tower of Hanoi).

3) Expression conversion like infix to prefix and postfix and vice versa.

4) Priority Queues and Job Scheduling Algorithm.

5) Generalized Linked Lists.

6) Threaded Binary tree and Stack less Traversals using TBT.

7) AVL and R-B Tree.

8) Applications of Graph in Network problems.

9) Searching Techniques: Ternary Search, Fibonacci Search.

10) Design of Hashing Functions and Collision Resolution techniques.

11) Cuckoo Hashing.

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List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1) Assignment based on Sorting.

2) Assignment based on Stack Application (Expression conversion etc.)

3) Assignment based on Queue Application (Job scheduling, resources allocation etc.)

4) Assignment based on linked list.

5) Assignment based on BST operations(Create, Insert, Delete and Traversals)

6) Assignment based on various operations on Binary Tree (Mirror image, Height, Leaf
node display, Level wise display etc.)

7) Assignment based on AVL tree.

8) Assignment based on DFS and BFS

9) Assignment based on MST using Prim’s and Kruskals Algorithm.

10) Assignment based on Finding shortest path in given Graph.

11) Assignment based on Hashing.

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List of Projects:

1. Finding Nearest Neighbors.

2. Calendar Application using File handling.

3. Path finder in Maze

4. Word Completion Using Tire.

5. Bloom Filters.

6. Different Management Systems.

7. Scheduling Applications and Simulation.

8. Shortest Path Applications. (Kirchhoff’s Circuit, TSP with Scenario.)

9. Efficient Storage and Data Retrieval Systems.

10. Different Gaming Application.

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Asymptotic Notations in Data structures.

2. Hash Table, Heaps and Their applications.

3. Analysis of Merge Sort, Quick Sort and Bubble Sort for Best, Average and Worst Case.

4. Solving N-queen and Josephus Problem using Backtracking , Stack and Queue respectively.

5. Priority Queue in Job Scheduling.

6. Application of Stack in Backtracking problems.

7. Priority Heap and min-Max Heap.

8. Data Structures for Languages and Libraries.

9. Multidimensional and Special Data Structures.

10. Algorithm Designing using Divide and Conquer

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Application based comparison of Sorting Algorithms.

2. Graphs vs Tree Data Structures: Application based comparison? Which is best? Why?

3. Advanced trees: which is the best? ( AVL,RB,B,B+) when? how? why?

4. Scenario Based Comparison: Kruskals vs Prims Algorithm.

5. Hashing application in today's technology. Is it necessary?

6. Application based comparison: Stack vs Queues.

7. B- Tress VS B+ Trees: Which is to be consider? When ? Why?

8. Need and Role of Different tree Traversals.

9. Graphs vs Tree Data Structures: Application based comparison? Which is best? Why?

10. Linked List application in today's technology. Is it necessary?

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List of Home Assignments:


1. Design Single Source multiple destination Shortest Path Algorithm For Driving

2. Expression Tree and Topological Sorting application in Problem solving.

3. Scheduling Algorithms using Queue.

4. Implementation of B and B+ trees for database management.

5. GLL application to Solve problems on Multivariable Polynomial. Consider suitable


Case Study:

1. Consider a Suitable Example for Hashing Application. Study its Merits, Demerits and

2. Consider different real life examples where different sorting, Searching techniques have
been used. Why used? How? Comparative study.

3. Why there is a need of different tree traversal algorithms? Consider different real life
examples where they are used. Why? How?

4. Game Base study for data structures.

5. Compare different graph traversal algorithm by considering different real life examples
where they have used.


1. Comparative Application of Prims vs Kruskals Algorithm in real life scenarios.

2. AVL Tree vs RB Tree with applications

3. Need of different Sorting techniques.

4. How Hashing is useful in recent technologies? Consider any application related to it.

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5. Role of Stacks and Queues in problem Solving.


1. How application of Graph Search Algorithms ( DFS and BFS) is there in recent
technologies? Consider some real life technologies.

2. How Advanced Trees Data structure plays important role in Database management?

3. Survey of Data Structures for computer Graphics applications.

4. A survey on different hashing Techniques in programming.

5. Graph algorithms in Network Application.

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

MSE, ESE, GD, Seminar, HA, CVV, Lab Assignment, Course Project.

Text Books:

1. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, Anderson-Freed, “ Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”,

Second Edition, Universities Press.

2. Y. Langsam, M.J. Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum, “Data structures using C and C++”,

Pearson Education, Second Edition.

3. Narasimha karumanchi, “Data Structures and Algorithm Made Easy”, Fifth Edition, CareerMonk

Reference Books:

1. J. Tremblay, P. soresan, “An Introduction to data Structures with applications”,

TMHPublication, 2nd Edition.

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Moocs Links and additional reading material:

www.nptelvideos.in, www.geeksforgeeks.org

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1)To interpret and diagnose the properties of data structures with their memory representations
and time complexity analysis.(1)

2)To use linear data structures like stacks, queues with their applications.(2)

3)To implement operations like searching, insertion, deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on
various data structures with the help of dynamic storage representation.(3)

4)To demonstrate the use of binary tree traversals and to perform various operations on Non-
linear data structures.(5)

5) To analyze the Graph data structure and to solve the applications of Graph data

6)To design the appropriate data structure by applying various hashing Techniques.(3)




2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -1, CO2 –2, CO3-3, CO4-5, CO5 -4, CO6-3

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Future Courses Mapping:

Following courses can be learned after successful completion of this course: Advanced Data
Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Compiler Design,
Systems Programming, Data Science and similar courses.

Job Mapping: Data Structures and Algorithm is must necessary part of any programming
job. Without Data structures it is not possible to be good in Competitive coding. All Industries always looks
for a strong knowledge in Data structures. Without learning this course one can’t imagine a job in
computer/IT related industries and research.

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FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS2225::Theory of Computation
Course Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics, Computer Programming.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce basic concepts such as alphabet, strings, Languages, Decision problems, etc to work with
the abstract formal setup
2. To construct deterministic/nondeterministic automata for regular languages to prove non regularity of
languages through application of Pumping Lemma and Myhill-Nerode theorem.
3. To understand the role of non-determinism in Automata theory
4. To design Context free grammars, Push down automata for Context Free Languages
5. To comprehend meaning of undecidability in the context of Turing Machine Model

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance:
This is a foundational course for Computer Science and Engineering. The central theme of the
course is to study what makes certain computational problems very hard and the others easy? Is
there some concrete theoretical evidence for the exhibited hardness of the problems? The course
explores these questions, first by introducing students to the abstract notion of computation and
models of computation. Starting from very simple model of state machines to finally cumulating
into the Turing machine model (which is a foundation of modern-day computers), several models
in between are studied. For every model, questions such as, which computational problems can
be/cannot be solved in the model? how efficiently a problem can be solved in a particular model?
various closure properties of model are studied. Throughout the course emphasis is given to
proving things with concrete mathematical arguments.
The course is very important for understanding the concept of computation in more abstract set-
up. Wherever one wants to formally talk about underlying model, the restrictions imposed by the
model, what is the power and limitations of the model, the principles learnt in this course are
useful. Due to abstract nature of the course, the principles learnt have wide applicability. The
course is an essential prerequisite for several advanced courses such as Computational
Complexity, Advanced Algorithms, Foundation of Logic, Quantum Computation, Parallel
computation, Circuit Complexity etc. On more applied side: The Automata theoretic models,
concept of Context Free Grammar and Pushdown Automata studied in the course are very
important for Compiler design. The models discussed during the course have direct applications

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to several machine learning models, Natural Language processing, Artificial Intelligence,

Functional Programming.
Once the student gains expertise in thinking abstractly about underlying models of computation
it facilitates in systematic study of any other domain (in computer science or otherwise) which
demands logical thinking and abstraction.
This course is also relevant for students who want to pursue research career in theory of
computing, computational complexity theory, Natural Language Processing, advanced
algorithmic research.


Topics and Contents

Finite Automata:
Introduction to Automata, Computability and Complexity theory, Automaton as a model of
computation, Central Concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings, Languages. Decision
Problems Vs Languages. Finite Automata, Structural Representations, Deterministic Finite
Automata (DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, transition
table, Language of DFA, construction of DFAs for Languages and proving correctness,
Product construction, Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition,
Language of NFA, Conversion of NFA with epsilon transitions to DFA, Automata with
output. Applications and Limitation of Finite Automata.

Regular and Non-Regular Languages:

Regular expression (RE), Definition, Operators of regular expression and their precedence,
Algebraic laws for Regular expressions, Kleene’s Theorem: Equivalence Regular expressions
and DFAs, Closure properties of Regular Languages (union, intersection, complementation,
concatenation, Kleene closure), Decision properties of Regular Languages, Applications of
Regular expressions. Myhill-Nerode theorem and applications: proving non-regularity, lower
bound on number of states of DFA, State Minimization algorithm, Equivalence testing of
DFAs. Non-Regular Languages, Revisiting Pigeon-Hole principle, Pumping Lemma for
regular Languages.

Context Free Grammars (CFG):

Context Free Grammars: Definition, Examples, Derivation, Languages of CFG, Constructing
CFG, correctness proof using induction. Closure properties of CFLs (Union, Concatenation,
Kleene closure, reversal). Derivation trees, Ambiguity in CFGs, Removing ambiguity,
Inherent ambiguity. Simplification of CFGs, Normal forms for CFGs: CNF and GNF.
Decision Properties of CFLs (Emptiness, Finiteness and Membership). Applications of CFG.

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Topics and Contents

Push Down Automata:

Description and definition, Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final state, Acceptance by
empty stack, Deterministic, Non-deterministic PDAs, CFG to PDA construction (with proof).
Equivalence of PDA and CFG (without proof). Intersection of CFLs and Regular language.
Pumping lemma for CFLs, non-Context Free Languages, Context Sensitive Languages,
Definition and Examples of Context Sensitive Grammars, Chomsky hierarchy.

Turing Machines:
Basic model, definition, and representation, Instantaneous Description, Language acceptance
by TM. Robustness of Turing Machine model and equivalence with various variants: Two-
way/One-way infinite tape TM, multi-tape TM, non-deterministic TM, Universal Turing
Machines. TM as enumerator. Recursive and Recursively Enumerable languages and their
closure properties.

Introduction to Undecidability:
Church-Turing Thesis and intuitive notion of Algorithm. Introduction to countable and
uncountable sets (countability of set of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers.
Uncountability of set of real numbers, points in plane, set of all binary strings), Encoding for
Turing machines and countability of set of all Turing machines. Existence of Turing
unrecognizable languages via Cantor's diagonalization. Undecidability of Halting problem.
Examples of undecidable problems: Post Correspondence Problem, Hilbert's 10th Problem,
Tiling problem (without proof). Example of Turing unrecognizable language. Decision
properties of R, RE languages and Rice’s theorem.

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Problem solving based on deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata.
2) Advanced problem solving based on DFA, NFA.
3) Problem solving based on Regular expressions.
4) Problem solving based on Pumping Lemma.
5) Understanding Myhill-Nerode theorem.
6) Advanced problems on Context Free Grammars.
7) Problem solving on Pushdown Automata.
8) Problem solving on Turing Machines.
9) Problem solving on Contability
10) Problem solving on undecidability

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List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1.Problem Solving based on Basic Counting: Propositional logic, Introduction to proofs:
direct, contraposition, contradiction, counterexamples, principle of mathematical induction,
strong induction. Proving correctness of programs.

Elementary set theory, relations, functions, basic counting principles, permutations,

combinations, generalized permutations and combinations (with/without repetitions,
distinguishable/indistinguishable objects), Binomial coefficients and identities. Double
counting, combinatorial proof technique, Pigeon-Hole Principle and some applications,
Inclusion Exclusion Principle, and applications.

Recurrence relations, modeling using recurrence relations (some examples Fibonacci numbers,
Catlan numbers, Derangements, Tower of Hanoi, partitions), generating functions and their
application in counting.

2. Problem Solving based on Basic Discrete Probability:

Definition of probability, examples, independence of events, conditional probability, union
bound, inclusion exclusion, Bayes’ rule, discrete random variables, expectation, variance,
linearity of expectation, sum of independent random variables, Markov and Chebyshev
inequality, weak law of large numbers, standard distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial,
Geometric), coupon collector problem, birthday paradox, probabilistic recurrences. Uniform
generation of combinatorial structures. Indicator random variables and their role in algorithm

3. Problem Solving based on Modular Arithmetic:

Number theory – Integers, division algorithm, divisibility and congruences, gcd and Euclid’s
Algorithm, extended Euclid’s algorithm, application to modular inversion, prime numbers,
Euclid’s proof for infinitude of primes, unique factorization, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s
phi function, Euler’s theorem, Chinese remainder theorem, Fast modular exponentiation.

4. Problem Solving based on Graph Theory:

[To be taught in combinatorial perspective] Graphs, different representations, properties of
incidence and adjacency matrices, directed/undirected graphs, degree of a vertex, connected
components, paths, cycles in graph, Eulerian and Hamiltonian tours, Trees, properties of trees,

Simple combinatorial problem solving based on graphs, bipartite graphs (graph with only odd
cycles, 2-colorable graphs), Planar graphs, Euler’s theorem for planar graph, Graph colorings,
matching in bipartite graphs

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

2. Pumping Lemma and Applications
3. Closure properties of Regular languages
4. Decision properties of Regular languages
5. Chomsky hierarchy
6. Application of TOC principles in compiler design
7. Hilbert’s 10th problem
8. Context Free and Context sensitive grammars
9. Pumping Lemma for CFL and applications
10. Recursive and Recursively enumerable languages

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Applications of Automata theory in Compiler design
2. Applications of Automata theory in Natural language processing
3. Undecidability
4. Software testing, why it is very hard?
5. Robustness of Turing machine model
6. Godel’s incompleteness theorem
7. Countable and un-countable sets
8. P Vs NP problem
9. Church Turing thesis
10.Models of computation

List of Home Assignments:

1. Solve 5 challenging problems on NFA, DFA
2. Solve 5 challenging problems on non regular, regular languages
3. Solve 5 challenging problems on Context free grammars, PDAs
4. Solve 5 challenging problems on Turing machines
5. Solve 5 challenging problems on undecidability
Case Study:
1. Randomized algorithms for pattern matching
2. Myhill-Nerode theorem and applications
3. Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem and Dyck languages
4. Lambda Calculus
5. Hilbert’s 10th Problem
1. Finite Automata
2. Timed Automata and applications

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3. Buchi Automata
4. Non-regular languages
5. Contability
1. Pattern Matching algorithms
2. Parsers
3. Evolution of models of computations
4. Role of nondeterminism in theory of computation
5. Closure and decision properties of Context free languages

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

MSE: 10% + ESE: 10% + Seminar: 15% Group Discussion: 15% + Home Assignments: 10%
+ Discrete-Maths evaluation 20% + CVV: 20%

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Hopcroft J, Motwani R, Ullman, Addison-Wesley, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languagesand Computation”, Second Edition, ISBN 81-7808-347-7.

2. Michael Sipser, Course Technology, “Introduction to Theory of Computation”, Third

Edition,ISBN-10: 053494728X.
3.. “Discrete Mathematics and its applications” by Kenneth Rosen (William C Brown Publisher)

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. J. Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”,

Third edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-049939-x, 2003.
2. Daniel I. A. Cohen, “Introduction to Computer Theory”, Wiley-Second Edition, ISBN-10 :

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Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Infer the applicability of various automata theoretic models for recognizing
formal languages.
2. Discriminate the expressive powers of various automata theoretic and formal
language theoretic computational models.
3. Illustrate significance of non determinism pertaining to expressive powers of
various automata theoretic models.
4. Comprehend general purpose powers and computability issues related to state
machines and grammars.
5. Explain the relevance of Church-Turing thesis, and the computational equivalence
of Turing machine model with the general purpose computers.
6. Grasp the theoretical limit of computation (independent of software or hardware
used) via the concept of undecidability.


PO1 PO2 PO4 PO9 PO12 PSO13
3 3 2 1 2 3

CO attainment levels

CO number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Attainment level 2 3 3 4 5 5

Future Courses Mapping:

Compiler design, Computational Complexity theory, Computability theory, Advanced

Algorithms, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Job Mapping:
Wherever one wants to formally talk about underlying model, the restrictions imposed by the
model, what is the power and limitations of the model, the principles learnt in this course are
useful. Due to abstract nature of the course, the principles learnt have wide applicability, let it

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be domain of Machine learning, Natural Language processing, Compiler design, Parallel

computation, for each of them having background of Theory of Computation is very useful. If
student wants to pursue higher education/ research in Computer Science, this course is must.

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FF No. :654
Syllabus Template
CS2226:: Software Engineering
Course Prerequisites: Data Structures

Course Objectives:
1. To summarize capabilities and impact of Software Development Process Models and justify process
maturity through application of Software Engineering principles and practices
2. To discriminate competing and feasible system requirements indicating correct real world problem
scope and prepare stepwise system conceptual model using stakeholder analysis and requirement
3. To formulate system specifications by analyzing User-level tasks and compose software artifacts using
agile principles, practices and Scrum framework
4.To compose system analysis and design specifications indicating logical, physical, deployment, and
concurrency viewpoints using object-oriented analysis and design principles and Model Driven
Engineering practices using UML-supported modeling tools.
5. To comprehend the nature of design patterns by understanding a small number of examples from
different pattern categories and apply these patterns in creating a correct design using design heuristics
6.To propose multi-faceted defendable solutions demonstrating team-skills accommodating design
patterns reducing the potential cost and performance impedance in order to realize system artifacts with
the help of Model Driven Development practices using, scheduling, estimation and risk management
Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…3 Hours/Week
Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Given that software engineering is built upon the foundations of both
computer science and engineering, a software engineering curriculum can be approached from
either a computer science-first or software engineering-first perspective; there clearly is merit in
both approaches. Software engineering spans the entire software lifecycle - it involves creating
high-quality, reliable programs in a systematic, controlled, and efficient manner using formal
methods for specification, evaluation, analysis and design, implementation, testing and
maintenance. any software products are among the most complex of man-made systems,
requiring software development techniques and processes that successfully scale to large
applications which satisfy timing, size, and security requirements all within acceptable
timeframes and budgets. For these reasons, software engineering requires both the analytical and
descriptive tools developed in computer science and the rigor that the engineering disciplines

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bring to the reliability and trustworthiness of the systems that software developers design and
implement while working cohesively in a team environment.


Topics and Contents

Software Engineering Paradigms: Overview of Software Engineering, Software Process

Framework, Traditional Process Models, Process Models: Code-and-Fix, Waterfall Model,
Rapid Application Development, Incremental Models, Evolutionary Models, Iterative
Development, The Unified Process, Cleanroom Methodology, Component-Based Software
Engineering, CMMI, Software Engineering Principles and Practices, Requirements Engineering
Tasks, Requirement Elicitation Techniques, Software Requirements: Functional, Non-
Functional, Domain Engineering activities, Requirements Characteristics and Characterization,
Eliminating Requirement Ambiguities, Conflict Identification and Resolution, Requirement
Qualities, Requirement Specification, Requirement Traceability, Requirement Prioritization,
Relationship of Requirement Engineering to other Framework Activities, System Scope
Determination and Feasibility Study, Statement of Work Generation, Requirements Verification
and Validation, Requirement Maturity, Technical Reviews, Stakeholder Management
Overview of Agile Methodology: Introducing Agile in Practice, Landscape of Agile and
Planned Methods, Agile Challenges in Practice, Composite Agile Method and Strategy
(CAMS), Composite Agile and IT: Enablement, Development, and Maintenance, Collaborative-
Agile Business Management, Business Analysis and Composite Agile, CAMS Project
Management and ICT Governance, Agile Adoption in Organizations. Time-Boxing, Kanban,
and Theory of Constraints, Lean IT, Pair Programming, Extreme Programming, DSDM, User
Requirements in the context of Agile

The Scrum: Scrum Origins: What Is Scrum? Scrum Origins, Why Scrum? Scrum Framework,
Agile Principles, Overview, Variability and Uncertainty, Sprints., Requirements and User
Stories, Product Backlog, Estimation and Velocity, Technical Debt, Roles: Product Owner,
Scrum Master, Development Team, Scrum Team Structures, Managers, Planning: Scrum
Planning Principles, Portfolio Planning, Envisioning (Product Planning), Release Planning
(Longer-Term Planning), Sprinting: Sprint Planning, Sprint Execution, Sprint Review, Sprint
Retrospective, Scrum and Service Industry

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Topics and Contents

System Behavior Specification: Static Behavior: Use Cases, Use Case Diagram Components,
Use Case Diagram, Actor Generalization, Include and Extend, Template for Use Case
Narrative, Building Domain Model, and capturing system behavior in use cases, Use cases and
User Stories, Dynamic Behavior: Sequence diagrams, object lifelines and message types,
Modeling collections multiobjects, Refining sequence diagrams, Collaboration diagrams, States,
events and actions, Nested machines and concurrency, Modifying the object model to facilitate
states, Modeling methods with activity diagrams, Activity Diagrams: Decisions and Merges,
Synchronization, Iteration, Partitions, Parameters and Pins, Expansion Regions, Swimlanes,
concurrency and synchronization, Communication Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagrams,
Timing Diagrams

Software Architecture Design and Configuration Management: Analysis Concepts,

Analysis Methods, The Design Model, Design Qualities, Characteristics of Design activities,
Design Principles, Cohesion and Coupling, Software Architecture Vs Software Design,
Software Reuse, Design Heuristics, User Interface Design: Rules, User Interface Analysis and
Steps in Interface Design, Design Evaluation, Source Code Management,

Foundations of Software Architecture, Reference Architectures, Architectural Design: Software

Architecture, Data Design and Architectural Design, Views, Viewpoints, Perspectives,
Conceptual Architecture View, Module Architecture View, Execution Architecture View, Code
Architecture View.

Architecture styles: data-flow, object oriented, layered, data-centered, call and return,
Repository, Pipe-Filter, Peer-Peer, Publish-Subscribe, Client-Server, Two-Tier, Three-Tier, N-
Tier, Heterogeneity in Architecture, Categorizing classes: entity, boundary and control ,
Modeling associations and collections, Preserving referential integrity, Achieving reusability,
Reuse through delegation, Identifying and using service packages, Improving reuse with design
Packages and interfaces: Distinguishing between classes/interfaces, Exposing class and package

Project Management Principles and Design Patterns:, Design Patterns: Introduction to

Design Pattern, Describing Design Patterns, Catalogue of Design Patterns Creational Patterns:
Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype, Singleton, Structural Patterns: Adapter,
Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Flyweight, Proxy, Behavioral Patterns: Chain of

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Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy,

Template Method, Visitor, Antipatterns, Applications of Design Patterns, Project Management
Activities, Structures and Frameworks, Teamwork, Leadership, Project Planning, Project
Scheduling, Risk Analysis, Introduction to Function Points, Empirical Estimation, COCOMO II

List of Tutorials: (Any Four)

1. Study of Requirement Engineering
2. Study on preparation of System Requirement Specification
3. Scrum Artifacts
4. User Stories and Use Case
5. Product Backlog Development
6. Burn-up and Burn-down chart development and management
7. Software System Analysis and Design: UML
8. Incorporation of Design patterns

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List of Practical’s: (Any Eight)

1. A real-world problem issue is required to be identified with manageable scope. The
problem scenarios are required to be identified for target system to be developed. The
scenarios are stated in the form of Statement-of-Work template. The SOW document
shall address the vision, goals, and objectives of the project.
2. The initial requirements and feature set for the target system is required to be identified.
The requirements are required to be synthesized with stakeholder participation. The
project roles are assigned to the project team with clear indicator of responsibilities. The
initial requirements summary document with adequate and minimal infrastructure is
required to be developed using multiple iterations.
3. The product backlog for the project aimed at maintaining a prioritized queue of project
requirements shall be created.
a. It should be dynamic and should be continuously groomed as the project
progresses. Agile projects generally use an iceberg strategy for grooming the
product backlog.
b. The items that are near the top of the iceberg and are closest to going into
development should get the most attention.
c. There should typically be about two to three sprints worth of stories at the top of
the backlog that are well-groomed and ready to go into development in order to
avoid a situation where the project team is waiting for work to do.
4. Sprint-level planning activity accommodating story points, planning poker shall be
performed. The Sprint-plan and Sprint-design indicating detailed activity planner shall
be developed.
5. To decompose and organize the problem domain area into broad subject areas and
identify the boundaries of problem/system. Specify the behavior of the target system and
map requirements to Use cases.
a. The System Context Diagram depicts the overall System behavioral trace and
Requirement Capture diagram depicts the hierarchical Use case Organization.
The Use Case diagram should encompass
b. Actors (External Users)
c. Transactions (Use Cases)
d. Event responses related to transactions with external agents.
e. Detection of System boundaries indicating scope of system.
6. To depict the dynamic behavior of the target system using sequence diagram. The
Sequence diagram should be based on the Scenarios generated by the inter-object
Communication. The model should depict:
a. Discrete, distinguishable entities (class).
b. Events (Individual stimulus from one object to another).
c. Conditional events and relationship representation.

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7. To depict the state transition with the life history of objects of a given class model. The
model should depict:
a. Possible ways the object can respond to events from other objects.
b. Determine of start, end, and transition states.
8. To depict the dynamic behavior using detailed Activity diagram. Activity is a
parameterized behavior represented as coordinated flow of actions. The flow of
execution is modeled as activity nodes connected by activity edges.
a. A node can be the execution of a subordinate behavior, such as an arithmetic
computation, a call to an operation, or manipulation of object contents.
b. Activities may form invocation hierarchies invoking other activities, ultimately
resolving to individual actions.
9. To develop logical static structure of target system with Software Class diagram. To
prepare Class Collaboration-Responsibility (CRC) cards for the Conceptual classes
traced from System analysis phase. The design model should depict
a. Relationship between classes: inheritance, Assertion, Aggregation, Instantiation
b. Identification of objects and their purpose.
c. Roles / responsibilities entities that determine system behavior.
10. To enhance Software Class diagram to Architecture diagram with appropriate design
patterns. The patterns selected shall be justifiable and applied to individual and distinct
hierarchies. Suitable Architectural Styles shall be selected and the structural elements
shall be well-documented.

To represent physical module that provides occurrence of classes or other logical elements
identified during analysis and design of system using Component diagram. The model should
depict allocation of classes to modules. To narrate precise Program Design Language constructs
separating computation from interface. To represent deployment view of the system through
Architecture Diagram.

List of Projects:
1. Automated Parking lot identifier
2. Health Care Software's
3. Financial Domain
4. Appraisal Systems

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5. Automate Project Administration System

6. Translator for Agriculture System
7. Development of applications manageable by Agile
8. Development of SMART applications

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Agile software development
2. AI and software engineering
3. Apps and app store analysis
4. Automated reasoning techniques
5. Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems
6. Big data
7. Cloud computing
8. Component-based software engineering
9. Computer-supported cooperative work
10. Configuration management and deployment
11. Crowd sourced software engineering
12. Cyber physical systems
13. Data-driven software engineering
14. Debugging
15. Dependability, safety, and reliability

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Distributed and collaborative software engineering
2. Domain modelling and meta-modelling
3. Education
4. Embedded software
5. Emerging domains of software
6. Empirical software engineering
7. End-user software engineering
8. Fault localization
9. Formal methods
10. Green and sustainable technologies
11. Human and social aspects of software engineering
12. Human-computer interaction
13. Knowledge acquisition and management
14. Machine learning for software engineering
15. Middleware, frameworks, and API

List of Home Assignments:

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1. Software visualization
2. Specification and modeling languages
3. Tools and environments
4. Traceability
5. Ubiquitous and pervasive software systems
6. Validation and verification
Case Study:
1. Software economics and metrics
2. Software engineering for machine learning
3. Software evolution and maintenance
4. Software modeling and design
5. Software process
6. Software product lines
1. Mining software engineering repositories
2. Mobile applications
3. Model-driven engineering
4. Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems
5. Performance
6. Program analysis
7. Program comprehension
8. Program repair
9. Program synthesis
10. Programming languages
11. Recommendation systems
12. Refactoring

1. Requirements engineering
2. Reverse engineering
3. Safety-critical systems
4. Scientific computing
5. Search-based software engineering
6. Security, privacy and trust
7. Software architecture
8. Software reuse
9. Software services
10. Software testing

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ian Sommerville, ‘Software Engineering’, Addison-Wesley, 9th Edition, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0137035151.
2. Kenneth S. Rubin, Essential SCRUM: A Practical Guide To The Most Popular Agile Process, Addison-Wesley,
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-704329-3, 2012
3. Tom Pender, “UML Bible”, John Wiley & sons, ISBN – 0764526049

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. SorenLauesen, Software requirements: Styles and techniques, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0201745704, 2002
2. Dean Leffingwell, Agile Software Requirements, Addison-Wesley, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-63584-6, 2011
3. Charles G. Cobb, The Project Manager’s Guide To Mastering Agile: Principles and Practices for an Adaptive
Approach, Wiley Publications, ISBN: 978-1-118-99104-6 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-118-99177-0 (epdf), 2015
4. Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “Unified Modeling Language Users Guide”, 2nd Edition,
Addison- Wesley, ISBN – 0321267974
5. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software”, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN-10: 0201633612 ISBN-13: 978-0201633610
6. Paul Clements, Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, David Garlan, Documenting Software Architectures: Views and
Beyond Addison-Wesley Professional 2003, ISBN-10:0201703726, ISBN-13: 9780201703726

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in



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Course Outcomes:

1. Summarize capabilities and impact of Software Development Process Models and

justify process maturity through application of Software Engineering principles and
practices focusing tailored processes that best fit the technical and market demands of a
modern software project.
2. Discriminate competing and feasible system requirements indicating correct real world
problem scope and prepare stepwise system conceptual model using stakeholder analysis
and requirement validation.
3. Formulate system specifications by analyzing User-level tasks and compose software
artifacts using agile principles, practices and Scrum framework along with Propose and
demonstrate realistic solutions supported by well-formed documentation with
application of agile roles, sprint management, and agile architecture focusing project
backlogs and velocity monitoring.
4. Compose system analysis and design specifications indicating logical, physical,
deployment, and concurrency viewpoints using object-oriented analysis and design
principles and Model Driven Engineering practices using UML-supported modeling
5. Comprehend the nature of design patterns by understanding a small number of examples
from different pattern categories and apply these patterns in creating a correct design
using design heuristics, published guidance, applicability, reasonableness, and relation
to other design criteria resulting in well-documented system profiles to the engineering
and social community.
6. Propose multi-faceted defendable solutions demonstrating team-skills accommodating
design patterns reducing the potential cost and performance impedance in order to
realize system artifacts with the help of Model Driven Development practices using,
scheduling, estimation and risk management activities.



2 3 3 2 1 3

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CO attainment levels


1 5 2 3 3 4

Future Courses Mapping:

Software testing and Quality Assurance, Service-oriented Software

Job Mapping:

Application Architect, Project Designer, SCRUM Role Players

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FF No. : 654
CS2227 ::Database Management Systems
Course Prerequisites: Data structures, Discrete Mathematics

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamentals of different data modeling techniques.
2. To design and development of relational database management systems.
3. To Study the theory behind database systems, the issues that affect their functionality and
4. To design of query languages and the use of semantics for query optimization.
5. To understand the latest trends of data management systems.

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: NA
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: The course emphasizes on the fundamentals of database modeling and
design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database
system implementation techniques. The goal is to provide an in-depth and up-to-date
presentation of the most important aspects of database systems and applications, and related


Topics and Contents

Introduction: Need of Database Management Systems, Evolution, Database System Concepts

and Architecture, Database Design Process
Data Modeling: Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Extended ER Model, Relational Model,
Codd's Rules;
Database Design: Need of Normalization, Functional Dependencies, Inference Rules,
Functional Dependency Closure, Minimal Cover, Decomposition Properties, Normal Forms:
1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, Multi-valued Dependency, 4NF, Relational Synthesis Algorithms
Query Languages: Relational Algebra, SQL: DDL, DML, Select Queries, Set, String, Date
and Numerical Functions, Aggregate Functions ,Group by and Having Clause, Join Queries,
Nested queries, DCL, TCL, PL/SQL: Procedure, Function, Trigger, Mapping of Relational
Algebra to SQL

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Topics and Contents

Storage and Querying: Storage and File structures, Indexed Files, Single Level and Multi
Level Indexes; Query Processing, Query Optimization
Transaction Management: Basic concept of a Transaction, ACID Properties, State diagram,
Concept of Schedule, Serializability – Conflict and View, Concurrency Control Protocols,
Recovery techniques
Parallel and Distributed Databases: Architecture, I/O Parallelism, Interquery, Intraquery,
Intraoperation and Interoperation Parallelism, Types of Distributed Database Systems,
Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Query Processing
NOSQL Databases and Big Data Storage Systems: Introduction to NOSQL Databases,
Types of NOSQL Databases, BASE properties, CAP theorem, Big Data, HADOOP: HDFS,
Data Warehousing: Architecture and Components of Data Warehouse, Warehouse Schemas,

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1) Create a database with appropriate constraints using DDL and populate/modify it with the
help of DML.
2) Design and Execute "SELECT" queries using conditional, logical, like/not like, in/not in,
between...and, is null/is not null operators in where clause, order by, group by, aggregate
functions, having clause, and set operators. Use SQL single row functions for date, time, string
3) Write equijoin, non equijoin, self join and outer join queries. Write queries containing
single row / multiple row / correlated sub queries using operators like =, in, any, all, exists etc.
Write DML queries containing sub queries. Study a set of query processing strategies.
4) Write PL/SQL blocks to implement all types of cursor.
5) Write useful stored procedures and functions in PL/SQL to perform complex computation.
6) Write and execute all types of database triggers in PL/SQL.
7)Execute DDL statements which demonstrate the use of views. Try to update the base table
using its corresponding view. Also consider restrictions on updatable views and perform view
creation from multiple tables.
8) Create a database with suitable example using MongoDB and implement Inserting and
saving document, Removing document, Updating document
9) Execute at least 10 queries on any suitable MongoDB database that demonstrates following
querying techniques:find and findOne, Query criteria, Type-specific queries

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10) Implement Map Reduce operation with suitable example using MongoDB.

List of Tutorial (Any 6)

1) Draw ER Diagram for any information system application
2) Draw Extended ER Diagram for any information system application
3) Convert ER Diagram to Relational Model
4) Convert EER Diagram to Relational Model
5) Solving the Queries using Relational Algebra
6) Normalization using Minimal Cover,
7) Normalization using Synthesis Algorithm
8) Creation of Data warehouse for any organisation.
10) Advanced SQL

List of Projects:
Designing and Implementing a Small-scale Relational DBMS
Phase 1: SQL interpreter
Phase 2: Persistent data management
Phase 3: Relational Operations

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Object and Object-Relational Databases
2. XML data model, XML documents and associated languages
3. Database Security
4. Modern Storage Architectures
5. Google Cloud- SQL Databases
6. Google Cloud- NOSQL Databases
7. Amazon Databases
8. Oracle NoSQL Database
9. Cassandra DB
10. Data Center Engineering

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

2. ER model Vs UML diagrams
3. Normalized vs unnormalized database
5. Data Warehouse Vs Data Lake
7. Neo4J and GraphBase
8. DynamoDB Vs Voldemort
9. Google File System (GFS) Vs HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
10. Hive SQL Vs Pig Latin

List of Home Assignments:

1. Suppose you want to build a video site similar to YouTube. Identify disadvantages of
keeping data in a file-processing system. Discuss the relevance of each of these points to the
storage of actual video data, and to metadata about the video, such as title, the user who
uploaded it, tags, and which users viewed it.
2. Illustrate data model that might be used to store information in a social-networking system
such as Facebook
3.Describe the circumstances in which you would choose to use embedded SQL rather than
SQL alone or only a general-purpose programming language.
4. Give the DTD and XML Schema for Library Management System. Give a small example of
data corresponding to this DTD and XML.Write ten queries in Xpath and XQuery
5.If you were designing a Web-based system to make airline reservations and sell airline
tickets, which DBMS architecture would you choose? Why? Why would the other
architectures not be a good choice?Design a schema and show a sample database for that
application. What types of additional information and constraints would you like to represent
in the schema? Think of several users of your database, and design a view for each.

Case Study:
1. PostgreSQL
2. Oracle
3. IBM DB2 Universal Database
4. Microsoft SQL Server
5. SQLite database

1.OLAP tools from Microsoft Corp. and SAP
2.Views in database
3. Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL
4. Active databases and Triggers

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5. SQL injection attack

1. Keyword queries used in Web search are quite different from database queries. List key
differences between the two, in terms of the way the queries are specified, and in terms of
what is the result of a query.
2. List responsibilities of a database-management system. For each responsibility,explain the
problems that would arise if the responsibility were not discharged
3. List reasons why database systems support data manipulation using a declarative query
language such as SQL, instead of just providing a a library of C or C++ functions to carry out
data manipulation
4. Consider a bank that has a collection of sites, each running a database system. Suppose the
only way the databases interact is by electronic transfer of money between themselves, using
persistent messaging.Would such a system qualify as a distributed database? Why?
5. Data warehousing products coupled with database systems
Suggest an assessment Scheme:
MSE:10 ESE:10 HA:10 CP:10 Lab:10 Seminar:15 GD: 15 CVV:20

Text Books:

1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan; “Database System Concepts”; 6th

Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe; “Fundamentals of Database Systems”; 7th Edition,

Reference Books:

1. Thomas M. Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg,” Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design,

Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition ;Pearson
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke; “Database Management Systems”, 3rd Edition; McGraw
Hill Education
3. Kristina Chodorow, MongoDB The definitive guide, O’Reilly Publications, ISBN: 978-93-5110-
269-4, 2nd Edition.
4. Dr. P. S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 10g Black Book, DreamTech.
5. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publication. 6. Reese G.,
Yarger R., King T., Williums H, Managing and Using MySQL, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., ISBN: 81 - 7366 - 465 – X, 2nd Edition.
7. Dalton Patrik, SQL Server – Black Book, DreamTech Press.
8. Eric Redmond, Jim Wilson, Seven databases in seven weeks, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5023-918-6.
9. Jay Kreibich, Using SQLite, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5110-934-1, 1st edition.

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Moocs Links and additional reading material:

Oracle MOOC: PL/SQL Fundamentals - Oracle APEX
Course Outcomes:
1)Design and draw ER and EER diagrams for real life applications.
2)Transform conceptual schema of high level data model into implementation data model
3)Apply the concepts of normalization to develop the quality relational data model
4)Formulate queries in relational algebra, SQL and write PL/SQL blocks.
5)Acquaint with physical database file structures
6)Identify the use of database techniques such as NOSQL
CO1: PO2 CO2:PO3 CO3:PO5 CO4:PO9 CO5:PO10 CO6:PSO15
CO attainment levels
CO1:1 CO2:4 CO3:2 CO4:4 CO5:3 Co6:5
Future Courses Mapping:
Advanced databases
Big Data Management
Cloud Databases
Database Administrator
Job Mapping:
Database Engineer
SQL developer
PL/SQL developer

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FF No. : 654

Syllabus Template
CS2207::Software Development Project -I
Course Prerequisites:

Course Objectives:
1. To develop problem solving ability using programming skills by exploring and proposing solutions to
realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as to
develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the students

Credits:.3....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…. Hours/Week

Tut: Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Software project development comes under the category of project based
learning (PBL). PBL is an instructional approach designed to give students the opportunity to
develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems
they may face in the real world by using domain specific language technologies. PBL is
"learning by doing."
Modern world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of projects. In short, if
students are prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a project-based world. It is
a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based learning will also redefine the
role of teacher as mentor in the learning process.
The PBL model focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to
research and respond to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know, understand and
remember rather it takes them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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Teacher’s Role in PBL :

· Teacher is not the source of solutions; rather he will act as the facilitator and mentor.

· To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of
the students.

· To aware the group about time management.

· Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.

Selection of Project/Problem:

· The problem-based project oriented model for learning is recommended. The model
begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or “wondering”.
This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning. Students design and
analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject frame/domain.

· A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or

scientific and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and
professional environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may
involve an interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.

· By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific,

social and/or technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or
manifestation of more general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of

· There are no commonly shared criteria for what constitutes an acceptable project.
Projects vary greatly in the depth of the questions explored, the clarity of the learning
goals, the content, and structure of the activity.

· Use of technology in meaningful ways to help them investigate, collaborate, analyse,

synthesize, and present their learning.

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· Activities may include- Solving real life problems, investigation, /study and Writing
reports of in depth study, field work.

Student's Role in PBL:

· Students must have the ability to initiate the task/idea .They should not be mere imitators.

· They must learn to think.

· Students working in PBL must be responsible for their own learning.

· Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively
receiving instruction.

· Students in PBL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the

· Students in PBL are expected to work individually.

Developing Inquiry Skills:

· Students in PBL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?

· They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.

· Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the
required processes.

· Use the following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.

· How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?

· What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?

· What is the evidence given to justify the solution?

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Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:

· It is integral part of self- directed learning

· Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue

· Be able to locate the needed information

· Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.

· Skills required by students in information literacy include:

· How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research

· Sorting and assessing of information in general

Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesize and evaluation

Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:

· Collaborative learning

· Interpersonal Skills

· Resources Evaluation

· Metacognitive Skills

. Reflection Skills

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Sample Software Project Statement based on Java and Mobile Application Development

1) Design and deploy an android app for real time criminal detection on the basis of database
provided by the police department.

2) Design and deploy an android app for real time health alarm generation like Aarogya Setu.

3) Design and deploy a system for real time home kitchen accidents and appliances control.

...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other area which meets the
society requirements at large.

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Higher levels of the Booms Taxonomy - analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Name(s) of author(s); Title of the book; Edition No., Publisher

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

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1. Name(s) of author(s); Title of the book; Edition No., Publisher

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, learner will be able to–

CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view
CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one
CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective
CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges
CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified
CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems




3 3 2 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

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Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

Software Engineer, Software Developer, IT Engineer

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS2209::Engineering Design and Innovations-III
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Course Prerequisites: Problem Based Learning

Course Objectives:
1. To develop critical thinking and problem solving ability by exploring and proposing solutions to
realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as to
develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the students

Credits:.4....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…. Hours/Week

Tut: Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in
areas of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched
with semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve
socially relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various
socially relevant domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City,
Smart Energy and Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects,
students can select relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under
guidance of faculty and enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project
centric learning. Modern world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of
projects. In short, if students are prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a
project-based world. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based
learning will also redefine the role of teacher as mentor in the learning process. The PCL model
focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to research and respond
to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know, understand and remember rather it takes
them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


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Preamble - The content and process mentioned below is the guideline document for the
faculties and students to start with. It is not to limit the flexibility of faculty and students;
rather they are free to explore their creativity beyond the guideline mentioned herewith. For all
courses of ED, laboratory course contents of “Engineering Design” are designed as a ladder to
extend connectivity of software technologies to solve real word problem using
interdisciplinary approach. The ladder in the form of gradual steps can be seen as below:
Industry Communication Standards, Single Board Computers and IoT, Computational Biology
(Biomedical and Bioinformatics), Robotics and Drone, Industry 4.0 (Artificial Intelligence,
Human Computer Interfacing, 5G and IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security
Group Structure:
· There should be team/group of 4-5 students.
· A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups.

· It is useful to group students of different abilities and nationalities together.

Selection of Project/Problem:

· Students must focus to initiate the task/idea .The idea inception and consideration shall
be from following areas as a real world problem:

Health Care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, Environment, Women Safety.

This is the sample list to start with. Faculty and students are free to include other area
which meets the society requirements at large.

The model begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or
“wondering”. This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning.
Students design and analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject

· A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or

scientific and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and
professional environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may
involve an interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.

· By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific,

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social and/or technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or
manifestation of more general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of

Teacher’s Role in PCL :

· Teacher is not the source of solutions rather he will they act as the facilitator and mentor.

· To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of
the students.

· To aware the group about time management.

· Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.

Student's Role in PCL:

· Students must have ability to initiate the task/idea .they should not be mere imitators.

· They must learn to think.

· Students working in PCL must be responsible for their own learning.

· Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively
receiving instruction.

· Students in PCL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the
situation in groups.

· Students in PCL are expected to work in groups.

· They have to develop interpersonal and group process skills, such as effective listening or
coping creatively with conflicts.

Developing Inquiry Skills:

· Students in PCL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?

· They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.

· Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the

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required processes.

· Use following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.

· How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?

· What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?

· What is the evidence given to justify the solution?

Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:

· It is integral part of self- directed learning

· Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue

· Be able to locate the needed information

· Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.

· Skills required by students in information literacy include:

· How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research

· Sorting and assessing of information in general

Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesize and evaluation

Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:

· Collaborative learning

· Interpersonal Skills

· Resources Evaluation

· Metacognitive Skills

. Reflection Skills

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EDI Sample Case Studies : -

With the adaptation of industry communication standards, Raspberry Pi and Sensors,

following projects can be taken up:

1) Design a deployable product for soil moisture detection

2) Design a deployable product for temperature detection

3) Design a deployable product for pressure detection

3) Design a deployable product smoke detection

4) Design a deployable product for motion detection

5) Design a deployable product for collision detection

6) Design a deployable product for sound detection

...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other areas which meet the
society requirements at large.

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

To focus on the higher levels of the Booms Taxonomy analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

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1. A new model of problem based learning. By Terry Barrett. All Ireland Society for higher education
(AISHE). ISBN:978-0-9935254-6-9; 2017

2. Problem Based Learning. By Mahnazmoallem, woei hung and Nada Dabbagh, Wiley Publishers. 2019.

1. Stem Project based learning and integrated science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics
approach. By Robert Robart Capraro, Mary Margaret Capraro

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. De Graaff E, Kolmos A., red.: Management of change: Implementation of problem-based and project-
based learning in engineering. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2007.

2. Project management core textbook, second edition, Indian Edition , by Gopalan.

3. The Art of Agile Development. By James Shore & Shane Warden.

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in


Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, learner will be able to–

CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view

CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one

CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective

CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges

CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified

CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems

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2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

Software Engineer, Software Developer, IT Engineer

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus of

T.Y. B. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Effective from Academic Year 2021-22

Prepared by: - Board of Studies in Computer Engineering

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Pattern “C21”
T. Y. B. Tech. Computer
Engineering AY 2021-22

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Module V courses

FF No. : 654

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Syllabus Template
CS3205::Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course Prerequisites: Basic courses on programming, data structures, discrete structures,
theory of computing.

Course Objectives:
1. Students will gain understanding of asymptotic notations and will be able to apply
suitable mathematical techniques to find asymptotic time and space complexities of
2. Students will develop the ability to formulate computational problems in the abstract
and mathematically precise manner.
3. Student will gain understanding of different algorithm design paradigms such as
divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy, backtracking and will apply
suitable paradigm for designing algorithms for computational problems
4. Students will develop understanding of notions of NP-hardness and NP-completeness
and their relationship with the intractability of decision problems.
1. Students will design randomized, approximation algorithms for some computational

Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: This is a foundational course for Computer science and Engineering.
This course develops algorithmic thinking capability of students. Designing algorithms using
suitable paradigm and analysing the algorithms for computational problems has a high relevance
in all domains where computer science plays a crucial role (equally in Industry as well as
research). This course is also an essential pre-requisite for advanced domain specific algorithmic
courses such as Algorithmic Graph Theory, Algorithmic Number Theory, Computational
Geometry, Motion planning and Robotics, etc, to give a few examples.
Once the student gains expertise in Algorithm design and in general gains ability of Algorithmic
thinking, it facilitates in systematic study of any other domain (in computer science or otherwise)
which demands logical thinking.

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This course is also relevant for students who want to pursue research career in theory of
computing, computational complexity theory, advanced algorithmic research.


Basic introduction and time and space complexity analysis:

Asymptotic notations (Big Oh, small oh, Big Omega, Theta notations). Best case, average
case, and worst-case time and space complexity of algorithms. Overview of searching, sorting
algorithms. Adversary lower bounds (for the comparison-based sorting algorithms, for finding
second minima). Using Recurrence relations and Mathematical Induction to get asymptotic
bounds on time complexity. Master’s theorem and applications. Proving correctness of

Divide and Conquer: General strategy, Binary search and applications, Analyzing Quick sort,
Merge sort, Counting Inversions, Finding a majority element, Order statistics (randomized and
deterministic algorithms), Josephus problem using recurrence, Efficient algorithms for Integer
arithmetic (Euclid's algorithm, Karatsuba's algorithm for integer multiplication, fast

Dynamic Programming: General strategy, simple dynamic programming based algorithms to

compute Fibonacci numbers, binomial coefficients, Matrix Chain multiplication, Optimal
binary search tree (OBST) construction, Coin change problem, 0-1 Knapsack, Traveling
Salesperson Problem, All pair shortest path algorithm, Longest increasing subsequence
problem, Largest independent set for trees.


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Greedy and Backtracking strategy:

Greedy: General strategy, Analysis and correctness proof of minimum spanning tree and
shortest path algorithms, fractional knapsack problem, Huffman coding, conflict free

Backtracking: General strategy, n-queen problem, backtracking strategy for some NP-
complete problems (e.g. graph coloring, subset sum problem, SUDOKU)

Introduction to complexity classes and NP-completeness:

Complexity classes P, NP, coNP, and their interrelation, Notion of polynomial time many one
reductions reduction, Notion of NP-hardness and NP-completeness, Cook-Levin theorem and
implication to P versus NP question, NP-hardness of halting problem. NP-Complete problems
(some selected examples from - Satisfiability problem, Circuit-SAT, 3-CNF SAT, vertex
cover problem, independent set problem, clique problem, Hamiltonian-circuit problem, subset
sum problem, Integer Linear Programming.), reducing NP problems to Integer Linear

Introduction to Randomized and Approximation algorithms:

Introduction to randomness in computation, Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo algorithms,

Abundance of witnesses/solutions and application of randomization, solving SAT for formulas
with “many” satisfying assignments, randomized quick sort, Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo
algorithms for majority search, Karger’s Min-cut algorithm, coupon collector problem,
randomized data structures (randomized BST, skip lists)

Introduction to Approximation algorithms for NP-optimization problems, Approximation

algorithm for Vertex Cover, metric Traveling-Sales-Person Problem (metric-TSP), Hardness
of approximation for TSP.

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List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Problem solving based on asymptotic notations, solution of recurrences

2) Problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy

3) Advanced problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy

4) Problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy

5) Advanced problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy

6) Problem solving based on Greedy strategy

7) Problem solving based on Backtracking strategy

8) Proving correctness of algorithms: some techniques

9) Adversary lower bound technique

10) Problem solving based on complexity classes, NP-completeness.

11) Randomized Algorithms

12) Approximation Algorithms

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List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1) Assignment based on some simple coding problems on numbers, graphs, matrices

2) Assignment based on analysis of quick sort (deterministic and randomized variant)

3) Assignment based on Divide and Conquer strategy (e.g. majority element search,
finding kth rank element in an array)

4) Assignment based on Divide and Conquer strategy (e.g. efficient algorithm for
Josephus problem using recurrence relations, fast modular exponentiation)

5) Assignment based on Dynamic Programming strategy (e.g. Matrix chain

multiplication, Longest increasing subsequence)

6) Assignment based on Dynamic Programming strategy (e,g, All pair shortest path,
Traveling Sales Person problem)

7) Assignment based on Greedy strategy (e.g. Huffman encoding)

8) Assignment based on Backtracking (e.g. graph coloring, n-queen problem)

9) Assignment based on Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo algorithm for majority element


10) Assignment based on factor-2 approximation algorithm for metric-TSP

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List of Projects:

1. Applications of A* algorithm in gaming

2. Pac-Man game

3. File compression techniques

4. Solution of Maze (comparing the backtracking based solution and Dijkstra’s algorithm)

5. Different exact and approximation algorithms for Travelling-Sales-Person Problem

6. Creation of Maze using backtracking

7. Knight tour algorithms

8. Network flow optimization and maximum matching

9. AI for different games such as minesweeper, shooting games, Hex, connect-4, sokoban,

10. SUDOKU solver

11. Graph theoretic algorithms

12. Computational Geometry Algorithms

13. AKS primality testing

14. Algorithms for factoring large integers

15. Randomized algorithms for primality testing (Miller-Rabin, Solovay-Strassen)

16. Slider puzzle game

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Divide and Conquer Vs Dynamic Programming

2. Greedy strategy

3. NP-hardness

4. Backtracking strategy

5. Dynamic Programming Vs Greedy

6. Computational Complexity

7. Philosophical relevance of P Vs NP question

8. Complexity classes

9. Space complexity

10. Compression Techniques

11. Real world applications of Graph theoretic algorithms

12. Approximation algorithms

13. Hardness of approximation

14. Pseudorandom number generators

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Greedy Algorithms

2. Dynamic Programming strategy

3. Dynamic Programming Vs Greedy

4. NP-completeness

5. P Vs NP question

6. Algorithm design paradigms

7. Different Searching techniques

8. Backtracking strategy

9. Relevance of Cook-Levin theorem

10. Randomness in computation

11. Approximation Algorithms

12. Application of Recursion

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List of Home Assignments:


1. Problem solving based on Divide and Conquer strategy

2. Problem solving based on Dynamic Programming strategy

3. Problem solving based on Greedy strategy

4. Problem solving based on Backtracking strategy

5. Problems on Randomized Algorithms

6. Problems on Approximation Algorithms

7. Problems on NP completeness

Case Study:

1. AKS primality test

2. Quadratic sieve factoring algorithm

3. Huffman Encoding, LZW encoding

4. Network flow optimization algorithms

5. Approximation algorithms for TSP

2. Cook-Levin theorem and its relationship with intractability of computational problems

7. Sorting techniques


1. Approximation Algorithms

2. Randomized Algorithms

3. Computational Geometry Algorithms

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4. Number Theoretic Algorithms

5. Graph Theoretic Algorithms

6. P Vs NP Problem

7. Complexity classes

8. Greedy Algorithms

9. Divide and Conquer Vs Dynamic Programming


1. Primality Testing Algorithms

2. Integer Factoring Algorithms

3. NP-complete problems

4. Compression Techniques

5. Shortest Path Algorithms

6. Algorithms for finding Minimum Weight Spanning Tree

3. SAT solvers

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

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1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein “Introduction to Algorithms” ,PHI 3nd edition, 2009. ISBN 81-203-2141-

2. Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos “Algorithm Design”, Pearson, 1st edition, 2005. ISBN 978-81-317-0310-6

3. Dasgupta, Papadimitriu, Vazirani “Algorithms” McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (September 13,

2006), ISBN-10: 9780073523408, ISBN-13: 978-0073523408

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Motwani, Raghavan “Randomized Algorithms”, Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (August 25,
1995), ISBN-10: 0521474655, ISBN-13: 978-0521474658

2. Vazirani, “Approximation Algorithms”, Springer (December 8, 2010), ISBN-10: 3642084699, ISBN-13:


Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

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Course Outcomes:

The student will be able –

1) To formulate computational problems in abstract and mathematically precise


2) To design efficient algorithms for computational problems using appropriate

algorithmic paradigm

3) To analyze asymptotic complexity of the algorithm for a complex computational

problem using suitable mathematical techniques.

4) To establish NP--completeness of some decision problems, grasp the significance

of the notion of NP--completeness and its relationship with intractability of the
decision problems.

5) To understand significance of randomness, approximability in computation and

design randomized algorithms for simple computational problems and design
efficient approximation algorithms for standard NP-optimization problems.

6) To incorporate appropriate data structures, algorithmic paradigms to craft

innovative scientific solutions for complex computing problems.

CO PO Map:


2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels:

CO No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Attainment 1 3 2 3 4 5

Future Courses Mapping:

Following courses can be learned after successful completion of this course:

Advanced Algorithms, Computational Complexity, Computational Geometry, Algorithmic

Number Theory, Algorithmic Graph Theory

Job Mapping:

Algorithm design lie at heart of any Computer Science/Engineering application. Once the
student gains expertise in Algorithm design and in general gains ability of Algorithmic
thinking, it facilitates in systematic studying any other domain (in computer science or
otherwise) which demands logical thinking. Algorithm design is an essential component of
any job based on programming. All Industries in computer Engineering always look for a
strong knowledge in Algorithm design and Data structures. If student wants to pursue higher
education/ research in Computer Science, this course is must.

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Syllabus Template
CS3203::System Software
Course Prerequisites: Computer Organization, Data Structure

Course Objectives:
1. To describe importance of variuos language processors
2. To understand working of different disk scheduling algorithms
3. To exemplify different file management systems
4. To interrelate DOS and BIOS functionality with current OS
5. To design device drivers for Linux.

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme

Theory: 3 Hours/Week Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: This course is a fundamental course in computer engineering curriculum &
used as a prerequisite to study advanced courses like distributed systems, parallel computing, etc.


Introduction to System Software: Introduction, software types, software hierarchy,

components of system software, machine structure, interfaces, address space, levels of System
software, recent trends in software development. Language processors - fundamentals of
language processing, life cycle of a source program, language processing activities.
Introduction to Device Driver, driver history, Requirements of Device Drivers, Role of
Device Drivers, Classes of Devices, Security issues, Design issues, kernel level device drivers,
virtual device drivers(VxD), device driver stack buses and physical devices, static device
drivers, dynamic device drivers, PnP, device namespace, and named devices.
PCI Bus Drivers, The Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Interface, Peripheral
component interconnect (PCI) addressing, Boot time, Configuration registers and
initialization, Linux PCI initialization, Old-style PCI probing, USB Drivers.
I/O and File Management: I/O Devices - Types, Characteristics devices, OS design issues
for I/O management, I/O Buffering. Disk Scheduling: FCFS, SCAN, C File Management:
Concepts, File Organization, File Directories, File Sharing. Record Blocking, Secondary
Storage Management, Free Space management, Security

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Systems Programming for Linux as Open Source OS: Essential concepts of linux system
programming, APIs and ABIs, standards, program segments/sections, the elf format, linking
and loading, linux dynamic libraries (shared objects), dynamic linking, API compatibility,
dynamically linked libraries.
Advanced system programming concepts: Operating system interfaces, stack smashing.
Multitasking and paging, address translation, memory protection, comparison with windows.
Encoding, Decoding: Encoding and decoding schemes for the X-86 processor.
DOS: Internals of DOS, DOS loading, DOS memory map, Internal commands, External
commands, command interpreter, POST details, POST sequence, PSP (structure details),
‘.exe’ and ‘.com’ file structures, conversion of .exe to .com file.
BIOS: what and why, BIOS calls: int 10h calls, dos calls: int 21h calls, difference between

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Disk Scheduling Algorithms
2) File management
3) Device Drivers
4) DOS

List of Practical: (Any Six)

1) Implementation of Disk Scheduling Algorithms
2) Write a device driver for char device
3) Write a device driver for block device
4) Write a device driver for network device
5) Design a kernel module for linux/ unix
6) Design& Implementation of DLL on Linux shared library.
7) .Write a linux character device driver module that implements the open(), close(), read()
and write() system calls for a character device.
8) Design TSR programs for real world applications

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List of Projects:
1.Design and implementation of a Multiprogramming Operating System: Stage II
i. Paging
ii. Error Handling
iii. Interrupt Generation and Servicing
iv. Process Data Struc
2.Design and implementation of a Multiprogramming Operating System: Stage III
i. I/O Channels
ii. Multiprogramming
iii. I/O Spooling
3. Design multi programming operating system phase 1 with arithmetic & logical instruction
4.Design multi programming operating system phase 3 without swapping
5. Design multi programming operating system phase 3 with swapping

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. File system in desktop OS & mobile OS.
2. Device Drivers in I/O
3. Input & output devices

List of Home Assignments:

1. I/O Management
2. File Management
3. Disk Scheduling
4. File Management
Case Study:
1. Process Management in Linux
2.Process Management in Android
3.Memory Management in Linux
4. Memory Management in Android
5.Process Management in Windows
1. File System of Windows
2.File System of Linux
3.File System of Android
4.File System of iOS
5.Memory Management in Windows
1.Mobile OS used in Smart Phones
2. OS used in data centers
3.Distributed OS & applications
4.Device Drivers for various devices

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. . D M Dhamdhere; "Systems Programming & Operating Systems"; Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, ISBN - 0074635794 2.
2. John J Donovan; " Systems Programming " ; Tata Mc-Graw Hill edition , ISBN-13 978-0-

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

3. Silberschatz A., Galvin P., Gagne G ;“Operating System Principles” 7th Edition John
Wiley and Sons.
4. YashavantKanetkar; “Unix Shell Programming”, 2 nd Edition, BPB Publications.
5. Forouzan B. A., Gilberg R. F.; “Unix And Shell Programming”, 1 st Edition, Australia
Thomson Brooks Cole.
6. Achyut S. Godbole ,AtulKahate; “Operating Systems”, 3 rd Edition, McGraw Hill.
7. Robert Love, " Linux System Programming " ;O’Reilly, ISBN 978-0-596-00958-8
8. Mahesh Jadhav; " Easy Linux Device Driver "; HighTechEasy publishing, Second edition.
1. Stalling William; “Operating Systems”, 6thEdition, Pearson Education.
2. Silberschatz A., Galvin P., GagneG.; “Operating System Concepts”, 9th Edition, JohnWiley
and Sons.
3. D M Dhamdhere; "Systems Programming & Operating Systems"; Tata McGraw
HillPublications, ISBN – 0074635794
9. John J Donovan; " Systems Programming " ; Tata Mc-Graw Hill edition , ISBN-13978-0-
10. Ray Duncan; “Advanced MSDOS programming”; Microsoft press

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:
1) Discriminate among different System software and their functionalities.
2) Understand the language processor.
3) Implement the disk scheduling algorithms
4) Interpret the methods and techniques about instructions Encoding-Decoding
5) Write device drivers for hardware components
6) Design TSR programs for real world applications

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CO1- PO2(2)
CO4- PO10(2)
CO attainment levels
Future Courses Mapping:
Distributed Operating Systems
High Performance Computing
Distributed Computing
Compiler Design
Job Mapping:
System Administrator (Linux)
Quality Engineer
Operating System Analyst
Data Developer

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FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS3215::Web Technology
Course Prerequisites: Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. To describe most commonly used HTML5 and CSS3 tags and attributes for website development.
2. To associate event handling with HTML5 forms and CSS3 using javascript as a front end technology
for website development.
3. To extend HTML5 and CSS3 and javascript front end technologies with PHP and Mysql as a
serverside and backend technologies for website development.
4. To simplify website development using REST API and Spring boot as server side technologies.
5. To build single page applications using REACT as a reusable UI component technology as client side
6. To assemble REACT as a front end technology and Node js as a server side technology to develop
enterprise applications

Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2.Hours/Week
Course Relevance: The key technology of the information age is global communication.
Web technology is a truly global area of study as it enables global communication with the help
of web sites. Web technologies are the backbone of all IT infrastructures and their applications in
the world. These technologies and applications often emerge in communication within countries
of countries and spread rapidly around the world. The main objective of the course is present the
basic web technology concepts that are required for developing web applications. The key
technology components are descriptive languages, server side program elements and client side
program elements. In addition the course gives specific contents that are beneficial for
developing web-based solutions, like relational data-base communication basics and information
security principles and approaches. Most of the jobs available in the IT industries are web
technology related.


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Topics and Contents:

Front End Tools: Introduction to web technology, internet and www, Web site planning and
design issues. HTML5: structure of html document, HTML elements: headings, paragraphs,
line break, styles, colors, fonts, links, frames, lists, tables, images and forms, CSS, Bootstrap,
XML, JSON. Client Side Technologies: JavaScript: Overview of JavaScript, Data types,
Control Structures, Arrays, Functions and Scopes, HTML5 forms Validation, Objects in JS,
DOM: DOM levels, DOM Objects and their properties and methods, Manipulating DOM.
JQuery: Introduction to JQuery, Loading JQuery, Selecting elements, changing styles,
creating elements, appending elements, removing elements, handling events. Server Side
Technologies: PHP: Introduction to PHP, Features, sample code, PHP script working, PHP
syntax, conditions & Loops, Functions, String manipulation, Arrays & Functions, Form
handling, Cookies & Sessions, File Handling, Exception Handling, E-mail validations,


Topics and Contents

Spring Boot: Overview of Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Installing Spring Boot, Build
Tool Maven/Gradle/Ant, Core Features, Spring Security, Web Applications, JPA for database
connectivity, Working with SQL and NoSQL, Messaging, Testing, Deploying Spring Boot
Applications, Monitoring

React: Introduction to React, React component, JSX, Render function, Component API,
Component lifecycle, State, Props, Mixins, Component composition, Pass data from parent to
child, Pass data from child to parent, Component styling, Forms, Events, Refs, Keys, Router,

Node JS: Introduction to Node JS, Installation of Node JS, Node JS Modules, Node Package
Manager (npm), Creating Web server, File System, Express JS, Serving Static Resources,
Database connectivity

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Examples of html and CSS

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2) Examples of html form validation

(a)Email Validation

(b)Mob No Validation

3) Examples of Bootstrap and XML

4) Examples of JavaScript and JQuery

5) Examples of PHP

6) Examples of PHP

7) Examples of MySQL

8) Examples of React

9) Examples of Node js

10) Examples of Springboot

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1) Installation and configuration and testing working of XAMPP server for local host.

2) Develop a basic web page using the HTML tags you learned in class.

(Develop a responsive web page for your CV using multiple column layout.)

3) Create an admission Template form for VIT admission Process? Perform the validation for
email and phone no fields

(Develop a responsive web site for your CV having video background for first page and
perform the validation using email or mobile number as username and a password of min
length 11 consisting at least one uppercase letter one digit and one special character.)

4)Create an one IT company Template with video in Background (The Web Page must be
Responsive and the page contains video in Background)

5) Write a JavaScript program to reverse the elements of a given array.

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6) Develop a website using toggleable or dynamic tabs or pills with bootstrap and JQuery

7) Assume we have a file named "webtech.txt", write the correct syntax to open and read the
file content.

8) Create three MySQL database tables and write php scripts to read, insert & delete data
through web interface.

9) Write a program to calculate Electricity bill in PHP

(a) You need to write a PHP program to calculate electricity bill using if-else conditions.

(b) Conditions

For first 50 units – Rs. 3.50/unit

For next 100 units – Rs. 4.00/unit

For next 100 units – Rs. 5.20/unit

For units above 250 – Rs. 6.50/unit

You can use conditional statements

10) Design and implement a website using REST API and Spring Boot.

11) Design and implement a website using REST API, Spring Boot and MySQL/Oracle

12) Design and implement a website using REACT, Spring Boot and MySQL/Oracle

13) Design and implement a website using REACT, Node Js and MySQL/Oracle

List of Course Projects:

1. Develop a Website with NLP as a backend

2. Student Grievance System

3. Workflow Management System for MNC

4. Browser-based Game Website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

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5. Develop an web application that help to farmers to solve their farming problems

6. GST Billing Software for Small Business

7. Online Crime Reporting System using PHP

8. Develop an Online College Voting System

9. Develop an Online Loan Processing System for Farmers.

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1.Evolution of Web Technology

2. CSS and Bootstrap

3. JavaScript and JQuery

4. JSON and AJAX

5. Cookies & Sessions

6.PHP and MySQL

7. Angular JS

8. Java Servlets

9. Java Server Pages (JSP)

10. JSP and Servlets

11. JavaBeans

12. Model-View_Controllor (MVC) Paradigm

13. Web Services

14. Strut

15. SOAP

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Evolution of web technologies

2.HTML v/s XML

3.JavaScript and PHP

4. 21st Century Web Technologies

5. Sql Vs MangoDB

6. Internet Privacy

7. Ruby

8. Rails

9. Groovy

10. Grails

11. EJB

List of Home Assignments:


1. Website for restaurant

2. Website for e-book shop

3. Website for on-line music store

4. Website for guest visiting your society

5. Website for web search engine

Case Study:

1. Emerging Web Technologies

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2. Databases for Servers

3. A case study of JQuery used in any real-time healthcare web application


5. Angular versions


1. Frond End Technologies

2. Client Side Technologies

3. Server Side Technologies

4. Web Services

5. EJB Aplcations


1. Survey on Frond End Technologies

2. Survey on Client Side Technologies

3. Survey on Server Side Technologies

4. Component based technologies

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

MSE: 10% + ESE: 10% + Seminar: 15% Group Discussion: 15% + Home Assignments: 10%
+ Course Project: 10% + Lab evaluation: 10% + CVV: 20%

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

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1.Kumar, A., Web technologies, CRC press, 2019

2.Gupta, R., Internet & Web Technologies, Engineering Handbook, 2019

3.Martin, M.G., Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 –

Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners, Independently
published, 2018

4.Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, O’Reilly Media; 5th edition,

5.Kohli , S., Web Technologies, PPB Publications, 2015

6. Adam Bretz& Colin J Ihrig, “Full Stack Javascript Development with MEAN”, SPD, First Edition 2015,
Indian Reprint September 2015

7.GiulioZambon, “ Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat”, Apress Publication, Second Edition, 2013

8. Jeremy McPeak& Paul Wilton,” Beginning JavaScript”, Wrox Publication, Fifth Edition, 2015

9. Jeffrey C.Jackson, "Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective", Second Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007, ISBN 978-0131856035.

10. Robert W. Sebesta: Programming the World Wide Web, 4th Edition, Pearson education, 2008

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Marty Hall, Larry Brown,"Core Web Programming", Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2001,
ISBN 978-0130897930.

2. H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel and A.B. Goldberg, "Internet & World Wide Web How To Program", Third
Edition, Pearson Education, 2006, ISBN 978-0131752429.

3. Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications, 3rd Edition, Wiley India, 2006.

4. Xue Bai et al: The web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, Thomson, 2003.

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Moocs Links and additional reading material:


HTML, The Complete Reference http://www.htmlref.com/






Course Outcomes:

On the completion of course, student will able to

1. Create front end web pages using HTML5 and CSS3 tags and attributes
2. Provide validation mechanism and event handling in a website using javascript as a front
end technology
3. Integrate front end with serverside and backend technologies for commercial websites
using PHP and Mysql
4. Write Web API/RESTful API application programming interface to communicate with
Spring boot as a serverside technology.
5. Build single page applications using REACT as a reusable UI component technology as
client side technology and Spring boot and Node Js as server side technologies
6. Design and develop three tier enterprise application using client side, server side and back
end technologies

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2 2 3 3 1 3

CO attainment levels

Attainment Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5

Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Mobile Application Developmemt

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

Software Engineer, Web Developer, IT Engineer, UI Developer

FF No. : 654
CS3217::Database Management Systems
Course Prerequisites: Data structures, Discrete Mathematics

Course Objectives:
1. Learn the fundamentals of different data modeling techniques.
2. Design and development of relational database management systems.

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3. Study the theory behind database systems, the issues that affect their functionality and performance
4. Design of query languages and the use of semantics for query optimization.
5. Understand the latest trends of data management systems.

Credits: 4 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: No Tutorial
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: The course emphasizes on the fundamentals of database modeling and
design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database
system implementation techniques. The goal is to provide an in-depth and up-to-date
presentation of the most important aspects of database systems and applications, and related


Topics and Contents

Introduction: Need of Database Management Systems, Evolution, Database System Concepts

and Architecture, Database Design Process
Data Modeling: Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Extended ER Model, Relational Model,
Codd's Rules;
Database Design: Need of Normalization, Functional Dependencies, Inference Rules,
Functional Dependency Closure, Minimal Cover, Decomposition Properties, Normal Forms:
1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, Multi-valued Dependency, 4NF, Relational Synthesis Algorithms
Query Languages: Relational Algebra, SQL: DDL, DML, Select Queries, Set, String, Date
and Numerical Functions, Aggregate Functions ,Group by and Having Clause, Join Queries,
Nested queries, DCL, TCL, PL/SQL: Procedure, Function, Trigger, Mapping of Relational
Algebra to SQL


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Topics and Contents

Storage and Querying: Storage and File structures, Indexed Files, Single Level and Multi
Level Indexes; Query Processing, Query Optimization
Transaction Management: Basic concept of a Transaction, ACID Properties, State diagram,
Concept of Schedule, Serializability – Conflict and View, Concurrency Control Protocols,
Recovery techniques
Parallel and Distributed Databases: Architecture, I/O Parallelism, Interquery, Intraquery,
Intraoperation and Interoperation Parallelism, Types of Distributed Database Systems,
Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Query Processing
NOSQL Databases and Big Data Storage Systems: Introduction to NOSQL Databases,
Types of NOSQL Databases, BASE properties, CAP theorem, Big Data, HADOOP: HDFS,
Data Warehousing: Architecture and Components of Data Warehouse, Warehouse Schemas,

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1) Create a database with appropriate constraints using DDL and populate/modify it with the
help of DML.
2) Design and Execute "SELECT" queries using conditional, logical, like/not like, in/not in,
between...and, is null/is not null operators in where clause, order by, group by, aggregate
functions, having clause, and set operators. Use SQL single row functions for date, time, string
3) Write equijoin, non equijoin, self join and outer join queries. Write queries containing
single row / multiple row / correlated sub queries using operators like =, in, any, all, exists etc.
Write DML queries containing sub queries. Study a set of query processing strategies.
4) Write PL/SQL blocks to implement all types of cursor.
5) Write useful stored procedures and functions in PL/SQL to perform complex computation.
6) Write and execute all types of database triggers in PL/SQL.
7)Execute DDL statements which demonstrate the use of views. Try to update the base table
using its corresponding view. Also consider restrictions on updatable views and perform view
creation from multiple tables.
8) Create a database with suitable example using MongoDB and implement Inserting and
saving document, Removing document, Updating document
9) Execute at least 10 queries on any suitable MongoDB database that demonstrates following
querying techniques:find and findOne, Query criteria, Type-specific queries
10) Implement Map Reduce operation with suitable example using MongoDB.

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List of Projects:

Designing and Implementing a Small-scale Relational DBMS

Phase 1: SQL interpreter
Phase 2: Persistent data management
Phase 3: Relational Operations

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Object and Object-Relational Databases
2. XML data model, XML documents and associated languages
3. Database Security
4. Modern Storage Architectures
5. Google Cloud- SQL Databases
6. Google Cloud- NOSQL Databases
7. Amazon Databases
8. Oracle NoSQL Database
9. Cassandra DB
10. Data Center Engineering

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

2. ER model Vs UML diagrams
3. Normalized vs unnormalized database
5. Data Warehouse Vs Data Lake
7. Neo4J and GraphBase
8. DynamoDB Vs Voldemort
9. Google File System (GFS) Vs HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
10. Hive SQL Vs Pig Latin

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List of Home Assignments:

1. Suppose you want to build a video site similar to YouTube. Identify disadvantages of
keeping data in a file-processing system. Discuss the relevance of each of these points to the
storage of actual video data, and to metadata about the video, such as title, the user who
uploaded it, tags, and which users viewed it.
2. Illustrate data model that might be used to store information in a social-networking system
such as Facebook
3.Describe the circumstances in which you would choose to use embedded SQL rather than
SQL alone or only a general-purpose programming language.
4. Give the DTD and XML Schema for Library Management System. Give a small example of
data corresponding to this DTD and XML.Write ten queries in Xpath and XQuery
5.If you were designing a Web-based system to make airline reservations and sell airline
tickets, which DBMS architecture would you choose? Why? Why would the other
architectures not be a good choice?Design a schema and show a sample database for that
application. What types of additional information and constraints would you like to represent
in the schema? Think of several users of your database, and design a view for each.

Case Study:
1. PostgreSQL
2. Oracle
3. IBM DB2 Universal Database
4. Microsoft SQL Server
5. SQLite database

1.OLAP tools from Microsoft Corp. and SAP
2.Views in database
3. Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL
4. Active databases and Triggers
5. SQL injection attack

1. Keyword queries used in Web search are quite different from database queries. List key
differences between the two, in terms of the way the queries are specified, and in terms of
what is the result of a query.
2. List responsibilities of a database-management system. For each responsibility,explain the
problems that would arise if the responsibility were not discharged
3. List reasons why database systems support data manipulation using a declarative query
language such as SQL, instead of just providing a a library of C or C++ functions to carry out
data manipulation
4. Consider a bank that has a collection of sites, each running a database system. Suppose the
only way the databases interact is by electronic transfer of money between themselves, using
persistent messaging.Would such a system qualify as a distributed database? Why?
5. Data warehousing products coupled with database systems

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:

MSE:10 ESE:10 HA:10 CP:10 Lab:10 Seminar:15 GD: 15 CVV:20

Text Books:

1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan; “Database System Concepts”; 6th

Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe; “Fundamentals of Database Systems”; 7th Edition,

Reference Books:

1. Thomas M. Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg,” Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design,

Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition ;Pearson
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke; “Database Management Systems”, 3rd Edition; McGraw
Hill Education
3. Kristina Chodorow, MongoDB The definitive guide, O’Reilly Publications, ISBN: 978-93-5110-
269-4, 2nd Edition.
4. Dr. P. S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 10g Black Book, DreamTech.
5. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publication. 6. Reese G.,
Yarger R., King T., Williums H, Managing and Using MySQL, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., ISBN: 81 - 7366 - 465 – X, 2nd Edition.
7. Dalton Patrik, SQL Server – Black Book, DreamTech Press.
8. Eric Redmond, Jim Wilson, Seven databases in seven weeks, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5023-918-6.
9. Jay Kreibich, Using SQLite, SPD, ISBN: 978-93-5110-934-1, 1st edition.

Moocs Links and additional reading material:

Oracle MOOC: PL/SQL Fundamentals - Oracle APEX
Course Outcomes:
1)Design and draw ER and EER diagrams for real life applications.
2)Transform conceptual schema of high level data model into implementation data model
3)Apply the concepts of normalization to develop the quality relational data model
4)Formulate queries in relational algebra, SQL and write PL/SQL blocks.
5)Acquaint with physical database file structures
6)Identify the use of database techniques such as NOSQL

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CO1: PO2 CO2:PO3 CO3:PO5 CO4:PO9 CO5:PO10 CO6:PSO15
CO attainment levels
CO1:1 CO2:4 CO3:2 CO4:4 CO5:3 Co6:5
Future Courses Mapping:
Advanced databases
Big Data Management
Cloud Databases
Database Administrator
Job Mapping:
Database Engineer
SQL developer
PL/SQL developer

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS3223::Engineering Design and Innovation-V
Course Prerequisites: Problem Based Learning

Course Objectives:
1. To develop critical thinking and problem solving ability by exploring and proposing solutions
to realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as
to develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the students.

Credits:.4....... Teaching Scheme Theory:… Hours/Week

Tut: Hours/Week

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Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in
areas of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched
with semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve
socially relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various
socially relevant domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City,
Smart Energy and Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects,
students can select relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under
guidance of faculty and enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project
centric learning. Modern world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of
projects. In short, if students are prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a
project-based world. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based
learning will also redefine the role of teacher as mentor in the learning process. The PCL model
focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to research and respond
to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know, understand and remember rather it takes
them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


Preamble - The content and process mentioned below is the guideline document for the
faculties and students to start with. It is not to limit the flexibility of faculty and students;
rather they are free to explore their creativity beyond the guideline mentioned herewith. For all
courses of ED, laboratory course contents of “Engineering Design” are designed as a ladder to
extend connectivity of software technologies to solve real world problems using an
interdisciplinary approach. The ladder in the form of gradual steps can be seen as below:

Industry Communication Standards à Single Board Computers and IoT à Computational

Biology (Biomedical and Bioinformatics)à Robotics and Drone à Industry 4.0 (Artificial
Intelligence, Human Computer Interfacing, 5G and IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and
Cyber Security etc).
Group Structure:
· There should be a team/group of 4-5 students.
· A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups.

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· It is useful to group students of different abilities and nationalities together.

Selection of Project/Problem:

· Students must focus to initiate the task/idea .The idea inception and consideration shall
be from following areas as a real world problem:

Health Care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, Environment, Women Safety.

This is the sample list to start with. Faculty and students are free to include other area
which meets the society requirements at large.

The model begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or
“wondering”. This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning.
Students design and analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject

· A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or

scientific and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and professional
environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may involve an
interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.

· By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific,

social and/or technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or
manifestation of more general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of

Teacher’s Role in PCL :

· Teacher is not the source of solutions rather he will act as the facilitator and mentor.

· To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of
the students.

· To aware the group about time management.

· Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.

Student's Role in PCL:

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· Students must have the ability to initiate the task/idea .They should not be mere imitators.

· They must learn to think.

· Students working in PCL must be responsible for their own learning.

· Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively
receiving instruction.

· Students in PCL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the
situation in groups.

· Students in PCL are expected to work in groups.

· They have to develop interpersonal and group process skills, such as effective listening or
coping creatively with conflicts.

Developing Inquiry Skills:

· Students in PCL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?

· They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.

· Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the
required processes.

· Use following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.

· How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?

· What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?

· What is the evidence given to justify the solution?

Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:

· It is integral part of self- directed learning

· Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue

· Be able to locate the needed information

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· Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.

· Skills required by students in information literacy include:

· How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research

· Sorting and assessing of information in general

Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesize and evaluation

Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:

· Collaborative learning

· Interpersonal Skills

· Resources Evaluation

· Metacognitive Skills

. Reflection Skills

EDI Sample Case Studies : -

Lab can be conducted in real and simulation mode. Programming a simulated robot is
analogous to programming a real robot.

1) Design and deployment of autonomous mobile robot in either real mode or simulation

2) Design and deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles-UAV in either real mode or simulation
using point to point protocol.

3) Design and deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles-UAV in either real mode or simulation
using point to multipoint protocol.

...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other area which meets the
society requirements at large.

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

Higher levels of the Booms Taxonomy - analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. A new model of problem based learning. By Terry Barrett. All Ireland Society for higher education (AISHE).
ISBN:978-0-9935254-6-9; 2017

2. Problem Based Learning. By Mahnazmoallem, woei hung and Nada Dabbagh, Wiley Publishers. 2019.

Stem Project based learning and integrated science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics approach. By
Robert Robart Capraro, Mary Margaret Capraro

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. De Graaff E, Kolmos A., red.: Management of change: Implementation of problem-based and project-based
learning in engineering. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2007.

2. Project management core textbook, second edition, Indian Edition , by Gopalan.

3. The Art of Agile Development. By James Shore & Shane Warden.

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

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Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, learner will be able to–

CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view

CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one

CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective

CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges

CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified

CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems



2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

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Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

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Module VI Courses

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FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS3216::Theory of Computation
Course Prerequisites: Discrete mathematics and Computer Programming

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce basic concepts such as alphabet, strings, Languages, Decision problems, etc to work with
the abstract formal setup
2. To construct deterministic/nondeterministic automata for regular languages to prove non regularity of
languages through application of Pumping Lemma and Myhill-Nerode theorem.
3. To understand the role of non-determinism in Automata theory
4. To design Context free grammars, Push down automata for Context Free Languages
5. To comprehend meaning of undecidability in the context of Turing Machine Model

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance:
This is a foundational course for Computer Science and Engineering. The central theme of the
course is to study what makes certain computational problems very hard and the others easy? Is
there some concrete theoretical evidence for the exhibited hardness of the problems? The course
explores these questions, first by introducing students to the abstract notion of computation and
models of computation. Starting from very simple model of state machines to finally cumulating
into the Turing machine model (which is a foundation of modern-day computers), several models
in between are studied. For every model, questions such as, which computational problems can
be/cannot be solved in the model? how efficiently a problem can be solved in a particular model?
various closure properties of model are studied. Throughout the course emphasis is given to
proving things with concrete mathematical arguments.
The course is very important for understanding the concept of computation in more abstract set-
up. Wherever one wants to formally talk about underlying model, the restrictions imposed by the
model, what is the power and limitations of the model, the principles learnt in this course are
useful. Due to abstract nature of the course, the principles learnt have wide applicability. The
course is an essential prerequisite for several advanced courses such as Computational
Complexity, Advanced Algorithms, Foundation of Logic, Quantum Computation, Parallel
computation, Circuit Complexity etc. On more applied side: The Automata theoretic models,
concept of Context Free Grammar and Pushdown Automata studied in the course are very

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important for Compiler design. The models discussed during the course have direct applications
to several machine learning models, Natural Language processing, Artificial Intelligence,
Functional Programming.
Once the student gains expertise in thinking abstractly about underlying models of computation
it facilitates in systematic study of any other domain (in computer science or otherwise) which
demands logical thinking and abstraction.
This course is also relevant for students who want to pursue research career in theory of
computing, computational complexity theory, Natural Language Processing, advanced
algorithmic research.


Topics and Contents

Finite Automata:
Introduction to Automata, Computability and Complexity theory, Automaton as a model of
computation, Central Concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings, Languages. Decision
Problems Vs Languages. Finite Automata, Structural Representations, Deterministic Finite
Automata (DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, transition
table, Language of DFA, construction of DFAs for Languages and proving correctness,
Product construction, Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition,
Language of NFA, Conversion of NFA with epsilon transitions to DFA, Automata with
output. Applications and Limitation of Finite Automata.

Regular and Non-Regular Languages:

Regular expression (RE), Definition, Operators of regular expression and their precedence,
Algebraic laws for Regular expressions, Kleene’s Theorem: Equivalence Regular expressions
and DFAs, Closure properties of Regular Languages (union, intersection, complementation,
concatenation, Kleene closure), Decision properties of Regular Languages, Applications of
Regular expressions. Myhill-Nerode theorem and applications: proving non-regularity, lower
bound on number of states of DFA, State Minimization algorithm, Equivalence testing of
DFAs. Non-Regular Languages, Revisiting Pigeon-Hole principle, Pumping Lemma for
regular Languages.

Context Free Grammars (CFG):

Context Free Grammars: Definition, Examples, Derivation, Languages of CFG, Constructing
CFG, correctness proof using induction. Closure properties of CFLs (Union, Concatenation,
Kleene closure, reversal). Derivation trees, Ambiguity in CFGs, Removing ambiguity,
Inherent ambiguity. Simplification of CFGs, Normal forms for CFGs: CNF and GNF.
Decision Properties of CFLs (Emptiness, Finiteness and Membership). Applications of CFG.

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Topics and Contents

Push Down Automata:

Description and definition, Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final state, Acceptance by
empty stack, Deterministic, Non-deterministic PDAs, CFG to PDA construction (with proof).
Equivalence of PDA and CFG (without proof). Intersection of CFLs and Regular language.
Pumping lemma for CFLs, non-Context Free Languages, Context Sensitive Languages,
Definition and Examples of Context Sensitive Grammars, Chomsky hierarchy.

Turing Machines:
Basic model, definition, and representation, Instantaneous Description, Language acceptance
by TM. Robustness of Turing Machine model and equivalence with various variants: Two-
way/One-way infinite tape TM, multi-tape TM, non-deterministic TM, Universal Turing
Machines. TM as enumerator. Recursive and Recursively Enumerable languages and their
closure properties.

Introduction to Undecidability:
Church-Turing Thesis and intuitive notion of Algorithm. Introduction to countable and
uncountable sets (countability of set of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers.
Uncountability of set of real numbers, points in plane, set of all binary strings), Encoding for
Turing machines and countability of set of all Turing machines. Existence of Turing
unrecognizable languages via Cantor's diagonalization. Undecidability of Halting problem.
Examples of undecidable problems: Post Correspondence Problem, Hilbert's 10th Problem,
Tiling problem (without proof). Example of Turing unrecognizable language. Decision
properties of R, RE languages and Rice’s theorem.

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Problem solving based on deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata.
2) Advanced problem solving based on DFA, NFA.
3) Problem solving based on Regular expressions.
4) Problem solving based on Pumping Lemma.
5) Understanding Myhill-Nerode theorem.
6) Advanced problems on Context Free Grammars.
7) Problem solving on Pushdown Automata.
8) Problem solving on Turing Machines.
9) Problem solving on Contability
10) Problem solving on undecidability

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List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1.Problem Solving based on Basic Counting: Propositional logic, Introduction to proofs:
direct, contraposition, contradiction, counterexamples, principle of mathematical induction,
strong induction. Proving correctness of programs.

Elementary set theory, relations, functions, basic counting principles, permutations,

combinations, generalized permutations and combinations (with/without repetitions,
distinguishable/indistinguishable objects), Binomial coefficients and identities. Double
counting, combinatorial proof technique, Pigeon-Hole Principle and some applications,
Inclusion Exclusion Principle, and applications.

Recurrence relations, modeling using recurrence relations (some examples Fibonacci numbers,
Catlan numbers, Derangements, Tower of Hanoi, partitions), generating functions and their
application in counting.

2. Problem Solving based on Basic Discrete Probability:

Definition of probability, examples, independence of events, conditional probability, union
bound, inclusion exclusion, Bayes’ rule, discrete random variables, expectation, variance,
linearity of expectation, sum of independent random variables, Markov and Chebyshev
inequality, weak law of large numbers, standard distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial,
Geometric), coupon collector problem, birthday paradox, probabilistic recurrences. Uniform
generation of combinatorial structures. Indicator random variables and their role in algorithm

3. Problem Solving based on Modular Arithmetic:

Number theory – Integers, division algorithm, divisibility and congruences, gcd and Euclid’s
Algorithm, extended Euclid’s algorithm, application to modular inversion, prime numbers,
Euclid’s proof for infinitude of primes, unique factorization, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s
phi function, Euler’s theorem, Chinese remainder theorem, Fast modular exponentiation.

4. Problem Solving based on Graph Theory:

[To be taught in combinatorial perspective] Graphs, different representations, properties of
incidence and adjacency matrices, directed/undirected graphs, degree of a vertex, connected
components, paths, cycles in graph, Eulerian and Hamiltonian tours, Trees, properties of trees,

Simple combinatorial problem solving based on graphs, bipartite graphs (graph with only odd
cycles, 2-colorable graphs), Planar graphs, Euler’s theorem for planar graph, Graph colorings,
matching in bipartite graphs

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

2. Pumping Lemma and Applications
3. Closure properties of Regular languages
4. Decision properties of Regular languages
5. Chomsky hierarchy
6. Application of TOC principles in compiler design
7. Hilbert’s 10th problem
8. Context Free and Context sensitive grammars
9. Pumping Lemma for CFL and applications
10. Recursive and Recursively enumerable languages

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Applications of Automata theory in Compiler design
2. Applications of Automata theory in Natural language processing
3. Undecidability
4. Software testing, why it is very hard?
5. Robustness of Turing machine model
6. Godel’s incompleteness theorem
7. Countable and un-countable sets
8. P Vs NP problem
9. Church Turing thesis
10.Models of computation

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List of Home Assignments:

1. Solve 5 challenging problems on NFA, DFA
2. Solve 5 challenging problems on non regular, regular languages
3. Solve 5 challenging problems on Context free grammars, PDAs
4. Solve 5 challenging problems on Turing machines
5. Solve 5 challenging problems on undecidability
Case Study:
1. Randomized algorithms for pattern matching
2. Myhill-Nerode theorem and applications
3. Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem and Dyck languages
4. Lambda Calculus
5. Hilbert’s 10th Problem
1. Finite Automata
2. Timed Automata and applications
3. Buchi Automata
4. Non-regular languages
5. Contability
1. Pattern Matching algorithms
2. Parsers
3. Evolution of models of computations
4. Role of nondeterminism in theory of computation
5. Closure and decision properties of Context free languages
Suggest an assessment Scheme:
Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

MSE: 10% + ESE: 10% + Seminar: 15% Group Discussion: 15% + Home Assignments: 10%
+ Discrete-Maths evaluation 20% + CVV: 20%

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Hopcroft J, Motwani R, Ullman, Addison-Wesley, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languagesand Computation”, Second Edition, ISBN 81-7808-347-7.

2. Michael Sipser, Course Technology, “Introduction to Theory of Computation”, Third

Edition,ISBN-10: 053494728X.
3.. “Discrete Mathematics and its applications” by Kenneth Rosen (William C Brown Publisher)

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Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. J. Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”,

Third edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-049939-x, 2003.
2. Daniel I. A. Cohen, “Introduction to Computer Theory”, Wiley-Second Edition, ISBN-10 :

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1. Infer the applicability of various automata theoretic models for recognizing
formal languages.
2. Discriminate the expressive powers of various automata theoretic and formal
language theoretic computational models.
3. Illustrate significance of non determinism pertaining to expressive powers of
various automata theoretic models.
4. Comprehend general purpose powers and computability issues related to state
machines and grammars.
5. Explain the relevance of Church-Turing thesis, and the computational equivalence
of Turing machine model with the general purpose computers.
6. Grasp the theoretical limit of computation (independent of software or hardware
used) via the concept of undecidability.


PO1 PO2 PO4 PO9 PO12 PSO13
3 3 2 1 2 3

CO attainment levels

CO number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Attainment level 2 3 3 4 5 5

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Future Courses Mapping:

Compiler design, Computational Complexity theory, Computability theory, Advanced

Algorithms, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Job Mapping:
Wherever one wants to formally talk about underlying model, the restrictions imposed by the
model, what is the power and limitations of the model, the principles learnt in this course are
useful. Due to abstract nature of the course, the principles learnt have wide applicability, let it
be domain of Machine learning, Natural Language processing, Compiler design, Parallel
computation, for each of them having background of Theory of Computation is very useful. If
student wants to pursue higher education/ research in Computer Science, this course is must.

FF No. :654
Syllabus Template
CS3218:: Software Modeling and Design
Course Prerequisites: Data Structures

Course Objectives:
1. To summarize capabilities and impact of Software Development Process Models and justify process
maturity through application of Software Engineering principles and practices
2. To discriminate competing and feasible system requirements indicating correct real world problem
scope and prepare stepwise system conceptual model using stakeholder analysis and requirement
3. To formulate system specifications by analyzing User-level tasks and compose software artifacts using
agile principles, practices and Scrum framework
4.To compose system analysis and design specifications indicating logical, physical, deployment, and
concurrency viewpoints using object-oriented analysis and design principles and Model Driven
Engineering practices using UML-supported modeling tools.
5. To comprehend the nature of design patterns by understanding a small number of examples from
different pattern categories and apply these patterns in creating a correct design using design heuristics

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6.To propose multi-faceted defendable solutions demonstrating team-skills accommodating design

patterns reducing the potential cost and performance impedance in order to realize system artifacts with
the help of Model Driven Development practices using, scheduling, estimation and risk management
Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…3 Hours/Week
Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Given that software engineering is built upon the foundations of both
computer science and engineering, a software engineering curriculum can be approached from
either a computer science-first or software engineering-first perspective; there clearly is merit in
both approaches. Software engineering spans the entire software lifecycle - it involves creating
high-quality, reliable programs in a systematic, controlled, and efficient manner using formal
methods for specification, evaluation, analysis and design, implementation, testing and
maintenance. any software products are among the most complex of man-made systems,
requiring software development techniques and processes that successfully scale to large
applications which satisfy timing, size, and security requirements all within acceptable
timeframes and budgets. For these reasons, software engineering requires both the analytical and
descriptive tools developed in computer science and the rigor that the engineering disciplines
bring to the reliability and trustworthiness of the systems that software developers design and
implement while working cohesively in a team environment.


Topics and Contents

Software Engineering Paradigms: Overview of Software Engineering, Software Process

Framework, Traditional Process Models, Process Models: Code-and-Fix, Waterfall Model,
Rapid Application Development, Incremental Models, Evolutionary Models, Iterative
Development, The Unified Process, Cleanroom Methodology, Component-Based Software
Engineering, CMMI, Software Engineering Principles and Practices, Requirements Engineering
Tasks, Requirement Elicitation Techniques, Software Requirements: Functional, Non-
Functional, Domain Engineering activities, Requirements Characteristics and Characterization,
Eliminating Requirement Ambiguities, Conflict Identification and Resolution, Requirement
Qualities, Requirement Specification, Requirement Traceability, Requirement Prioritization,
Relationship of Requirement Engineering to other Framework Activities, System Scope
Determination and Feasibility Study, Statement of Work Generation, Requirements Verification
and Validation, Requirement Maturity, Technical Reviews, Stakeholder Management

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Overview of Agile Methodology: Introducing Agile in Practice, Landscape of Agile and

Planned Methods, Agile Challenges in Practice, Composite Agile Method and Strategy
(CAMS), Composite Agile and IT: Enablement, Development, and Maintenance, Collaborative-
Agile Business Management, Business Analysis and Composite Agile, CAMS Project
Management and ICT Governance, Agile Adoption in Organizations. Time-Boxing, Kanban,
and Theory of Constraints, Lean IT, Pair Programming, Extreme Programming, DSDM, User
Requirements in the context of Agile

The Scrum: Scrum Origins: What Is Scrum? Scrum Origins, Why Scrum? Scrum Framework,
Agile Principles, Overview, Variability and Uncertainty, Sprints., Requirements and User
Stories, Product Backlog, Estimation and Velocity, Technical Debt, Roles: Product Owner,
Scrum Master, Development Team, Scrum Team Structures, Managers, Planning: Scrum
Planning Principles, Portfolio Planning, Envisioning (Product Planning), Release Planning
(Longer-Term Planning), Sprinting: Sprint Planning, Sprint Execution, Sprint Review, Sprint
Retrospective, Scrum and Service Industry


Topics and Contents

System Behavior Specification: Static Behavior: Use Cases, Use Case Diagram Components,
Use Case Diagram, Actor Generalization, Include and Extend, Template for Use Case
Narrative, Building Domain Model, and capturing system behavior in use cases, Use cases and
User Stories, Dynamic Behavior: Sequence diagrams, object lifelines and message types,
Modeling collections multiobjects, Refining sequence diagrams, Collaboration diagrams, States,
events and actions, Nested machines and concurrency, Modifying the object model to facilitate
states, Modeling methods with activity diagrams, Activity Diagrams: Decisions and Merges,
Synchronization, Iteration, Partitions, Parameters and Pins, Expansion Regions, Swimlanes,
concurrency and synchronization, Communication Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagrams,
Timing Diagrams

Software Architecture Design and Configuration Management: Analysis Concepts,

Analysis Methods, The Design Model, Design Qualities, Characteristics of Design activities,
Design Principles, Cohesion and Coupling, Software Architecture Vs Software Design,

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Software Reuse, Design Heuristics, User Interface Design: Rules, User Interface Analysis and
Steps in Interface Design, Design Evaluation, Source Code Management,

Foundations of Software Architecture, Reference Architectures, Architectural Design: Software

Architecture, Data Design and Architectural Design, Views, Viewpoints, Perspectives,
Conceptual Architecture View, Module Architecture View, Execution Architecture View, Code
Architecture View.

Architecture styles: data-flow, object oriented, layered, data-centered, call and return,
Repository, Pipe-Filter, Peer-Peer, Publish-Subscribe, Client-Server, Two-Tier, Three-Tier, N-
Tier, Heterogeneity in Architecture, Categorizing classes: entity, boundary and control ,
Modeling associations and collections, Preserving referential integrity, Achieving reusability,
Reuse through delegation, Identifying and using service packages, Improving reuse with design
Packages and interfaces: Distinguishing between classes/interfaces, Exposing class and package

Project Management Principles and Design Patterns:, Design Patterns: Introduction to

Design Pattern, Describing Design Patterns, Catalogue of Design Patterns Creational Patterns:
Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype, Singleton, Structural Patterns: Adapter,
Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Flyweight, Proxy, Behavioral Patterns: Chain of
Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy,
Template Method, Visitor, Antipatterns, Applications of Design Patterns, Project Management
Activities, Structures and Frameworks, Teamwork, Leadership, Project Planning, Project
Scheduling, Risk Analysis, Introduction to Function Points, Empirical Estimation, COCOMO II

List of Tutorials: (Any Four)

9. Study of Requirement Engineering
10. Study on preparation of System Requirement Specification
11. Scrum Artifacts
12. User Stories and Use Case
13. Product Backlog Development
14. Burn-up and Burn-down chart development and management
15. Software System Analysis and Design: UML
16. Incorporation of Design patterns

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List of Practical’s: (Any Eight)

11. A real-world problem issue is required to be identified with manageable scope. The
problem scenarios are required to be identified for target system to be developed. The
scenarios are stated in the form of Statement-of-Work template. The SOW document
shall address the vision, goals, and objectives of the project.
12. The initial requirements and feature set for the target system is required to be identified.
The requirements are required to be synthesized with stakeholder participation. The
project roles are assigned to the project team with clear indicator of responsibilities. The
initial requirements summary document with adequate and minimal infrastructure is
required to be developed using multiple iterations.
13. The product backlog for the project aimed at maintaining a prioritized queue of project
requirements shall be created.
a. It should be dynamic and should be continuously groomed as the project
progresses. Agile projects generally use an iceberg strategy for grooming the
product backlog.
b. The items that are near the top of the iceberg and are closest to going into
development should get the most attention.
c. There should typically be about two to three sprints worth of stories at the top of
the backlog that are well-groomed and ready to go into development in order to
avoid a situation where the project team is waiting for work to do.
14. Sprint-level planning activity accommodating story points, planning poker shall be
performed. The Sprint-plan and Sprint-design indicating detailed activity planner shall
be developed.
15. To decompose and organize the problem domain area into broad subject areas and
identify the boundaries of problem/system. Specify the behavior of the target system and
map requirements to Use cases.
a. The System Context Diagram depicts the overall System behavioral trace and
Requirement Capture diagram depicts the hierarchical Use case Organization.
The Use Case diagram should encompass
b. Actors (External Users)
c. Transactions (Use Cases)
d. Event responses related to transactions with external agents.
e. Detection of System boundaries indicating scope of system.
16. To depict the dynamic behavior of the target system using sequence diagram. The
Sequence diagram should be based on the Scenarios generated by the inter-object
Communication. The model should depict:
a. Discrete, distinguishable entities (class).
b. Events (Individual stimulus from one object to another).
c. Conditional events and relationship representation.

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17. To depict the state transition with the life history of objects of a given class model. The
model should depict:
a. Possible ways the object can respond to events from other objects.
b. Determine of start, end, and transition states.
18. To depict the dynamic behavior using detailed Activity diagram. Activity is a
parameterized behavior represented as coordinated flow of actions. The flow of
execution is modeled as activity nodes connected by activity edges.
a. A node can be the execution of a subordinate behavior, such as an arithmetic
computation, a call to an operation, or manipulation of object contents.
b. Activities may form invocation hierarchies invoking other activities, ultimately
resolving to individual actions.
19. To develop logical static structure of target system with Software Class diagram. To
prepare Class Collaboration-Responsibility (CRC) cards for the Conceptual classes
traced from System analysis phase. The design model should depict
a. Relationship between classes: inheritance, Assertion, Aggregation, Instantiation
b. Identification of objects and their purpose.
c. Roles / responsibilities entities that determine system behavior.
20. To enhance Software Class diagram to Architecture diagram with appropriate design
patterns. The patterns selected shall be justifiable and applied to individual and distinct
hierarchies. Suitable Architectural Styles shall be selected and the structural elements
shall be well-documented.

To represent physical module that provides occurrence of classes or other logical elements
identified during analysis and design of system using Component diagram. The model should
depict allocation of classes to modules. To narrate precise Program Design Language constructs
separating computation from interface. To represent deployment view of the system through
Architecture Diagram.

List of Projects:
9. Automated Parking lot identifier
10. Health Care Software's
11. Financial Domain
12. Appraisal Systems

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13. Automate Project Administration System

14. Translator for Agriculture System
15. Development of applications manageable by Agile
16. Development of SMART applications

List of Course Seminar Topics:

16. Agile software development
17. AI and software engineering
18. Apps and app store analysis
19. Automated reasoning techniques
20. Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems
21. Big data
22. Cloud computing
23. Component-based software engineering
24. Computer-supported cooperative work
25. Configuration management and deployment
26. Crowd sourced software engineering
27. Cyber physical systems
28. Data-driven software engineering
29. Debugging
30. Dependability, safety, and reliability

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

16. Distributed and collaborative software engineering
17. Domain modelling and meta-modelling
18. Education
19. Embedded software
20. Emerging domains of software
21. Empirical software engineering
22. End-user software engineering
23. Fault localization
24. Formal methods
25. Green and sustainable technologies
26. Human and social aspects of software engineering
27. Human-computer interaction
28. Knowledge acquisition and management
29. Machine learning for software engineering
30. Middleware, frameworks, and API

List of Home Assignments:

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7. Software visualization
8. Specification and modeling languages
9. Tools and environments
10. Traceability
11. Ubiquitous and pervasive software systems
12. Validation and verification
Case Study:
7. Software economics and metrics
8. Software engineering for machine learning
9. Software evolution and maintenance
10. Software modeling and design
11. Software process
12. Software product lines
13. Mining software engineering repositories
14. Mobile applications
15. Model-driven engineering
16. Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems
17. Performance
18. Program analysis
19. Program comprehension
20. Program repair
21. Program synthesis
22. Programming languages
23. Recommendation systems
24. Refactoring

11. Requirements engineering
12. Reverse engineering
13. Safety-critical systems
14. Scientific computing
15. Search-based software engineering
16. Security, privacy and trust
17. Software architecture
18. Software reuse
19. Software services
20. Software testing

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

4. Ian Sommerville, ‘Software Engineering’, Addison-Wesley, 9th Edition, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0137035151.
5. Kenneth S. Rubin, Essential SCRUM: A Practical Guide To The Most Popular Agile Process, Addison-Wesley,
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-704329-3, 2012
6. Tom Pender, “UML Bible”, John Wiley & sons, ISBN – 0764526049

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

7. SorenLauesen, Software requirements: Styles and techniques, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0201745704, 2002
8. Dean Leffingwell, Agile Software Requirements, Addison-Wesley, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-63584-6, 2011
9. Charles G. Cobb, The Project Manager’s Guide To Mastering Agile: Principles and Practices for an Adaptive
Approach, Wiley Publications, ISBN: 978-1-118-99104-6 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-118-99177-0 (epdf), 2015
10. Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “Unified Modeling Language Users Guide”, 2nd Edition,
Addison- Wesley, ISBN – 0321267974
11. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software”, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN-10: 0201633612 ISBN-13: 978-0201633610
12. Paul Clements, Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, David Garlan, Documenting Software Architectures: Views and
Beyond Addison-Wesley Professional 2003, ISBN-10:0201703726, ISBN-13: 9780201703726

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in



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Course Outcomes:

7. Summarize capabilities and impact of Software Development Process Models and

justify process maturity through application of Software Engineering principles and
practices focusing tailored processes that best fit the technical and market demands of a
modern software project.
8. Discriminate competing and feasible system requirements indicating correct real world
problem scope and prepare stepwise system conceptual model using stakeholder analysis
and requirement validation.
9. Formulate system specifications by analyzing User-level tasks and compose software
artifacts using agile principles, practices and Scrum framework along with Propose and
demonstrate realistic solutions supported by well-formed documentation with
application of agile roles, sprint management, and agile architecture focusing project
backlogs and velocity monitoring.
10. Compose system analysis and design specifications indicating logical, physical,
deployment, and concurrency viewpoints using object-oriented analysis and design
principles and Model Driven Engineering practices using UML-supported modeling
11. Comprehend the nature of design patterns by understanding a small number of examples
from different pattern categories and apply these patterns in creating a correct design
using design heuristics, published guidance, applicability, reasonableness, and relation
to other design criteria resulting in well-documented system profiles to the engineering
and social community.
12. Propose multi-faceted defendable solutions demonstrating team-skills accommodating
design patterns reducing the potential cost and performance impedance in order to
realize system artifacts with the help of Model Driven Development practices using,
scheduling, estimation and risk management activities.



2 3 3 2 1 3

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CO attainment levels


1 5 2 3 3 4

Future Courses Mapping:

Software testing and Quality Assurance, Service-oriented Software

Job Mapping:

Application Architect, Project Designer, SCRUM Role Players

FF No. : 654
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Data Structures

Course Objectives:
1 To introduce the concepts, techniques and building blocks of Artificial Intelligence.
2 To evaluate the searching Techniques and its implementation
3 To analyze planning techniques and its applications in developing solutions to real-
world problems.
4 To apply information gained through knowledge representation and uncertainty to a
given situation
5 To generate an ability to design, analyze and perform experiments on real life
problems using various AI Techniques.
6 To build artificial intelligence models and implement in real life scenario.

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Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in tech
and with good reason. The last few years have seen several techniques that have previously been
in the realm of science fiction slowly transformed into reality. The importance of Artificial
Intelligence has been increasing as a growing number of companies are using these technologies
to improve their products and services, evaluate their business models, and enhance their
decision-making process.


Topics and Contents

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Introduction, A.I. Representation, Non-AI and AI

Techniques, State Space Search, Production Systems, Problem Characteristics, types of
production systems, Intelligent Agents and Environments, concept of rationality, structure of
agents, problem solving agents, and problem formulation.

Searching: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Generate and test, Hill Climbing, Best First
Search, A* and AO* Algorithm, Constraint satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Game playing:
Minimax Search, Alpha-Beta Cutoffs.

Planning: Blocks world, STRIPS, Implementation using goal stack, Partial Order Planning,
Hierarchical planning, and least commitment strategy. Conditional Planning, Continuous


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Topics and Contents

Knowledge Representation: Knowledge based agents, Wumpus world, Propositional Logic:

Representation, Inference, Reasoning Patterns, Resolution, First order Logic: Representation,
Reasoning Patterns, Forward and Backward Chaining. Basics of PROLOG: Representation,
Structure, Backtracking, Expert System, MYCIN, DART, ZOON,

Uncertainty: Non Monotonic Reasoning, Logics for Non Monotonic Reasoning, Forward rules
and Backward rules, Justification based Truth Maintenance Systems, Semantic Nets Statistical
Reasoning, Markov Networks.

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1) Intelligent Agents and Environments

2) Uninformed searching Techniques

3) Informed searching Techniques

4) Gaming

5) Planning

6) Blocks world


7) Wumpus world

8) Propositional Logic

9) Expert System

10) Chat bots and Robotics

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1. Tic-Tac-Toe Game playing

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2. Analysis of AI and Non-AI technique by implementing any two player game.

3. Implement Uninformed (Exhaustive) searching Technique/s

4. Implement Informed (Heuristic) searching Technique/s

5. Implement steepest ascent hill climbing for 8-puzzle/other application

6. Wumpus world

7. Propositional Logic

8. Expert System

9. Chat bots and Robotics

10. Implement simple hill climbing for 8-puzzle / other application

11. Analysis of Constraint satisfaction Problems.

12. Implement Robotic hand

13. Implement Perception model for detection

List of Projects:

1 Inventory management E Commerce

2 stock market price prediction

3 Identification / detection

4 Product Delivery Drones

5 Pick and drop robotic arm

6 Arrangement of blocks

7 Smart city water / light management system

8 Human Tracking system

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9 Automatic Interview Conduction system

10 Student Information Chatbot Project.

11. Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating.

12 Customer Targeted E-Commerce

13 College Enquiry Chat Bot

14 Artificial Intelligence HealthCare Chatbot System

15 Intelligent Tourist System Project

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1) Basic Concepts Artificial Intelligence

2) Intelligent Agents

3)Uninformed searching Techniques

3) Informed searching Techniques

4) Gaming Techniques

5) Planning Techniques

6) Applications of AI

7) Wumpus world

8) Propositional Logic

9) Expert System

10) Chat bots

11) AI Robots

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

2. Artificial Intelligence and Data science

3. Artificial Intelligence applications

4. Artificial Intelligence future

5. Artificial Intelligence after 10 years / 2030

6. Uninformed searching and Informed searching Techniques

7. Chatbots and Recommender systems

8. Will Automation and AI Reduce or Increase Jobs.

9. Cashless Economy using AI

10. AI in covid-19 situations

List of Home Assignments:


1 AI Accessibility Design
2 Best Artificial Intelligence Design for any one application
3 AI Customer Experience Design
4 AI Data-Informed Design
5 AI Decision Architecture
6 AI application Designing for Children
7 AI Designing for Senior Citizens
8 AI in eCommerce Design
9 AI Enterprise UX Design

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10 AI Experience Design

Case Study:

1. How Mercedes Is Preparing For The 4th Industrial Revolution using AI

2. How Indian Retail Giant Is Using AI And Robots To Prepare For The 4th Industrial

3. Rolls-Royce And Google Partner To Create Smarter, Autonomous Ships Based On AI

4. The Amazing Ways Tesla Is Using Artificial Intelligence And Big Data

5. The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Transform Farming


1. AI Trends

2. AI Research

3. AI Chatbot

4. Chatbot Magazine

5. AI Medical / Agriculture


1. Adaption of AI in 2020

2. AI in Industry

3. AI in Digital Marketing

4. AI in Gaming

5. AI after Covid-19

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:


Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1.Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: "Artificial Intelligence." Tata McGraw Hill

2. Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig : "Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach", Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.

3. Deepak Khemani: “A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”, Mc Graw Hill

4. Saroj Kaushik: “Artificial Intelligence” Cengage Publication

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

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1. Ivan Bratko : "Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence" , 2nd Edition Addison Wesley,1990.

2. Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott: "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.", Addison Wesley

3. Patterson: “Introduction to AI and Expert Systems”, PHI

4. Nilsson : “Principles of Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann.

5. Carl Townsend, “Introduction to turbo Prolog”, Paperback, 1987

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in


Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to –

1. Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI methods may be
suited to solving a given problem.

2. Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods (e.g., as a

search problem, as a constraint satisfaction problem, as a planning problem, as a Markov
decision process, etc)

3. Implement basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or dynamic programming).

4. Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on a problem

formalization, and state the conclusions that the evaluation supports.

5. Use various symbolic knowledge representations to specify domains and reasoning tasks of a
situated software agent.

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2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1-3 CO2-3 CO3-1 CO4-2 CO5-2 CO6-2

Future Courses Mapping:

Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Deep Learning.

Job Mapping:

AI Scientist, AI Developer, AI Designer,

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FF No. : 654
CS3207::Compiler Design
Course Prerequisites: Automata Theory (grammar)

Course Objectives:
1. Understand the process of program execution cycle.
2. Understand the translation process from High Level Languages to Machine Level Language.
3. Know the syntax and semantic analysis approaches for efficient code/program verification.
4. Learn the methods of code generation which helps for the optimization.
5. Learn code optimization and runtime code synthesis.
6. Know the process of compiler design for emerging programming languages.

Credits:.4....... Teaching Scheme Theory:…3 Hours/Week

Tut: Hours/Week
Course Relevance: All high level programming languages are easy for users to understand
but not understood by a computing machine. The computing machine knows only binary data. A
translation is required, in this case, to convert higher level language into machine level, so that
the intended program could execute. This translation is done by using a compiler. This course
will give you detailed insights of how compilers function internally and design it efficiently. This
gives freedom to design your own programming language with it’s compiler.


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Topics and Contents

Compilers: Introduction to compiler phases, introduction to cross compiler, features of

machine-dependent and independent compilers, overview of types of compilers. Interpreters:
compiler vs. interpreter, phases, and working, Preprocessor: header file and macro expansion.
Assembler: Elements of assembly language programming, design of the assembler, assembler
design criteria, types of assemblers, two-pass assemblers, one-pass assemblers, assembler
algorithms, multi-pass assemblers, variants of assemblers design of two-pass assembler,
machine-dependent and machine-independent assembler features.
Linkers: Relocation and linking concepts, static and dynamic linker, subroutine linkages.
Loaders: Introduction to the loader, loader schemes: compile and go, general loader scheme,
absolute loaders, relocating loaders, direct linking loaders, MS DOS linker.
Lexical Analysis and introduction to Syntax Analysis: Introduction to Compiler, Phases
and Passes, Bootstrapping, Role of a Lexical Analyzer, Specification and Recognition of
Tokens, LEX/FLEX, Expressing Syntax, Top-Down Parsing, Predictive Parsers.
Implementing Scanners, operator precedence parsers.
Syntax and Semantic Analysis: Bottom-Up Parsing, LR Parsers: constructing SLR parsing
tables, constructing Canonical LR parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables, using
ambiguous grammars, YACC/BISON Type Checking, Type Conversion. Symbol Table


Topics and Contents

Syntax-Directed Translation and Intermediate Code Generation: Syntax-Directed

Definitions, Bottom-Up Evaluation, Top-Down Translation, Intermediate Representations,
Intermediate Code Generation. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical Phase errors, syntactic
phase errors, semantic errors. More about translation: Array references in arithmetic
expressions, case statements, introduction to SSA form
Code Generation: Issues in Code Generation, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Next-use
information, A simple Code generator, DAG representation of Basic Blocks, Peephole
Optimization. Generating code from dags.
Code Optimization and Run-Time Environments: Introduction, Principle Sources of
Optimization, Optimization of basic Blocks, Introduction to Global Data Flow Analysis,
Runtime Environments, Source Language issues. Storage Organization, Storage Allocation
strategies, Access to non-local names, Parameter Passing

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Machine Dependant Optimization: Instruction (Basic-Block) scheduling algorithm,

Instruction selection algorithm, Register allocation techniques, peephole optimizations
Introduction to Data flow analysis: Introduction to constant propagation, live range analysis
Case studies: LLVM compiler Infrastructure, Power of SSA, compiling OOP features,
Compiling in multicore environment, Deep learning compilation,

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1) LEX/FLEX specification and programming regular expressions

2) Add line numbers to lines of text, printing the new text to the standard output using

3) Implement LEX/FLEX code to select only lines that begin or end with the letter ‘a’ and
delete everything else.

4) Implement LEX/FLEX code to count the number of characters, words and lines in an input

5) Implement LR/SLR/LALR Parser.

6) Implement Syntax directed Translator.

5) Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase except inside comments.

6) Change all numbers from decimal to hexadecimal notation, printing a summary

statistic (number of replacements) to stderr.

7) Implement Lexical Analyzer for language C-.

8) YAAC specifications and implement Parser for specified grammar.

9) Implement Parser for language C-.

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10) Implement an Intermediate code generator (three address code and Quadruples)

List of Projects:

1. Compiler for subset of C using Lex and YAAC

2. Compiler for Subset of Java programming Language

3. Intermediate Code generator

4. Code Optimizer

5. Develop an Editor for Assembly programming. (Use available Assembler MASM/TASM to

compile the code and execute in editor)

6. Design a system to check syntax and semantics of English Language.

7. Design a system to check syntax and semantics of a subset of Logical programming


8. Design a System to check syntax and semantics of a subset of Python programming


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9. Compiler for subset of C++ programming language

10. Compiler for a subset of Algol programming language

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Tools complementary to Lex

2. Tools complementary to YAAC

3. Semantic Analyser

4. Obsolete programming Language compiler advantage and issues

5. Android App program compiler

6. Approaches of Intermediate Code generation

7. Recent Trends in Compiler

8. Recent Trends in Interpreter

9. Decompilation

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10. Compilation in multicore machines

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Compiler Vs Interpreter

2. Multi Language Compiler

3. Tree structure for parsing

4. Decompilers: Good or Bad

5. Universal Compiler

6. Cross compiler

7. Alternate to parsers

8. Compiler challenges in mobile app development.

9. Online Compilers

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10. Compilers in field of Game development

List of Home Assignments:


1. Recent methodologies in Intermediate Code Generator

2. Recent methodologies in Code Optimizer

3. Universal Compiler

4. Compiler for Deep learning

5. Recent trend in parsers

Case Study:

1. Algol Compiler

2. Compilation process(internals) of Functional Programming

3. Compilers for Mobile App development

4. LLVM compiler

5. Cross compiler


1. Decompilers: Ethical or Unethical?

2. Multiparadigm programming compiler

3. State of the Art tools for rapid compiler development

4. Compiler for parallel machines

5. Compiler for distributed computing


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1. Obsolete Programming Language Compilers

2. Obsolete Programming Language Interpreter

3. Compilers for various programming paradigms

4. Online compilers

5. Mobile app cross compiler

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360-degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Aho, A.V., Lam, M.S., Sethi, R., & Ullman, J.D. (2006). Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools,
Addison Wesley, ISBN 978-81317-2101-8 (2nd Edition).

2. Cooper, K., & Torczon, L. (2011). Engineering a compiler. Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 155860-698-X.

3. Appel, A. W. (2004). Modern compiler implementation in C. Cambridge university press.

4. Appel, A. W., & Jens, P. (2002). Modern compiler implementation in Java. In ISBN 0–521–58388–8.
Cambridge University Press.

5. Appel, A. W. (1998). Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, In ISBN 0-521-60764-7. Cambridge University

6. Raghavan, V. (2010). Principles of Compiler Design. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

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Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Muchnick, S. (1997). Advanced compiler design implementation. Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 8178672413

2. Levine, J. R., Mason, J., Levine, J. R., Mason, T., Brown, D., Levine, J. R., & Levine, P. (1992). Lex & yacc.
"O'Reilly Media, Inc".

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in




Course Outcomes:

1) Design basic components of a compiler including scanner, parser, and code generator.

2) Perform semantic analysis in a syntax-directed fashion using attributed definitions.

3) Apply local and global code optimization techniques.

4) Synthesize machine code for the runtime environment.

5) Develop software solutions for the problems related to compiler construction.

6) Adapt themselves to the emerging trends in language processing.

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CO1-PO2 - 2

CO2-PO3 - 3

CO3-PO4 - 3

CO5-PO11 - 2

CO6-PO12 - 1

CO4-PSO3 – 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 – 2, CO2 – 3, CO3 – 3, CO5 – 3, CO4 – 4, CO6 - 5

Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

Software Engineer, Compiler Developer

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FF No. : 654

Syllabus Template
CS3223::Engineering Design and Innovation-V
Course Prerequisites: Problem Based Learning

Course Objectives:
1. To develop critical thinking and problem solving ability by exploring and proposing solutions
to realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as
to develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the students.

Credits:.4....... Teaching Scheme Theory:… Hours/Week

Tut: Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in
areas of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched
with semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve
socially relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various
socially relevant domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City,
Smart Energy and Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects,
students can select relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under
guidance of faculty and enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project
centric learning. Modern world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of
projects. In short, if students are prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a
project-based world. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based
learning will also redefine the role of teacher as mentor in the learning process. The PCL model
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focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to research and respond
to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know, understand and remember rather it takes
them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


Preamble - The content and process mentioned below is the guideline document for the
faculties and students to start with. It is not to limit the flexibility of faculty and students;
rather they are free to explore their creativity beyond the guideline mentioned herewith. For all
courses of ED, laboratory course contents of “Trends in Engineering Technology” are
designed as a ladder to extend connectivity of software technologies to solve real word
problem using interdisciplinary approach. The ladder in the form of gradual steps can be seen
as below:
Industry Communication Standards, Single Board Computers and IoT, Computational Biology
(Biomedical and Bioinformatics), Robotics and Drone, Industry 4.0 (Artificial Intelligence,
Human Computer Interfacing, 5G and IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security
Group Structure:
· There should be team/group of 4-5 students.
· A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups.

· It is useful to group students of different abilities and nationalities together.

Selection of Project/Problem:

· Students must focus to initiate the task/idea .The idea inception and consideration shall
be from following areas as a real world problem:

Health Care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, Environment, Women Safety.

This is the sample list to start with. Faculty and students are free to include other area
which meets the society requirements at large.

The model begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or
“wondering”. This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning.
Students design and analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject

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· A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or

scientific and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and professional
environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may involve an
interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.

· By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific,

social and/or technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or
manifestation of more general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of

Teacher’s Role in PCL :

· Teacher is not the source of solutions rather he will they act as the facilitator and mentor.

· To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of
the students.

· To aware the group about time management.

· Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.

Student's Role in PCL:

· Students must have ability to initiate the task/idea .they should not be mere imitators.

· They must learn to think.

· Students working in PCL must be responsible for their own learning.

· Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively
receiving instruction.

· Students in PCL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the
situation in groups.

· Students in PCL are expected to work in groups.

· They have to develop interpersonal and group process skills, such as effective listening or
coping creatively with conflicts.

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Developing Inquiry Skills:

· Students in PCL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?

· They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.

· Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the
required processes.

· Use following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.

· How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?

· What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?

· What is the evidence given to justify the solution?

Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:

· It is integral part of self- directed learning

· Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue

· Be able to locate the needed information

· Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.

· Skills required by students in information literacy include:

· How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research

· Sorting and assessing of information in general

Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesize and evaluation

Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:

· Collaborative learning

· Interpersonal Skills

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· Resources Evaluation

· Metacognitive Skills

Reflection Skills

EDI Sample Case Studies : -

1) Design of bioinformatics library using CPython for Next-generation Sequencing

processing and analysis

2) Design of bioinformatics library using CPython for Next-generation Sequencing

processing and analysis for SAM and BAM processing and analysis

3) Design of bioinformatics library using CPython for Next-generation Sequencing processing

and analysis for Gnome NGS processing and analysis

4) Design of bioinformatics library using CPython for Next-generation Sequencing

processing and analysis for population genetics simulation

5) Design of bioinformatics library using CPython for Next-generation Sequencing

processing and analysis for proteomics processing and analysis

...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other area which meets the
society requirements at large.

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Higher levels of the Booms Taxonomy - analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

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Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. A new model of problem based learning. By Terry Barrett. All Ireland Society for higher education (AISHE).
ISBN:978-0-9935254-6-9; 2017

2. Problem Based Learning. By Mahnazmoallem, woei hung and Nada Dabbagh, Wiley Publishers. 2019.

Stem Project based learning and integrated science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics approach. By
Robert Robart Capraro, Mary Margaret Capraro

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. De Graaff E, Kolmos A., red.: Management of change: Implementation of problem-based and project-based
learning in engineering. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2007.

2. Project management core textbook, second edition, Indian Edition , by Gopalan.

3. The Art of Agile Development. By James Shore & Shane Warden.

Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, learner will be able to–

CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view

CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one

CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective

CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges

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CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified

CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems



2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

Software Engineer, Software Developer, IT Engineer

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CS3219::Machine Learning
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics and Statistics
Course Objectives:
1. To imbibe the concepts, techniques and building blocks of machine learning.
2. To understand mathematics for implementing machine learning algorithms.
3. To learn the supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.
4. To introduce use of computational learning theory
5. To apply feature reduction on real life problems.
6. To build Machine Learning models and implement in real life scenario for different applications.

Credits:.5....... Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2.Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Machine Learning (ML) is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in tech
and with good reason. The last few years have seen several techniques that have previously been
in the realm of science fiction slowly transformed into reality. The importance of ML has been
increasing as a growing number of companies are using these technologies to improve their
products and services, evaluate their business models, and enhance their decision-making


Introduction of Machine Learning: What is Machine Learning, Types of Learning:

Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement. Learning System, Well posed learning problem,
Designing a learning system, Issues in machine learning. Hypothesis Space, Hypothesis
functions, Hypothesis Evaluation, Bias, Variance, Underfitting, Overfitting, Inductive bias,
Evaluation, Training, Testing, Cross-validation. : Error Analysis, Error Metrics, Precision
and recall.
Supervised Learning:
Regression: Linear regression with one variable, Cost function, Target Function, Gradient
Descent, Gradient Descent For Linear Regression, Linear Regression with Multiple
Variables, Multiple Features, Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables, Features and
Polynomial Regression, Normal Equation, Normal Equation Noninvertibility.

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Decision Tree Learning: Representation, Basic decision tree learning algorithm, Issues in
decision tree learning
Logistic Regression: Problem of Overfitting, Logistic Regression, Classification, Hypothesis
Representation, Decision Boundary, Cost Function, Simplified Cost Function and Gradient
Descent, Advanced Optimization, Multiclass Classification, Problem of Overfitting,
Regularized Linear Regression, Regularized Logistic Regression.

Instance based learning: Instance based learning, KNN: k-nearest neighbor learning.
Feature Selection, Feature Extraction, Feature reduction, Dimensionality Reduction,
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Collaborative filtering based recommendation,

Bayesian Learning : Probability, Bayesian Learning: Bayes theorem, Maximum likelihood

hypothesis, minimum description length principle, Gibbs algorithm, Bayesian belief

Support Vector machine (SVM): Optimization Objective, Large Margin Intuition,

Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification, Kernel functions, Linear SVM, Nonlinear
SVM. Genetic algorithm


Topics and Contents

Neural network for supervised and unsupervised learning: Perceptron, Single layer and
multilayer perceptrons, Multilayer network, Cost Function, Backpropagation algorithm,
Backpropagation Intuition, Unrolling Parameters, Gradient Checking, Artificial Neural
Network: Activation Functions, Learning Rules, Mc-Culloch-pitts Neuron model, Heb net,
Introduction to deep neural network

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering: K-means algorithm, Nearest Neighbor Learning,

Locally weighted regression, adaptive hierarchical clustering, Gaussian mixture model,
Collaborative Filtering, Applications and future scope. Gaussian Process Time series
forecasting: encoder-decoder approach as in Deep AR, Correlated time series: High-
dimensional multivariate forecasting with low-rank Gaussian Copula Processes, Uncertainty
Estimation and out of distribution detection

Computational Learning theory: PAC learning model, Sample complexity for finite
hypothesis spaces, Sample complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, Mistake bound model of
learning, VC Dimension, Ensemble learning, Adaboost algorithm, Analytical learning,

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combined Inductive and analytical learning, Reinforcement Learning. Genetic Algorithm,

Learning set of rules.

Scalable Machine Learning: Scalable learning techniques, such as streaming machine

learning techniques; parallel infrastructures such as map-reduce; practical techniques for
reducing the memory requirements for learning methods, such as feature hashing and Bloom
filters; and techniques for analysis of programs in terms of memory, disk usage, and (for
parallel methods) communication complexity.

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1 Examples on Distance Metrics

2 Examples on Linear regression with one variable

3 Examples on Linear regression with multiple variables

4 Examples on Decision Tree Algorithm

5 Examples on Logistic Regression

6 Examples on K-NN Algorithm

7 Examples on PCA Algorithm

8 Examples on SVM Algorithm

9 Examples on backpropagation Algorithm

10 Examples on K-means Algorithm

11 Examples on VC Algorithm

12 Examples on Computational Learning Algorithm

13 Examples on Genetic Algorithm

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1. Assignment on distance metrics in machine learning

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Minkowski Distance
Manhattan Distance
Euclidean Distance
Chebychev Distance
Cosine Distance
Mahalanobis Distance
2. Assignment on Linear Regression:
The following table shows the results of a recently conducted study on the correlation of the
number of hours spent driving with the risk of developing acute backache. Find the equation
of the best fit line for this data

3.Assignment on Decision Tree Classifier:

A dataset collected in a cosmetics shop showing details of customers and whether or not they
responded to a special offer to buy a new lip-stick is shown in table below. Use this dataset to
build a decision tree, with Buys as the target variable, to help in buying lip-sticks in the
future. Find the root node of decision tree. According to the decision tree you have made
from previous training data set, what is the decision for the test data: [Age < 21, Income =
Low, Gender = Female, Marital Status = Married]?

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4. Assignment on k-NN Classification:

In the following diagram let blue circles indicate positive examples and orange squares
indicate negative examples. We want to use k-NN algorithm for classifying the points. If k=3,
find the class of the point (6,6). Extend the same example for Distance-Weighted k-NN and
Locally weighted Averaging

5. Assignment on Naive Bayes Classifier

Using following dataset answer the following question

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Using Naïve Bayes classifier what will be the class when a new species holds following
feature values:

6. Assignment on Linear SVM

Calculate the optimal hyper plane and margin for small dataset shown in following
diagram. Positively labeled data points are

and negatively labeled data points are

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7. Assignment on Non-Linear SVM

Calculate the optimal hyper plane and margin for small dataset shown in following
diagram. Positively labeled data points are

and negatively labeled data points are

8. Assignment on Backpropagation algorithm:

Use a neural network with two inputs, two hidden neurons, two output neurons. Additionally,
the hidden and output neurons will include a bias

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In order to have some numbers to work with, here are the initial weights, the biases, and
training inputs/outputs:

The goal of backpropagation is to optimize the weights so that the neural network can learn
how to correctly map arbitrary inputs to outputs.

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9. Assignment on K-Means Clustering:

We have given a collection of 8 points. P1=[0.1,0.6] P2=[0.15,0.71] P3=[0.08,0.9] P4=[0.16,
0.85] P5=[0.2,0.3] P6=[0.25,0.5] P7=[0.24,0.1] P8=[0.3,0.2]. Perform the k-mean clustering
with initial centroids as m1=P1 =Cluster#1=C1 and m2=P8=cluster#2=C2. Answer the
1] Which cluster does P6 belongs to?
2] What is the population of cluster around m2?
3] What is updated value of m1 and m2?

10. Assignment on Ensemble Learning

Given a set of 4 points (x1,-), (x2,-), (x3,+) and (x4,+), Adaboost algorithm is used to train a
weak classifier on this data. In the first iteration, the weak classifier wrongly classifies x3 and
correctly classifies the other three points. In the second iteration it wrongly classifies x1 and
correctly classifies the other points. Assuming uniform initial weight distribution (D1) over
the data points, what is the weight distribution for the 3rd iteration (D3).

List of Course Projects: USE the UCI ML or KDD Repository or any other dataset

1 Stock Market Price Prediction

2 Housing Prices Prediction
3 Sign Text Identification
4 Iris Flowers Classification
5 Fake News Detection
6 Product Delivery Drones
7 Smart City Water / Light Management System
8 Human Tracking System
9 Automatic Interview Conduction System
10 Student Information Chatbot Project.
11 Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating.
12 Customer Targeted E-Commerce
13 MNIST Digit Classification
14 Bit coin Price Predictor
15 Credit Card Fraud Detection
16 Customer Segmentation

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Streaming Machine Learning Techniques

2. Error Analysis In Machine Learning
3. Parallel Infrastructures Such As Map-Reduce For ML
4. Ensemble Learning
5. Backpropagation Algorithm.
6. Practical Techniques For Reducing The Memory Requirements: Feature Hashing
7. Support Vector Machine
8. Practical Techniques For Reducing The Memory Requirements: Bloom Filters
9. Genetic Algorithm
10. Regression Analysis
11. K Means Algorithm
12. Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
13. Bayesian Learning, Bayes Theorem And Naïve Bayes Theorem.
14. Hidden Markov Model,
15. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
16. Recommender Systems

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1 Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence

2 Machine Learning And Data Science
3 Machine Learning Applications
4 Machine Learning Future
5 Machine Learning After 10 Years / 2030
6 Supervised Learning Techniques And Unsupervised Learning Techniques
7 Reinforcement Learning
8 Recommender Systems
9 Will Automation And ML Reduce Or Increase Jobs.
10 Cashless Economy Using ML
11 ML In Covid-19 Situations

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List of Home Assignments:


1. Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

2. Detection Based Project For Social Cause
3. Classification Based Project For Social Cause
4. Clustering Based Project For Social Cause
5. Optimization Based Project For Social Cause
6. Recommender Systems Based Project For Social Cause
7. Identification Based Project For Social Cause
8. Machine Learning-Based Student’s Native Place Identification For Real-Time

Case Study:

1. How Auto industry Is Preparing For The 4th Industrial Revolution using ML
2. How Indian Retail Giant Is Using ML to Prepare For The 4th Industrial Revolution
3. Rolls-Royce And Google Partner To Create Smarter, Autonomous Ships Based On ML
4. The Amazing Ways Tesla Is Using Machine Learning And Big Data
5. The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Machine Learning To Transform Farming


1. Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis

2. Machine Learning for Character Recognition
3. Machine Learning for Heart Disease Detection
4. Machine Learning for Chatbot Development
5. Machine Learning for Agriculture
6. Machine Learning for Medical Field


1. Adaption of Machine Learning ML AI in 2020

2. Machine Learning in Industry
3. Machine Learning in Digital Marketing
4. Machine Learning in Military
5. Machine Learning after Covid-19

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree

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assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. T. Mitchell, “ Machine Learning”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Anup Kumar Srivastava, Soft Computing, Alpha Science International limited. 2009.

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ethem Alpaydin, "Introduction to Machine Learning", MIT press, 2004.
2. Jacek M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial neural System”, JAICO publishing house,2002,.

Moocs Links and additional reading material:



Course Outcomes:

1. Formulate a given problem for the given application using machine learning basic building
2. Carryout mathematical analysis of given problem based on learning approach(2)
3. Select appropriate of learning algorithms for sustainable solutions of applications (3)
4. Build a machine learning model for the application (4)
5. Evaluate machine learning modes algorithms(5)
6. Provide scalable machine learning solution(5)



2 2 3 3 1 3

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CO attainment levels

Attainment Levels: 1, 2, 3,4,5,5

Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Soft Computing, Deep Learning

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

ML Scientist, ML Designer, ML Architectural Design, ML Developer, ML Data Analyst,

ML AI Developer

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
Course Prerequisites: Computer Networks

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Course Objectives:
1. To discover the programming bugs that will be malicious code, they also must be able to explain
various attacks and resolve the bugs to mitigate the treats.
2. To interpret various cryptographic techniques to secure the systems developed.
3. To build and explain various authentication and authorization methods with the access control
4. To articulate the use of various standard security protocols for the layered architecture.
5. To state the urgent need for cyber security in critical computer systems, networks, and World Wide
Web, and explain various threat scenarios
6. To identify cyber threats and appropriate solutions to critical infrastructures

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance: Cyber Security study teach you how to protect computer operating
systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks. It covers how to monitor systems and mitigate
threats when they happen. This is an oversimplification of IT security degrees curricula. The
overall goal is to help you develop the computing skills needed to prevent attacks and protect
people’s data and privacy.


Topics and Contents

Introduction to Security : Key security properties - Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability. Risk
Management, Understanding Governance- Policies, Framework, Laws, Regulations, Guidelines
and Compliance, Risk based Management

Private key cryptography: Mathematical background for cryptography: modulo arithmetic,
GCD (Euclids algorithm), algebraic structures (Groups, Rings, Fields, Polynomial Field). Role
of random numbers & nonce in security, Importance of prime numbers
Data Encryption Standard: Block cipher, Stream cipher, Feistel structure, round function,
block cipher modes of operation, S-DES, Attacks on DES, S-AES, AES.
Public key cryptography: RSA: RSA algorithm, Key generation in RSA, attacks on RSA.
Diffie-Hellman key exchange: Algorithm, Key exchange protocol, Attack. Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC): Elliptic Curve over real numbers, Elliptic Curve over Zp, Elliptic Curve
arithmetic. Diffie-Hellman key exchange using ECC. Chinese remainder theorem.

Data Integrity: Certificates, Introduction to Hashing, Properties of Hash function, HASH +

SALT, hashing algorithms (MD5, SHA1, SHA2), Digital Signature, PKI.
Wireless Security: Modes and Protocols for wireless communication, WEP, WPA 2, Hacking

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Wireless signals, Satellite communication, GSM communication

Fundamentals of Pen-testing: Web, IoT, Mobile.
Authentication and Authorization: Network Access Control: Network Access Control,
Extensible Authentication Protocol, IEEE 802.1X Port-Based Network Access Control, SHA-
512, Kerberos, X.509 authentication service, Multifactor authentication
IP Security, Session Management, Web Security, Database Security, File Security, Mobile
Transport-Level Security: Web Security Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer, Transport
Layer Security, HTTPS standard, Secure Shell (SSH) application, IPsec and VPN Tunnelling
and Proxies
Email security: PGP and SMIME


Topics and Contents

Introduction to Security Attacks and Hacking: Introduction to Security: Vulnerabilities,

Threats, Threat Modeling, Risk, attack and attack types, countermeasures - Avoiding attacks,
Security services. Protocol Vulnerabilities: DoS and DDoS, session hijacking, ARP spoofing,
Pharming attack, Dictionary Attacks. Software vulnerabilities: Phishing, buffer overflow, Cross-
site scripting attack, Virus and Worm Features, Trojan horse, Social engineering attacks,
ransomware, SYN-Flooding, SQL- injection, DNS poisoning, Sniffing, Introduction to Ethical
Hacking, Anonymity, Information Gathering, Scanning Networks, Vulnerability Analysis,
Operating System Hacking, Hacking Wireless Networks,
Cloud Hacking, IoT Hacking, OWASP Top 10 and MS STRIDE frameworks for threat
assessment, Introduction to SDL (Secure Development Lifecycle) – Merging Security into
SDLC, Secure App development (fundamental measures, API integration, etc topics), SIEM
(Security Incident and Event Management) & SOAR (Security Operations and Response)
Secure Engineering – Security Assessment and Testing, Vulnerability Assessment and
Penetration Testing (VAPT), SANS 25, PSIRT, CVE, MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Introduction to Digital Forensics, Data Recovery and OS Forensics, Email Crimes and
Cyber Forensics: Cyber Attack, Cyber Reconnaissance, Crimes in Cyber Space-Global Trends
& classification, e-commerce security, Computer forensics, facebook forensic, mobile forensic,
cyber forensic, digital forensic,
IoT Security: Definitions of OT, IoT, IIoT, & ICS), Convergence of OT/IoT and IT domains.
Functional difference between security measures for IT and OT/IoT, Introduction to most widely
used protocols in IoT environment - MQTT and CoAP, KNX, BACnet, BLE, LoRa, ZigBee,
SNMP , Embedded/ Hardware device security, Attack vectors and attack surfaces for IoT
devices, Layered and Dynamic security measures for IoT Industrial Ecosystem, Introduction to

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IoT security Standards and its importance, Side Channel Attacks

Fundamentals of Cloud Security: AWS, GCP, and Azure security fundamentals, Secure
integration of cloud with IT and IoT systems
Cyber Physical System Attacks and Social Engineering

List of Tutorials:
1. Study of Snort
2. Nessus: a Security Vulnerability scanning tool
3. OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP).
4. Source Code Analysis Tools
5. Metasploit/Ollydbg
6. Testing SSL
7. Testing for Brute Force Password
8. Testing for SQL Injection

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1) Acquisition of System Information/ RAM/Volume Shadow Copy/Detecting Encryption in
2) Forensic of Disc Image/ Registry/ Meta data/ RAM
3) Simplified DES implementation
4) Simplified AES implementation
5) Encryption and Decryption by RSA algorithm
6) Implementation of ECC over Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Protocol
7) Implementation of authentication algorithms
8) Digital forensic of images
9) Forensics of Video alteration
10) Vulnerabilities finding in Mobile/ computer/ digital devices

List of Projects:
1. Design a System to develop a analyzer which will differentiate between different vulnerability
and packets entered using it. This system will detect the intrusions coming through the
2. Securing Video Conferencing App for online meetings
3. Steganography for Image/Video/Files
4. Secure Image display on online social media.
5. Secure transfer of government subsidies to farmers/BPL people/ students etc
6. Authentication of users for various applications for integrity, availability, confidentiality.
7. Implementing a system for detecting the modification of videos/images on social media

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8. Secure App for online exams detecting Keystroke and camera movements.
9. A system to detect the difference between the voice edited in the audio/video
10. A System to check the vulnerabilities in the websites.

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Blcokchain architecture and its implementation
2. Cloud Security
3. Mobile Security
4. IoT and Security Issues/ Security Models for IoT
5. Darkweb
6. Docker Security
7. Access control methods for online social media and various organizations
8. Security of Android Vs IOS
9. Machine learning and SCADA Security
10. Security Applications for Smart Cities

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Security Issues in Android and IOS devices
2. Industry 4.0 and security
3. Blockchain and E-voting system
4. Security of Aadhar Card and other digital cards
5. Automated Home Appliances and Security
6. Programming Bugs and Malicious code in information security
7. Indian Cyber laws and Deficiencies
8. Social Media and Cyber Security
9. Child abuse on online social media and security
10. Need of cyber crime and security in school education.

List of Home Assignments:

1. Design a secure system using cryptography techniques for security of multimedia files.
2. Design a secure system using steganography for hiding data files in image/video
3. Design a system for educational institutes using authentication and authorization techniques,
also give details about the access control policies that must be implemented for the design of
system by various places.
4. Design a secure system using SSL/TLS/IPSec for the various organizations
5. Design a system for the analysis of cyber crime using various cyber forensic techniques and
compare each technique with respect to integrity, confidentiality, availability
Case Study:
1. How to improve the security of social media? Write a detail case study
2. Find out the vulnerability issues in educational institutes websites/online systems and give

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solutions to these problem. Perform a detailed case study of the various issues.
3. Write a detail case study about the banking security flows and solutions to these flows.
4. Give a detail case study of the antivirus system giving the flows and solutions to it.
5. Perform the detail case study of various operating systems used for mobile devices and give a
secure solution to one for widely used OS.
1. Dark Web
2. Crypto currency and Economy
3. Cyber crime and solutions
4. Authentication and Access control for social media
5. Cyber forensic and Cyber laws
1. Survey on various blockchain related issues/ cryptocurrency/ application systems developed
using blockchain
2. Survey on various authentication and access control methods for different applications
3. Steganography and Biometric Systems for authentication
4. Survey of various attacks and its effect on Indian economy and its analysis
5. Problems over Integer Lattices: A Study
Suggest an assessment Scheme:
Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

MSE: 10% + ESE: 10% + Seminar: 15% Group Discussion: 15% + Home Assignments: 10%
+ Course Project: 10% + Lab evaluation: 10% + CVV: 20%

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. William Stallings; “Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and Practices” 6th Edition , Pearson
Education, 2014, ISBN13:9780133354690.
2. Bernard Menezes, “Network Security and Cryptography”, 1st Edition, Cengage Learning, 2010, ISBN 81-
3. Raef Meeuwisse, “Cybersecurity for Beginners”, 2nd Edition, Cyber Simplicity, 2017, ISBN-

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. M. Speciner, R. Perlman, C. Kaufman, “Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World”,

Prentice Hall, 2002
2. Michael Gregg, “The Network Security Test Lab: A Step-By-Step Guide”, Dreamtech Press, 2015, ISBN-
10:8126558148, ISBN-13: 978-8126558148.
3. Matt Bishop, “Computer Security: Art and Science”, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2002, ISBN

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4. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Spencer, “Network security, private communication in a public
world”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN 9780130460196.
5. V.K. Pachghare, “Cryptography and Information Security”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2015, ISBN-978-81-203-

Moocs Links and additional reading material:www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:
1) Analyze cryptographic techniques using a mathematical approach by examining
nature of attack.
2)Identify and establish different attacks on the system
3) Justify various methods of authentication and access control for application of
technologies to various sections of industry and society.
4) Design a secure system for protection from the various attacks for 7 layer model
by determining the need of security from various departments of an organization
5) Estimate future needs of security for a system by researching current environment
on a continuous basis for the benefit of society.
6) Analyze various types of cyber crime by detecting the crime

Programme Outcomes Program Specific Outcome

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

Future Courses Mapping:

Blockchain Technologies
Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
Cloud and Data Security

Job Mapping:
Security Engineer/Network Security Engineer

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Information Security Analyst

Cyber Security Analyst
Cyber Security Associate
Manager-Information Security Secvices
Security Consultant
Penetration Testing Engineer

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus of

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Final Year B. Tech.

(Computer Engineering)

Pattern “D21”

Effective from Academic Year 2021-22

Prepared by: - Board of Studies in Computer Engineering

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Module VII Courses

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS4217:: Human-Computer Interaction

Course Prerequisites: NA

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Course Objectives:
1. To categorize IT applications based on measurable human factors,
2. To study the user community through user survey and/or field visit,
3. To design user-friendly user interfaces with due consideration of interface theory and principles,
4. To apply usability evaluation methods to identify the usability issues with IT applications,
5. To understand the kind of documentation required for IT applications,
6. To integrate web and mobile app design approaches as per user requirements

Credits: 02 Teaching Scheme Theory: 02 Hours/Week

Course Relevance: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multi-disciplinary socio-

technical course, with a goal of bringing the power of computers and communication systems to
users, customers or people. It aims to make all computing and communications systems more
accessible, maintainable and useful in working, learning and recreational life of their users. It
helps every computing, web or mobile application to become really user-centered, increasing its
users as well as related sales.


Topics and Contents:

Fundamentals of Human Computer Interaction (HCI): Definition of HCI, Interdisciplinary

Nature, Related Disciplines, Usability, Types of Usability, User Interface (UI), Measurable
Human Factors, Accessibility, Differently-abled Users, Accessibility Guidelines.

Interaction Concepts and Models: User Persona, User Categorization, Golden Rules of
Interface Design, Miller’s Principle, Task Analysis - GOMS, Contextual Inquiry, Work
Models, Interaction Styles, Empathy Maps.

Design Process: Design Concept, Three Pillars of Design, Process of Design, Ethnographic
Observations, Participatory Design, Internationalization, Interaction Design Patterns.


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Topics and Contents:

Usability Evaluation: Expert-based Evaluation, User-based Evaluation, Formative

Evaluation, Summative Evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation, Cognitive Walkthrough, Semiotic
Analysis, Icon Categorization, User Surveys, Interviews, Usability Testing.

Documentation and Groupware: Classification of Documents, Reading from Displays,

Online Help, Tutorials, Error / Warning Messages, Groupware, Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW), Dimensions of Cooperation, Asynchronous Interactions,
Synchronous Interactions, Challenges with Online Communications.

Website and Mobile App Design: Content Design, Interaction and Navigation Design,
Presentation Design, Differences in design approaches, Design and Evaluation Tools.

List of Home Assignments:

1. Social Network for Spiritual Users
2. App for Alzheimer’s disease
3. Health Tracking App
4. Ration Card Management App
5. Innovative e-Commerce Platform
Case Studies:
1. Chatbot in healthcare domain
2. Best food ordering app in India
3. Online teaching-learning process
4. Use of Twitter with Indian Users
5. User experience with car booking in India
1. Noise of Notifications
2. Challenges in Food Delivery Service
3. Need for Accessibility Guidelines
4. Usability of Autonomous Vehicles
5. Failure of Usability Testing
1. User experience with video-conferencing apps
2. User errors on Social Networking Sites (SNS)
3. Challenges for hearing impaired users with IT applications
4. Most popular Indian mobile apps (Made in/by India)

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5. Impact of ban on Chinese apps in India

Suggest an Assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.

Home Assignments, MSE, ESE

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ben Shneiderman, “Designing the User Interface”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 81-7808-262-4.

2. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, Russell Beale, “Human-Computer Interaction”, Third Edition,
Pearson Education, ISBN 81- 297-0409-9.

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Donald Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things”, 2002 Edition, Basic Books, ISBN 100-465-06710-7.

2. Wilbert Galitz, “The Essential Guide to User Interface Design”, Second Edition, Wiley-Dreamtech India (P)
Ltd., ISBN 81-265-0280-0.

3. John Carroll, “Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium”, Pearson Education, ISBN 81-7808-

Moocs Links and additional Reading Material:




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Course Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to appreciate the differences among IT applications and their categories based
on measurable human factors.

2. Students will be able to study the user community through user survey and/or field visit.

3. Students will be able to design user-friendly user interfaces as per user requirements and UI design

4. Students will be able to apply a suitable usability evaluation method to identify the usability issues.

5. Students will be able to understand the kind of documentation required for IT applications.

6. Students will be able to enhance UI designs as per desired web or mobile app design approach.

CO PO Map:


PO3 PO4 PO8 PO10 PO11 PSO4
3 3 2 2 1 3

CO Attainment Levels:

CO1 ----------3

CO2 -----------3

CO3 -----------2

CO4 -----------2

CO5 ------------1

CO6 -------------3

Future Courses Mapping:

User Interface Design,

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Usable Security,

Intelligent User Interfaces

Job Mapping:

UI Designer, Product Designer, Software Engineer, Mobile App Developer and other jobs

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template

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CS4219::Internet of Things
Course Prerequisites: Microprocessor Hardware, Microcontroller

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the terminology, technology and its applications of IoT
2. To analyze Embedded suite widely used in IoT.
3 .To describe the concept of M2M with necessary protocols
4. To understand the cloud storage for IoT applications.
5. To optimize resources for different IoT applications
6. To understand Real world IoT Design constraint.

Credits: 02 Teaching Scheme Theory: 02 Hours/Week

Course Relevance:
IoT is regarded as the significant frontier that can improve almost all activities in our lives. Most
of the devices, which have not previously been connected to the internet, can be networked and
respond the same way as smart devices. Internet of Things and related technologies improve the
convenience, comforts and security of our homes and be more efficient and cost effective in the
way we consume services such as energy. IOT will help track and monitor a huge range of our
own physiological functions.


Introduction and Application to Internet of Things: Need of IoT, Towards the IoT, Strategic
Research and Innovation Directions, Future Internet Technologies, IoT Smart X Application:
Smart Cities, Smart Energy &amp; Smart Grid, Smart Mobility &amp; transport, Smart Home,
Smart Building &amp; Infrastructure, Smart Factory &amp; Manufacturing, Smart Health,
Smart Logistics &amp; Retails.

Embedded Suite for IoT: Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Understanding the Arduino
and Raspberry Pi board and its Components, recognizing the Input/output, GPIO connectivity.


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Protocol Standardization for IoT, Machine to machine (M2M) and WSN Protocols, Basics of

RFID, RFID Protocols , Issues with IoT Standardization, Protocols- IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee,
IPv6 technologies for IOT


IoT Networking: Star, Mesh, Tree, and Overview of networking Protocols: TCP/IP, 6LowPan,
IoT Devices Application Level Protocol Service parameter in MQTT,

IoT: PRIVACY, SECURITY &amp; GOVERNANCE: Overview of Governance, Privacy and

Security Issues, Contribution from FP7 Projects, Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT Platforms for
Smart Cities, First Steps towards a Secure Platform, Smart Approach. Data Aggregation for the
IoT in Smart Cities

Cloud Analytics for IoT Application:

Introduction to cloud computing, Difference between Cloud Computing and Fog Computing:
The Next Evolution of Cloud Computing, Role of Cloud Computing in IoT, Connecting IoT to
cloud, Cloud Storage for IoT Challenge in integration of IoT with Cloud

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List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

1)Introduction to the Internet of Things

2)How IoT works

3) Features of Internet of Things.

4)IoT Applications

5)Advantages of Internet of Things

6)Representative applications of IoT

7)Architectures for the IoT

8) Layered Architectures for the IoT

9)Relevant MAS concepts and techniques

10)Limitations of MAS concepts and techniques and directions for further research

List of Practical’s: (Any Six)

1) LED Blinky
2) Switch
3) ADC
4) PIR, Ultrasonic sensor,IR Sensor, Flame Sensor interface with Microcontroller
5) MQ6 Sensor, Humidity sensor, Raindrop Sensor interface
6) Communication over Wifi through Node MCU
7) Voice Controlled Iot application
8) Serial Communication
9) PWM
10) Bluetooth Controlled application(Interfacing Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
11) Control through Android APP
12) RFID Interface
13)Use IOT Comm Protocol ( MQTT)

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List of Projects:

1.IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring Using Arduino Uno

2.IoT Weather Reporting system using Raspberry pi.

3.IoT Connected Healthcare Applications.

4.IoT Based Intelligent Traffic Management System

5.IoT Based Smart Parking System Using RFID

6.Smart Irrigation System Using IoT.

7. Waste and water management using IoT

8. Smart Healthcare Solution using IoT

9. Automatic Herbicides Sprayers

10. Fish Feeder

11. Green Corridor

12. Trusted high-quality elderly care

13. Gesture controlled Iot Application

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1.Authentication of Edge-Device in AWS IoT

2.How to Build a Complete IoT Solution with AWS- An Use Case Approach.

3.Exploring IoT Through a Use Case

4.Security Technologies behind SSL

5.A Look at the AWS IoT Ecosystem

6.Wireless Protocols for Internet of Things

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7.Sensor Characteristics.

8.Manufacturing Intelligence

9.IoT in the Manufacturing industry

10.IoT and Machine Learning

11. IoT Communication Protocol selection based on application

12. Security and Privacy issue in internet of things

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Role of Internet of Things in development of India .

2. Manufacturing industries should make efforts to limit contribution to IoT.

3. Should countries put a ban on IoT for children?

4. Should IoT pay more attention to security rather than just expanding its horizon to the

5. IoT is the next big thing in technology.

6. IoT poses a huge risk to privacy, if they your system is hacked.

7. IoT is the next big thing for hackers trying to have access to your intimate data.

8. Pros and cons of over-usage of IoT at homes and offices.

9. IoT at battlefields will make life of soldiers safer and easier.

10. IoT will make way for robots to rule over humans one day.

11. IoT devices are making people lazier and obese.

12. IoT needs to be regulated before it goes out of limits and poses serious threat.

13. MQTT vs COAP protocol for IoT applications

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List of Home Assignments:


1.IoT Based Smart Waste Management System for Smart City

2.IoT Based Smart Street Light

3.IoT Based Smart Grid System

4. IoT based Water Quality Management system using Arduino

5. IoT Smart Home automation using Node MC

Case Study:

1.IOT Real Time DashBoard

2.IOT and Block chain

3.IOT Sensor Gateway

4.IOT Operational Analytics

5.Autonomous trucks reduce driver fatigue and improve road safety.

6. Industrial Internet of Things

7. Iot Enabled Next Generation Farming

8. The Tesla IoT Car

9. Role of IoT in Supply chain management

10. Ecosystem for Logistics Industry with IoT


1.Monitoring environmental conditions to improve safety and prevent environmental accidents

2.Today's hard hats and safety goggles could be tomorrow's sensored vests and work sites. Can
an IoT enabled ecosystem prevent accidents from happening in the frst place

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3.How can machines tell us when they are about to break down?Using connected technologies to
predict maintenance saves clients . time and money

4.Automation benefit from IoT

5.Farmers used to rely on clouds for rain. Today’s digital cloud helps maximize crop yield,
optimize seeding, automate harvesting, and more.

6. Security and Privacy issues for Iot application

7. Suitability of MQTT protocols for IoT application

8. Interoperability issues in IoT

9.Toward Industry 4.0 With IoT

10. Iot Applications in Logistics and Supply chain managements

11. Data management for IoT applications.


1.The future of IOT Connectivity

2. IoT applications value creation for industry

3.IoT involvement in Software development, selling software for IoT products

4.IOT Platform

5.The internet of things (IoT) represents the Fourth Industrial Revolution

6. Cloud support for Iot Application

7. Interdependencies of BIG data and IoT

8. Iot enabled Smart manufacturing

9. Role of Internet of Things for Electric Vehicle

10. Secure Vehicular Area Network

11. Security attacks on IoT Devices

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12. IoT vs. Industrial IoT: What’s the difference?

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

As per Institute directives.

Mid Sem Exam, End Sem Exam, Home Assignment, Course Project,Group Discussion


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Sta matis Karnouskos,David Boyle, “From
Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence”, 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014.
to the Internet of Things:

2. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything”, 1st
Edition, Apress Publications, 2013

3. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Stamatis Karnouskos, David Boyle, “From
Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence”, 1 st Edition, Academic
Press, 2014. (ISBN-13: 978-0124076846)

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Marco Schwartz, “Internet of Things with the Arduino Yun”, Packt Publishing, 2014

2. Daniel Minoli John Wiley & Sons ,,Building the internet of things with ipv6 and mipv6,

The Evolving World of M2M Communications, ISBN: 978-1-118-47347-4

3. Cassimally, Hakim, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley Publications, ISBN 10:


3. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything”, 1 st
Edition, Apress Publications, 2013. (ISBN-13: 978- 1430257400)

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Moocs Links an additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to

1. Realize the revolution of Internet in Mobile Devices, Cloud & Sensor Networks

2. Understand building blocks of Internet of Things and characteristics of Sensors and

Communication Devices

3. Implement state of the art architecture in IoT

4. Demonstrate the application of IoT in Industrial Automation and identify Real World Design

5. Compare and Contrast the use of Devices, Gateways and Data Management in IoT

6. Implement Security protocols to prevent internal and External damage.




CO attainment levels

PO3 --3, PO5 ---3, PO7 –2, PO9 ---2, PO10---1, PSO3---3

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Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

1) All sectors of business from agriculture, transportation, health, manufacturing, resources,

mining and retail to service sector are set to benefit from or at least be impacted by IoT.
2) IOT will offer Local governments a great opportunity to provide a range of services
that will not only improve the quality of life of its citizens but also improve the efficiency
and profitability of state services.

FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS4222 :: Image Processing

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Course Prerequisites: Digital Signal Processing

Course Objectives:
1. To describe different color models and image processing techniques
2. To analyze image condition and deduce enhancement algorithms
3. To understand Segment the image to identify the region of interest.
4. To develop an algorithm to recognize the specified objects in the given image.
5. To learn different compression techniques

Credits: 02 Teaching Scheme Theory: 02 Hours/Week

Course Relevance: Vision sense is the most powerful human sense organ. In the world
where intelligent automation is taking place, image processing is a vital domain for
research and development. In Industry 4.0, image processing systems built around
industrial cameras are an essential component in automated production. Throughout all
steps of production, from the inspection of raw materials and production monitoring (i.e.
flaw detection) to final inspections and quality assurance, they are an indispensable part of
achieving high efficiency and quality standards. In the Entertainment Industry, latest trends
such as 4K video streaming requires high quality compression that can provide limited/no
loss image quality with high fps. In social networking, sharing images has been a vital
part. Creating innovative effects and overall manipulating the images will be explored.


Topics and Contents

Introduction: Elements of image processing system, Scenes and Images, Vector Algebra,
Human Visual System, color vision color model: RGB, HVS, YUV, CMYK, YCbCr and
some basic relationships between pixels, linear and nonlinear operations, Image sampling and
Image Enhancements: Memory-less operations, Spatial domain image enhancements:
Denoising filters, Smoothing Operation, Sharpening Operation, and Contrast stretching
/enhancement, histogram and histogram equalization.
Image segmentation: Classification of image segmentation techniques: Edge-based
Segmentation, Region based techniques. Binarization: Global Thresholding, Adaptive
thresholding. Types of Edge detector: derivative filters, Sobel, Canny. Edge linking. Feature

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Topics and Contents

Morphological Operation: Binary Morphology, Erosion Dilation, Opening and Closing.

Feature Extraction and Object Recognition: Feature points and feature detection (Line,
circle and corner). Line detection: RANSAC, Hough Transform. Corner detection: Harris
Corner Detector. Feature descriptors, Descriptor matching. SIFT, Boundary representation
(Chain code), Boundary detection based techniques.

Image compression: Introduction and need, Coding redundancy, classification of

compression techniques (Lossy and lossless- JPEG, Run Length Coding, Huffman Coding,
Shannon fano coding).

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Challenges in Automated Video Surveillance

2. Tumor detection in MRI images
3. Eye gaze tracking for HMI: Pros, cons and implementation
4. Roll of image processing in Industry 4.0
5. Parallelism for performance enhancement in image processing
6. Vision based ADAS
7. Computational photography
8. Computational microscopy
9. Automatic navigation using Visual SLAM
10. Animoji

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Lines Vs. Corners as features

2. Hough Transform for line detection Vs. RANSAC

3. Fourier domain denoising Vs. Spetial domain denoising

4. Kernel size Vs. Speed of operation

5. Histogram equalization Vs. Gamma correction

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6. OTSU Vs Adaptive thresholding

7. Compression techniques

8. Color models


10. Roll of image processing in security

List of Home Assignments:


1. Design an algorithm to identify fault in a “PCB inspection system” as shown below

2. Design an algorithm to perform segmentation of the image below to extract the mango from its

3. Design an algorithm to get from image 1 to image 2

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4. Design an algorithm to recognize character “0” in the image below

5. Design an algorithm to compress a 300x300 pixel image with horizontal black to white
gradient as shown below

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Case Study:

1. Cam-scanner: Document scanning app

2. Tesseract OCR library
3. Instagram filters
4. OpenCV
5. Google Street View


1. Image processing on Embedded platforms

2. Face recognition system security analysis for authentication
3. Image processing in MSME for effective automation
4. H.264 codec for image streaming
5. Role of mathematics in image processing


1. Image quality metrics

2. Vision based self driving car safety
3. Compression techniques & codecs
4. State of the art applications such as AR/ XR
5. Human recognition in social networking apps like Facebook

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Blooms Taxonomy.
1. HA - 10 Marks
2. Viva 30 Marks
3. Online MCQ-MSE Test 30 Marks
4. Online MCQ-ESE Test 10 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Rafael Gonzalez & Richard Woods, “Digital Image Processing,” 3rd Edition, Pearson publications, ISBN
2. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamental of Digital Image Processing,” 5th Edition, PHI publication, ISBN 13:

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1.Pratt, “Digital Image Processing,” Wiley Publication, 3rdEdition , ISBN 0-471- 37407-5.
2.K.R. Castleman, “Digital Image Processing,” 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3,
ISBN 0-13-211467 -4.

Moocs Links and additional reading material:

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117/105/117105135/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105032/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc19/SEM2/noc19-cs58/
4. https://www.coursera.org/learn/computer-vision-basics

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Apply various corrective geometric transforms on a distorted image. (PO2)
2. Determine and implement required image enhancement techniques using open source
technologies such as OpenCV (PO5)
3. Deploy optimized algorithms for lossless and lossy compression techniques which
ensures expected performance on a variety of hardware architectures. (PO8)
4. Contribute to an algorithmic solution for social and personal security (PO10)
5. Differentiate between various mathematical transforms and its use for a given use case

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6. Deduce a solution for a given industrial problem (PSO4)



PO2 PO5 PO8 PO10 PO12 PSO4

3 3 2 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1- 3 CO2- 4 CO3- 3 CO4- 2 CO5-1 CO6-5

Future Courses Mapping:

1. Augmented Reality
2. Multimedia Processing

Job Mapping:
1. Augmented Reality Experience Designer
2. Automation Engineer
3. Embedded Software Developer
4. Image Processing Expert

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FF No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS4201::Cloud Computing
Course Prerequisites: Operating Systems, Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. To become familiar with Cloud Computing and its ecosystem
2. To learn basics of virtualization and its importance
3. To evaluate in-depth analysis of Cloud Computing capabilities
4. To give a technical overview of Cloud Programming and Services.
5. To understand security issues in cloud computing

Credits: 2 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Course Relevance: Cloud computing to enable transformation, business development and

agility in an organization.


Topics and Contents

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Recent trends in Computing, Grid Computing, Cluster

Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Evolution of cloud computing

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud versus traditional architecture, Infrastructure as a

Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), , Public cloud,
Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud, Google Cloud architecture, The GCP
Console, Understanding projects, Billing in GCP, Install and configure Cloud SDK, Use
Cloud Shell, GCP APIs

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Introduction to IaaS, Introduction to virtualization, Different

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approaches to virtualization, Hypervisors, Machine Image, Virtual Machine(VM), Compute

options in the cloud, Exploring IaaS with Compute Engine, Configuring elastic apps with auto
scaling, Storage options in the cloud, Structured and unstructured storage in the cloud,
unstructured storage using Cloud Storage, SQL managed services, Exploring Cloud SQL,
Cloud Spanner as a managed service, NoSQL managed service options, Cloud Datastore, a
NoSQL document store, Cloud Bigtable as a NoSQL option


Topics and Contents

Platform as a Service (PaaS): Introduction to PaaS, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Cloud Platform and Management, Exploring PaaS with App Engine, Event driven programs
with Cloud Functions, Containerizing and orchestrating apps with Google Kubernetes Engine

Software as a Service (SaaS): Introduction to SaaS, Web services, Web 2.0, Web OS,

Service Management in Cloud Computing: Service Level Agreements(SLAs), Billing and

accounting, Billing in GCP

Cloud Security: Introduction to security in the cloud, the shared security model, Encryption
options, Authentication and authorization with Cloud IAM, Identify Best Practices for
Authorization using Cloud IAM.

Cloud Network : Introduction to networking in the cloud, Defining a Virtual Private Cloud,
Public and private IP address basics, Google’s network architecture, Routes and firewall rules
in the cloud, Multiple VPC networks, Building hybrid clouds using VPNs, interconnecting,
and direct peering, Different options for load balancing.

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Storage Cost Optimization On Cloud

2. Cloud Security And Cryptography

3. Infrastructure As A Code (IAC)

4. Cloud Computing In Healthcare

5. Serverless Architecture

6. Deployment Of Microservices In Kubernetes Engine

7. RPA Using AWS Cloud

8. Cloud Trends In Supporting Ubiquitous Computing

9. Mobile Cloud Computing

10. Modern Data Center Architecture

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Data Storage Security in Cloud

2. Cloud Services for SMB's

3. Monitoring Services Provided by GCP and AWS

4. Docker and Kubernetes

5. SaaS vs FaaS (Function as a service )

6. Hybrid Cloud

7. GCP Vs AWS Web Service Architecture

8. Cloud based security issues and threats

9. Authentication and identity

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10. Future of Cloud-Based Smart Devices

List of Home Assignments:


1. Serverless Web App to order taxi rides using AWS lambda.

2. Deploying App on Kubernetes

3. Serverless web Application ( GCP Cloud Functions)

4. Demonstration of EBS, Snapshot, Volumes

5. Single Node Cluster Implementation (Hadoop)

Case Study:

1. PayU Migration to AWS

2. Cloud object storage

3. Deployment and Configuration options in AWS

4. Deployment and Configuration options in Microsoft Azure

5. Deployment and Configuration options in GCP


1. Comparing design of various cloud computing platforms

2. AWS EKS and Google Cloud Functions

3. App Engine

4. Cloud Endpoints

5. Cloud Pub/Sub


1. Disaster Recovery in Cloud Computing

2. Cloud Economics

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3. Data archiving solutions

4. Salesforce

5. Dropbox

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

MSE, ESE, GD, Seminar, HA

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Judith Hurwitz, R.Bloor, M.Kanfman, F.Halper, “Cloud Computing for Dummies”, Wiley,India.

2. Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, “Cloud Security”, Wiley-India

3. Gautam Shroff. “Enterprise Cloud Computing”, Cambridge

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible”, Wiley India

2. Antohy T Velte, et.al, “Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach”, McGraw Hill.

3. Michael Miller, “Cloud Computing”, Que Publishing.

4. Tim Malhar, S.Kumaraswammy, S.Latif, “Cloud Security & Privacy”, SPD,O’REILLY

5. Scott Granneman, “Google Apps”, Pearson

Moocs Links and additional reading material:



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Course Outcomes:

1) Describe the main concepts, key technologies, strengths, and limitations of cloud
computing and the possible applications for state-of-the-art cloud computing
2) Explain the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing, including SaaS, PaaS, IaaS,
public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, etc.
3) Identify problems, and explain, analyze, and evaluate various cloud computing solutions.
4) Choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms, and approaches for the related issues.
5) Display new ideas and innovations in cloud computing.
6) Collaboratively research and write a paper on the state of the art (and open problems) in
cloud computing.



PO2 PO3 PO7 PO10 PO11 PSO4

3 3 2 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1-1 CO2-2 CO3-3 CO4-5 CO5-4 CO6-3

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Future Courses Mapping:

After completing this course different certifications courses in cloud be taken such as AWS,
Azure, Google cloud certifications. One can go for higher studies in specialization of cloud
computing and allied subjects.

Job Mapping:

Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Administrator, Solutions Architect - Cloud

Computing - AWS / Kubernetes, Cloud Computing Technical Consultant, Associate Cloud
Computing Engineer, Cloud Computing Trainer

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FF No. : 654

Syllabus Template
CS4221::Information Retrieval
Course Prerequisites: Data Structures, Basic probability and statistics

Course Objectives:
1. To study basic principles and practical algorithms used for information retrieval
2. To introduce students about insights retrieval models, retrieval feedback and applications in
web information management
3. To provide comprehensive details about various Evaluation methods.
4. To provide implementation insight about the topics covered in the course
5. To apply information retrieval in the domain of natural language processing (NLP)
6. Learn tools and techniques to do cutting-edge research in the area of information retrieval

Credits: 2 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Course Relevance: This course provides an overview of the important issues in information
retrieval, and how those issues affect the design and implementation of search engine software.
The course emphasizes the technology used in Web search engines and the information retrieval
theories and concepts that underlie all search applications. Mathematical experience including
basic probability is strongly desirable.


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Introduction: Definition, Objectives, Search and Browse Capabilities; A Formal Document

Representation, Characterization of IR Models Text operations, Pre - processing, Porter's
Stemming Algorithm, term weighting techniques, Zipf's law, Heap's law

Information Retrieval Models; Boolean Retrieval, Extended Boolean Models, Vector Space
Model, Probabilistic Model, Naïve Bayes, Text Classification, Document and Term
Clustering, Flat and Hierarchical Clustering, Matrix Decomposition, Latent Semantic
Indexing, Bayesian Model, Models for Browsing.


Query Processing and Retrieval Evaluation: Digital libraries, Morphological, Lexical

Analysis, Thesaurus Construction, Ontology. Retrieval Performance, Evaluation Measures
for Ranked and Unranked Results Query Languages, Structural Queries, Relevance
Feedback, Query Expansion

Indexing and Searching: Automatic Indexing, Inverted Files, Fast Inversion (FAST-INV)
Algorithm, Signature Files, Partitioning, Tries, Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays, PAT Tree,
Distributed Indexing, Index Compression.

Web Searching: Index Construction. Search Engines, Browsing, Met searchers,

Searching using Hyperlinks, Crawling, Link Analysis, Architectures (Agents, Buses,

Wrappers/Mediators), Page Rank Algorithm, Hilltop Algorithm

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Parallel IR

2. Distributed IR

3. A Generic Multimedia Indexing (GEMINI)

4. Automatic image annotation and retrieval

5. Audio retrieval algorithms

6. Multimedia search engine

7. Semantic search engine

8. Text summarization

9. Cross-lingual search engine

10. Search Engine Spamming

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Querying Structured and unstructured Data

2. Relevance ranking

3. Similarity of documents metric: which one to choose

4. Measures of the effectiveness of an information retrieval system

5. Similarity-based retrieval techniques

6. Link analysis techniques

7. Crawling and near-duplicate pages

8. Personalized search

9. Collaborative filtering approaches

10. XML indexing and search

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List of Home Assignments:


1. Build and evaluate a "person search engine". The search engine should automatically crawl
and build textual representations of people that can be queried against. Example queries
might include specific names (e.g., "george bush"), job descriptions (e.g., "car company
ceos"), facts about the person (e.g., "highest paid female musician"), etc.

2.Build and evaluate a search engine that adapts to implicit user feedback. This requires
developing a user interface that tracks various user behavioural signals (e.g., clicks, dwell
times, mouse movement, etc.) and uses that information to improve the quality of the ranking
function over time as more and more information becomes available.

3.Develop and evaluate an algorithm that will automatically summarize, each hour, the most
widely discussed topics on Twitter. The summary should be short (e.g., tweet-length) and
provide an adequate summary of the topic.

4.Develop and evaluate a tool that will automatically associate images with news articles.
More specifically, given the text of a news article, the task is to automatically identify a
single relevant that could be placed alongside the article. For example, for a news article
about the positive effects of green tea, relevant images would include tea leaves, cups of tea,
health related symbols/logos, etc.

5. Build and evaluate a cross-lingual search engine. For example, use Wikipedia as a source
of parallel corpora.

Case Study:

1. Online multiplayer game

2. Pattern Matching techniques

3. Latent Semantic Indexing

4. Learning-based ranking algorithms

5. Classical evaluation metrics,


1. Index creation for IR system: Inverted Files

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2. Index creation for IR system: Signature Files

3. Index creation for IR system: Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays

4.Development of semantic search engine to deal with polysemy, synonymy issues of text

5. Development of text search engine


1. Crawling and near-duplicate pages

2.Content- based filtering

3. Unified filtering

4.Topic detection and tracking

5. Cross language information retrieval

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

MSE,ESE, GD, Seminar, HA

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, “Modern Information Retrieval The Concepts and
Technology behind Search”, , Pearson Education: New Delhi, 2007

2. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze “Introduction to Information Retrieval”,
Cambridge University Press, 2012

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Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Gerald Kowalski, Mark Maybury, “Information Storage and Retrieval Systems Theory and Implementation”,
Springer Pvt. Ltd., 2006

2. William Frakes, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, “Information Retrieval Data Structures & Algorithms” ,Pearson
Education, 2008

3. C. J. Van Rijsbergen, “Information Retrieval”, Information Retrieval Group, University of Glasgow

Moocs Links and additional reading material:






Course Outcomes:

Students will be able to

1. Describe various information retrieval system architectures and models

2. Validate retrieval performance of an information retrieval system

3.Construct various indexes using suitable techniques

4. Apply sequential search and pattern matching techniques

5. Illustrate working of parallel, distributed and multimedia information retrieval system

6. Explain various information retrieval algorithms and different types of queries

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PO2 PO5 PO7 PO10 PO11 PSO4

3 3 2 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1- 3 CO2- 4 CO3- 2 CO4- 5 CO5-1 CO6-3

Future Courses Mapping:

Applied Natural Language Processing

Job Mapping:

Applied Scientist

Data Engineering

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Syllabus Template FF654

CS4209::Parallel Computing
Course Prerequisites: Computer Organization, Operating System, Design & Analysis of
Algorithms, Data Structure

Course Objectives: Students will be able to

1. To introduce the basic concepts of parallel computing
2. To understand various GPU Architecture.
3. To write CUDA programs for parallel implementation
4. To organize the memory management in GPU
5. To optimize parallel programs on GPU using CUDA
6. To solve the scientific problems using GPUs

Credits: 2 Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/Week

Course Relevance: Parallel computing, on the other hand, uses multiple processing elements
simultaneously to solve a problem. This is accomplished by breaking the problem into
independent parts so that each processing element can execute its part of the algorithm
simultaneously with the others. This course is required in the industry & used to set up data


Introduction to Parallel Computing: Motivating Parallelism, Scope of Parallel Computing,

Parallelism vs Concurrency, Types and levels of parallelism, Flynn’s classification, Amdhal’s law;
Parallel computer architectures : PRAM, Distributed memory systems ,Shared memory systems and
cache coherence, Concept of thread and process, programming parallel computers, Parallel
computing architectures, interconnection networks, Modern GPU architecture (in brief),
Performance comparison: Speedup, Gain time and scalability.
Parallel Programming Model: Common Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), CUDA programming
model, Concept of grid, block and thread, thread index generation, warp, kernel & kernel launch.
Programming for GPU’s in C/C++ using CUDA API: Memory transfers, Writing and executing kernel
functions, Writing device functions, Thread synchronization, Data Dependences and Race Conditions,
Organizing Parallel Threads.

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Topics and Contents

GPU Architecture: GPU architecture, Overview of the graphics pipeline, Components of GPU:
Parallel streaming processors, Multiprocessors, Shared instruction caches ,Memory hierarchy – Global,
Constant, Shared, and Texture memory; Case studies: NVIDIA Kepler K20/K40/K80/GP100/GV100/
Memory Organization and Optimization: Global, Shared, constant and texture memory. Memory
coalescing, memory banks and bank conflicts, Page locked host memory. Reduction operation, CUDA
code optimization. Need of profilers and analyzers, Introduction to CUDA Tools: MemCheck,
Command line & Visual Profilers.
Problem solving using GPUs: Single vs. double precision, light weight scientific computing
exercises, Image processing applications, Matrices etc .

List of Home Assignments:

1. Parallelizing Search Trees for Chess
2. Parallel Algorithm for Searching
3. Parallel Algorithm for sorting
4. Parallel Algorithm for Data mining
5.Parallel Algorithm for Image Processing
Case Study:
1. Nvidia DGX2
2. Jetson nano Developer Kit
3. GPU Accelerated Apache Spark
4.The Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
5.NVIDIA Ampere architecture
1.Cuda library
2.Turing mesh shaders
3.Low level GPU Virtual memory management
4. Memory Hierarchy of GPU
5. Comparison of Various GPUs
1.Smart Hospitals through AI with GPUs
2.Clara Models to help fight with COVID 19
3. GPU Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Applications
4.Medical Imaging applications of GPU
5.Ray Tracing Applications of GPU

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Suggest an assessment Scheme:


Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar; Introduction to
parallel computing; second edition., Addison‐Wesley, 2003, ISBN: 0201648652
2David Kirk, Wen-mei HwuCUDA: Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-On Approach. ©
3Jason Sanders and Edward KandrotCUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Hwang and Briggs,“Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication ISBN 13: 9780070315563.
2.John Cheng, Max Grossman, Ty McKercherProfessional CUDA C Programming,

Moocs Links and additional reading material:www.nptelvideos.in


Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to –
1)Recognize various parallel computing architectures and their fundamentals
2)Investigate parallel solutions to complex real world problems
3)Code the parallel programs on GPU using CUDA
4)Evaluate the performance on various GPU architectures
5)Optimize the parallel programs on GPU using CUDA
6)Design and develop new solutions to research problems

CO1 –PO3(3)

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CO2 –PO5(3)
CO3 –PO7(2)
CO4 –PO11(1)
CO attainment levels
CO1 –3
CO2 -3
CO3 –2
CO4 –1

Future Courses Mapping:

High Performance Computing

Distributed Computing

Job Mapping:
What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course
Full Stack Architect-GPU
Developer Technology Engineer
Software Engineer Cloud
Data Analytics Engineer
Cloud Developer
Senior Software Engineer
HPC GPU Application Developer & Consultant
GPU Programming Professional
GPU Performance Analysis Lead / Architect
GPU Advocate Associate

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No. : 654
Syllabus Template
CS4225::Major Project
Course Prerequisites: Project Based Learning

Course Objectives:
1. To develop critical thinking and problem solving ability by exploring and proposing solutions
to realistic/social problems.
2. To Evaluate alternative approaches, and justify the use of selected tools and methods,
3. To emphasize learning activities those are long-term, inter-disciplinary and student-centric.
4. To engage students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
5. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group so as
to develop team skills and learn professionalism.
6. To develop an ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and research culture among the

Credits:.10....... Teaching Scheme Theory: ……... Hours/Week

Course Relevance: Project Centric Learning (PCL) is a powerful tool for students to work in
areas of their choice and strengths. Along with course based projects, curriculum can be enriched
with semester long Engineering Design and Development courses, in which students can solve
socially relevant problems using various technologies from relevant disciplines. The various
socially relevant domains can be like Health care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City,
Smart Energy and Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. To gain the necessary skills to tackle such projects,
students can select relevant online courses and acquire skills from numerous sources under
guidance of faculty and enrich their knowledge in the project domain, thereby achieving project
centric learning. Modern world sustained and advanced through the successful completion of
projects. In short, if students are prepared for success in life, we need to prepare them for a
project-based world. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project based
learning will also redefine the role of teacher as mentor in the learning process. The PCL model
focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to research and respond
to and/or solve. It brings students not only to know, understand and remember rather it takes
them to analyze, design and apply categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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Preamble - The content and process mentioned below is the guideline document for the
faculties and students to start with. It is not to limit the flexibility of faculty and students;
rather they are free to explore their creativity beyond the guideline mentioned herewith. For all
courses of ED, laboratory course contents of “Engineering Design” are designed as a ladder to
extend connectivity of software technologies to solve real world problems using an
interdisciplinary approach. The ladder in the form of gradual steps can be seen as below:
Industry Communication Standards, Single Board Computers and IoT, Computational Biology
(Biomedical and Bioinformatics), Robotics and Drone, Industry 4.0 (Artificial Intelligence,
Human Computer Interfacing, 5G and IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security
Group Structure:
· There should be a team/group of 4-5 students.
· A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups.

· It is useful to group students of different abilities and nationalities together.

Selection of Project/Problem:

· Students must focus to initiate the task/idea .The idea inception and consideration shall
be from following areas as a real world problem:

Health Care, Agriculture, Defense, Education, Smart City, Smart Energy, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, Environment, Women Safety.

This is the sample list to start with. Faculty and students are free to include other area
which meets the society requirements at large.

The model begins with the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or
“wondering”. This formulated problem then stands as the starting point for learning.
Students design and analyze the problem/project within an articulated disciplinary subject

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· A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural, and/or

scientific and grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and
professional environments. A chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may
involve an interdisciplinary approach in both the analysis and solving phases.

· By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific,

social and/or technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or
manifestation of more general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of

Teacher’s Role in PCL :

· Teacher is not the source of solutions; rather he will act as the facilitator and mentor.

· To utilize the principles of problems solving, critical thinking and metacognitive skills of
the students.

· To aware the group about time management.

· Commitment to devote the time to solve student’s technical problems and interested in
helping students to empower them better.

Student's Role in PCL:

· Students must have the ability to initiate the task/idea .They should not be mere imitators.

· They must learn to think.

· Students working in PCL must be responsible for their own learning.

· Students must quickly learn how to manage their own learning, Instead of passively
receiving instruction.

· Students in PCL are actively constructing their knowledge and understanding of the
situation in groups.

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· Students in PCL are expected to work in groups.

· They have to develop interpersonal and group process skills, such as effective listening or
coping creatively with conflicts.

Developing Inquiry Skills:

· Students in PCL are expected to develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating:
What they read to do? What they want to do with that information?

· They need to analyze information presented within the context of finding answers.

· Modeling is required so that the students can observe and build a conceptual model of the
required processes.

· Use the following mechanism to maintain the track of moving towards the solution.

· How effective is …….? How strong is the evidence for ………? How clear is ……?

· What are the justifications for thinking? Why is the method chosen?

· What is the evidence given to justify the solution?

Literature Survey – To avoid reinvention of wheel:

· It is integral part of self- directed learning

· Identify the information needed to solve a given problem or issue

· Be able to locate the needed information

· Use the information to solve the given problem effectively.

· Skills required by students in information literacy include:

· How to prepare the search? How to carry out the research

· Sorting and assessing of information in general

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Use of Research Methodology: - investigation, collaboration, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesize and evaluation

Focus on following skills while working in a team to reach to solution:

· Collaborative learning

· Interpersonal Skills

· Resources Evaluation

· Metacognitive Skills

Reflection Skills

EDI Sample Case Studies : -

Following projects can be taken up mainly focusing on usability (HCI), security (NS),
sensors (IoT), and CUDA (PC) and/or cloud storage (Cl Computing) technologies.

1. Design and deploy a secured mobile application supporting big data and cloud technologies
for food ordering system with delivery tracking features supporting old and differently abled

2. Design and deploy a secured identification of traffic symbols for moving autonomous car
in all-weather conditions, providing suggestions for effective symbol design with the support
of GPS, Big Data and Cloud technologies

3. Design and deploy a secured multilingual chatbot for pregnant women and mothers, as well
as supporting child-care using (HCI), security (NS), sensors (IoT), and CUDA (PC) and/or
cloud storage (Cl Computing) technologies.

4. Design and deploy a secured app for effective management of noise / disturbance by other
apps, with their categorization based on criticality & importance (HCI), security (NS), sensors
(IoT), and CUDA (PC) and/or cloud storage (Cl Computing) technologies.

5. Design and deploy a secured in-time disease diagnosis for breast-cancer, using effective AI
techniques such as ANN, with higher accuracy using usability (HCI), security (NS), sensors

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(IoT), and CUDA (PC) and/or cloud storage (Cl Computing) technologies.

...not limited to.....Faculty and students are free to include other area which meets the society
requirements at large.

Suggest an assessment Scheme:

Suggest an Assessment scheme that is best suited for the course. Ensure 360 degree
assessment and check if it covers all aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy.

To focus on the higher levels of the Bloom's Taxonomy analyze, apply, evaluate and create.

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Name(s) of author(s); Title of the book; Edition No., Publisher

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Name(s) of author(s); Title of the book; Edition No., Publisher

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Moocs Links and additional reading material: www.nptelvideos.in

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, learner will be able to–

CO1: Identify the real life problem from societal need point of view

CO2: Choose and compare alternative approaches to select most feasible one

CO3: Analyze and synthesize the identified problem from technological perspective

CO4: Design the reliable and scalable solution to meet challenges

CO5: Evaluate the solution based on the criteria specified

CO6: Inculcate long life learning attitude towards the societal problems



2 3 3 2 1 3

CO attainment levels

CO1 -4 CO2 –2 CO3-4 CO4-5 CO5 -1 CO6-3

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Future Courses Mapping:

Mention other courses that can be taken after completion of this course

Job Mapping:

What are the Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course

Software Engineer, Software Developer, IT Engineer

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