Conmix C800 Technical Statement

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~ Techni~ Infonnation

TILEMORTAR.C800(ForGraniteI Vitrified
C800 Is a DRY,PRE-MIXEDWATERPROOFTHINBEDMORTAR(cementbased)for thefixing
of granite, glass-mosaic,glass-brick, ceramicwall andfloortiles. Suitablefor internaland
externaluse,andcompliesto DIN18156- ASTMC387- ANSIA118-1ANDBS5980TYPE-
1 CLASS-AA,BS4049,andBS4551.

COMPOSITION C800containsWhitePortlandCement,ProcessedSand- Chemicaladditives,all complyto

BS - ASTM - DIN requirements.

PROPERTIES C800hasexcellentadhesion,flexibility,workability,andiswaterresistant.

PACKAGING 1 bag= 25 kgs.

MIXING One unitof C800shouldbe mixedthoroughly(we recommenda mechanicalmixerfor this

purpose)withapprox.6.5 litresof potablewaterperbag,andshouldbe allowedto standfor
5 minutes. Aftermaturingstir again. Nofurtherwatershouldbe added. The ready-mixed
mortarmustbeusedwithin45 minutes.

BACKGROUND C800is suitablefor thefollowingbackgrounds:

Portlandcementbasedrenders,floor screedsand concrete.C800 shouldnot be applied

ontowood,metalsheetsor paintedsurfaces. The backgroundandtile mustbe clean,free
of dust deposits,sinterskin,formworkoils, and othercontaminationswhichmay affectthe

HANDLING To achievea uniformthickness,the mortaris levelledwitha serratedtrowel. Do not press

the trowel through the full depth of the adhesive,otherwisesolid beddingwill not be
achieved. Thethicknessof theribswilldependon thesizeandtypeof tile.

Do notspreadmorethan 1 m2at a time. Spreadinglargerareasmayresultin the mortar

dryingbeforetilescan bepressedhome,causingpooradhesion.

Oncethemortarhasbeenapplied,theworkingtimewillvaryaccordingto theporosityof the

surfaceandtheatmosphericconditions.Pressthetile firmlyintopositionwitha slightsliding
or twistingaction. In all instancesensurea solidbedding,novoidsor air pocketsbehindthe
tiles. Do notapplythe mortarsparingly.Butteringthe mortarontothe backof thetile is not
recommended,butif essentialit shouldbe spreadovertheentirebackof thetile to an even

SERVICE We areableto adviceyou inthe selectionof the productsmostsuitedto yourrequirements.

Technicalspecificationsand methodsof applicationavailableon request. All advise is
basedon ourexperiencegainedin the useof our productsin the MiddleEast,however,we
cannot accept any responsibilityfor the misuse or our products. Weather, ambient
temperatures,amountof waterused,preparationand conditionsof the basecoatand care
exercisedin the applicationare factorsover whichwe haveno controland may affectthe
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. Ready Mix Concrete' Pre Mix Plaster' Construction Chemicals
P.O. Box 5936, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +97165314155, Fax: +971 65314332
e-mail: Website:

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