Wicomico River Watershed Report 2020 PDF
Wicomico River Watershed Report 2020 PDF
Wicomico River Watershed Report 2020 PDF
Executive Summary
What is happening? We see increased phosphate levels, How can we fix it? Future
but nitrates are all less than the long-term average (LTA) improvements to river health
levels. Usually, nitrates and phosphates show more parallel means reducing
trends. We also found increased chlorophyll, but not enough nitrates/phosphates.
impairment to reach the level of eutrophication. Total This suggests two culprits:
phosphorous is elevated but with variation (only the ponds residual lawn and septic runoff
show significant increase), while total nitrogen only agricultural run-off
moderately changed. Salinity is less than the long-term That means some uncomfortable
average (LTA) in the tidal regions of the river (suggesting more conversations will need to happen,
fresh water inputs to the river) but higher than the LTA in and monitoring of agricultural
non-tidal areas of the watershed, likely due to increased surface run-off in ditches is
evaporation in the ponds. Temperatures were consistent and needed to get more data.
above the LTA in 2020, but rising trends in water temperature Also, we have a large non-
are to be expected in the warming climatic trends we see municipal population within the
within the region. In terms of water clarity, we see no obvious top half of the watershed, so
trend. The ponds show the most clarity, but also the most reduction of/or upgrading septic
variability. tanks would be helpful.
Some changes have occurred in the sampling regime Coordination with the County
beginning in 2020. We have increased the number of government is needed as they
sampling sites to 26. We also regrouped the sites into pursue their septic upgrade plans
hydrologic zones for more meaningful interpretations relative to determine what, if any,
to the transition between fresh and salty waters within the integrated monitoring protocol
watershed, as shown on the new map of the watershed. This they would support.
year, we began measuring not just depth of clarity, but also If nutrient run-off cannot be
total water depth so we can better understand trends of prevented at the sources, then
turbidity. Funding has allowed for upgraded equipment both increased forest buffers along the
in the field and lab, which will show more nuance in the critical corridors near the water’s
resulting data. edge should be promoted.
Figure 1. Wicomico Creekwatchers 2020 Sampling Locations (map)
We found that pH varies around neutral
which is expected in water. More saline
areas are more acidic, but pH is
significantly different across sampling
groups (ponds, fresh, oligohaline,
mesohaline), with oligohaline (slightly
salty) and mesohaline (moderately salty)
the most similar. Nearly all sites were
significantly more alkaline than LTA,
exceptions DN and MtV.
Two conflicting forces govern the overall
results. Increasing precipitation can lead
to runoff of more basic salts that are
leached from the soil, leading to more
alkaline waters; in contrast, ocean waters Figure 2. pH Levels Averaged and Combined by Sampling
that equilibrate with increasing Group Type (pond, fresh, oligohaline, mesohaline).
atmospheric carbon dioxide tend to be Current-year average (orange bars) compared to long-term average
more acidic. (gray bars), with error bars indicating variability in data.
Salinity on the river ranges from 0.1 to 11
psu (practical salinity units). We sample 9 pond
sites (one site was not sampled in 2020 due to
construction), 8 tidal/nontidal freshwater sites,
6 oligohaline sites with salinities that range
from 1.1 to 3.8 psu on average (0.2 to 7.4
range), and 3 mesohaline sites that range in
salinity from 5.9 to 8.8 psu on average (1.0 to
11.1 range).
Salinities were lower in 2020 than the long-
term average at tidal sites and higher at
nontidal sites, indicating a potential trend of
higher freshwater inputs in the river and
increased evaporation in the lakes. Other
research has revealed higher precipitation Figure 3. Salinity Levels Averaged and Combined by
along the Atlantic Coast, which would be in line Sampling Group Type (pond, fresh, oligohaline,
with these data. mesohaline). Current year average (orange bars) compared
Ponds & Nontidal – increased salinity from to long term average (grey bars) with error bars indicating
LTA, ** JP, PP, SP, CMP, TTP, EDZ; Tidal – variability in the data.
decreased salinity but only ** at RW.
Phosphate levels follow long-term trend of
variability across sites – some higher and
some lower, but all above impaired
thresholds. Like nitrate, phosphate levels
decrease with increasing salinity as water
moves downstream and inorganic phosphorus
is converted into organic matter.
Compared to LTA, phosphate was only
significantly different at 4 sites – EDZ, LC, YC,
and MtV. These sites were all lower than the
LTA and fell to just around the impaired level
(0.1 mg/L).
Total Phosphorus
Secchi depths
Secchi depths, a measure of water clarity, were
variable across the length of the river. Most sites
were moderately turbid, with depths less
than 1m. This year, we additionally measured
total depth at sites and compared secchi depths
to these data. As a proportion of total depth,
water clarity was worst in the tidal and non-
tidal freshwater sites of the river, all averaging
visibility less than 50 percent of the total depth.
Pond sites had some of the best water clarity, but
also the most variable, as episodic run-off from
precipitation brought in sediments and nutrients,
promoting algae growth. Figure 10. Secchi Depth Levels Averaged
Secchi depths in 2020 were both deeper (more and Combined by Sampling Group Type
clear) and shallower (less clear) than the LTA, (pond, fresh, oligohaline, mesohaline).
with no clear trend. LMP and MP were significantly Current year average (orange bars) compared to
more clear, but PP was more turbid. Downstream, long term average (grey bars) with error bars
MtV was significantly more clear while SC was indicating variability in the data. Horizontal
more turbid. dashed line indicates the impaired reference level.
Wicomico River Creekwatchers is a program of the Wicomico
Environmental Trust, which gratefully acknowledges the generosity
of its funders that make this report possible.