Sustainable Drainage System

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Sustainable Drainage System

Low Impact Development

Kedalaman hujan (mm) 100 Luas lahan 1000m2 (1)
Kondisi Luas lahan 1000m2
Awal Luas lahan terbuka (m2) 1000
Koef. Limpasan 0.4 terbangun,
Volume limpasan (m3) =? A=300m2

1 Luas terbangun (m2) 300

Koef. Limpasan 1
volume limpasan lahan terbuka (m3) =?
volume limpasan lahan terbangun (m ) =?
Volume limpasan (m3) =?
Kenaikan limpasan (%) = ( vol akhir-vol Luas lahan 1000m2
awal)/vol awal * 100%
Berapa luas taman, agar kenaikan limpasan=0% area
Luas aman resapan/rain garden (m2) A=300m2
dengan tinggi cansteen di atas muka =?
2 tanah =100mm
volume limpasan lahan terbuka (m3) =? area,
volume limpasan lahan terbangun (m )
=? A=
3 ....m2
Volume limpasan (m ) =?
Kenaikan limpasan (%) =?
Luas aman resapan/rain garden (m2) Luas lahan 1000m2
3 dengan tinggi cansteen di atas muka =? area
tanah =100mm ra i n terbangun,
ga rden A=300m2
kolam seluas 10 m2 mampu menamung a rea,
air hujan 10 m3 ....m2
volume limpasan lahan terbuka (m3) =?
volume limpasan lahan terbangun (m3) =?
Volume limpasan (m3) =? kol

Kenaikan limpasan (%) =?

 “ Sponge City” is a modern stormwater management
approach to help solve drainage problems, fully utilise
land resources and promote sustainable development.
 Sponge City means that a city could function like a
sponge that has great “resilience” to environmental
changes and natural disaster.
 The stormwater could be absorbed, stored, infiltrated
and cleaned during rainy days, and could be
“released” and utilised as needed to enhance the
ecological function of the city and reduce the flooding
in the city.
 IUDS) originated in the late 1970s in
 IUDS is a combination of several components of
water system (i.e., water treatment,
distribution, sewerage, and storm drainage,
wasterwater treatment, environmental
 It focuses on the integration of sewer, sewage
water treatment plant, water receiving systems,
and sustainable stormwater management, with
economic factors taken into consideration.
 (LID) has been first introduced by Barlow et
al. in 1977 and most commonly used in
North America and New Zealand.
 LID was characterised by smaller scale
stormwater treatment devices such as
bioretention systems, green roofs and
swales, located at or near the source of
 WSUD was originated in Australia
 WSUD primarily targets at minimizing
the adverse effects of urban
development on surrounding
hydrological environment.
ABC Waters Program was introduced
in April 2006 by Singapore’s water
 he ABC Waters Programme is an
initiative to transform Singapore’s
drains, canals and reservoirs beyond
their traditional functions of drainage,
flood control and water supply storage
into beautiful streams, rivers and
lakes that are well integrated with the
surrounding landscapes.
 Green infrastructure as "the range of measures
that use plant or soil systems, permeable
pavement or other permeable surfaces or
substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or
landscaping to store, infiltrate, or
evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows
to sewer systems or to surface waters."

PUBLIC LAW 115–436—JAN. 14, 2019; WATER

 SUDS was started in 1990s and
most adopted in UK.
 SUDS is capable to improve urban
flood and water contamination;
also beautify the city, and provide
a more livable environment for
both human and wildlife
Li et al., 2018. A Systematic Literature Mining of Sponge City: Trends, Foci and Challenges Standing Ahead. Sustainability Vol.10, 1182.
BGI is a planned network
of natural and semi-
natural areas that utilise
natural processes to
improve water quality and
manage water quantity by
restoring the hydrological
function of the urban
landscape and managing

Tanggul Jika penuh mengalir

ke saluran drainase

Sebagian meresap ke dalam tanah
Recharge –impervious pipe

Sumur Resapan

Lubang Resapan Biopori SI

Pipa Komposter Resapan

Kejadian kekeringan di Indonesia (Tri M. Sunaryo, 2008)

Sungai kering, Ogan Komering Hulu, Kompas 15 Sungai Menyawah, Tegal, kering, Kompas 10 08 03
08 03

Waduk Pacal Jatim kering, Kompas 19 08 03 Waduk Jatiluhur Jabar kering, Kompas 05 09 03
 Sustainable drainage systems (Baines, 2012)
 A Green Infrastructure Guide for Small Cities,
Towns and Rural Communities (Green
Infrastructure Ontario Coalition, 2017)
 Blue and Green Cities (Brears, R.C., 2018)
 Jelaskan terapan Sponge City/Blue Green
Infrastructures (BGI)/LID dalam pengurangan
genangan dan metode Sponge City/BGI/LID
apa saja yang menurut saudara sesuai
dengan kondisi di daerah saudara.
 Tugas (individu) dikumpulkan (paling lambat
28 Februari 2022).

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