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ORIGINAL ARTICLE pISSN 1229-1498 / eISSN 2384-4361

J Rhinol 2019;26(1):16-20 https://doi.org/10.18787/jr.2019.26.1.16 www.ksrhino.or.kr

Usefulness of Unilateral Nasal Packing for Recurred Septal Deviation

within a Month after Septoplasty: Preliminary Study

Yoon Hee Lee1, Jin Soon Chang, MD2, Joo Hyun Jung, MD3, Seon Tae Kim, MD3 and Il Gyu Kang, MD3
Student, Gachon University School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Medical Faculty, Gil Medical Center, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea

Background and Objectives: To investigate the effect of unilateral nasal packing on the correction of recurred septal devia-
tion after septoplasty.
Materials and Method: We analyzed 12 patients who had undergone septoplasty and developed septal deviation recurrence.
Polyvinylacetate and Vaseline gauze were inserted into the nasal passage on the convex side of the septum for 4 days in order to
shift the septum to the midline. We analyzed nasal symptoms, acoustic rhinometric results, and endoscopic findings before and
after unilateral packing in order to evaluate the treatment outcomes.
Results: Ten (83%) out of 12 patients showed improvements in nasal obstruction, acoustic rhinometric results, and endoscopic
findings. The mean visual analogue scale (VAS) score for nasal obstruction was 5.25±1.60 before and 2.08±1.50 after packing
(p=0.004). The minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) improved from 0.17±0.14 to 0.27±0.13 (p=0.002), and the mean endo-
scopic score improved from 2.0±0.43 to 1.08±0.29 (p=0.002).
Conclusion: Unilateral nasal packing was a safe, easy, and effective method for correcting recurred septal deviation after sep-

KEY WORDS: Septal deviationㆍPackingㆍAcoustic rhinometry.

INTRODUCTION than that of primary septoplasty.5) Thus, recurrent septal de-

viation after septoplasty is a significant concern for sur-
Septoplasty is one of the most common procedures for geons. We hypothesized that since the bony-cartilageous
treating septal deviation. However, there is a discrepancy junction is partially detached in patients with recurred sep-
between the opinion that septoplasty is an easy operation, tal deviation, unilateral nasal packing on the convex side
and the relatively high failure and complication rates asso- could shift the septum to the midline. Herein, we investigat-
ciated with this procedure. The success rates for septoplas- ed the effect of repeated unilateral nasal packing to correct
ty reported in the literature range from 43 to 85%1-4)and vary recurred septal deviation soon after septoplasty.
depending upon the tool used to measure the surgical out-
comes. There are few treatment options for correcting re- SUBJECTS AND METHODS
current septal deviation after septoplasty aside from medi-
cal treatment or revision septoplasty. Moreover, revision Patients
septoplasty is difficult to perform because mucosal re-dis- This study was approved by the Institutional Review
section is more difficult and the complication rate is higher Board of Gachon University Gil Medical Center (Incheon
Received: February 17, 2018 / Revised: April 6, 2018 / Accepted: May 23, 2018
Address for correspondence: Il Gyu Kang, MD, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Gil Medical Center, 21 Namdong-daero
774beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon 21565, Korea
Tel: +82-32-460-3764, Fax: +82-32-467-9044, E-mail: eyik@naver.com

16 Copyright © 2019 Journal of Rhinology

Lee et al : Unilateral Nasal Packing for Recurred Septal Deviation 17

City, South Korea). Patients provided informed consent af- packing materials, and repacked with PA and Vaseline
ter receiving a complete description of the study protocol. gauze for 2 more days to prevent infection. While the nasal
From March 2011 to March 2012, a prospective, uncon- passage was packed, we prescribed antibiotics to prevent
trolled clinical study was conducted at a teaching hospital. infection.
Twelve patients were enrolled, who had undergone septo-
plasty and developed recurrent septal deviation. The inclu- Outcome measurements
sion criteria for the patients were as follows: 1) age greater We measured the degree of nasal obstruction using a vi-
than 18 years, 2) a postoperative period less than 1 month, sual analogue scale (VAS) of 0 (no nasal obstruction) to 10
3) individuals who developed a nasal obstruction on the (complete nasal obstruction). Endoscopic findings were rat-
convex side, and 4) patients in which the septum was cor- ed on a scale of 0 to 3 (0: normal septum, 1: mild deviation
rected well after septoplasty. The exclusion criteria were 1) is defined as less than half of the nasal floor width, 2: mod-
nasal obstruction due to inferior turbinate hypertrophy, na- erate deviation is defined as half of the nasal floor width
sal polyps, concha bullosa, or allergic rhinitis, 2) patients and 3: severe deviation is defined as more than half of the
with severe asthma, and 3) age greater than 65 years. nasal floor width) by 2 otolaryngologists (I.G.K and S.T.K)
before and after nasal packing removal. We checked the in-
Surgical technique tra-nasal photos (Fig. 2), VAS, and acoustic rhinometric re-
We performed the initial septoplasty using the following sults before and on the last follow-up day after removing
protocol. With the patient under general or local anesthesia, nasal packing to evaluate the ability of unilateral packing
a caudal incision (hemitransfixion incision) was made and to correct recurred septal deviation. Acoustic rhinometric
flaps were elevated through this incision. After subperi- measurements were performed using the RhinoMetrics SRE
chondrial dissection, complete release of the junction be- 2000 (Interacoustics AS, Assens, Denmark).
tween the cartilaginous septum and maxillary crest was
achieved as well as partial release of the septal cartilage Statistical analysis
from the vomer and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid.6) Categorical variables were analyzed with the Wilcoxon
Next, the deviated bone and cartilage were resected (1.5× signed rank test using the Statistical Package for the Social
1.5 cm sized L-strut7) was remained) after which it was re- Sciences (SPSS), version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
positioned and inserted into the site of removal. When the P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
cartilage deviated after separation of the bone-cartilage
junction, we incised the deviated septal cartilage and ma- RESULTS
nipulate the cartilage and inserted it, or made crosshatch in-
cisions on the concave side of septum. After ensuring that Out of the 12 patients, 8 were male and 4 were female.
the septum was straight, the incision site was sutured and The mean age was 33.3±13.0 years. The mean follow-up
bilateral nasal cavity was packed with polyvinylacetate (PA, period was 3.3±2.4 months. All patients showed recurred
Merocel®; Medtronic Xomed, Jacksonville, FL, USA) for septal deviation in bony-cartilageous junction area (between
2 days. At the same time, bilateral inferior turbinate muco- septal catilage and perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer)
sal resection was performed. and no caudal septal deviation or high septal deviation only.
Ten (83%) out of 12 patients showed improved nasal ob-
Interventions struction as well as endoscopic finding scores and increased
Unilateral nasal packing was performed immediately af- minimal cross-sectional area (MCA). The mean VAS scores
ter finding recurrence of nasal septal deviation. Before uni- for nasal obstruction were 5.25±1.60 before and 2.08±
lateral nasal packing, we first removed nasal secretions and 1.50 after nasal packing (p=0.004). The mean endoscopic
took endoscopic photos, checked the questionnaire, and scores also improved from 2.0±0.43 to 1.08±0.29 (p=0.02;
performed acoustic rhinometry. After these procedures, we Table 1). The mean MCA was 0.17±0.14 cm2 before and 0.27
packed the nasal passage with Merocel® and one or two ±0.13 cm2 after nasal packing (p=0.002). No significant
pieces of Vaseline gauze on the convex side to shift the sep- complications were observed during or after nasal packing.
tum to the midline (Fig. 1). Two days later, we removed the
18 J Rhinol 2019;26(1):16-20

Fig. 1. These pictures show recurrent septal deviation to the left side 7 days after septoplasty (A). We packed the left nasal cavity
with polyvinyl acetate and Vaseline gauze to shift the deviated septum to the midline (B). The corrected deviated septum 9 months
after nasal packing (C). The minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) increased from 0.04 to 0.12 cm2. Rt: right, Lt: left.

DISCUSSION obstruction and corrected by septoplasty. However, Dinis

et al.8) reported that only 42% of patients showed good to
Nasal septum deviation is a very common cause of nasal excellent results while the majority of these individuals
Lee et al : Unilateral Nasal Packing for Recurred Septal Deviation 19

Fig. 2. In this patient, right-side recurrent septal deviation was visible (A). 4 months after unilateral nasal packing, the deviation was cor-
rected (B).

Table 1. Patient demographic data, visual analogue scale of nasal obstruction, endoscopic findings, and acoustic rhinometric results
before and after unilateral nasal packing
Patient gender/ VAS of NO Endoscopic findings Follow-up period MCA (cm2)
age (pre- →post-packing) (pre- →post-packing) (months) (pre- →post-packing)
1. M/29 4→2 Improved (2→1) 2 0.13→0.20
2. F/46 4→1 Improved (2→1) 2 0.25→0.47
3. M/26 5→5 Not improved (2→2) 1.5 0.18→0.19
4. M/53 7→2 Improved (2→1) 3 0.04→0.14
5. M/30 5→1 Improved (2→1) 3.5 0.11→0.27
6. M/48 8→2 Improved (3→1) 9 0.04→0.12
7. F/22 5→1 Improved (2→1) 3 0.04→0.26
8. M/23 4→5 Not improved (2→2) 5 0.33→0.34
9. M/53 4→1 Improved (2→1) 2.5 0.1→0.2
10. F/22 7→1 Improved (2→1) 1 0.26→0.30
11. M/29 3→1 Improved (2→1) 1 0.48→0.56
12. F/18 7→3 Improved (2→1) 6.5 0.09→0.20
Endoscopic findings were scored as 1: mild septal deviation, 2: moderate septal deviation, and 3: severe septal deviation. VAS:
visual analogue scale (0: no nasal obstruction, 10: complete nasal obstruction), NO: nasal obstruction, MCA: minimal cross-sec-
tion area
20 J Rhinol 2019;26(1):16-20

achieved either slightly to moderately successful outcomes must be certain that there are no other causes of obstruction
(35%) or poor to mediocre results (23%) after septoplasty. such as turbinate hypertrophy, concha bullosa, nasal valve
However, revision septoplasty is not easy to perform and deformity, or polyps. While packing the nasal passage, we
revision surgery may also not be effective, especially when did not observe any major complications. Additionally, mi-
there are residual anatomical abnormalities, unless concom- nor complications such as nasal obstruction, mild headache,
itant medical therapy is optimized and administered.5) We and rhinorrhea subsided after packing removal.
postulated that unilateral nasal packing could shift a re-
curred deviated septum to the midline because the junction CONCLUSION
between septal cartilage and surrounding bone is detached
soon after septoplasty. In the current study, we used PA and Our findings indicate that unilateral nasal packing is a rel-
Vaseline gauze. These packing materials are the most com- atively safe, simple, and conservative technique. We there-
monly used after nasal surgery, and PA is able to expand fore recommend that unilateral nasal packing should be per-
lengthwise. In a previous investigation, we found that PA formed to correct recurred septal deviation after septoplasty
prevents frontal sinus ostium stenosis when placed in the before any other procedures are attempted.
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