Adrien: Internship Abroad

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Adrien LOOS

Internship abroad (September - December 2022)

--Currently in my 3rd year at the EPF general engineering school, I would like to
do a minimum 16 weeks internship in an English-speaking country in the first
semester of my 4th year to perfect my English skills and work in the field of
energy and environment. Indeed, it is a field that fascinates me and which
allows me to defend my convictions by working for sustainable development
and ecological transition from an energy point of view.

June-July 2021 La Croix-Rouge, humanitarian aid
(Rouen, France)
Volunteer in a vaccination center, welcomed public, +33 7 83 88 16 06
monitored post-vaccination stage

37 rue Descroizilles, 76000 ROUEN, France

14 rue de Berry, 94230 CACHAN, France

June-July 2020 DEMATHIEU-BARD, construction
company Adrien LOOS
Worker on the construction site of a clinic, carried
out tasks ranging from pouring concrete to tracing
marks using optical devices,
Learnt to have team spirit, to have an overall vision
on a big project

February 2016 I-COMM, sale of computer equipment SOFTWARE

(Rouen, France)
and services to companies and Excel
Intern Power point
shadow course in final year of junior high school :
- discovered business world Word
- learnt how to work indepedently by carrying out
some tasks by myself

2019 - EPF Cachan engineering school
Sceaux/Cachan, France Currently in 3rd year after 2 years of integrated
prep class.
Masters 2024
• Driver’s licence
High school Pierre Corneille • Open-mindedness
2016 - 2019
Passed high school final exam in Physics and
Rouen, France • Team spirit
Chemistry, History and Geography taught in
• Flexibility
Awarded with high honours

LANGUAGES • Sports : currently playing rugby for the school

English: B2/C1
team / working out. Judo, Football, Athletics
Cambridge Certification Level B1 (2017), B2 (2019) • Music : playing the guitar / passed first cycle of
Several trips in English-speaking coutries (Ireland, England)
Spanish : B1 euphononium at the Conservatoire music school,
involved in EPF Radio association (music part)
• Traveling and English culture

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