2020 Plaquette Ensimag offre de formation EN

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Grenoble INP

School of Engineering in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Public school
of engineering

One of Grenoble INP's 8 schools Member of the
Institute of Engineering and Management INP Group
at Université Grenoble Alpes

Founded in 1960 by mathematician Jean

Kuntzmann, Grenoble INP - Ensimag was the
first school to specialize in computer science
and applied mathematics in France.

The school is based in the Grenoble area, a dynamic

environment filled with both research laboratories and
industries specializing in micro and nano technology,
and science and technology for computer science and
mathematics. In France, it is a pioneering site where public
research reaches its zenith in the fields of mathematics
and computer science (1 Turing prize, 4 members of the
Academy of Science, 9 IUF).

Grenoble INP - Ensimag is a Grande École of Engineering

in the INP Group. Ranked as one of the best generalist
schools for digital technology in France, its renown
stretches far beyond its home borders.

see more info by
clicking on the links

2 Monopoly Grenoble 2019


04 Grenoble INP - Ensimag,

dual skills

05 Key figures

06 Engineering program
student status

07 Engineering program
Co-Op Program

08 Grenoble INP - Ensimag,

an international school

09 International programs
and master's degrees

10 Research, education
and innovation synergy

11 Where are our

graduates now?

12 Grenoble, one of France's

most beautiful campuses

13 Grenoble INP


Grenoble INP - Ensimag

Acquire dual skills in computer science
and applied mathematics

Grenoble INP - Ensimag is at the heart of the digital revolution. Combining the study of applied mathematics and computer
science, Grenoble INP - Ensimag trains talented engineers capable of contributing to technological developments, and creating
and adapting to new innovations throughout their careers.

The dual skill in applied mathematics and computer science plays a strategic role in fields as varied as energy, communications,
finance, embedded systems, and security. Digital engineering makes it possible to design reliable, efficient tools for company, and
to swiftly respond to market needs. Reactivity and agility made possible thanks to a solid education combining theory and practice,
general education, and customized topical programs. With these dual skills, all of the business sectors will be at your fingertips!

#Virtual reality #Big Data #Engineering for finance

#Artificial intelligence #Smart objects #Information systems
#Embedded systems #Cybersecurity #Applied Mathematics

"Businesses in the digital sector are looking to diversify

their teams with a better mix of men and women, to
improve performance"

Female engineering!
Emilie Paillous, Grenoble INP - Ensimag engineer
Back-end developer @Fabernovel Technologies

A good student by nature, I enrolled in a program at a demanding and multi-disciplinary faculty (PCSI) in Paris to give
me as many career options as possible. It was the experience of a university lecturer at Ensimag that showed me that
computer science was about more than just writing code, and that this tool was found everywhere in our lives. That's
what made me want to attend the Grande Ecole. I wasn't scared, but I did wonder if it was sensible. The old clichés
are hard to shake off. People often say computer science is just about video games and for boys... But that's not true!
And you can forget the image of the lone engineer spending all of their day in front of a computer... Today, I am a "lead
developer", and produce apps for the general public while managing a team. Designing tools for people is enriching and
very inclusive. I love it!


Teaching Research Networks

1 single engineering degree

accessible under student or
apprentice status + 4 branches of
150 university lecturers and
external experts
40,000 alumni from
Grenoble INP
across the world, including 9,200

Grenoble INP - Ensimag graduates
research laboratories

2 master's degrees with a

wide variety of programs and
300 partner businesses
including 11 members
in the school council

26 double degree
1 sponsor for each class
A business partner who supports
students from the moment they join
150 international to the moment they are awarded
agreements their degree

France's top school for Computer

1,200 Ensimag students Science & Engineering (world top

100) in theShanghai Ranking 2019

No. 4 in the field of Engineering

and Technology in the QS World
University Rankings

See all rankings


5 principles of education at Grenoble INP - Ensimag

Learning to learn: to be able to adapt to new concepts and technologies thanks to a solid understanding of the core bases.

Being independent and choosing your own program: to determine your personal and professional career path.

Getting to know and understanding technology: through team projects and experience in real-life situations.

Understanding the international environment: to join and manage multi-cultural teams.

Knowledge of the business world: through internships, management and start-up courses, business conferences, etc.
Co-Op Program Work Contract**

Student status
A balanced and progressive program over 3 years


Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Semester 9 Semester 10


Engineering for finance (IF)
(double degree with IAE Master's in Quantitative Finance)

Mathematics Information systems engineering

Computer Science Co-Op Program**

economic, management Embedded systems and smart objects* (SEOC) PFE
and business sciences Co-Op Program**

Mathematical modeling, images and simulation
Languages and international (MMIS)
communications Co-Op Program**


Double degree
*Common course with Grenoble INP - Phelma
**Possibility of enrolling with an apprenticeship or professionalization (employee status) contract from the 2nd or 3rd year on

Acquisition of scientific Specialization in a Ongoing studies in the same sector,

foundations sector then end-of-study project (PFE)
Preparation for choice and and
of sector Master's Alternative programs

Number of engineering program spots

INP common entrance examinations:
125 (MP), 10 (PSI), 10 (PC), 10 (PT)
INP preparatory courses: 25
Admission with DUT (French 2-year undergaduate degree),
Licence (2nd or 3rd year of French 3-year Bachelor's
degree): 55


Adrien Gregorj Jérémy MARITAZ

Grenoble INP - Ensimag Engineer Grenoble INP - Ensimag Engineer
Solution Architect @Deepomatic Business Manager @Modis

In the second year of my engineering degree, I chose the After my DUT undergraduate degree, I decided to enroll in an
Mathematical Modeling, Images and Simulation program because engineering program. I chose Ensimag because it is very well-
the courses offered fit perfectly with my professional career goals known in the field of computer science and was one of the first
in computer imaging. In my third year, I completed my end-of- schools to offer and recommend Co-Op Programs. The Co-Op
study project in a research lab in Okayama, Japan. I worked on Program made it possible for me to get my engineering degree
analyzing trajectories and videos of pedestrians. Today, I work at (the same as the student status degree), while quickly developing
a Parisian start-up developing a platform for producing computer- my skills. This program is a real plus for moving forward your
vision projects using deep-learning technology. career.

Apprentice status (Co-Op Program)

An opportunity to learn at the school and in a business


Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Semester 9 Semester 10


alternating between 6 weeks of study and 6 weeks at a business


*Common course with Grenoble INP - Phelma

Co-op engineering program

The apprentice engineering course leads to the award of the same degree as with the student status. Apprentices are both
engineering students at the school and employees of a business. The first two years on a Co-Op Program are dedicated to acquiring
scientific foundations through a common core. In the third year, apprentices join a sector of their choice.

Number of Co-Op Program Spots

Co-op engineering program: 25
DUT [French 2-year undergraduate degree],
2nd/3rd year Licence [French 3-year Bachelor's degree],
BTS [Advanced Technician Certificate] + honors in Art,
Science and Technology


Grenoble INP - Ensimag, an in-

International partnerships ternational school
on 5 continents with prestigious universities
of students
gain experience 150 international

over 150 destinations available to engineering students.

34% are international
64 nationalities represented

Engineering students at Grenoble INP - Ensimag can enrich their

engineering degree by adding an additional skill in sales or management,
or with a joint degree abroad. In the latter case, the length of study is 26 double degrees

extended by one or two semesters. The different types of study abroad

• Exchange • Master of science
• Double degree • Year off for work experience
• Internship or project • International government-
sponsored work experience
Our partners include:
• Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany
• Politecnico di Torino, Italy Jade Thiriat
• Imperial College London, United Kingdom Year off for work in Japan
• NTNU Trondheim, Norway
• Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain I chose Ensimag in particular
for the partnerships with
• KTH Stockolm, Sweden
Japan - studying there had
• EPFL, Switzerland
been a goal of mine for a long time! So I took a
• Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia year off to work in Osaka. Today, I am a gameplay
programmer for Ubisoft.
North and South America
• Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
• Concordia University, Canada
• Carnegie Mellon University, USA Pauline
• Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
• UFRGS de Porto Alegre, Brazil Meric de
• Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
• Universidade de Chile, Chile
International government-
sponsored work experience with a business in
New York
• ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
• Université Yaoundé, ENSP, Cameroon In addition to the professional opportunities this
experience gave me, it was a very rewarding
Asia adventure. You learn a lot about yourself, your own
• Kyoto University, Japan culture and about France.
• National University of Singapore, Singapore
• Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


4 international programs
(taught in English)

The goal of a master's degree is to offer Applicants should already have a Bac+3
all students from all countries high-level [Bachelor's] degree. The program lasts 1-2
training in the fields of computer science years. The program includes theoretical
and applied mathematics. courses, internships and a presentation.

Our master's degrees have the unique Engineering students in their second or
feature of being taught by Grenoble INP - third year at Grenoble INP - Ensimag can
Ensimag and jointly accredited at Université also enroll in a master's program. Master's
Grenoble Alpes with the IM²AG Faculty. degrees are an exclusive gateway to
preparing for a PhD thesis.

Master of Science Master of Master of Science Master of Operations

in Informatics CyberSecurity in Industrial and Research,
at Grenoble (CySec) Applied Mathematics Combinatorics
(MoSIG) (MSIAM) and Optimization
Risk analysis and audits, (ORCO)
Certification for security Data science, Machine
Artificial intelligence, evaluation, Security learning, Statistics, Operations research, Graph
Data science, AR/VR, of operating systems, Advanced imaging, theory, Combinatorial,
Cloud infrastructure, Cryptology, networks, Modeling of complex modeling of complex
Embedded systems, software and hardware, systems, Signal problems, Societal and
Software architecture, Security architecture, processing, High scientific challenges
Interactive systems Secure and validated performance computing

Master's in Computer Networks

Andéol de Quercize for Business
MoSIG program

This degree offers a global understanding of

At the end of the first year of the telecommunications networks and technologies, with
engineering program, I chose advanced teaching on the upper layers of networks,
the MoSIG option to study machine learning and data security and business network management. Its goal
is to train specialists in computer science capable of
science in a second-year master's degree. Being able
designing the architecture for a business network,
to study in English confirmed my choice, because not ensuring security, administrating systems, and
only did I meet students from all over the world, but maintaining network applications.
I was also able to develop my English skills, which
are essential for the business world. I made a lot of
progress with this program, and even shared classes
with already very experienced developers! Number of Co-Op Program Spots
Computer Networks for Business Master's: 25


Professors actively involved in research

At Grenoble INP - Ensimag, professors are also researchers To find out more about partner laboratories:
at internationally renowned laboratories. Partnered with the http://ensimag.grenoble-inp.fr/fr/recherche/laboratoires-de-recherche
CNRS or Inria, the laboratories of Université Grenoble Alpes
form France's top research hub for computer science and
applied mathematics. From an engineering degree to a PhD:
Introductory program to laboratory research (4MMIRL). Engineering students can prepare a master's degree in
This course allows motivated students to take part in a lab parallel to their third year. This joint program makes it possible
research activity in the second semester of their second year, for them to continue their PhD studies.
in place of a classic course. Each student is supervised by
a laboratory researcher and works one half-day a week on a Between 10% and 15% of graduate engineers from Grenoble INP
specific subject, the results of which they present before a - Ensimag choose this track, and the laboratories associated
committee and in a written report. with the school receive almost 200 PhD students every year.


A junior member of the Institut Director of the VERIMAG He directs the PERVASIVE Director of the Maison de la
universitaire de France, he works laboratory, her research work project team at the INRIA's LIG Modélisation et de la Simulation,
in the fields of both distributed focuses on programming laboratory. His work focuses MaiMoSINE, he steers research
systems (ex: clouds) and operating language and algorithms, compiler on solutions that give ordinary work in applied mathematics on
systems. His goal is to make these design, object-oriented modeling, objects the ability to detect, act, partial differential equations and
more efficient and robust. and embedded systems design. communicate and interact with their applications in biophysics
human beings. and image interpolation at the
Jean Kuntzmann laboratory.

Examples of reputed institutes and networks

Ensimag benefits from numerous partner networks in which Grenoble INP is involved. These networks structure research at a local,
regional, national and international level, and facilitate the promotion of research results.

Multidisciplinary Institute University Network for CLUSTER: The CLUSTER MINALOGIC: The Minalogic
in Artificial Intelligence Innovation, Technology and consortium, created on (MIcro NAnotechnologieset
(MIAI) Grenoble Alpes Engineering (UNITE!) is an Grenoble INP's initiative in LOgiciel Grenoble-Isère
is committed to leading innovative project for educating 1990, counts twelve leading Compétitivité) international
high-level research in artificial engineers and developing European universities in competitive hub's goal is to
intelligence, educating European citizenship. This science and technology. The give the French sector of
students and professionals, project brings together seven network enables high-quality micro and nano technology
and supporting innovation in technical universities renowned exchange and cooperation in and embedded software a
businesses. for the quality of their training teaching and research. sustainable competitive edge
and research. in the field of electronics and
software embedded on chips.


Place of business €40 K/yr in France

€55 K/yr abroad
39% (average salary excluding bonus)

90% find employment
within 1 month

23% 21% 86% of graduates sign an

open-ended contract

96% Net employment rate (68%

sign a recruitment contract
before the end of their studies)

(2019 first employment survey data [2018 graduates])

"Ensimag gave me a general understanding of math

and computer science which gave me lots of options at
the start of my career."

Anthony Yong, Senior Quantitative Analyst

@Bainbridge Partners LLP

I really believe Ensimag offers a very high-level education. For students who have chosen the "Engineering for Finance"
track, Ensimag offers a triplet of skills in mathematics, computer science and finance which is extremely well-known in
the industry. I think students who complete all of their studies at Ensimag have all the skills they need to succeed in their
careers, whatever their ambitions.

Laura Medji,
co-founder of Tracktor

Ensimag gave me a general understanding of math and computer science which gave me lots of options at the start of
my career. The school's training is very solid and also very practical. The teaching team listens, the courses are well-
constructed and rewarding, and it is one of the most well-reputed schools in the labor market! Also, in the third year of
study, I did an exchange in Brazil, which was an extraordinary experience in many ways.


Grenoble, the capital of the Alps, is a city renowned for its outdoor activities, technological vibrancy, environmental
focus, and sports and cultural infrastructure. Surrounded by three mountain ranges (Belledonne, Chartreuse and Vercors), it
has a breath-taking landscape. The campus is one of the best in France and Université Grenoble Alpes was ranked as one of
the top 10 most beautiful universities in Europe by Times Higher Education in 2018!

Studying in Grenoble offers you the chance to

experience the cultural and artistic vitality of a city with
one of the most active music scenes in France, where
everything is accessible, from theater to contemporary
art, and scientific, technical and industrial culture. Grenoble is one of the flattest cities in France, making it
Grenoble INP - Ensimag is just 15 minutes from the great for bicycling. In the city center, you can get around
city center, in the heart of a stunning campus with 176 using the "Chronovélo" bicycle path. There are 320 km
hectares of green space and almost 52,000 students. of bicycle paths in Grenoble and the agglomeration.

A campus Grenoble, France's new

just 15 minutes from the city center capital for bicycling

Responsible engineering

Engineers today need to assume a dual responsibility

in society, mastering the most advanced techniques for
the community, while controlling the global risks they
Grenoble INP - Ensimag is committed to a campaign
of sustainable development and social responsibility,
Sylvain Bouveret which is at the heart of its educational program, to
University Lecturer at Grenoble INP - develop a sustainable digital world:
Incorporation of aspects linked to sustainable
development and social responsibility in the assessment
of end-of-study projects.
"Faced with the current environmental crisis, and aware
of the role digital technology plays in the deterioration Training on issues linked to sustainable and ethical
of our living conditions, it is now our responsibility to computer science.
educate students on these issues, because they are the
ones who will build the digital world of tomorrow and who
will steer the environmental transition."


Grenoble INP
Institute of Engineering and Management,
Université Grenoble Alpes

8 engineering and management schools • 9,000 students• 1,500 engineering degrees • 1,100 master's degrees
in engineering and management • 230 PhDs awarded • 40 laboratories • 30 start-ups • 270 families of patents and
software programs

Stimulate your mind Student life area Student services

A privileged place for creation, The Grenoble INP center, Reception, financial support,
exchange and culture Escape, Libraries, EVE accommodation, catering,
professional integration, social
services, etc.

Sports and leisure Association life

Some 30 disciplines offered at More than 100 associations
great prices and clubs

#Computer Science
#Applied Mathematics

Grenoble INP - Ensimag

University campus
681 rue de la passerelle - BP 72
38402 Saint-Martin-d'Hères

| Design and production: Grenoble INP - Ensimag | Photo credits: Grenoble INP / Adobe stock.
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June 2020

Grenoble INP
Institute of Engineering and INP Group
Université Grenoble Alpes Awards degrees to 1 in 7 engineers in
France + 30 public engineering schools
Public institution

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