Aggression and Resilience in Relation To Parenting Styles: Manyapundir
Aggression and Resilience in Relation To Parenting Styles: Manyapundir
Aggression and Resilience in Relation To Parenting Styles: Manyapundir
ISSN 2250-3153
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, B.A (H) Psychology, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.11.2020.p10742
Abstract- The purpose of the study is to see the link between two
different styles of parenting with aggression and resilience in II. PARENTING
present adolescents. With the changing world and lifestyle the Parenting can be elucidated as an act of nurturing or rearing
ways of rearing a child is also changing. Child’s advancement in a child in all aspects of socio-emotional, physical and cognitive
his personality, attitude, and behavior are also dependent on the development since a child is born as a baby till he reaches a level
parents and can influence the aggressive behavior and the of maturity.
resilience or how successfully they are able to adapt in the difficult
circumstances. For the study, 120 participants from different Types of Parenting
schools (Dehradun, India) were selected through convenience Baumrind (as cited in parenting for brain, 2020) gave three
sampling technique. Tools used in the study were Adolescent types of parenting styles and Maccoby and Martin (as cited in
Parenting Attitude Four Factor Questionnaire (APA-FFQ), Buss parenting for brain, 2020) explained the types with bi-dimensional
and Perry Aggression Questionnaire and Brief Resilience Scale. It approach i.e., Authoritarian style where the parent has strict rules
was a quantitative study and t-test was used to analyze the data. and high expectation from the child. The autonomy of the child is
The result indicated that both authoritative and authoritarian styles rejected which might result in the child being more aggressive,
of rearing had an impact on the child’s aggression and that with low self-esteem, less creativity, etc. This style is often
aggression was high in authoritarian style of parenting. associated with adolescents developing conduct disorders. A
Furthermore, there was no impact of both the parenting styles on research was conducted to see correlation of authoritarian mothers
resilience of a child. It was concluded that two different styles of and their adolescents developing conduct disorder. The result
rearing have an impact on aggression but not on resilience of a showed that mother’s psychological distress and socioeconomic
child. factors contribute to develop conduct disorders in child and a
linear correlation was found between the two variables
Index Terms- Parenting styles, aggression, resilience, adolescence (Thompson, Hollis, & Richards†, 2013). The Authoritative style
also has high expectations from the child, but they also give
independence to the child to be themselves. This style of parenting
I. INTRODUCTION is proven to be the finest parenting style when compared to other
hroughout history, we have seen that child’s advancement in
T his personality, attitude, and behavior are dependent on the
type of parenting also. Parenting is a complicated task; it is the
three. It leads the child to grow in a good environment where he
can speak his thoughts clearly with the parents and parents also
has autonomy, guidelines, and rules that the child must follow at
method the parents engage in to raise the child. When a child is any cost. A study was done on 6,400 American adolescents that
born, mostly he sees is his parents and only through his proved that the authoritarian style of parenting guides the
observation he develops a feeling of trust and security. With the adolescents and result in better school performance and
passing years, the fast-paced society, and changing lifestyles, the engagement in school activities (Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch,
parent-child relationship is also changing. Parenting styles are & Darling, 1992). Other than the above mentioned raring styles
linked to how the parents themselves were born and raised, their there are two more raring styles: Permissive style where the parent
culture, society, and their exposure to different situations in life is overly lenient, they do set rules for the child, but they hardly
that in turn affects the child emotionally, socially, physically, follow them strictly, and Uninvolved style where the parents do
intellectually, and spiritually. Parenting styles affect a child’s not care about the child they are cold, neglectful and unresponsive
negative emotions and problematic behavior from an early age of to the child’s needs. Earlier the parents used to adopt the
3 years by mothers practicing authoritative parenting styles authoritarian parenting style, however, the trends are changing
(Paulussen-Hoogeboom, Stams, Hermanns, Peetsma, with the passing years, where greater autonomy is given to the
&Wittenboer,2008). According to a sample of US adults parenting child for private self-expression in activities such as everyday
styles of high control by mothers have been linked to various routine, physical outlook, regard and disregard for authority but
mental disorders such as depression, eating, behavioral, attention- also minimum freedom given by parents (Rutherfort, 2009).
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, and
substance abuse (Eun, Paksarian, &Merikangas,2018). Aggression
Aggression is a strong emotion that affects our mood and
situation in a variety of cases. American Psychological
Association (APA) dictionary of psychology defines aggression as
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ISSN 2250-3153
to harm a person physically or psychologically and when People high on this resilience can remain calm in stressful
aggression is to attain a goal or inflict intentional injury it is called situations and can move on forward quickly without any long term
hostile aggression. It can be aggressive or instrumental aggression negative consequences.
(reaching the goal) or reactive and emotional aggression (the Emotional resilience- it refers to how well an individual
emotional response to the target person). works with his emotions when faced with adverse situations.
Emotionally resilient people are more self-aware and are high on
Social Learning Theory emotional intelligence.
Bandura (1973) said that adolescents learn to act impulsive Physical resilience- it is defined as how quickly a person’s
and violent through rewards and punishments, and through body recovers and adapts from any injury or accident that they
observing their models or parents. If a person has been exposed to faced. Physically resilient people coping styles might include lots
violence and aggression throughout their life, they are more likely of exercise and meditation.
to think it’s accepted in their society to be aggressive. Various Community resilience- it suggest the ability of a community
biological, psychological, and behavioral aggressive factors in or a group together to deal with various adversities like natural
childhood related to aggressive behavior in childhood usually disasters, economic downfall, etc.
increase the likelihood of adolescents developing antisocial
behavior in their lives of adolescents and adults (Hill, Adolescence
2002).Bandura (1997) came up with the social learning theory Adolescence is a time of an individual that falls somewhere
which was based on the early school of behaviorism; classical between childhood and adulthood. It is somewhere when a child
conditioning and operant conditioning. is around 13-19 years. Various factors contributes in the
There are four other kinds of aggression i.e., physical development of an adolescent like social and emotional aspect
aggression which is caused by hitting a person, verbal aggression where adolescent understands the people and their emotions
that is characterized by communicating insulting words or around him, the way the adolescent is treated in the family and his
criticizing the other person verbally, hostility when you refuse to environment, the nutrition that his body gets to work well, the
accept the attitudes of the other person and have a pessimistic view socio-economic status the family has, the education and learning
about them and anger when a person has strong animosity that he adopts, etc. During this crucial stage of life adolescents
regarding someone. may not agree with the parents and might have different beliefs. A
study done on adolescents and parents to see the parental authority
Resilience and the parenting styles suggest that they both see themselves
With increased stress and anxiety in today’s world, the differently; adolescents perceived their parents being more
adolescents face a lot of negative emotions (anger, fear, disgust, permissive and authoritarian and parents viewed themselves as
etc.) making it hard for them to be resilient to external factors in being more authoritative. Also, suggesting that both the authority
the environment. Resilience represents skills of stress coping and styles of parenting were because of emotional autonomy and
ability in difficult situations, relationships, etc. American conflict between parent and adolescents (Smetana, 1995).
Psychological Association (APA) (2012) help center explains Adolescents’ period is also interrelated to psychopathic and
resilience as the phenomenon of reshaping and adjusting antisocial behavior that they learn from observing their parents
successfully in facing distress, misfortune, torment and setback. It and environment.(Silva & Stattin, 2016) did a study using the
involves overcoming and reflecting from difficult circumstances. multiple regressions to see the relation between parenting and
Our genetics and the environment serve as important factors in psychopathy on children and mothers. The results showed a linear
building resilience skills. Kim-Cohen, Moffitt, Caspi, & interaction between the same.
Taylor(2004) suggested that when 1,116 five-year-old twin pairs
were faced with socio-economic distress, factors such as mother’s
warmth, stimulating activities and a child’s outgoing personality III. LITERATURE REVIEW
all encourage positive adjustment. Furthermore, it stated that both Talking about the rearing styles various factors can affect the
nature and nurture have important role to play along with child's experiences and the most part of development. Aggression
protective factors in the development of resilience and are and emotions can be learned through watching their parents or
influenced by the same. Resilience is seen as a skill and can be older people that they admire or the environment they are raised
acquired and built with time by encouraging positive thinking, in. Llorca, Richaud, & Malonda, (2017) did a cross-sectional study
practicing on building emotional intelligence, knowing your to see the effects of styles of parenting on pro-social and behavior
strength and weaknesses and working to improve them, inclined towards aggression through factors of empathy and
maintaining a social connection with people, working on one’s stability of emotions in offenders and adolescents who were not
coping skills. Ken Ginsburg gave 7Cs to build the resilience which involved in any crime in Valencia. Results showed that the
are: Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character, Control, variable of emotion acted as intermediate in adolescents who were
Contribution, and Coping (Hurley, 2019) not involved in crime, but in offender adolescents support and
negligence had a direct effect on behavior inclined towards
Types of Resilience aggression in a negative way and in contrast positively affected
Hurley, (2019) has categorized the types of resilience into pro social behavior and of permissiveness o pro-social behavior in
four categories: a negative way. Another study done by Llorca-Mestre, Samper-
Psychological resilience- the ability to work with everyday García, Malonda-Vidal, & Cortés-Tomás,(2017) observed role of
stress, adapt to the environment when faced with any adversity. various type of rearing by parents and attachment towards peers
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ISSN 2250-3153
and whether it predict emotional instability in adolescents with unfavorable medium of controlling anger and resilience in child.
variables such as anger, empathy and ways to cope with anger. The Also, resilience was a positive medium for aggression. A similar
result was examined separately for males and females through study done by Kritzas, & Grobler, (2005) was conducted on 360
regression and showed that parenting styles and peer attachment English speaking adolescents to examine the connection between
was significantly predicting the emotional instability in different styles of parenting and resilience. The authoritative style
adolescents. The authoritative style of rearing brings a good result of parenting displayed a connection with resilience of white and
and children are less aggressive. De la Torre-Cruz, García- black adolescents. Also, a favorable connection with fathers’
Linares, & Casanova-Arias, (2014)did a study to analyze the authoritarian style of parenting and coping strategies focused on
physical and verbal aggression in adolescents shown towards their our emotions in white learners. In contrast, the authoritarian style
friends with the styles of parenting of not just the mothers’, but of parenting was connected to psychological disturbances.
also the fathers’. Results indicated an authoritative style of
parenting by various parents showed scores that were low in
aggressive behavior as compared to the parents who practiced an IV. METHODOLOGY
authoritarian style of rearing. There was also seen a difference in Aim
gender (males) being high on aggression than girls. To study the aggression and resilience of adolescents in
When talking about different rearing styles and taking them relation to parenting styles.
individually it is seen that the harsh or the Authoritarian parenting
can make a child grown up to more aggressive than other styles of Hypotheses
parenting. In the study by Chang, Schwartz, Dodge,& Mcbride- Considering the current sample and the variables certain
Chang, (2003) who created a model to see the role of emotional hypotheses were made for the study:
regulation in concerning harsh parenting (direct and indirect) and 1. There will be significant difference in the aggression
how all of it effects child aggression in school. The sample was level between authoritative parenting styles and
325 Chinese adolescents. The result showed that mothers’ harsh authoritarian parenting styles.
parenting affected both the genders, where as fathers’ harsh 2. There will be a significant difference in the resilience
parenting style affected just the male adolescents and had stronger level between authoritative parenting styles and
affect on child’s aggression. Strict parenting adopted by mothers’ authoritarian parenting styles.
had an impact on the child’s emotion stability more when
compared with strict parenting adopted by fathers’. The study also Variables
suggested that negative emotions serve as precipitating factor Aggression and resilience were the dependent variables that
leading to family anxiety and problem in adjusting for a child. were studied across the independent variable that is parenting
Similar study done by Azimi, Vaziri, & Kashani, (2012) studied styles.
out to see the connection in mothers’ side of parenting style and
aggression that forms the behavior of the child with sample of 380 Sample and Sampling Technique
high school students (males and females) of Tehran. The result For the study, adolescents of 15-18 years were chosen from
showed that the authoritarian style of rearing had favorable impact 2 different schools in Dehradun, India. The sample consisted of
and it formed the behavior that is aggressive in a child. both boys and girls. The sample was selected by using
Furthermore, it was noted that authoritative and indulgent styles convenience sampling technique where the adolescents who were
of rearing were not favorable and did not have a connection with easily available were included in the study.
aggression. Tools used
Various factors contribute to build our resilience, if a child For measuring the aggression, resilience and parenting styles,
has seen a lots of hardships in life he’ll be more resilient, but that three different questionnaires were used:
is not always true it depends on the individually and the 1. Adolescents Parenting Attitude Four Factor
environment the child is raised up in Barnová, Tamášová,& Questionnaire (APA_FFQ) by Shyny T.Y (2017)
Krásna, (2019) contemplated a paper to provide a review of 2. The Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ)
literature on parents’ negative behavior and the role of resilience. (1992)
The traditional desk research method was used. The conclusion 3. The Brief Resilience Scale by Smith and Colleagues
suggested that neglect, domestic violence, abuse can affect the (2008)
child negatively making him less resilient. Moreover, other
protective factors such as schools, institutions, and support groups Procedure
have a huge part to provide support like, developing their coping Initially 120 school going adolescents of 15-18 years of age
strategies and encouraging resilience in a child when dealing with were included in the sample. Out of the total 120 adolescents, 109
risks. The different parenting styles bring up different resilient were taken into consideration who reported authoritarian and
children. Azarnioshan, Naderi, Shojaee, & Asghariganji, (2019) authoritative parenting styles. The remaining 11 who reported
examined a study to see the intermediate role of resilience between permissive and uninvolved parenting styles were rejected due to
different styles of parenting and how well they controlled their very little in number. The participants had their free will to
anger in secondary school of Iran. The result displayed parents participate in the study. They were contacted virtually and were
who were involved in authoritative style of rearing adolescents asked to fill an online google form which consisted of total 75
had a favorable medium of controlling anger and resilience in questions from all three tools used in this research. The subjects
child whereas the authoritarian style of rearing adolescents had an were assured for the confidentiality of their names and responses.
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2020 344
ISSN 2250-3153
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